tjmit. I '"-. I - m i i R i THE CHIEF nRI) Ot.OUD, NEBUASKA. PUBLISHEDEYKRT FRIDAY. TXVh C. PltAUKS GlOROK Newhouhk Editor Marnier SUIIHOUIPTION nATES. One yer H uo Wx month M nttred M the po ItariOlond. Neb.M oondolim trull mttor. ADVKItTISINO HATKS: Fnrnlilicil on application. BLEPHONE. SEVEN - TWO STItlKE IS ORDERED RUSSIA ON THE EVE OF FINAL STRUGGLE. THE Government and the Proletariat Have Lined Up for Battle for the Mastery. Rojcstvcnsky Arrives Home and Is Warmly Welcomed. St. Pctornburg, Dec. 20. A call for & general political strike throughout JlusHla, to begin tomorrow at noon, has been Issued. Tho call is approved by tho Union of Unions, the Union of Peasants, tho General Hallway union and tho Councils of Workmen of St. Petersburg and Moscow. A rosponso received from tho railroad men of Moscow Is unanimous for a Btrlke. Tho leaders havo declared their abil ity to stop ovory railroad in ItUBsln. Tho striko order renders every member of tho unions signing it Hablo to arrest and punishment under tho now strike law, and Minister of tho Interior Durnovo attempted to tele graph orders to Moscow to arrest members of tho railway unions and of tho workmen's council, but the dis patches were held up by the railroad telegraphers. Admiral Itojestvonsky and tho chief members of his start arrived here. Tho admlra, whoso head was still swathed In bandages, gavo evldenco of the strain and mental suffering ho has undergone. Ho was visibly pleased with tho hearty welcomo ho received from a largo crowd, which included many students and workmen, but ho merely doffed his hut, and without speaking hurried to a cab. Tho council at Tsnrskoo Solo con cluded Us sitting without arriving at a decision regarding tho election law. Tho cholco rests botwoen two projects one for limited and tho other for universal suffrago, and both Indirect. ONE DEAD, FORTY INJURED. Collision on Elevated Tracks of New York Central In Harlem. Now York, Doc. 20. In one of the most extraordinary accidents known to American railroading, two heavily loaded passenger trains came togeth er on tho elevated tracks of tho Now York Central and .Hudson River rail road near Ono Hundred and Tenth streets, in Harlem. Ono man, J. W. Knapp of Now Hodiollc, was killed and forty person? were more or less seriously Injured. lioth of tho colliding trains were eastbound and had loft the Grand Cen tral station, at Forty-second street, within a few minutes of each other. One was tho Stamford local on the Njv Yoik, Now Haven and Harttord rnllroad. which company uses the New York Central tracks. The other train was tho t'oughkoepsle express of the Central. Hushing along on parallel tracks, tho two trains sud denly came together. Tho local was switched from the third track onto tho fourth and In an Instant the en gine of the express had crashed Into the day coach, following tho smoking car of tho local. Tho tracks at the point of tho collision aro about thirty feet In the air. This mado tho work of roscuo difficult, and lent materially to tho terror of the passengers. posted In Lloyds' register of shipping as lost. Since the Andes passed out of the Virginia capoH. on the morning of Sunday, Oct. 22, she 'has not boon seen or hoard of. It Is believed that tho vessel encountered a severo storm while passing through the West Indies nnd that she, with her master. Captain Manz, and the entire crew of twenty-two. went to tho bottom. Forced to Take Poison. Kingman, Kan., Dec. 20. Clarence Albright, a farmer living near here, died undor circumstances indicating that he had been compelled to take a fatal dose of poison. His wife was away from homo last night and Al bright spent tho night with his pa rents, who live near his home. An hour after he loft his father's house ho telephoned to his parents that ho was dying, having been waylaid and forced to take poison. He died In groat agony a few minutes after his parents' arrival. William G. Crawford Convicted. Washington, Dec. 20. The jury In tho case of William G. Crawford, the former deputy auditor for tho postof flee department, who was Indicted on a charge of conspiracy with August W. Machen nnd George K. IJienz to defraud the United States in connec tion with a contract for supplying the department with lo'ttor carriers' Hatch els and straps, returned a verdict of Builty. Wealthy Farmer Shoots Himself. Osmond Nob., Dec. 19. Thomas Webster, aged forty, a wealthy farm er, owning an entire section of land five miles west of here, committed suicide at his home by shooting. Tho caiiBo is a mystery. