The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1905, Image 7

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    i wmmm mmmmwm mmm mm i m
Low Rate
to NKrani S
"""""" rniaMwltl,M
California One. Way
uuc-way second uinss Tlokots
$33 00
25 09
SO 00
From Uhir.nto
Fria ttsnsas My
From St. Louis
Double Berth in Sleptiiff Car
57 00
5 75
0 50
Tickets rood in Tourist. Sl In ru.., i..i!..
Sumo rules to Phoonix -niPrcscoM Arir TiY t UI'jW' . .
reat opportunities for farmers in Sun Joaquin Vulluy
California Round Trip
will?,? .Co7lt& .?"- tiok.t.
lialf ru- ,.., f ..i".7..7 .:.':., .". "V"1' V""Ml I'oiiils tor a mile moro limn
the Fortluncl Imposition. K.t .rn 1 mit h !)0 (lavs
and stop-over uranted in (nlnni.i.i m,.i w.t J '
mvw10Yonimhuml f?? Jro.ra C,,icaK,' St. Louis mul Missou
Klver. You cim purehage through ticket of your homo agent.
California, and Back-
your liomo agent
Direct routCS both wars or Portlnnd one- tcvir
On September 1, S, I!, 1, r, pj kj (; 07 og ut
$67 50 from Chicago, $63 50 froIn St LolH ail(156 from Missouri Uivr
California and Back-Direct Routes Both Ways
" "tfob8rc1!7' ,,S l? 2. -' At S62 50 from Chicago,
$57.50 from &t. Louis, und $50.00 from Missouri ilivur
Numerous other ratos for combination i-mu vi T),iinn,i ..
p ,, ., : !' '- " """i "'
uoiimra 011 request f any Kiuiwny Agent, or General pussonger Agunt A
. i.- iv;., MMimilT jjaujiiiK3, vmcugo, or TopoKu, Kun
draw Hamilton nnd E. K. McCall,
formerly Jnntlco of tbo New York stata
aupermo court, nmountlna to 9fiti,310
at tho request of President John A.
McCall of tho Now York Llfo com
pany anil that tho amount with Inter
est was paid to Andrew Hamilton by
tho New York Life company from tho
proceeds of n syndicate In United
Stntes Steel corporation stock.
President John A. McCall told the
committee that he had told the Cen
tral National bank and 12. K. McCall
that Hamilton was good for J.'O.OOn
and that they had then taken Hamil
ton'; notes. President McCall said
the New York Life Insurance company
owed Hamilton tbo JHColo and took
tho syndicate profits to pay him. The
result was that the pnvment did not
appear on the books of the company.
1 The r"ison was that he wanted to
keep Hamilton's expenses down.
Two Defendants Plead Guilty In Su
sanna Geary Case.
Boston, Nov. 28. Tho trial of Dr.
Percy McLeod, one of the persons in
dicted as accessory after the fact to
the performance of a criminal opera-
os and San Francisco, und "on u" sm.. "" "
. ... . T ll - .. U m. nrillA.I unit nnim i fil WDil k
not 10 xcoeu November UU, i,ul Ul "" """ "" - ".
was ueffun in 1110 superior cruiuuui
court. Bfort a Jury was chosen
Louis D. Crawford and William 15.
Howard, who wero arrested In New
York, wr arraigned In the same case
and pleaded guilty to similar charges.
Crawford and Howard wvro remanded
to Jail to await sentence, but Crawford
was subsequently brought back into
the court room and was the principal
witness of tho day against Dr. Mc-Leod.
Full par-
T .it
No Hope for Mrs. Rogers.
Washington, Nov. 28. The supremo
court or tho United States afllrmed
tho decision of the United States dis
trict court of Vermont In the case of
Mrs. Mary Mabel Rogers, who Is un-
novor boar a Culiforuiun speak of his country except in pt'aiso of it.
Literaturo and Tho Kurth, free for tho asking
1JJ7 Railway Exchange, CHICAGO:
Please send California information as per ad. in the Red Cloud Chief.
State .
CallOtT-BS ! ,s 0ilsior toto,, wliat California hasn't than what
m- ., . it lius. fop in tliat -reat empire i round nearly
oiorytbiUK that man needs. Tho San Joaquin Valley is 0110 of tin. largest in
tho United btatei wlucliis subject to irrigation, and tho people who are livinir
inero now are porreetly Happy and contented, and think that it is really tbo dor scntenco of death in Vermont for
Uu-.i,MMiiiu,iiiuiBiiim lliai III llsoir IS tile host roconillioiulllt oil Yon Iho mnnlnr nf lirr IiiirIihiiiI. Timor.
feet of tho decision will be to again
placo tho responsibility of dealing 1
with the case In tho hands of the stato '
authorities and If In the menntlmo I
e 1
neither tho governor nor the stato
courts take action in Mrs. Rogers' be
half, her execution must occur on tho
day pet, which Is Dec. 8 next. Tho
court held, In effect, that It was with
out jurisdiction In all the points
later a man's head with a full 1 urd
was picked up. It Is difficult to flv tho
exact number of those who porlshed,
but It la thouuht that it will not ox
ceed eighteen.
