The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1905, Image 5

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Mere We Ate to Stay!
Red Cloud Easiness College
Mrc. John W.ilto is on thti sii'k list.
Miss Mny Peterson ih h-iuto from
P.titiing, Not.
Mrs. t'oulirni o was down from Inn
vnln Siruitluv.
Win. Vuril)kf is homo fi-om h's
vi.'it at Lebanon.
Mrs. George Scurf was down from
Hivortnu Tuesday.
Joe Fogol soils the 5A horse blankets,
best on tho market.
D. V. Turnuro rotui nod from dies
tor Saturday night.
John Greonhalgh was down from
Cowles Wednesday.
Everything in the harness and sad
dlery lino nt Fogol's.
Miss Cora Tulloys camo down from
Naponee Wednosday.
Faoo massitgo and ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Sheriff Mr-Arthur is visiting at his
old homo in Michigan.
Mr. and Mis. Chas. Glick were down
from Uiverton Sunday.
Take your poultry nnd hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Claud Henderson camo up from Su
perior Thursday evening.
Mrs. Ross Fylo nnd sou of Prestop
nro here visiting relatives.
Ed Walters wont to Lincoln Wednes
day to soo the football camo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bcnso ato home
from their visit in Tecumseh.
Miss Myrl Gittings is visiting at her
homo in Superior this week.
Nobtnska University defoated Illinois
University yesterday, 21 to G.
Miss Iono Albright came homo from
Omaha to spend Thauksgiving.
Chas. Whittaker went to St. Joo
Thursday with a load of cattle.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deis
ley, last Saturday, a baby girl.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Robort Mc
Biide, last Sunday, a baby girl.
Don't fail to hear thn Diamond quar
tet with the Mason & Imson Co.
Mrc. Milligan and daughter Gortrudo
spent Thanksgiving in McCook.
Reserved scats on sale at usual placo
for tho Mason & Imson Company.
Miss May bell Waller loturnod Mon
day from a trip to the Pacific coast.
F. Newhouse carries a complete lino
of lo.uly-made garment for babies.
Mr. and Mrs I. O. Walkor of Inavale
are tho proud parents of a baby girl.
, A good proposition for rontsrs. Seo
Red Clouu Investment Co. Saturday.
George L. VaiiCnmp has opened a
pool and billiard hall at Kenesuw, Nob.
MissJennio Cotting came homo from
Lincoln to attend her sirter's wedding.
Wilford Whipkeyof Denver arrived
Sunday for a vis-it with relatives here.
A gooil proposition for ranters. See
Bed Chai Orjera House
Morvday, December 4
in a repertory of standard Society and Comedy
Dramas, with up-to-date Specialties between
acts. Features THE CHILD WONDER,
years of age.
when accompanied by
Damorcll Block.
lied Cloud Investment Co , SuumImx.
Miss Sarah Perry Mt for her new
home in Thomas count), Kansas, Mon
Not a rich corporation but just
plain J O Caldwell, for hard and soft
There was quite an exodus of young
men from Red Cloud the first of tho
Plumb tho feed man will pay you the
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Walt Sanderson and Elwood Shop
pard left Sunday for a trip through
Charley Millgan, Jr., and Frank
Horigstod wont to Denver Wednesday
Mrs. N. S. Rants went to Bladon
Wcdnosdny to spend Th-iuksgiying
with friends.
Tho sudden cold snap Tuesday night
froze up a largo number of water pipes
around town.
Mrs. 1). M. Abel auJ son Frank wont
to Hebron Wednesday to spend
If you want to buy, sell or trade
your real estate, soo Tho Rod Cloud
Investment Co.
"Dust, ".Burden and Vorn Dickenson
aro trying tbo mountain air of Colorado
for their health.
Mrs Omar Doling and littlo daugh
ter have returned from their visit witli
relatives at McCook.
A now baby boy has arrived nt tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Harvey,
living north of Inavale.
