'W$i'm,twn v ,nntt & ft, '.. m. r 1 HelplHelpI Tm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all parts of the world for sixty years. " About mie jrnirniro I Inst nearly nil of my linlr fnllimliiK mi attack of mi'iislm. I wait Hdvlnril byii 1 1 lend lo nau Ayot'n Itiilr Vlunr I tllil no, mill iish remit I now liavuittirniitirtil IiohiI of Imlr " Miih. W. J. IIUOWH, Mciiuiii iiiuo I'iiIIh, Wis. Loss 15 por cont of levy ICO 00 A, -A. Mndo by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, IIui Alio tnanuDtotuiora of - - -JL SARSAPARJLLA. 1I0VQ PILLS. WVIU CllbRRV PECTORAL. NO DIPHTHERIA IN RED CLOUD. Ovor 11 wook has pasBod sinco littlo Ruth Hoaton was first tukon Hick in bdiool iu this city, and us no now trasos havo dovolopod ' it is thought thoro is no danger of 11 spread of tlio disease Tho littlo Hoaton boy is got ting bottor, tho autl-toxiu administer ed having taken itmnodiato offoct. Whllo tho littlo girl undoubtedly had diphtheria, tho case was uggravatod by tho child drinking concentrated lyo, mistaking it for cotTeo, a wook ago yesterday. Tho fact that thoro had boon u num ber of cases of soro throat around town caused somo ularmiug rumors to got afloat, but roliablo physicians assort that thoro is not 11 caso of diph thcria iu tlio city. Balanco on hand subject to warrants 1305 55 Total balanco subject to war lants 82128 0G ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Tho files of Tiik CiliKK for tlio last two we.oks in 1885 tiro musing and at 11 const qncneo vo are uti'lilo to givn our rea-lors tlio usual "Twenty Yunrs Ago" column. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wurron and cliildron arrived in Ital Cloud Wed ncsilny morning from Chariton, Iowa, to ppunil the holidays with J. V. Wiir ren and family. Aekloy Scott of Portland, Oregon, who arrived iu lied Cloud last Friday with the remains of his mother, Mrs. Anna Scott, returned to hU limim Wed niviliiy morning. George Bujd left the first of tln week for Liiid City, K'ttinas, where ho has purchased a farm. Mr B iyd and the cliildron led for their now homo Wednesday morning. Clear thinking, decisive notion, vim and vigor of body and mind, tho sparkle of life, comes to nil who use llollhter's Rocky Mtuntain Ton. 85 cents, Tea or tablots. C. L Cutting. Drs. Weiriok & Iliddile, oculists and auriats of Hustings, will moet ejo, oar, 110.HO and throat patients antl those uotdiue glasses fitted, in Uod Cloud, Friday, January 5, at Dr. Creighton's oflice. Mrs. Koy Zmt camo down from Mo Cook Tuesday morning and returned to her homo Wednesday, accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. P. Couover, who will remain with her during tho winter. Louis S idorberg has bought tho fix tures of tho Halo restaurant in the Dameroll block and is preparing to open a restaurant in the same mom. Ho expects to be roady for business bout tho first of tho year. City Finances. City Clerk Fort has prepared tho following statement; showing tho con dition of tho city's flnancos. Tho total cash balanco is a littlo over $1100 with $1000 of tho levy untouched, giv ing a total subject to warrants of $2128.00. Following aro the flguios: tSBNKRAf. FUND Levy for 15)05 $2000 00 Warrants drawn on general fund i:500 3:J (Ml (57 Lens IB per cont of levy :i00 00 Balanco on hand subject to warrants .'KKJ (57 OCCUPATION I'UNl) Amount on hand from last yenr 58:i (50 Amount collected 21:17 50 W. Starr of Lobauon, Kansas, Judgo Koonoy officiating Tho groom gavo his ago as 10 and tho brid gavo hors as 1G. Both had tho written consent of thoir parents, so tho judgo mado no objoction to granting tho liconso and tying tho knot. Woodmen Officers. Tho Modern Woodmen have olectod the following oflicors: Venorablo Counsel C. W. Grout. Worthy Advisor Ed McAlistor. Banker -L. II. Fort. Clerk 13. II. Nowhouo. Escort-O. W. Martlndalo. Watchman Frank Honson. Sentry Ira Wolfe. Managor J. N. Popo. Chief Chorister W. B. Saundors. Farms! Farms! The fact that agents for loan com pauios advortiso lower rates than thoir neighbors proves nothing. A loan company that has. done business steadily iu 11 community for 28 years, making loans to farmers every busi ness day iu tlio your to tho ontiro sat isfuction of borrowers, is n safo com pany to entrust with your business. Tho Smith Brothors Loan & Trust Company has this record. Loavo your application for farm loans with J. P. Halo, Agont, Rod Cloud, Nob. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Warrants drawn.. 2H21 10 lOHl 80 llulaucc on hand subject to warrants 007 WATf.lt 1'UNI) Amount, on hand from last year Amount Collected. 150 237 01 MS ill Warrants drawn.... 