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Mood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be iritccu 10 ihu kiuiicjs, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these mobt important organs. The kidneys filter nnd purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand lnm quickly your entire body is affected a m how every organ seems to fail to do Us tint v. if you aro sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon tis vour kidneys are well they will help ill" the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cates, nnd is sold .,.. :., uir;ic !, nil nrsW druggists in fifty-cent jSfiMteg SSi and one-dollar si.e hlSlHH t fe&H bottles. You inay-SKgiBdaij have a sample bottle iiomoofSwamo-noot. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. 'Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IJing hauiton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's'Swainp-Root, and the ad dress, lJiughamton.N.Y.. on every bottle. jfmmM fr TX, 'it w Wi$&s. mm m Iwm WlWwi W V MR YEARS w w m nn mi Dr. Ross In New Chnlr. Lincoln, Dec. 20. Dr. Edward A. Ross, formerly of Cornell and Stan ford universities and for tho last five years professor of sociology In the University of Nebraska, has resigned to accept a newly established chair of sociology in tho University of Wisconsin. Accused of Shooting Husband. Lincoln, Dec. 20. Domestic strife led to a row between Mr. and Mrs. Oliver II. Tlbbetts nt 133'? O street. When the police arrived Tlbbetts was found on tho floor dangerously wound ed. Mrs Tlbbetts was arrested and charged with tho shooting. Tlbbetts Is nn old soldier and Is well known. To Curb Fraternity Men. Lincoln, Dec. 1(5. A stale univer sity council will bo appointed to curb tho fraternity men of the institution. This council will eonalst of a member of tho faculty, an alumnus of the uni versity who has been a fraternity mnn and an active member of the local chapter. Alter a rigid investigation the regents adopted this plan. has a very bad effect on your sys tem. It disorders your stomach ind digestive apparatus, taints your blood and causes constipation, with all its fearful ills. WMSf Implement Men Meet. Lincoln, Dec. 20. Implement men of tho South Platte region held their annual convention at the Lincoln ho tel. Judge England made an address of welcomo and G. M. Mauror of Be atrlco answered on behalf of the as sociation. Jerome Shnmp of Lincoln was elected presld'iit for tho fifth tlmo. W. T. Coleman of McCook was chosen first vice president nnd G. M. Mauror of Beatrice second vice president. Tiieirfs Black-Draught is a bland tonic, liver regulator, and blood purifier. It gets rid of the poisons caused by over-supply of bile, and quickly M cures bilious headaches, diskless, loss of appetite, nausea, indiges tion, constipation, malaria, chills C anJ fever, jaundice, nervousness, irritability, melancholia, and all sickness due to disordered liver. f It is not a cathartic, but a gentle, f neieai, liver ir.wicine, which without inflating. sases l WINNERS AT STOCK SHOW. tlowa Exhibitors Carry Off Prizes In Cattle and Hogs. Chlcngo, Dec. 19. At tho live stock show Illinois, Indiana and Missouri took blue ribbons in tho exhibition of cholco cattle. First prize for the Hereford breed went to F. A. Navo of Attica, la. Illinois exhibitors won riearly all tho prizes awarded for tho various breeds of hogs. William D. McCavish of Coggan, la., took four first prizes in the Berkshire class. In Saunders County Takes First. Lincoln, Doc. 20. Deputy Stato Superintendent E. C. Bishop, manager of tho corn