"Seph" Rosonorans left Sunday for
his homo in Illinois, after a three
weeks' visit in Red Cloud.
Tho Mason & Imson Co. all noxt
week at the R-'d Cloud opera house.
Prict s IB, 25 and 85 conts.
Chriss Zeiss this weok purchased tho
Fr (1 Peterson property in tho south
ward paying'MOO for same.
Charles Crabill wont to L'ucoln
Wednesday morning to spend Thanks
giving with his brother Earl.
When you get a hair cut, shavo and
bath nt Manspeakor's barber shop you
will feel like a now man. Try it.
Mrs. S. I. Dewitt and littlo daughter
departed Tuesday noon for a visit with
tolatives at Hastings and Phillips.
Jack Clark of Hastings was in Rod
C oud this weok on his way to Rivt r
ton to ace his mother, who is sick.
Lucius Frisbio camo down from Lin
coin to attend tho Cotting-Mitchell
wedding and spend Thanksgiving.
Tho Mason & Imson Co., come to
Red Cloud well recommended. Don t
fail to soo them. Weok of December 4.
Don't rent buy a farm. Writo for
list. I have 02 farms for salo. I). W
Chant, Not ton county, Kan. Doc 14
one 3
c reserved seat
5A noiif ma.ikeis tti F.igt'i'p.
Go to Fred Plumb' for Hour or feed.
Dr E. A. Thoiiian, dontiht, Daineroll
Mis II Kggleston of Campboll wns
successfully operated on at Cook and
Townsend's hospital, tho close of lio-t
Mrs. J. p. Snvder and son Horry of
Arapuh 10 were visiting m, the honi of
Mr. and Mih. F. E. Reynolds Thankf
giving. Mix. Simmons, who has lnen visit
ing her sister. Mis. J. (). Hut lor, to
tuniMl to her homo in Hastings Wed
nesday. Hear Maslor Robert St Clair, tho
child wonder, live years of age. in tho
"Holy City," with thoj Mason & Ini.
son Co
A number of Red Cloud younsj poo
plo wont out to Miss Pope's ncIiooI,
south of tho river, last night to attend
a social.
If 011 want a loan on roal ostato for
3, B, or 10 yenrs timo, with optional
payments seo tho Red Cloud Invest
ment Co.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sollars aro tho
proud parents of a protty littlo daugh
ter which arrived at their homo Friday
Mrs. Bert Hatlield nnd daughter
Vera of Jamestown, Kansas, aro in
tho city visiting with C. S. Ludlow
and family.
Dr Robert Mitchell of Chicago wns
in Red Cloud this woek attending tho
wedding of his brother, James Mitchell
to Miss Florence Cotting.
On Monday night, December 4, the
Mason & Imson Co., will presont the
beautiful drama, "Wifo for Wife."
Pi ices IB, 25 and 83 conts
There will bo something doing all
tho time with tho Mason & Imson Co
A continuous show. No long waits.
Prices IB, 25 and 35 conts.
S. Beckwith returned from Lincoln,
whore Mrs. Beckwith is taking treat
ment in a sanitarium. Ho reports his
wifo much improved in health.
Mrb. W. A. Ronchman nnd son Mar
shall of Dotivor, aro in Red Cloud vis
iting with friends. Thoy will return
to their homo Sunday evening.
Wo will give away two handsome
dolls December 23. Ono chance on
these dolls given with every purchase
amounting to BO cents. P. Nowhouso.
Don't forget tho Gillilnn lecturo at
the M. E. church Wodnosday night.
Mr. Gillilan is ono of the most humor
ous lecturers on tho American plat
Mrs. Charley Lindloy was down from
Riverton Sunday visiting her husband.
In tho evening she returned homo ac
companied by her nieco, Miss Laura
Mr. and Mrs. F. v. C nvdon and Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. bherwood wont to Lin
coln Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving
and lake in tho Nebraska-Illinois foot
ball game.