Jiuy Returns Verdict of Guilty on All
Six Counts In Indlctment3.
St. Lotiifc, Nov. 27. United States
Senator J. Ralph Hurtou of Kansas,
convicted In the federal circuit court
011 an indictment charging thai ho
agreed to receive and did receive com
pensation for practicing us an attor
ney for a corpoiutlon before the post
ofllco department, will be called buforo
Judge Vandevanter today to receive
sentence. The maximum penally for
the offoiiBe Is imprisonment for two
years and a line ol $ln,uuo on each of
the six counts on which Senator Hur
ton was found guilty.
Senator llnrton's attorneys stated
that they would Immediately nsk for
u new trial. It Is practically certain
that Judge Vamlcviinter will overrulo
the motion, and then 11 notice of ap
peal will be filed.
Neither Fiedorlck II. Lchmaun of.
St. IxntlB nor W. K. Hayncs or Chi-,
cago, counsel for Senator Hurton,
would state tho grounds upon which
tho appeal will bo based. There Is
little doubt, however, that It will bo
contended tho trial court erred In
' denying Mr. Lohmnnu's motion to dla-,
miss the entire Indictment on grounds
I of lack of Jurisdiction in regard to the
, counts charging that Senator Hurton
agreed to receive compensation for
acting as an attorney beforo tho post-'
ofllco department, and that It wsa not
shown in tho evidence adduced by tho
government that Senator Hurton ever
received cnni cumiIIoii for performing
any such services.
It Is also probable that tho bill ot
exceptions will contain reference to
tho cross-exanilnatlon of Senator Hur
ton upon certain matters which wero
not referred to In the examination m
Senator Hurton Is at tho Southern
hotel. Ho denied himself to visitors
and refused requests for either an In
tervlew or written statement. Thero
was a conference between tho senator
and his attorneys.
The Chief
ind the
one year for
rLiuaxs ON STAND
$40,000 DEAL.
In a watch chain that adds nothing
to the chain's looks or the quality of
its workmanship ? The outer sur
face of pure gold and all the details
of workmanship and finish are
identically the same in
Wat cm Cbains
and In the costly gold ones.
For Sale by
Newlteiise Bfsa8
Jewelers & Opticians,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, seo
ngont for tbo Farmers Uniou Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Nob., tbo host in
surance company inthe s4,)to.
CImtivi ml bcintiflM lli btlr.
l'roinotM 11 luxuriant crowth.
NTr JaiIo to Ilctoro Oray
Hair to lto youthful Color.
Cunt inlp iliwuvi A hair lilllug.
yicnJl,n0ttt Umrglrti
Of tho Kansas City Veter
inary College Ofllco at J2.
Johnston's, tho Uriel: Barn.
Tulophouo 82.
At UIno Hill HrHt Tuesday in each
Vice President Says His Profits in
Life Insurance Syndicate Went Into
Nylic Fund President McCall on
the Stand.
New York, Nov. 28. One of thu
moat Interesting features of the llfo
lnsuranco Investigation dovoloped
only a fow minutes beforo adjourn
ment of tho Armstrong committee,
when Theodoro F. Banta, cashlor ol
the Now York Llfo lnsuranco com
pany, testified that about tbo begin
ning of 1901 Edmund D. Randolph,
treasurer of tho company, oponed thu
vaults of tho company, removed New
York city stock valued at $700,000 and
put a check of tho Central National
bank for S700.000 In Its place. Mr.
Banta said ho helped to open tho
vaults at tho ordor of Mr. Randolph
and that ho supposed Mr. Randolph
acted for the finance committee. Tho
stock was kept out for a fow days and
was then returned nnd tho check with
drawn. Tho transaction was not re
corded on tho books of tho company
so far as Mr. Bnnta knew. Tho effect
of tho operation would be that any
0110 having that stock would haw
$700,000 worth of untaxable property
at tho end of tho year. Mr. Banta
did not know who received tho stock.
Mr. Randolph Is expected to bo ono
of tho witnesses today.
Georgo W. Perkins, vlco president
of tho Now York Llfo Insurance com
pany, and membor of tho firm of ..
