tii The Food Value of a Soda Cracker You have heard that some foods furnish fat, other foods make muscle, and still others arc tissue building and heat forming. You know that most foods have one or more of these elements, but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda cracker? The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water, are richer in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made from flour. That is why Uneeda Biscuit should form an important part of every meal. They represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air, moisture and dust the price being too small to mention. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I 1 flemsy flutes pfom Neighboring Touitis GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES 9 SV1T111V1'111tt11111,1,'r'',"'x'ri,'p'f SUPERIOR (From th Journal ) Mi- Vhih Padden, formerly a Super ior L" . is ono of the inn who received one f no ten scholarships offered by ono the leading violin players of Chii- ; o Ami uncemonts are out for the mar riage f Miss Mabel Elizaboth Vincent, tlaugh ! of Mr. and Mis. B H Vin cen , Mr Sam F. Long, on Wodnes duj.N v. 29 Hiil"i Weir and aunt, Mrs, Mary All ison, ivo gone to Washington, IVun , thoii hI homo, to apotuHTlinnksgiving witn MM.tivts nnd fiic-nds. They will bo iron, two or throo weoks. Ana Jones win very ngreonbly sur prised it her homo in South Superior Satmdtty evening by about twenty of her little girl friends, who presented her with an opal ring and a bottlo of perfume. B. J McConnoll rocoiyed a telegram thiH morning from QuartermasterDo vel, USA, dated tho 34th, stating that i ho remains of his son, R.B. M Connt'll, had arrived at Sun Francisco, Calif., on t-io trauspoit Buford on tho 28. Jii-t ween twonty-fivo and thirty of Su petlm' young men have formed a club called i ho Iloi re-pus, which if spoiled biukward, forms tho word "Superior." Tln'v luivo tittutt up rooms ovor uiuum Bros mi ore with neat, now furnituto A club liko this is what Superior boys need, and wo wish thorn tho best of Success. Ammda Boyor was born in Weiss port, IVnn , May 28th, 1851, and died at her home ono mile east of Superior Nov 21st, 1005, nged 54 years, 5 months and 21 day-t. At J tho ago of 12 hho movi-d with her paronts to Illinois and in ift73 aim was married to Mr. Henry O. Diehl. and moved to Kansas where they losidod until a few years ago.whon they movod to tho homo in which she died. CAMPBELL (Prom tho Citizen.) Mm. Goo Laporto, who has boon an sont on a visit in Canada for some time, returned last Friday. Juuh Ij-mon and Miss Mabel accom panied Wait Anderson to his home in NelH . , ThantoEiviug, to eat dinner. Dr A. Townsend has been making mans vnits hero with old friends tho past v-.de whilo on professional calls noar town. M ,. led, last Tuesday, t t Catho lic eh .-eh in huh citj.Mr M.iK-u. lier to MWh Noemie L'llcureux, Father Taste vin nmVinling. Married, Thanksgiving day, at tho homo of the bride's parents, Mr Wal lace Elliott to Mis Bertha Dudek, Uov. A A. liiiurof Franklin otticiating. While coming to town yesterday Dr. Swatslander experienced a runaway. The ilon hint rees cnmii down and ho took no chances bur, gave lh reins to tho team and let them go. No damage rosii't"d S M. True, at different Mines cashier in imiti banks of tlm city, but now holiliuz down n. liko position in tho Bank of Inavale, drove over lat Satur day to draw up the papers in tho trans for of i he livery business to v a new proprietor Sid says it N quite hard to remain away fiom Campbell altogether . Lutheran church, caino down "i Alma Thanksgiving and christened the infant son of Mr. ami Mrs. Sicvers. Mr. and M -. J W Kit k bride