Ladii h froo on opening night when
accompanied by ono paid 35 cont re
served seat ticket, by Mason & Juihoii
Co. At opera houso. Prices IB, 125
and SB cents. .
Louis Sodorburg has sold his hotel
at Bluo Hill and moved back to Red
Cloud, wbero ho will spend tho wintor.
uis two sons aro in Lincoln, in tho em
ploy of the Burlington.
John R. McCarl, private secretary to
C 'tixros man Norri, wnsj married
Sunday to Miss Eiliul B.irnett, at Mc-
Cook. Mr. McCarl is tho brothor of
T E McCarl of this city.
Wcbntor County Farmers Instituto
will bo hold at Cowles on December
22nd and 23rd, 11)05. Noted speakers
will bo proHont and a program will be
announced later. Watch for it.
Drs. Woirick & Riddilo of Hastings
will moot oo, ear, nose and throat
patients and those needing glasses lit
ted in Dr. Creighton's ollico in Red
Cloud, Wednesday, DocomborO.
Wo wish to urge upon our correspon
dents that thoy writo ofionor. Wo ap
preciate tho fact that this is a busy
timo of year on tho farm, but wo want
tho news from your neighborhood.
If you aro trouble 1 with indigestion,
constipation, sour stomach or any
other pain, Hollister's Rocky Mountain
tea will mako nnd koep you J well. 85
cents tea or tablets, C. L. Cotting.
G. W. Potter, who has beonjassoclat
od with J. P. Halo in tho real estate
bU9iuoss horo for somo timo, has pur
chased a livery stable at Campboll,
Nob., and absumod control of it Mon
day. Extra ongagmontl Mason & Imson
Co., week of December 4, 1005,
Ladies froo on oponiug-night when ac
companied by ono paid 35 cent reserv
ed seat ticket. Prices 15, 25 and 35
How arc you fixed tor Thanksgiving?
Anything you want in your wardrobe?
Hest day in the year to spruce up.
Are you in order for the Ball Game and the
This is the place for you, if there is any
thing needed that will add to your per
sonal appearance.
Handsome Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Cor
rect Hats, Shoes, smart and exclusive
Neckwear of all sorts.
Everything we sell marked at reasonable
and pleasing prices.
Dressed in one of our Nobby Suits you will
do credit to any Thanksgiving Dinner.
? Cowden-Haley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Postotflco, - Rod Cloud, Nob.
Mr. Moilmrt, manager of; tho Red
Cloud opera house, will present tho
Mason & Imson Co., in n reportory of
society anil comedy-dramas for ono
week, commonoiug December 4, 1005.
Prices 15, 2." aim 85 cents.
Many children inherit constitutions
weak and fueblo, others duo to child
hood troubles. Uollister's Rocky
Mountain Ton will positively euro chil
dren and make them strong. 35 conts,
tea or tnolot. C. L. Cotting.
Pains may go by tho namo of rheu
matism, neuralgia, lumbago and
plourisy. No matter what namo tho
pains aro called, Hollistor's Rocky
Mountain toa will drive; them away.
35 cents tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
The dinner given bv tho Guide Rock
Rohokahs yesterday was a big success.
About $300 was roalizod from the din
ner, and fully n third as much from
the supper. The proceeds will be used
for buying a now carpotl and other in
terior decorations for the handsome
now Odd Fellows hall nt Guide Rook.
Several young people from this coun
ty are expecting to attend the Grand
Island Business it Normal College at
Grand Island, Neb., this winter and wo
understand it Ih ono of the best equipp
ed business schools in the United States,
All graduates who desire it aro placed
in good positions and if students prefer,
they are allowed to pay for their school
ing after they graduate and have posi
tions. Tho literature sent out by this
college is the kind that nrtknsan editor
wish he was young again so ho might
attend tlio school.
Last Tuesday ovoning, at tho homo
of Mr and Mrs. Charles L. Cotting, in
this oily, occurred tho marringo of
tlioir daughter Floronco to Mr. James
Mitchell of GlonwQod, In. Rev. O. II.
