The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1905, Image 4

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Ask Your
If he tells you to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for your
severe couch or bronchial
trouble, then take it. If he has
anything better, then take that.
But we know what he will say;
for doctors have used this
cough medicine over 60 years.
"I liavn mipiI Aynr't Cherry Pectoral for
htrtl rolcl, t)ii(l cotitilm, mill Influents. It lit
done mo Krrat rooiI. and I believe It li the
belt rough medicine In the world for all
throat and lung troublci."- ELI C. STUART,
Albany, Oregon.
Made by J. O. Ajrer Co., Lowell, Maa.
Alio raanuntoiurara 01
Keop tho bowels opon with one of
Ayor's Hills at bodtlme, Juat one.
:aa 33933399 :?:k:miv:2':;
School Notes t
New Rule AdiDted.
At tho lust mooting, tho school
botml decided to discontinue giving
certificates to students wlio do not
tuko tho regular courso. Tho board
folt that this practlco encouraged stu
dents to hcoomo irregular 11 condi
tion thtit they wish to strongly op
Thuro is no doubt but tlmt tlio con
dition of tho high school urgontly do
iniinds un oloutivo courso that is an
English history courso tlmt could bo
chosen by tho pupil instead of tho
Latin course.
At pro.sont, tho thing which tho stu
dents who can't master Latin (and
thoso aro very fow) should do, is to
tako such mibjouts as his parents do
slro him to pursue. When ho has
completed those, ho should drop out
without any thought of graduation
Parents and pupils think altogether
too much of graduation. A diploma
is of minor importance. The thing de
sired is tho training oiforod by tho var
ious subjects, not a diploma. The
pupil who liuds lie can't master Latin
deserves much credit if he porso
vors iu his work and tako the other
subjects iu tho curriculum, dismissing
all thoughts of diplomas or coitiiicate.
If ho desires to go to an advanced
.school or college, his credits are all ho
Very fow pupils, howovor, are unable
to learn Latin. One should not
avoid this, or any other subject, sim
ply bocause it is 'hard for him "
Wasy subjects aro by no means tho
most valuablo ones.
As to u hot her or not Latin offers
valuable training is not an open quos
tiou even though pupils ottou argue
tho question Every high school iu
tho state, of good standing, oiror.s a
Latin course. Tills condition answers
the question as to the valuo of tho
.study of this subject. However, tho
two loasons given by tho pupils for
wishing to avoid Latin, iu ninety-nine
cases out of a bundled- "It U too
hard," l,lt will do m no good."
Tho llrst of those ro.iMHis is valid
only when the pupil fails after ho has
devoted two bonis of hard study, each
day to this subject. Then if his
teacher says he can't master Latin, he
should bo allowed to drop tho subject
and become irregular. This places
tho situation iu tho hands of tho par
ents and tO'tchors the parents fusee
that tho pupil spends two hours each
night on Latin, and tho teachers to
decide if he shows ability to grasp it.
All pupils, of course, need not donate
Fifty Years fha Standard
ICraim of Tartar Powdir
Midi From Orapos
No Mum
this tlnio to Latin, but it should not
bo droppod if it can bo mastered by
this effort It is worth the prico.
Another reason that causod tho
board to rofrain from granting certifi
cates was tho fact pupils had begun to
avoid mathematics, on tho ground that
t iey should recelvo cortUlcates for tho
reason tho non-Latlu pupils received
thorn. This condition threatened to
mako tho whole high school courso
elective But, manifestly, an elective
courso is nonsenso unless substitution
of subjects is possible This, though,
with but three toachors in tho high
school and no room for an additional
ono is impossible at present. Moro
room is always tho cry. ith a now
building iu tho north part of tho
south ward, groat improvement could
bo made iu both tho hluh school and
tho guides. Without this, progress is
sadly hampered.
Como up and visit tho school
ovorybody. Don't dopoud entirely on
what John and Mary can toll you
about conditions. Como and sco for
yoursolf. Tho toachors will gladly toll
you their plans and noods.
Tho buildings wo havo aro in as good
condition, as ciroumstiincos justify
Tho board, during tho summer,) has
dono much to mako tho rooms neat
and attractive.
