The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1905, Image 6

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J.l!iV VvlllOiQ ill 11 lliMJ
Ruanlan Government Finally Decides
, AgalnQt Universal Suffragc-Strecta
, . ,
i -t ma- ""- - " "Into tho cavalry. There
i With Blood."
St. Petersburg, Dec. l'J. It is
learned on high authority that the
1,'ovornment , has finally decided
against universal suffrage and practic
nllv In favor of tho old project of
twonly-ono workmen representatives
and the extension of tho ballot to the
fctnnll rent payers, merchants nnd tho
educated classes. However, the law
must still pass the council or the em
plro and receive Imperial approval.
If the decision Is upheld it Is apt to
end all question of the support of the
romstvolsts. The railroad men claim
thut they have been informed that
wevoral sections of tho southwestern
systems havo already responded to
tho appeal for a general strike. Cooler
heads, however, are advising against
precipitate action, which might result
in failure, and are urging a postpone
ment of action until the organizations
throughout tho country have been
consulted. It Is believed that if the
attempt at reaction is persisted In tho
moderate liberals, who are disgusted
with the taetlca of the revolutionists,
fearing anarchy, nnd aro Inclined to
support tho government, will surely
ho driven back Into tho camp of tho
The situation is exceedingly omi
nous. Public opinion Is practically
unanimous that the government has
ontored upon tho fatal path of reac
tion, and that Wltte's ministry must
fall. Reaction and revolution con
iront each other In a death struggle.
Both General Trepoff and General
Count Iguatieff, according to the pop
ular Impression, nro being held in re
Borvo to execute tho program of re
pression. It is ngaln said that tho
entire Cossack strength of 400,000
will bo mobilized In a supreme effort
to crush tho revolutionary forces.
General Parseupoff said: "1 think
wo aro coming to rivers of blood. In
which tho revolutionary party will
loso their game nnd Russia her lib
erty." Certainly tho appearance of St.
Petersburg and the events here
Hcenicd to Justify this black picture of
tho future. The capital resembles a
greot mllltaiy camp. The patrols
everywhere wero doubled and grim
looking cannon rumbled through tho
streets. What happened smacked
(strangely of tho old regime. A largo
workmen's meeting was dispersed by
Tho scanty news reaching St.
Petersburg Ib all to one effect. Tho
last advices received from tho Baltic
provinces repoited tho desecration of
churches, the murder of landowners
nnd tho pillaging of properly. The
revolutionists aro growing in audacity.
The situation in Livonia Is fright
ful. Absolute anarchy prevails. A
messenger who arrived here declared
that the streets of Riga .were (lowing
with blood. Alter a meeting the rail
road men of Riga wero mowed down
by tho (Ire of machine guns and artil
lery. Tho extreme newspapers of St.
Petersburg aro openly defying tho
government by, publishing resolutions
favoring armed uprisings. Tho tor
pedo boat Philander Is anchored at
St. Nicholas' bridge.
Riot of Blood and Pillage at Harbin.
Ixmdoii, Dec. 12. The Dally Tele
graph prints a continuation or tho
dispatch from MoJI, Japan, giving In
circumstantial detail accounts by ref
ugees of the alleged sacking and burn
ing of Harbin, Manchuria, in order ,
, ih miuinirK to null hir
hMi.. -o. noneral Madarlloff sent
mu.ut, (..., - . :
men to sot fire to the barracks and
the public buildings. Tho blazo
spread to all parts of the city and
tno mutmoer8. n trying to CBcapo,
wcro slaughtered to tho number of
300 by tho cavalry. Later, the largo
1X)rt,on r tno EarrtHon was called
out, mil la tne confusion and disorder
tho troops fired upon each other, It
being impossible to distinguish the
mutineers from tho loyal soldiers.
e mutineers dragged out several
machlno guns and poured a heavy lire
was great
loss of life.
Condition of Wheat Is Good.
Washington, Dec. 12. The crop re
porting board of tho bureau of statis
tics or tho department of agriculture
finds from tho reports of correspond
ents and agents of jhe bureau as fol
lows: Tho newly seeded area or win
ter wheat Is estimated as 31,341,000
acres, an Increase of 0.G per cent over
tho niea bowii In the fall of 1904. The
condition of winter wheat on Dec. 1
wns 94.1, aB compared with 82.9 In
1904, t(!.C In 1903 and a ten-year uvcr
age of 91.G.