122(5 88 005 111 Balance on hand subject to warrants ftll 51 w.vTi:it Levy ft) Warrants drawn 25115 r.i:vv 1005 " 1000 00 '15 fi5 Fifty Yars the Standard DR CREAM BAKING POWDffi ICriim of Tartar Powdir Kadi From Grapas Hi Hum Huautifying methods that injure tho skin ani health are dangerous. Bh heautiful without discomfort by tak ing Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Sunshiny faces follow its use. !!5 cents. Clias. L. Cotting. For gonuino music of tho tuneful catchy order, tlio now comic opera "Miss America" cxcols. Tho male quartette with Miss Do Hold assisting in tho "Violet" number of tlio opora is one of tho choice hits of the season. Opera house, Friday, December 29. Fred Kddy's pony loam tried to run away this morning. They broke looso from tho milk wagon, climbed upon the f-idewalk in front of Cowden- Kaloy's, smashed Paul Storey's trunk sign, and fell down In front of Cot- ting's without tloing further damage. The new comedy opera "MKs America" is replete with beautiful costume?, fine singing, witty coined inns and special Rcenery antl electric edicts. It, is bright, sparkling and contains many pretty feature numbers which will surely please tho local patrons of tho ttientro when it omes to tlio opera homo next Friday, night. Elsewhere in today's paper M U B-mtloy advertises for bids 011 the titiilding at present occupied by tho State bank The building i in linn re. pair and is located tin the most nrouii- inent corner 111 town. Local capital is's should not allow tho building to piss into the h mils of outsiders. We would purchase tho building ourselves if a few thousand moro of our sub set ibois would come in and pay up. Terry Murphy, who was a resident of Htitl ('loud in tho early '80, and who wit supposed to havo died ninny yeais iu, droppod into Tub CtliKr oflice Thursday noon in nnswer to an adver tisement iiiBortod in this pitpT several weeks ago asking him to coiun'iunicato with his daughter Mary at Twin FoJIs, Idaho. Mr Murphy had not heard fioar his diUKhter for over twenty yoare, when sho was a very small child, and was greatly pleased to learn of her whereabouts. Electric Ll&ht Bond Proposition. Notice in hereby nlven to the electors of the city of Hed Cloud, In Webster county, Ncbras. kit, imrHuiiut to n icrfolutlon adopted by the Mavor and Council of said city, at iui adjourn ct regular mcetliiK thereof. December 7, 1905, and based upon the petition of more than ten resident freeholder from each ward of said city, that nu election Is culled and will be held In wild city, nt the UMial votliiR places therein, to wit: :lie llrM ward, nt tho V. & M. liaik HulldliiK and In the second ward at tho I'lrc men'n hull, 011 the 0th day of .January, 1006, be tween the bourn of 8 o'clock A. M.. and "o'clock P. M of said day. nt which tho following prop osition iNHiibmltted to be voted upon: Shnll the Mayor and City Council of the city of Ited Cloud, Nebraska, bo authorized to Issue the coupon boudH to be denominated electric lluht boudH of said City of Ited Cloud. In the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars, In the de nomination of live hundred dollars each, pay. nble to bearer nnd to become iluu twenty yearn u'tor the date thereof, but pitjablc anytime after the expiration of live yeais, at the option of mild city, uud bearing not to exceed live por cent annual luterct, an.l to be dated the day of Ihelr issuance. Interest and principal of said bonds lo be payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska. Iu New York City. Said bonds to be sold for not less than par value, .vith accrued lutere-t, and the proceeds thereof to be used b said city for the construction and estab.lshliiK of a sjsteiu of electric lights In and for said city, nud shall the major and council of said city nnniiiillv levy the necessary tax upon all the taxable property within said city, la addition to all other taxes to pay tho Interest on said bonds as the same becomes due and to furnish a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds, uud an nnnual tax of not lo exceed two mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of said city, for lite purpose of maintaining. operatlm; and extending said' sjstcu; of electric lights. The form of the ballot to be used at said elec tion shall bens follows: r to m m m m 'Q't' you are wondering what to buy for a present to a man or boy, just allow us to tell you that you can find many, use ful things herethings that a man or boy will appreciate and enjoy. Can show you a large line of Smoking Jackets, Slippers, Fine Shirts, Fancy and Plain Hand kerchiefs, a special line of the new wide Four-ln-hand Ties, Great line of SUITS for the COATS, too. Same for men. look. DO IT NOW. Boys. OYER Come in and PAUL STOREY, S6e Clothier. ifefefeS&f' l m (0 1 ! (t ! 