growing contest among tho boys in tho public schools, an nounced that Robert Engol of Saund ers county secured first prize; D. O. Stelk of Hnll county, second; Tai mngo Miller of Cass county, third, nnd Winifred Blxby of Lancaster county, fourth. Kngel gets a $100 prize. Out of tho R00 contestants from slxty-fivo counties 200 will re ceive awards. Miss Emma Reynolds Shocked. Hastings, Nob., Dec. 20. Whilo passing out on tho court house roof through a window of the tower M1S3 Emma Reynolds sought to steady herself by holding to a light wire and received such a severo shock that sho was rendered unconscious. Hor com panions used all possible efforts and Anally succeeded in her resuscitation. Tho onds of two of tho young wom an's fingers wero burned to tho bone. Tho wlro which Mfss Reynolds had laid hold of carried a voltago of 2,200 and at the point of contact the insula tion had been worn off. lS Price 25c at all Druggists. M'SKSW STATE SENATOR IS INDICTED. &Ja Linn h n fi tea iua uTJS & Funetureless Tirt. nts wanted $fMma3P ReswEned until you receive and approve of your bieyclo S?4?on Tea Bays FrQ Triai Finest guaranteed (S Banes Ffnrfalfi P ivitii ro.'isici'-Brakes unci Ami make or model you icant at one-third wuul price.' Choico of any standard tires and boat equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantw. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. p. to any ono tcithoiit a vent deposit and allow 10 DAYb FREE TRBAL ueforu purchaso is binding. SGQ Second HamS Wheels ft3 , &t taki'nln trado by our Chlcat'o retail stores, IJISJ 1U ty.) . it . .....i ......i.ti. . .mi t- mitt ' ' BIISV a bleyelu until jou havo written for our FACTORY hU orjmcjt Attn FSFF TlltAL OFFER. firm. 4S w W r m I4 -- "" . . . ' aniilnniont. eimrfrlet mill RllortltlL' L'OOll of all Uliuls. at half rcffiiiav im 111 'llt big tree Sundry Catalogue. Contains a woi Id of useful information. Write for It PlMTK"Pfl m M M 5 Regular prico $S.50 per pnir. To IntroifuGO $ wo V51B Soil YouaSampSe Pair for Only NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 1") vouvs exporience in tiro making. No danncf'fs'orn THORNS, CAGTUS, PINS, NAiS, TAGKS OB' GLASSn Serious punctures, llko intentional knifo cuts, can bo vulcanized like any other tire. MAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WON'T LET OUT THE AIR 00F TIRES M W EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BAXTER REQUESTED TO RESIGN. United States Attorney for Nebraska Must Leave Office. Washington, Dec. 20. Irving P. tho exhibition of ChoBtcr whites, Iowa fiaxter of Omaha, United Stntos agricultural college took four prizes, district attorney Tor Nebraska, In tho corn Judging contest, tho stu- 1ms boon asked to resign. Rack of dents of Iowa agricultural college won this stands Secretary Hitchcock, who first prize and Nebraska agricultural lias insisted that tho sentenco of Rich- collego won second honors, nnd the nrls and Comstock was wholly inade- students of tho Kansas agrlcultunfi nato to their offense. Secretary collego third place. Hitchcock has persisted In his deter- '. initiation to get tho scalp of tho dls- Steamer Andes Posted as Lost. trlct attorney, although at ono tlmo rsowport wows, vn., uoc. rj.-nm jt looked ns if Attorney General Kansas Official Is Accused of Bribing Federal Land Inspector. Topekn, Dec. 18. Tho grand Jury, which has been investigating land frauds in Kansas, returned an indict ment .against State Senator P. Du mont Smith on tho charge of Influenc ing a federal officer to neglect his antics. Pivo other Indictments wero returned. Smith is stato senntor from a dis trict in tho southwestern corner of the state, comprising eighteen coun ties. Ho Is charged jointly with his law partner, Roscoo Wilson, with con spiracy to 'violatd tho federal law which provides a penalty for influenc ing for a consideration any govern ment ofllclal on any matter then pend ing boforo tho official. It is nlloged in tho Indictment that Smith nnd Wilson, for a considera tion, influenced tho opinion and ac tions of T. E. Ryan, formerly special