Root and Taft at Gettysburg.
Gettjsburg, Pa., Dec. 11. Secretary
of Staie Root and Secretary or War
Taft, accompanied by a small party
of military men, spent all or Sunday
on the battlefield. The principal ob
ject of the visit was to look over the
ground (or the purpose of selecting a
site upon which to erect a tablet In
scribed with Lincoln's Gettysburg
Sultan Finally Yields.
London. Dec. 12. Tho correspond
ent of tho Dally News at Constantino
ple says: "Tho sultan has yielded.
He has accepted tho scheme for tho
financial control or Macedonia as em
bodied in he last collective note of
the powers."
Slight Changes Shown In List of Im
portant Committees of House
Washington. Dec. 12. The addi
tion of a Ripuhlican member to all
the important committees of the
houso has enabled Speaker Cannon
to solve tho problem of committee as
signments In h manner which appears
moht satisfactoiy to both parties in
tho house. Tuo following are the
chairmen of the Important commit
tees: Ways and means, Payne (N.
Y.); approprlatons, Tnwncy (Minn.);
judiciary. Jcnkns( Wis.); interstate
and foreign commerce, Hepburn (la.) ;
foreign affairs., I Iitl (III.): military,
Hull (la.); navrt academy. Foss (111.);
postofllco, Overttreet (Ind.); Insular
affairs, Cooper iV!s.); banking nnd
currency, Fowler (N. J.); coinage,
weights and measures, Southard (O.);
rivers and hnrbon Burton (O.); mer
i hnnt marine, Giusvonor (O.) ; agri
culture, Wadswdnh (N. Y.) ; public
lands, Lncey tla.; Indinn affairs,
t Sherman (N. Y.), territories, llamll
j ton (.Mich.); nunufnetures, Sibley
, (Pa.); public bdldings, Bartholdt
I (Mo.); labor, Gardner (N. J.); in
valid pensions, fulloway (N. II.);
pensions, Loudonshgor (N. J.); Irri
gation nnd arid lands, Mondell
(Wyo.); Immigration, Ho"n m x
Adjutant General Removed for Graft.
Indinnnpolis Do 8. John R.
Ward, adjutant general of Indiana, re -
signed on tho demand ot Governor
Hnnly as the result of an lnvcstlga-
Hon of his accounts. The investignt-
lug committee claims there is a short-
age pr ?97i.75, which; was secured by
General Ward padding tho totnls on
his requisitions for tin pay of forty-
four companies of tta Indiana Nn-
tlonal Guard and on warrants for sup -
plies for the troops.
Mrs. Berry Taken to Hospital.
Tnlun 1 'I' rnf. 0. Urn Inn llnr
ry, who' held possession' of a passen -
ger car at Girard, Kan., five dayB, was
brought here by her nephew and
Ken to a nospuai, were sno ieu
i asleep. Her father, N. Q. Bailey, who
lives on a farm eight mllfs from town,
1b with her. Ho is one oJ the wealth
iest cltlzenB of Indian Territory.
Fatal Cave-In of Clay Pit.
Louisville, Neb., Dec. 13. At tho
Omaha Hydraulic Pressed Brick com
pany's clay banks on tho north of
town a cave-in occurred. Jacob Mey
er was caught and killed and Sam
Btrlbling sustained a brokon leg.
Charged With Stealing Horses.
Tekamah, Neb., Dec. 11. Sheriff L.
D. Phlpps enptured Jess Headley,
wanted on a chargo of horse stealing
at Hlnir. The prisoner had stolen
two horses from his father, Jako
Headley, a farmer living two miles
north of Craig.
Cody and Wife May Make Up.
Lincoln, Dec. 13. Ira L. Bare, ed
itor of a North Platte paper, for
years a neighbor and close friend of
Colonel and Mrs. William F. Cody. Is
quoted In a dispatch from that place
as saying that reconciliation is sure
to be effected between the two.
Will File New Charges.
Tecumseh, Neb., Dec. 11. It Is of
ficially stated by the prosecuting at
torneys that most all of tho cases
against the ex-cashier, Charles M.
Chamberlain, have been dismissed. A
number of new cases will bo filed In
the district court against Chambet
laln. Railroads Are at War.
