The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1905, Image 8

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Items of Nows Found In The
Chief of Twenty Ycrtrs Atfo
This Week v v v
Olivor McCnll is putting up u now
LouIh IIoIIowh lias boon nick with
A Morliurt and family woro in Riv
er ton this wook.
A little Kill of Mr. MoKlnnio was
buried on Tuesday.
Hov. C. W. SpriiiKor is very happy.
It's a rl of usu 1 weight.
Dielc Gray has licoti uiipoiiilod by
tho U. A; M iih depot police.
Win Duekor'.s little Kirl, Bosalo, has
boon quite .side for u few days.
llr.s. R. A, Cupp was visiting at
Alma the fore part of tho wook.
Willa Cathor, (laughter of Charloy
Cathor, has boon quito ill for some
Ed Smith's childron have rocontly
pftHflod through a slight siego of diph
theria. Honry Cook's now Btoro Is now
oponod and prosonts a hundsomo np
.Tamos Duokor, father of tho Duckor
boys, is lying qulto slok nt bit homo in
Jollot, Illluols,
Harry Polglit and J. S Rothrook
havo put in gas at au o.xponso of
about 91000.
A. W. Rust of Ohio, a nophow of L.
Jj, tyi&t, tho treo man, ia iu tho city
lsttttlg liltf tltiuld.
Mrs, M M Klllot or Farm Ridgo, 111.,
U In the oity visiting hor parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. ICmigh.
Sovoral new dwellings havo boon
creoted in tho past few weeks iu tho
south part of 'own.
Win. Hoaoham of St. Stophons
claims to have boon robbod of $1!) at
Cowlus the other day.
Several of the Masonic: brethren
woro up to Mm ook Monday on busi
ness connected with that order.
Tho body of Mrs I'atmor's mother
was In ought to Red ('loud and taken
to Jewell county for interment.
Mrs. M. S Mellor of LHoomington,
Neb., and Miss 13. l Rogers of II . aro
Tisitiug with Mrs. II. W. Urowor.
M B. McNitt, who has boon sojourn
ing "back yonder in Ohio" has rotum -od
to Rod Cloud, t;lad to got back to
tho I'aradiso of America.
On Thanksgiving, Nov. 2(i, 1885. Will
M Jackson and Miss Clara Rood of
this city woro married at. tho Catholic
chinch, Rev. Father Clory olliciating.
Mrs. W. II. Cook of this city re
ceived nows tho othor day of tho
(loath of hor aged mothor at Hoppers'
If ills, III., at tho oxtromo old age of
threo hcoro and ton years.
Mr. Waterman had quito u narrow
eBcapo tho othor day. Ho was thrown
.out of tho wagon and run over, but
iuriuumuiy mo luuui wua tsiuppuu uuu
no Borious damago dono.
A littlo son of Rov Qoo. H. Brown's
wallowod a pin n fow days slnco and
on last Saturday Dr. Donney removed
it; tho pin had become fastouod in tho
throat and could not bo removed with
out medical assistance.
On last Saturday night tho Odd Fel-
lows of this city eloctod the following
officers for tho ensuing year:
N O It P Iliitolilitnoti.
V. O -Olivor Downs.
Secretary-Win. I'arkes
I'onntitiotit Secretary G. v
Troasuier- F. ). liummoll.
Tni'.te s J. II. Smith, W. B Roby
and A C. Mourner.
One day last, week Capt L F
sell, one of the Mexican sol Her
and a
member of tho Ifith infantry, received
a shred of the old flag that led the
boys to victory many times iu 1817,
from his old commander, Geo W.
Morgan of Iowa Tho captain prizes
tho piece of bunting beyond every
thing its it brings to him very vividly
the scenes and trials of tho Mexican
war in which he participated until tho
fii.M Ckekk Uncle Joo Chambers
has moved into hi 4 new house
It. Thomas haa purchased anew wagon
'j. Andorson has a now granary
Mi sos Thomas, Hays and Con
rad are attending school iu Rod ' loud
Mr Williams and T. Chambers
! aro building now barns.
Walnut Creek Miss Lizzie Blank-
onbnkor has boon sick with fovor
Miss Bonn, who was touching school iu
district No. GO, has resigned, hor
mothor being sick Mr. and Mrs.
John Mitchell have lost their littlo
daughter F. Blaukonbakor's havo
friends a thoir homo from Iowa
Protracted meetings commoucod at ,
tho stoilo school houso.