agent in tho government land oflico in land fraud cases which ho was in vestigating In Hodgeman county, Kan sas. According to the allegations tho men implicated in the cases under consideration wore approached by Wilson, who told thorn that ho and Senator Smith could' "Ox It up" if they would ralso tho sum of $2,500. This was raised and divided equally between Smith, Wilson and Ryan, the government agent. It Is alleged that Ryan then reported to his superiors that ho had Investigated tho cases and found that tho four men who con tributed the money wero not guilty oi making fraudulent entries of land In Ilodgomnn county nnd that there was no evidence to warrant tin J r arrest. riio four land owners implicated aro German steamer Andos. Is now forty- Moo-lv would im nbin in Hrvo iinvtor. nine dnys overdue from this port for uut tjl0 nxo fcu niul j)UXter i8 out of w- A Hannah, I A. Palmer, Charles Guauta., Venezuela, ami sub Urt5 beon a j0b. , ' Jounsion ami ueorgo Montague, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Send for Catalogue "T." show bur all kinds and makew of tiros at y.on nor pair and ut-.l-o Coastor-llrakp.. Hullt-tip W hurts and HlCyrti-Simi tU's M Half 1hp usual Price?. V.tloo tho tlilrt; riil)l).v tionii "A" and nuiieuirj. strips "H" and l." llils tin- will outlast anv other tnnl.o Soft. Flastlc and Kasy Kldini.'. Wo will ship C. 0. D. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION u-imm! a wit tt,fott. , , .. , a. e , , ,. Wo will allow a cao discount of 5?. (tlicrtfjv niakliijr tho prlco 31.50 per pair) if yon send full cash with ordar. Tires to ba returned at our expense if not satisfactory cm examination. ,. & MBS GYQLE 0., Depf. J.L 1CAQ, ILL A.B.(ha$E VNO For Twenty Years.. Sen convincing booklet, WHY." Durlne all these years A. B. CHASE Pianos havo boon acknowledged to be of tho very highest grade. Tho most critical and oxport musicians find them unsurpassed in Tone, Action and Durability We aro district distributers of the A. B. CHASE Pianos, and will gladly put you in touch with one of our representatives, or mail you catalogues and DDecial prices. 0LNEY-GAST0N VA-ifi MUSIC CO. St. Joseph, Mo. rfreHsl Successor to 1. J. WASIIIU'KN. liuli.lillMH-J in KtVt. i'crfT-";rv &.; FREE TO STOCKMEN ! A bountiful six-leaf calendar will bo sent by us ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY STOCKMAN who may ship bis cattle; hogs or shoe to market and who will write us answering tho following questions (1) How niniiv bead of stock have yon? ((2) What kind of stock have you, not including horses? (.') When do yon expect to market your stock? (1) To what, market will you likely ship? (.) In what paper did you seo this advertisement? This calondur will ho ready for distribution in January. It is an ex ceptionally beautiful, artistic, and costly production, nshitcil in several colors, roprosonting fox hunting sconos. It was mado especially for us, VinMV-,r.KolnA,VV,sPxyhoro,'.l,ll.rt is worthy u plueo in tho finest homo. Klli'i US lO-DA giving tins information and insuro getting this cal endar Addross. GlAY, K0BJNSON ft G0M stock Yams. KANSAS GITY t Wc hIhd imvo our own honvrs nt CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOLX CITY SOUTH ST JOSKI-II nKXVEIt SOUTH ST. I'AU. KA8T HUPKALO Itcrtilourinnrkct letter In this paper. Write us for any hpcclnl Informiitlnn .lehlred. AY, niSTERl Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma tonal and Coal at our yards? Not ouly that our pricos average lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because wo take especial care of and protoot all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Ltfmhf rVipMmiAinitxixipip BEFORE YOU BUILD That Hoiim) or Birn, or store that Oonl, it will save you money and jjivo yon a lot of satisfaction if you will cull and Kot prices and seo the stock of SAUNDERS BROTHERS, 1 PHONB 6o. RED CLOUD, NEB. Dry Lumber and Gnnnlnc Maltland Coal a Specialty "'"'"""""" iminMit. .. .,.. l M t- tr fc (- & fr tr 6 ----Mlrf.l1.M.IY1ffWffi)jBY rnm.vtett$itSR z&M&&wivmc""-x rwiwwMw'.w1