Lincoln, Dec. 9. War has broken
out between the Missouri Pacific and
the Northwestern railway employes.
Threats of vholesale arrests of North
western officials have been made. Tho
Missouri Pacific, It Is alleged, tore
up tracks belonging to the Northwest
ern In placing a siding a day or two
Next Crowe Case in January.
Omaha, Dec. 9. County Attorney
Slabaugh said that he will call for
trial early In tho January term the
case of the state against Patrick
Crowe for tho alleged robbery of $25,
000 from E. A. Cutlahy. Tho jury
which tried Crowe for the shooting of
Officer Jackson brought In a verdict
of not guilty.
Murderer of Lee Jarrott Is Caught.
Omaha, Dec. 8. Wandering around
the small town of Weston, la., a few
miles east or Council Bluffs, In a
half-starved condition, having had
nothing to cat since shooting his
brother-in-law Tuesday night at 3203
Jones btreet, this city, Lesllo AUan,
the escaped murderer of Lee Jarrott,
was urrested by Sheriff Canning of
Pottawatamie county.
Say They Paid Officers.
Lincoln, Dec. 13. Three women of
the lowlands testified In tho cnBe of
tho state against ex-Chief of Police
Routzahn and ex-City Detective Bent
ley. Roso Kirkwood declared that
sho paid tho two officers $50 monthly
from August, 1904, to April, 1905.
Many other women will be examined.
Cora Conn insisted that she paid $50
a month. Dolly Palmer declared that
the first amount she paid was $100.
Judge C. R. Scott Dead.
Omaha, Dec. 11. Judge Cunning-
i ham R. Scott, for over twenty years a
member of tho Douglas county bar
nnd with a brilliant legal record as
practicing attorney extending over a
period of fifty years, died at his resi
dence after an Illness of two weeks,
caused presumably from a cold con
tracted during a drive and which
caused complications of the heart and
lungs. At the time of his death Judge
Scott had Just completed arrange-
! incuts to retire from active practice.
Another Robbery at Omaha Hotel.
Omaha, Dee. 13. Shortly after 7
o'clock last night G. P. Larson of
Holdrege, Xeb., a guest of tho Murray
hotel, rang for tho porter to como to
his loom. He went up and found tho
door locked. Uirsou said he had
been robbed by a man who knocked
on his door, saying he had a telegram
for him. As soon as he opened the
door, tho man presented a revolver
and demanded his money. After se
curing $11 the robber locked the door
on tho outside and mado his escape.
A similar robbery occurred at tho
Paxton hotel Saturday night.
Charged With Blackmail.
Lincoln, Dec. 11. Detective Ma-
lone arrested J. E. Jewell, a station-
...... eilKinoer. on the charge of at
1 (,,,ni,tlng to blackmail Hoover &
' Soil( proprietors or the Llndoll hotel,
CHt ()f $r,0o. The police have In their
possession the letters written to the
t j,0tol owners over the signature, A.
' L ( Forefinger, demanding that five
$100 0ills be sent him through the
J general delivery with tho alternative
of imvlng complaint mndo to the au-
, thorltles of alleged Illegal dilution of
liquors sold at the bar. A decoy let
ter was sent In reply and waiting po
licemen arrested Jewell, who ap
j Pearcd nt the Ptofflco for the mall
Farmers' Elevator Quits.
York, Neb., Dec. 11. Tho Farmers
Grain and Live Stock company of
McCool Junction, a farmer' elovator
company, haB voted to discontinue
business. A little over one year ago
the company leased the Ferguson elo-
r and Its financial success Is at 1
.ted by tho statement of tho secrc
,y, E. R. Lincoln, who announces
Hit the company made 14l per cent
oiilts Investment above all expenses. I
It te stated that tho members of tho
cortpany could not agree and that
differences of opinion ns to who
s. .olid manage and how the buslnesa
shoilil he operated led to the resolu
tion o quit business and pay tha
stocliiojders the amount of certlfl
catesm stock.
Vermoh Woman Pays Penalty for
lurder of Her Husband.
winner, vt., Dec. 9. Without a
tremor Vnd without a word Mrs.
Mary Mibel Rogers marched to her
death on the gallows at the stato
prison hire and paid the penalty of
murderlnV her husband, Marcus Rog
ers, at Mnnlngtun, on Aug. 13, 1902.