9 (0 m & m 9 to to to to to to XililiU(liUfcil(U(iiU(iiU(li(llJUlliiUUUiiiU(VtJliiiitifciiiUliU(UiiUli(l(iiUUrU(iiii4(. J 9 3 S 4 4 -9 9 3 S 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Your Attention We want you to come in and see our big stock of Christmas Goods We have many new novelties in low and medium price goods. Our stock of Toilet Sets, Albums, Mani cures, Glove Boxes, etc., is very large. Fancy China and Cut Glass at special low prices. Doll Cabs nearly sold out, but more coming. Hobby Horses, Toys of all kinds. Books, largest stock in town. Medallions and Pictures. CHAS. L. COTTING, THE DRUGGIST Sr -. s- t. tr r s- f-c-s-(-f- s-s- ( f- tr ( 6- - i)t)1)T)1)TT1)T)1) 1)1)))1) 1)1) 1)H!1)1)TH1'1)1)1)11)T1'?TI1)T 11) 1)T For the Father, Mother and Children (Votti for Ono) FOll oloctric 't bonds mill tnxos A(iAlNST olectrio liRlit, lioiuls uml tuxos And to be voted nud marked by making a cross In the space prolded In tho usual manner as provided by law. Should a majority of the ballots cast at such election bt In fasor of said proposition, then tht Major and Council of said city will be authorized to Issue and negotiate said bonds according 1 1 the conditions and for the purpose specified iu the foregoing proposition, and all its contemplated by tho provisions ot sections f.vil to WW. Inclusive, of Cobbe'H Annotated statutes or VAX), and it shall be the duty or the Major mid Clerk of said City u hen so author 1eil.Hinl bj order of ilie City Cotiucl, to sign uud attest said bonds, ami alll.v thereto the seal of said clt. The proceeds of the sale ot said ')ondh shall be paid to the treasurer or said city or Hid Cloud nud kept by him iu a separate fund apart from othei monejs, to be known as the.llghtlng fund, and paid out only upon the order of the 1 nuucll mid warrant drawn against (hP-samc for the said purpose speclILd and no other.'t Dated this December Wilt, llXtt. Attest: lly tho Mayor. L, II. I-'OIIT, C. T. Dll'hKXMIN. (feeal) City Clerk. Jnn5 I have a good, substantial line of Christ- Presents Crocheted Shawls, Neck Pocketbooks, Dress Patterns, etc. mas ties, My Groceries have been tried and stood the test M. A. ALBRIGHT, Dry Goods and Groceries. j 1t rJi -A ttfffrfftfttfftff&f&tfftfet&ftetfttf&tff&fftscfffte nere we Are to Stay! MARRIAGES. Holdrcfte-Barker. MuiTiort, nt. tlio homo of the bride's purout, Mr. and Mrs. II. H. HoUIroge, nt Inavnlo, Mondny evouinir, Docom- ( bor IS, Mr Guy Barker and Miss Elma ' Holdrego Only a few of the relatives wore present. Kov Hill pastor of tho Methodist church olllciatod. All join in wishlug tho youug people a happy future. Corbett-Starr. Miss Dora Corbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corbott, who live nlno miles southwest of Red Cloud, was united in marriage Monday to Cbas. Lc&al Notice. In the District Court or Webster County. Nebraska, Hed Gload Business College FIVE COURSES pp'y TPDMC i-AZY PAUL S- OIETRICKf Pros 7Tc.fr lfI0 K.JA9T -- Dameroll Block. -a--9---a-a-a-a-9-9-3-a--3--9-2-3--a-a--a-a-a-a-am-i-9m9-39$3.32.32a 1 Charles 8. orrIs, l'lnlutlff, vs. Charles I,. Snjlornnd Kvan A. Itoss, Defendants. Charles I.. Snjlor, defendant, will lake notice that on the IKlrd day of November A. I). IW'S. plalntllf herein tiled his petition Iu the District Court of Wi-bner County. Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and praver or which arc to iitilei the title to tho South Half tot the south West Quarter of section IU. Town ship 'J, ltange 10, West of tho nth I'. M. In Web iter County. Nebraska. In nlHlnllff and in re. move n cloud from plaintiff's title to bald above described laud by reason of an assignment of a contract to said IbiiiIs. Issued by the state of Nebraska nud assigned by defendat t Charles L. Saylor, to defendant Evan A. Koss and re corded In the oflice of the Commissioner of Public LandB A Htilldings of the State or Ne- brntkn in the name of defendant Rvan A. ltoss. You arc required to answer Raid petition on or before Hie 1st day ot January, A. 1). lft0. CiiAiti.EB 8. Noams. Ily K. V. Oveiman and Derimrd McNeny. ills Attorney!. dcol5 Burlington Bulletin, Special homeseekers' ratos: greatly reduced round trip rates to the North Platto Valley and tho Big Horn Basin. Novembor 21, Decombor and 11). This is an unusually good chance for you to look at lauds in tlio.so now re gions, which otfor a big profit to thoso who secure themjearly. Homo visitors' excursion: visit tho old homo when you havo cleared up tho season's work. Cheap excursion lloss, : rates to various sections of tho east, Tho only excursion, Novembor 27, limit twenty-one days. ' Winter sunshine iu the mountains: daily low excursion rates to Colo rado, To the sunny south: --winter tourist ratos daily until April yo. Return limit Juno 1, 1000. Cheap homofaeokors' rates to tho west, southwest and south tho first ami third Tuesdays of ovory mouth. Write mo just what trip you have iu mind and lot mo advise you tho loait cost and tho best way to make It. J.T. Edwaiids, agent. -. That Settle's It. When a Colorado sand atone walk is laid tliat settles it. See Overing Bros. &Co. for prices. 4