gave a "live hundred" parts last Wednesday evening W. L. Haytb'ti and Mis. E- J 11 ilmes won tho prizts Altera pleasant evening ico cream and cake woro sotved. She camo down with tho beautiful snow upon the wings of the winds sho was borno hither oarefooted, naked ana a stranger. I'm w. b Wednesday evening, and Mr. Vnoil smbmgly ro marked that her vMiKht was within a fraction of 10 lbs. Tho case of John Hansborry vs tho Burlington for danig for killing a cow was decided by Judge Kiing in favor of tho defendant on tho theory that tho cow wis being herded on the right of way and tho.company wns not responsible. iii'iriiiige.hy'jJiiiige Mulei at A mains' Tucsdnv. Mcrt Shot maker nt livid fnm the li u Horn luiNiii In.srS iliiidny night for a f w weeks' visit with old fi icinW unit among the set i o of boyhood lns. A picked up eleen computed of it' it ui iintl low n ho)1 went to (Jiiiile It , Thorstlnj and imippid the eat th with Ho K. (1 Cloud foot ball team to i he tiino of 20 lo (1. SMITH CliNTliR (Ft mil the ,McHi'iigi l ) Belleville, Khu-iis, is now having no Hcimol on account of teiul easts of diphtheria in that town. B. F inflow returned Tuesday evening from Cat men, Oklahoma Ho n ports his son, Fietl, much better Tie thiec-yeaf i lit son nt Mr and Mis Wallet; Scott dieil lns Thu'mI-u after a In it f limes , iili t phoid fevei . S. M. Ciook, tho man who sells f at ni", made the deal la-t Satmdny that will soon make H. I Amu owner of (tie SliilTtnt) fat in just e list of tlii city, fir which he will pay $7200. Jako M o returned last, Friday night fiom a business and pleasure dip to Enid,!,. Okl ihoma Mr. Moore bought fifteen acres joining Knld anil expio's to make that his home soon. J M McCasland came in last Wed uesday night from Ijcnntc, Oklalmma, with the remains of Mis. MoCnulnnd, who died there Stiiidny, Novembet 1 12 la. The funeral mis held at the In me of her patents, Mr unci Mrs Jack O teuvc r. Will Korahaugh and Mart Met arty weie at rested last Wednesday on oom plaint of J. B Farens forstealinii hotse blankets. Constable Ben Williams went out with a seal eh warrant and fennel the blankets. The boys weie ar- lainged hefoieSqitiie Kply Wednesday afternoop. It ntbaugh plead guilty and was llniil f','0 and costs, lie was p'aei d in j til until Satiuday when he paid the bill and was tclcii'ol. Mo fatty si ood dial and was released on a lino of $5 and costs. ittUMnnr- Lincoln Business College Does high grudo work in (ho UUSINCSa, TCLXONAPMY. CNGIISH. HHOItTKAND AND TYPCWtllTINn COUIlSEa Tlioro nevnr wni n pionler clemaad tlmn now lor younc moa nnd womnn cnrntlu ot itolntt busintis I'rrri vnutsfll nn 1 snlnct som onu ol tlni i;oorl tilncn ollri(l A pkw MONtllS AND A I'l.W MM I AUS Wit L C1VK YOU A OOOD HUSINrSi I.DUOATIOH Ho- ptn nay llirm prlvnln InOrtir t on woik lor boat el itssMniiCH In ptocuiliu; positions -ndvnatnRusoln miltnl city. OATALOa FltFCt DO IT NOW LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Telephone 22Til. ISIth & V SLs. I 60 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE iijTnjra TrtADE Marks Debiqns copyriohts &c. Anyono ondlnB n skotch nnd dpucrlntlnn mny aulckly iwcnrlnln ear opinion fruo w Iml nor nil luviMillim Is priilintilr T'liCrntjiljlo. Comiminlcn. sont Croo. Oliltml nuimry ror i'cuhiib imiomn. I'.iliMilit tnkca tlinnmli Maun A v.o. roculro fpldt notlct, TTlttiniitclmrKO, ttitlio Scientific flmcrican. A linnituntiiplr lllanlrntort wpokly. I..trBOKt rlr rulntloa ir imy ni'luiitltln Immiiil. Ttirnm, J n yi'iir: four nuititlis, 9U tioUlliyull nonmlPiilom. MUNN & Co.36,DroBdwa"- New York llrnncti ontco, in& K Ht., Wnnlilinctiiii, 1). O. BLUE HILL (From the Leader. Mrs Moin WiHson returned