P. Morgan &. Co., bankers, described
to tho committee the transactioa
which resulted In his receipt of $10,
1D3 from Kidder, Pcabody & Co. of
Boston as half tho profits of tho salo
of $2,000,000 worth of bonds of '.ho
Mexican Contral Railroad company.
Milton W. Mattlson, a bookkeeper of.
the New York Llfo company, had pre
viously tosttned that $930,000 of tho1
llfo lnsuranco company's monoy was
used in that transaction and that Mr. (
Perkins got the profit. Mr. Perkins 1
snld that he went Into the transaction
for tho Nylle fund, which Is owned by
tho agents of tho New York Llfo can-'
pnuy, and that ho Invested the profits
for that fund. Tho life lnsuranco
company, ho said, profited to tho ex-,
tout ot 5 per cent in tho loan of $930,-'
000. He stated that tho company had
110 right to the $10,193 profits.
Mr. Perkins said also that J. P. Mor
gan & Co. had taken up notes of An-
McCurdy Has Not Resigned.
New York, Nov. 28. Dr. Walter
Glllett denied the reports thnt Richard
A. McCurdy had resigned tho presi
dency of tho Mutual Llfo and that
Robert II. McCurdy had retired from
the general managership of the com
pany. Dr. Glllett said, however, that
Louis A. Thcbaud, son-in-law of Presi
dent McCurdy, had relinquished tho
position of the company's general
accnt for New York.
Assistant Treasurer Is Out.
Washington, Nov. 28. President
Itoosevelt removed from office Will
lam S. Lieb, assistant United States ,
4 .o..a.. f TJli llnflnlTifi la fr.t 'r '
lnnt Rnd persistent violation of tho
p t v 1 1 service law while In office."
Lynched in Negro Church.
New Orleans, Nov. 27. Monsie Will
iams was lynched at Tanglpohoa, La.,
for connection with the attempted as
sault upon Mrs. George, an aged whlto '
fanner's wife, a week ago. Ho Is
said to have confessed having kept
watch for the principal in the affair
under compulsion. A deputy Bherlq
was taking him In a buggy to confront
a witness nnd a crowd took him away,
drovo him to a negro church In tho
woods and hanged him.
Red Cloud, Neb.
S'l. LOUIS nnd
nil points ami mul
Three Accidentally Shot,
rawnee, O. T., Nov. 27. Charles
Lee and his cousin, Miss Lillian
Reeves, wero accidentally shot here
by tho dlschargo of a shotgun whllo
preparing to go hunting. Each Is In
a dangerous condition. John Bowlck
was accidentally shot hero by ono of
a party of hunters. Ills condition Is
a A 1.1 LA UK cr
and all points
Will Rebuild Rock Island.
Chicago, Nov. 27. The management
of the Rock Islnnd railroad haB do
elded to practically rebuild tho entlro
I system, with a view to securing mini
I mum grades on every division. John
Thirty Others Injured In Smaahup al
Lincoln, Mass.
Lincoln, Mass., Nov. 27. Th most u. Berry, chief engineer of the road,
diiaatrouB wreck in thlB etate fol has been entrusted with tho work.
many yearn occurred at Baker J
Bridge station, near here, on the main
llin Vi VyrtVVii. JIuIbIam j-i rfiil
ti, - j m 1 11 1 I t-, ' Ing himself nnd his mother from an
Boston and Maine railroad. Tho Bos- "'f , , ,. .,, i,. ,.,, t,..
. . , , , , . ,. nttnek by hlB stepfather, 1-red Rogers,
ton-Montreal nxnrfn trn.Rhn1 Into thfl "llm n " "'" ' ' . '
rear of a local train. Eighteen person 1'
wero killed outright, burned to death
Kills His Stepfather.
St. Louis, Nov. 27. Whllo defend-
of suffocated and thirty were serious- j
ly injured.
Tho wre?k wnB primarily duo to
thick weather, which apparently ob
scured slgnnlo set by the forward
train, which, at tho time of the disas
ter, was standing In front or tho sta
tion. Thu Montreal train, drawn by
two locomotives, npd consisting alsu
of nlno cars, crashed into the rear ot
tho Mnrlboro branch local, demolish
ing the rear cars. All tho killed and
sertoiiBly injured wero in these. j
The passengers lived in Concord.