Rico, pastor of tho Congregational
church, was tho ofilciatiug clergyman.
Dr. Robort Mitchell of Chicago, bro
thor of tho groom, acted us best man,
and Miss Jonnlo Cotting.Jsistor of tho
bride, was bridesmaid. Both of tho
youug pooplo aro well known in Rod
Cloud, where they Jiavo lived tho
greater part of thoir livos. Thoy will
mako their homo at Glonwood, where
Mr. Mitchell is ongngod in tho jowolry
Hoover Matthews.
Miss Helen Hoover ofjNomalm City,
n nieco of Mrs. T. C. Hacker, and who
is well known horo, was married Wed
nesday ovoning, in Lincoln, to Dr.
Austin Matthews of Omaha.
November 27 John G. Froy of
Guide Rook nnd Sophia L. Bluttuor of
Esbon, Knusos.
November 28 Goorgo Wittwor and
Edna May Molutyro, 0bothJof Red
BBMIn&tQH Bulletin,
Special homoseokors' rates; greatly
veducod round trip ratos to tho North
Plutto Valley and tho Big Horn Basin.
Novembor 21, December 5 and 11).
This is an unusually good chanco for
you to look at lands in thoso now re
gions, which offer a big profit to those
who secure thorn early.
Homo visitors' excursion: visit tha
old homo when you hnvo oloarod up
tho season's work. Choap oxourslon
rales to various sections of tho eust.
Tho only oxcursion, November 27,
limit twenty-one days.
Wintor minsliiiio in tho mountains:
daily low oxourslon ratos to Colo-
To tho sunny south: wintor tourist
rates daily until April 80. Roturu
limit Juno 1, 1000.
Choap homosookors' rates to tha
west, southwest and south tho first
ami third Tuesdays of ovory month.
Writo mo just what trip you havo in
mind and lot mo adviso you tho loat
cost and tho host way to mako it.
J. T. Emvauuh, agont.
Rent Estate Transfers.
Transfers for woolc ending Wednes
day, Nov. 29, furnished by J. II. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company.
C II Potter nnd wifo to J M Em
erson not 13-1 12 qod $ 1
Frank A Dickorson and wifo to
Win II Barous o2 ue-1 G-l-9 wd 300
Win II Barous and wifo to Frank
A Dickorson lots li, Id and 10
Robort add to Guide Rock wd 150
Chiis Sponco and wifo to Fred
Piol lots 12 and 13 block 4
Spencouddto Bladon (icd.... 1W
F G Dickorson and wifo to Mar
tha A Dickenson sol sol 5-1-9
qcd :jo
G R McCrary and J P Halo to
M M Bainbrldgo nwl and o2
swl 10-2 12 wd fiSCt
Win Mouia and witoto Jacob
Monia part sol nwl 2 2-9 wd.. S
Louisa Haney to James T Do
witt swl 20-1-11 wd 2000
John Ilun.ikor and wifo to Caro
line Biirkneoht sol 10-1-9 wd.. 4757
Total 81781
Mortgngos fllo 1 81150
Mortgagos roloasod fclOJO
Franklin 29, Red Cloud 0-
For tho second timo this soason tho
Rod Cloud football team mot defeat
when it wont against tho Franklin
team on Thanksgiving day, at Guide
Rock. The Franklin tenm nvornged
much hoavior than tho Red Cloud
olovon, and mado Its gains by bucking
tho center. Thoy throw their woight
against Rod Cloud's lino and (by woight
nnd strongth alouo pushod tho Red
Cloud boys back I for four and five
yard gains on every down. Tho final
scoro was 20 to 0 in favorjof Franklin.
An effort Is being mado to arrange a
game for Christmas day between the
Bluo Hill and Frankllnl'tcnms, to be
played in Red Cloud. Tho teams ar
evenly matched in woight,
Hay and feed at Plumb's.