New Zcnlnuil Svrnrmcd With Thera
Ileforv ltd Ovcuimtlon by Man.
for ages before Us occupation by
man Now Zealand swarmed with great
wingless birds, which found there no
carnivorous enemies, but an abundance
of vegetable food. The mutts not only
existed In vast numbers and for thou-
sanilf of years, but had such diversity
uf form as to embrace no less than sev
en genera containing twenty-live spe
cies, a remarkable fact which Is un
paralleled In any other part of tho
world. Tho commonest kinds In tho
North Island were only from two and
one-half to four feet high. Those of tho
South Island were mostly from four to
six feet tall, while tho giant forms,
reaching twelve and thirteen feet, were
always rare.
Immense tloposlts of moil bones havo
been found In localities to which they
appear to nave ueeii wasneu ironi ino
hills In tertiary times. Skeletons on
the surface of the ground, with skin
and ligaments still attached, have giv
en the impression that these birds havo
been exterminated in very recent years,
out otner facts point to a uiuerent con -
elusion. Tradition seems to show, ac
cording to F. M. Ilutton, that the moa
became extinct In the North island soon
after the arrival of Maoris In New Zea-land-that
Is, not less than 400 to COO
years ago, and In the South Island
about 100 years later.
The fresh appearing skin and liga
ments ure supposed to have been pre
served by unusually favorablo condi
Queer Belief of People of Ancient
Kirypt nennrillnar Pasa.
The Inhabitants of ancient Egypt are
believed to have been the first peoplo
to attempt to domesticate tho wild spe
c!c3 of fellnae now represented by tho
common house cat. This belief is based
upon the fact that sculptured repre
sentations of such animals arc found
Food to work on is food io live on.
A man works to live. He must live
to work.
He does both better on
Uneeda Biscuit
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than any
food made from flour. -
Uneeda Biscuit
upon their monuments of tho year
2000 H. O., more than 1,200 years bo
fore they appear on European monu
ments. An Egyptian tomb of tho yenr
l.'tOO B. 0. Is the tirst to show u sculp
tured representation of tho cat as a
domesticated animal, those of the
greater age llrst mentioned probably
representing the creature iu Its wild
state. In the relief sketch of the date
hist mentioned, J.'IOO B. ('., It Is unmis
takably a pet, being shown as seated
beneath a chair. Tho Egyptians of
that age mummllled dead cats Just as1
they did human beings 'and In many
Instances entombed hundreds of thou
sands of them In a single pyramid or
pit. Bulmstls was the Egyptian cat
goddess and was always represent"!1
as having a cat's head. Among tl. il
queer people puss was regarded sis n.i
emblem of the sun, its eyes being sup
posed to vary In color and In the size
of their pupils with the progress of
that luminary across the heavens.
Herodotus tells us that when an
Egyptian cat died a natural death Its
owner went Into mourning and shaved
oft his eyebrows.
Uorrlble Custom of Jnpnncae Prior
to Year 0-10 A. I).
Trior to tho year OMO A. D. the Japa
nese huU one of the most horrible burial
customs that cun be Imagined that of
burying all tho Immediate friends and
retainers of a prince or other person of
note in a standlnir nosltlon around tho
potentate's grave and leaving them In i
tho earth up to their necks to perish
of thirst and hunger.
Tho custom cannot be said to havo
been general as lato as the date given,
for tho Japanese records prove that lu
tho time of the Emperor Sulnln (07-30 ,
B. C.) the burial rites of royal person
ages wore no modified as to purtlally
abolish former cruelties. Speaking of
a young brother of Sulnln, who died
and had his retinue burled standing
around his grave, the old record says:
"For nmny days they died not, but
wept and cried aloud. At last thoy
died. DogA mid crows assembled and
ate oft their beads. The emperor's com
passion wns aroused, and ho desired to
change tho manner of burial. When
tho empress died, soon after, the mika
do inquired of his ollleers If something
In the way of a change could not bo
suggested, and one proposed to make
clay figures of men and bury them as
That this did not entirely do away
with tho former custom is pi'0-vod foy
nn edict Issued In the year 040 A. D
the date given llrst above, which forbid
the burial of living persons and provid
ed a penalty for further adherence to
tho awful rite. St. Louis Republic.