West Acton, Maynard, West Hudson,
Marlboro and several smaller towns In
tho Assabet valloy. Nono of the pae-,
BongerB on the Montreal train wore,
seriously hurt, but the englneor and
fireman of the leading locomotive were
killed. The wreckage caught fire und
some of tho passengers wore Inciner
ated. Few persons live near Baker's
Bridge station and no tiro department
was avallablo, so tho flumes r ictlcal
ly burned themselves out. The unin
jured and a number of train hands as
sisted by vlllagors went to tho aid of
tho Injured, and many persons wero J
A partial list of tho dead Is as fol
lows: Englneor Eugeno Barnard and
Fireman Lyons of tho Montreal train;
Anna' IHUbrldgo, Acton; Wllllnm J.
Barris, Maynard; three-year-old child
of Mr. Barris; Daniel Wcathorbco, Ac
ton; May Campbell, Maynard. I
Thoro wore thirteen corpses taken
from tho wreck, and throo died soon
after being removed. Three of tho bod
ies woro headless. Two skulls worn
found at 2 a. m. and twenty minute:!
seventeen years old, fired a bullet Into
Ids stepfather's heart, causing instant
TUAINH I.KAVB Aft fdl.l.Oltl! .
No, 18. 1'nMi'imor dull) for Otiprlln
ml 8t. Kriiiuili briuirlii.Ox
ford, MnCook. DuiiTurnnd nil
pollllH WCHl 70S H.BI.
No, 14. i'lMfruiigt-r ilully fur yt. Joo,
KaiiHKM City, Atclilhon, HI,
I.oul. Lincoln vlu Wymote
hihI nil polnto 1'iiht hii'I Bonth 2MQ n.m
No 15. I'liMuiiKcr. tliilly. Uonvor, nil
point In Colorado. UUh and
California . 8:03 p.m.
No. 18. 1'BMciiKer. dally for St. Joe.
Kbiikbd City, Atchlnon, St.
I.oiiIh and All point cam aivd
outh lfJ:3fi.m.
lo. 174. Accommodation. Monday,
WcdnuMUj and Krlday.llaHt
ItiRi, Grand It-land, black
IU1U and all poliim In the
northweat..... 1 :flo n.m.
HleopliiK. Ulnlnic, and reclining olialr nan,
iicnttt free) on throiiKli trains. Tlukota aold and
DOKftaxo checked to any polut In the United
jtittea or Canada.
Kor Information, time tablet, mapi or ticket!
oall on or addret A. ('onoror, Aprent, lied
Oloud, Nohr. or L. W. Wakeley. (J antral 1'm-
ungei Agent Omaha. Nobraik
A Simple Curo.
It Is said that John Wesley was once
walking with a brother, who related
to him his troubles, saying he did not
know what he should do. They wero
at that moment passing a stone wall
to a meadow, over which u cow was
"Do you know," asked Wesley, "why
thnt cow looks over that wall?"
"No," replied the one In trouble.
"I will tell you," said Wesley. "Bo
cause she cannot (look through It. And
that Is whnt you must do with your
troubles look over and above them."
The .Mnii fr'or !n Job.
"But," nskod the proprietor of the
Skychyo apart meats, "do you think
this man is suited for the position of
"Oh, splendidly," replied the man
ager, "lie has been at various times
an Icemnn, a coalman and a policeman.
Oh, he's Just as Independent nnd sassy
as he can be." Philadelphia Press.
A CurloNlty.
"Talking about scientific curiosities,
I have discovered one thing about an
engine which Is a Hat contradiction."
"What Is that?"
"That it Is hottest when It's coaled."
Baltimore American.
A chauffeur recently fined at Ken
Blngton, England, snid he had agreed
with his employer that he (the chauf
feur) should pay all fines. Tho prac
tice, he added, was almost universal Id
motoring circles.
Toledo Blade
The Chief
$1.25 PER. YEAR.
Tho Toledo Blade is tho best known
newspaper in thu United States. Cir
dilution 171,000. Popular iu every
Tlio Toledo Blade is now installed in
its new building, with a modern plant
nnd equipment, and facilities equal to
any publication botweon Now York
and Chicago. It is tho only weekly
nowspapiir edited oxpiossly for every
state and territory. The News of tho
World so arranged that busy people
can more easily comprehend than by
reading cumbersome columns of the
dailies. All cunent topics niadu plain
in each issue by special editorial mat
ter written fioin inception down to
date. Tho only paper published espec
ially for people who do or do not road
daily newspapers, and yet thirst for
plain facts. Thai this kind of a news
pit pot is popular is proven by the fact
that tlio Weekly libido now has over
170,000 yearly Mibhcriliots, and is cir
culated in nil parts of tho U.S. In ad
dition to the news, the Blade, publi&heB
short and heriai stories and many do
purl incuts of mutter suited to every
ininhiit''if tlio family. One dollar a
jnr. Write for Irtm Hpnciinon copy.
Address THE BLADE,
Toledo, Ohio.