from Red Cloud Friday. Dr Wegman reports a fino boy baby b irn to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Shull Wod nnsday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Patigh aro tho proud parents of a line, bouncing boy born last V rulay (Mr. and Mrs It J). Norwood aro tho proud parents of u pretty little girl born Thursday last. lttehard Kort.son of Chris Kort, who him been ho sick with typhoid fever since returning trom California, has now almost recovered. John Kottwitz, an aged and highly rospected citizen of this vicinity, died ftt hU home Wednesday Th fu neral services wore ho d on Fridav, Dec. lt, at tho homo at 1 p m and at tho Lutheran church at 8 p m. . BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) Attorney Bvrum was down to Itivor ton last Sunday. Wm Dunn shipped two cars of cat tlo to Kansas City last Sunday. Dr Ella l'. Sumnor reports tho arriv alof a bttincing big boy baby at tho homo of Fred Heoht. Dr. Sumner reports n thanksgiving present at the home of Leo Cook in the shape of a girl imny. ( Z. Phelps has piuchased tho black smith shop of Mr Gntohor and will hereafter ho found at tho old stand cjluiH. C. Brown and II M Crane re turned tit" tiist of the week fiom a wo weeKS iiKasnre tup 'hiottgh t e (itilf states. ltuV. t' 'Off, pa of the (iciiniltl RIVERTON (From tho Roview.) B irn, on Thursday, Novombor 23, to Mr and Mrs. Perry Bonnott, a boy. A baby boy waB born Thursday, Nov ember 23, to Mr. and M s. Livongood, living four milos wost of town. Sheriff Walrath, J tm Parker and Wm. Fulton woro hero appraising sumo school lund south of town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will It Burr arrivod hero Monday morning, nnd Mr. Burr Is cow installed in the.Itoviow oflioo as foreman. Wm. Hunt has purchased the Click and Slotting pool halls, and has consol idated tho businehSis, occupjing the building of tho former. Al Uverlonso, living 2J miles west of town, captured and no v has in citxiody a full-grown doo, which mysteriously appeared at his place Thanksgiving morning. Miss Campbell, who has had charge of the millinery department of Messrs. Whaley and Wiekstrom for tho past month, left for her homo at Beatrice, Wednesday morning LEBANON. (Fiom tho Times ) Albert Kretsctimer is tho proud possessor of a ?G00 pipe organ. Geo. Nolan has resigned his position as engineer at tho Lebanon mill. Smith Center defeated Osborne at basket and football last Satin day. Billy Ki.nsey of tho Matikiito Advor tisor visited withdioniolfolks in Leban on Stindav. I Jas. Brauton, fatl.er of our W. D., left Tuesday morning for Portngo, Wisconsin, to visit a sick brother. Jas. Buckley traded his residence property in this city to D. II. Hobbs, Tuesday, for an eighty aero farm. Geo. Fowlor, tho carponlor, fell off of a building Friday and sprained an ankle so that ho has to use a crutch T. S. Grisoll received a message from Couttland Sunday, stating there were sixteen oases of smallpox down there. Geo. Nolnn received a tolegram Sun- dayjfrom his sister in Denver,announc ing the death of her husband, Mr. John Heido. D Miss Helen Adams went down to Belleville Monday morn ng to resume her work as teacher in tho Bellevillo schools. Walt Crum has raised his corn husk ing record from 102 to 100 bushels and ho had the scale weights with him to prove it. H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Or tho Kansas City Veter inary College Olllco at 10. .lolniHtou's, tho Brick Barn. AIL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone 82. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. At Bin Hill first Tuesday in each mouth. yt INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, bo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho bost In surance company in tho sSto Isaac B. Colvin REAL ESTATE, Farm Loans and Insurance. Telephones: Glenwood and Guide Rock lines. Box 28, GUIDE ROCK, 'NEB. HOLUBTEn Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy Medtolno for Bubj Feoplt. Brlnei Qoldsn Health and Eenewed Vigor. A Bneclflo for Constipation, In'IlROstlon, T.tv ou itiuiiuy iroiinios, i-impicn. u.vciiii mM. Wood, Bad Dreatli, Rltmclsh nowel, Ilcailuch Implcii. Kcema, Iniptira Ifaltocky Mountain Tea In too and ltrwn.iM Wit form, as cnatn n box. Oniilat) inndo by HOM.I8TKH Dnro CoutUNV, Miullion, win. WL0FN WIIR0FTS FOR SAI.L0V PE0PLK FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Chas. E. Eads and Miss Zenima Jin kinuou wore married at Bloomington Thursday. Tho old soldiers surprised W. II. Cotiltrin yeBtordiiy with a big Thanks giving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conkling loft Tuesday morning for a month's visit in New Enuland. J. U. Fagor writes to his father, D, (. Fagor, from Los Angeles, Calif., that his heulth is greatly improved. J M. C trnalinn died at his homo in Hivcri-ii last Friday afternoon of con--iniip ion Funeral services wore held M mla Cat-i Hartley and Miss Loitiso It no i t Itiiiominutoii were united in MANKATO. (From tho Advertise!.) Born, to Mr. and Mrs Jesse Dobbins, Sunday, November 2(5, a baoy boy. Tho Hoik Island biidge gang Mulsh ed their work on the trestle west of town, and left today. Mrs. Susie Eyre, of Superior, Nob , was the guest of Mrs. Gregory a couple of days tho last of tho week. Will Lashley purchased a lino driv ing team of horses of John Calhoou Tuesday for which ho puiil 8300. Miss Anna Jnnuaiy loft yesterday for Washington, Kas., in responao lo a tol egram announcing tho serious illness of her aunt. Art l.oudbotter i till laid up for re pairs on account of the runaway ho and Clint Dillman had last weok. Art has ono leg in a sling. Finley Hock came in ovor tho Book I.slu nl the iirst of tho week with a nice biinc'i of calves which ho hopes to lo iv 'ii Jewell county. Am .0 "so Hiiiiyou, who lived north-we- i tnvn, died at his homu Sunday alt 'it Ho uiH horn in Ohio, KH'fyA.. vM - Krfttiu t warn i" PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Rlrannri and lirtnliritt the htlr. I'ruiiicjtfi n tuxutliiit Rruwtn. Never Failo to Ilcatoro Ory Jitiir 10 nn xouuiiui uoior. rti fa!p iiiicaio u nnir laiiuig. i v, a t id x i.n or jirurrii umx T.M TABLE. ReH Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA CIIIVAOO 82. JOE KANSAS CITY Bl. LOUIS ami all points east and south. DENVKlt HELENA IWT'IE SAL'I LAKE O't PORTLAND SAX FRAMI8CO and all point west. thainh i.eavk ah follows: No, 13. PaBsoufcet, dally for Oberlln anil Ht.'MniiulN tirnnctiiiN.Oz ford. McOook, Uunvernnd all lioliitN went... 70S a.m. No, 14. PanscnKiT tHlly for St. .loo, KatiNHH City, Atchltioii. Ht. LouIh. Lincoln via Wymoro nnd all polntH emit and Hontli 20) a.m No t5. fasHt'imur. dally. Denver, all polntH In Colorado, Utah and California 7:60 p.m.. No. 10. l'ahhOiiKor, dally fur at. Joe, Kansas City. AtchlHon, St. I.oiiIh and all polntH cant and aontli. .....- .. -10:10a.m. No. 17. Accnminodallon. Monday, Wednesday hikI Krldny.UaHl ItiRR, Ontnri IMand, Black HIIIk nnd ah polntN in the nortluroBt 1 : n.m. tiltfcplnc. dlnliiK. and ruciinins r chair cara. ,.atH free) on through trains. Tlcxotit sold and bnuuHRU cliiickud to any point In the United. ia'i id. in,,, ii.n f..ii.,.,. SUiunorCauada. !(. no was llio lathei or. jf0r information, time tallies, maps or tloeuia M S2 in- ndion. seven of whom aie call on or uddrms. a 'ntiovor, AKont, Hud i l' soiiKit Agont Omatiu. Notirahca