Are You Using Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot
Enso, a powder. It euros Corns, Bun-
, ionSj Painful, Smarting, not, Swollen
. foot At ,lU druggists and shoo stores,
Legal Notice.
ClmrlcH S. orris.
ClmrlosL. 8-tylornnd
K vim A. Hiihs
In the District Court
of Webster County.
OlinrlcH Ii. Snylor, dofendnnt. will tnkc notice
Hint on tho 23rd ly f November A. I). lWift.
tilalntlti' herein filed IiIn petition in tho District
Court of WVbtor Cnnntv. Nebraska, against
mini defendants, tho object and prnver of
which tiro to quiet the title to the South Half io'
the South Went Quarter of Section 13. Town
ship 2. HatiKO 10. West of tho Oth P. M. In Web
ster County. Nebraska, In plaintiff and to re
move a cloud from plaintiffs tltlo to said above
described land by reason of au asslKiimcnt of a
contract to wild lands. Issued by thu Mate of
Nebr-skii and assigned by dofendant Charles
U. Saylor, to defendant Evan A. Ross and ro
corded In the ofllre of the Commissioner of
Public Lands & Buildings of the Stnte or Ne
braska lu the namo of defendant Evan a. Robh.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 1st day or January. A. t). ltH'O.
Chahles S. Nonius.
By E. I1. Overman and llernard JlcNeny. his
Attorneys. dcolFi
lBw Till Very InU-rcstliisr (lame In
Push ball. Is played on n gridiron Held
or Hoor 120 yards long by fifty wide,
with goal posts at either end twenty
feet apart and connected by a cross
bar seven foot from the ground. The
mammoth ball, almost globular In
Bhape, should measure six feet iu di
ameter and weigh between forty-eight
and llfty pounds. It is usually inflated
with compressed air.
The ball Is placed In the middle of
the field, and the teams Hue up as fol-1
Ijw.-j: Five forwards on the forty yard (
lino, two left and two right wings on
the twenty yard line and two goal
keepers on the goal line, eleven men
each. At the sound of the referee's j
whistle both sides plunge at full speed
upon the ball, and then the fun begins.
If the ball Is caught fairly between
the two human battering rams there is
a rebound from Its elastic sides Unit
sends the players sprawling like ten
pins. It docs not take long, however, for
tho entire twenty-two men to get
around the sphere, put their shoulders
to tho wheel, so to speak, and push for
every ounce of energy in them. The
heavier, stronger team will, of course,
have the advantage, but some trick
plays have been invented which lend
variety to the game and redeem It
from being n featureless contest of
mere brawn and muscle. National
An EiirIUU Literary I'rcNcrlptlon to
lie TnUen During Hecovery.
For loading during convalescence tho
British Medical Journal prescribes lit
erature that cheers but does not In
ebriate, and warns persons recovering
from illness against writers "whose
ttyle, like that of George Meredith, puts
u constant strain on the understanding
of the reader, or, like that of Maurice
Hewlett, Irritates by Its artificial glit
ter, or like Unit of Mario Corel!!, an
noys by Its frothy Impertinence." Dick
ens should go well during convales
cence, except "Pickwick," at least In
surgical cases, because of the many
side splitting episodes which would
play havoc with the union of parts.
For tho same reason, In order that
healing granulations may not bo Inter
fered with, Murk Twain's works are
absolutely Interdicted.
"Smiles' 'Self Help Is quite innocu
ous," says the learned Journal, "but we
should be cautious in recommending It
In order that the patient may not there
by bo led to meditate over a misspent
career ami to nave suggested to nun
all the opportunities In life ho might
havo grasped, but did not. A despond
ency might thus be Induced which
would delay a restoration to health,
and which might even prove fatal.
Thackeray, except 'Vanity Fair,' which
Is a pessimistic book, should go very
well; 'Pendennls' and 'Barry Lyndon'
will certainly entertain."
nnrltnrouH Ciintom of Fierce Tribe
of Northern Huropc.
Tho barbarous custom of converting
the skulls of enemies Into drinking
cups was a common one In 'ancient
times among tho ilerce tribes of north
ern Europe and was not unknown to
tho people of the more civilized reglous
farther south. The Italian poet, Ma
rino, causes an assemblage of friends
to quaff their wine from the skull of
Minerva, and In his "Wonder of a
Kingdom" Torrent makes Dakker say:
Would I laid ten thousand aoldlero' hcodo,
Their bHuIIh sot all In silver, to drink
To his confusion who flrat Invented war.