To all anjearanees Mrs. Rogers was
tho calm&t person In the chamber
of death, tahe faced her end with tho
stoical lntlfferenco that had marked
her demeoior over since her arrest,
nioro than three years ago.
Greatly ft tho relief of those offi
cials who vkro assisting in executing
the sentencf, Mary Rogers' last hour
was remarkably free from harrowing
Incidents. It had been feared that
the woman's wonderful nerve would
desert her at the final moment and
that she would be cnirlod to tho scaf
fold In a state of collapse. Instead,
however, Mrs. Rogers met death
Although the woman was not offi
cially pronounced dead until fourteen
minutes and thirty seconds after tho
trap was sprung, she evidently Buf
feted no pain. Her neck was broken
at the second cervical vertebrae and
she lost consciousness instantly tho
drop fell. A few feeble convulsive
movements of her pinioned hands
were the only evidences that vitality
had survived the first shock. The
woman's feet barely touched the fioor
for an Instant, but tho deputies on tho
platform of the scaffold immediately
tightened tho rope nnd raised the un
conscious form a couple of Inches.
Convicted Oregon Statesman Passes
Away at Hospital in Portland.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 9. United
States Senator John II. Mitchell died
at tho Good Samaritan hospital In
this city, death resulting from compli
cations which followed the removal of
four teeth at a dental ollice. A hem
orrhage of unusual severity followed
tho removal of Hie teeth and despite
the application of the most powerful
stytics known to dental science the
(low of blood could not be stayud.
Physicians wero summoned to the
dental office, but the combined scien
tific knowledge of the dentists and
physicians could not stop the (low or
blood. The senator's condition soon
became alarming nnd it was decided
to remove him to tho hospital. When
he renched the hospital ho was In a
very weakened condition and It be
came apparent that unless the How or
blood was soon stopped IlTo would
pass out.
Senator Mitchell nnd long been a
sufferer from diabetes and other vltl-1
atlng diseases and in his weakened i
condition rapidly succumbed to In- j
cvitnblo weakness following such vio-,
lent hemorrhages and lnpsed Into a
stato of semi-consciousness. Several ',
hours before death tho action of tho I
heart at times became almost Imper
ceptible and the breath came In short,
spasmodic gasps. As tho end ap
proached these symptoms became
more and more pronounced, death en
suing at 11:10 a. m.
Governor Chamberlain will appoint
a successor to Senator Mitchell with
in a week. It Is almost a certainty
that the new senator will be a Demo
crat. Chicago Live Stock.
ChlcnKo. I'i1. !- Cattle-HiH-plptH. 0.
000: dull; common to prime ntcci'M, $.1.00
fl0.7.i: rows f-'.N(V?H.4: lli'lfcis ."J1.MMK5;
.'..00; bull, $l!.00$t-l.l'; Mocker mill feci).
tn, ?i.i.V(H.ii.". HoB itoi'oipts a.1,000;
Htroiig; choU'i to iirtuit- luavy, ?UKXi(ii.O0;
medium to good heavy, $4.MiM,IR); dutch
erwi'lRhts $4,00(1(5.00; good to choice
lirnvy, mixed, l-t.KMuM.rci; packing, ft.TiiQ
4.1X). Shrep-Iteeelpts 18,000: Htcudy;
nhccp, H.OXfTfl.OO; yearlings, l).0OS7.oot
luuibs, 17.00(37.73. ..
vimir-.lni .JO. .
C,f JJ&?
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Ely's Cream Balm
This Romody is a Spoclflc,
Suro to Clvo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, hcnltt, nnd protects tho
diseased mombrano. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly.
Restores tho Sonacs of Tiwto nnd Smoll.
Easy to uio. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Lnrgo Size, GO cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York.
Do You
When you aro hungry nnd
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Koon Bros.,
Successors to
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSE. Proprietor.
All kinds of
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Moving mnd other Heavy
Work our Specialty j
No. G2. ..PHONES .... No. 76
This Morning?
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Myiv Curo for Khenmntlem and Neuralgia
radlctSw cures In 1 to 8 days. Ita action upon
the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the disease Im
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits. 76 cents nnd H, 00. Sold by II X.
Grjc Druggist, Red Cloud.
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