Thomas Mlddleton, a dramatic writer
of tho early part of the seventeenth
century, Is believed to be tho origi
nator of the phrase, "A. soldier's drink
ing cup," as applied to a human skull.
I u "The Witch," one of his most cele
brated plays, the duke takes a bowl,
which he is told Is a human skull,
whereupon he exclaims:
Cnll It n soldier's cup.
Our duchess, I know, will pledge us,
though the cup
Vva onco her father s head, which ns a
Wo'll keep till death.
One of the delights of the Immortals,
as represented lu the old Scandinavian
sagas, Is that of drinking to drunken
ness from the skulls of vanquished
Let Vm Do Oar Duty.
Let us do our uuty lu our shop or our
kitchen, the market, the street, the of
fice, the school, the home, Just as faith
fully as If we stood In tho front rauk
of some great buttle and wo know that
victory for mankind depended on our
bravery, strength and skill. When wo
do that tho humblest of us will bo serv
ing In that great army which achieves
the welfare of tho world. Theodoro
"How Is your daughter getting along
In physical culture?" Inquired tho visi
tor of Mrs. Goldrox.
"Fine!" replied Mrs. Goldrox. "Slio's
got so she can rend an' write It now,
I and tho professor says bo's going to
glvo her Latin an' chiropody next
month. I think them foreign Ian
gwidges aro line, don't you?" Milwau
kee Sentinel.
Fourth Aveiwie
Jleat Itoket
Wholosalo and retail Fresh and
Cured Meats, and everything kept
in a first class ment market. Man
ufacturers of high grade Sausage
and Strictly Puro Lard. Highest
market prices paid for Live Stock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow.
To the
Out of 50 Insurnnoo Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gecman of Free
port pays ouo-third of tho taxes
and has ovor 500 policies in
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nobraska is tho largest Mutual
iu tho state, with ovor three
quarters of a million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
o. c.
Red Cloud.
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private
You want to HIT what you are aiming at
be it bird, beast or target. Make your
ihots count by shooting tho STEVENS.
For 41 years STEVENS ARMS have
carried off I'KKMl JiK HUNUKS lor AC
CURACY. Our line:
Rifles," Shotguns, Pistols
Ak your Unlet In. Scml 4U.Iu tumpi
tlttnntlie hTKVKSS. for uo-ai.o Catalog
If you tannnt obtain, of complete output. A
e hl tlrrct, x a!uib!elMioliofreier.
frtft frtf-iM, upon- nice for present anil
reielptofcataloKprUe proopedltc iliootem.
' Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will
be torwurueU tor io cents tn ktamps.
J, Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
P. O. Box 409S
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone tending a sketch nnd description may
Invention tsprobnbly patentnhlo. Comniunlca
tlnnaatrlctlrcontldontlalj UANflRnflK .in I'otnnla
ucorinui unr upiuuin irou wneiner an
sent froo. Oldest ngoncy for secunngpatentB.
l'atenta taken throuRh Munn A Co. receive
tpteial no((c, without chargo, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tersest cir
culation Jf any iclentlno Journal. Terms, f3 a.
yeart four months, U Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN ftCa."-n New York.
Branch OfBoe, OS Y BL, Washington, . O.
Notice of Tax Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned'
on tho Hlh day nf Mnrch. I0OI. purrhHseil of the
coiintv treasurer of Webster ooutitv. Nebraska
at prlvnto hhIo tho following tlettcrlbpd lot sold
for U'llnfiieiit tojtfB. for tho year 100S. and sit
tinted In lied cloud Lot tweiity-ono (81) In
block (31) of tho orlKlnril town now city of Red
Cloud. A cbhter comity. NcbraskB, taxed In the
nsmuof .John . Yelnor. Thi abovo named
person nnd all others who elslm an liiturct jn
the nbovH land will tnku notlco that tho tlrno of
, reuemriiion or nun ntnci irom Mild tux SMle wllh
1 exJ!lr. ,on ,he ,.Mn ,1,u of March, ir6. nftcr
! which I mnv atiiily for a lux deed for till of tho
above liuid Uihi Iti not rideemiil.
I Dated this 2Sth dnj of October. 1005
1 . C II. Pottxb.
-sWA-WjSjc.MWSICSIS ;;r -.- --.:
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