Tho grado teachers in tho lower
grades, aro laying especial emphasis
on reading and writing. Tho teaching
of reading is an art iu itself. Visit tho
primary rooms and seo how much
modorn methods of toachiug reading
surpass tho old "a-b-o" method by
which you wero taught. Writing by
muscular movement is tho aim iu all
grades. Consequently, copy books aro
of minor importance Practice paper
is tho means to tho oud.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Red Cloud, Neb . Nov. 23. 1905.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Members all present.
Tho following resolution, introduced
by Commissioner Anderson, wns
'Moved, that tho sheriff bo and is
Instructed to mako all necessary ar
rangements and move tho oillco of tho
county judge to tho room used as tho
sheriffs oillco and tho west room of
tho superintendent's oillco, in tho
court house, on or before January 1.
Tho olllcial bond of I. W. Edson as
county judgo wns approved.
On tho petition of Thomas J. Ward
ot al tho board appointed tho follow
ing committee: Fogol, Richard, An
derson, Gorlach and Sawyor.
On motion tho troasuror was in
structed to transfer 3100 from tho old
road fund to tho general fund.
Adjourned to moot Novombor 21 at
8::U)n m.
Novombt r 24.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Members all present.
Commissioners Gorlach, Andorson
and Hichaid wero appointed a commit
too to appraiso o swj-f 27-2-10 for
purposo of salo
Adjourned to moot Novombor 23 at
8:30 a. in
November 25.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Mombors all present
On tho road petition of John Sou
chok et al, tho chairman appointed the
following committee: Anderson, Gor
lach and Sawyer.
On motion tho following claims
woro allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the rospeotivo turn s:
ui:ni:k.u tonus.
Dr C Wegtnun, attending poor.8
John Grlfiuth, supplies
ltohiusou & Hurden, supplies...
Art Harcus, constable fees
A M Walters, county attorney..
G 00
7 70
3 CO
1 03
10 00
Dr C Wegman, attending poor.. 37
M Durdln, constable fees -17
LE Talt, printing 116 30
R F Raines, insano caso 8 10
E U Overmau, attorney Insane
caso 3 00
John Zimmcrmann. witness in
sano caso 2 00
Ella Zimmormaun, wituoss in
sano caso 2 00
Chief Pub. Co, print iug 133 30
C L Cotting, poor farm supplios 5 30
II G Sawyor, grading 75 47
J B Carr, labor 12 00
Canvassing board 30 00
Miss Markor, oillco expenses.... 2G 50
Miss Markor, oillco oxpousos.... 25 80
M Durdin, coustablo foo9 GOO
S W Foo, attending court 2 00
W S Ashby, printing 12 00
Nation Printing Co., oillco sup.
plios 3G 00
Witnoss foos McCormol caso.... 10 00
Chief Pub. Co, printing 31 23
J A Mc Arthur, shoriir foos 223 45
Bernard MoNony, attorney foos GO 00
J J Ryan, cutting woods 4. 00
J O Caldwell, coal 150 90
Robert Damoroll, rent 80 00
G W Hutchinson, fees 40 85
Nation Pub. Co, printing. .:.... 5 00
P C Buschow, justico of poaco.. 4 3f
G W Uutchinson, feos GO HO
Samo 0 15
Same 53 40
F W Studobakor, sidowalk 231 75
W R Andorson, com'r sorvlcos.. 41 75
J R Mercer, legal sorvicos 10 00
John Foster, janitor 21 00
W Richard, com'r sorvicos 44 60
II (J Sawyor, com'r sorvicos 15 70
F II Gorlach, com'r services.... GO 70
Joo Fogol, com'r sorvicos 48 08
A II Keonoy, county judgo, foos 9 75
F W Studobakor, hauling 0 75
Will Sullivan, lumber 57 45
R R West, building bridges 23 20
John S Mottor, bridgo work.... 1G 72
F A Coulson, bridge work 57 00
W B Shirley, bridgo work G3 00
E H Cox, bridgo work 15 00
Honry Mottor, bridgo work 0 00
Dwight Jones, hardwaro 18 24
Frod Polz, hardwaro 18 25
Wm McCord, bridgo work 31 00
J B Watson, bridgo work 15 50
Henry Aronds, hardwaro 21 55
Honry Gruiss, bridgo work 13 50
F Lampman, bridgo work 22 00
J B Carr, bridgo work 1 50
J M Kincald, bridgo work 20 75
W E Bukor, bridgo work 45 50
Aug Lampman, bridgo work. . . . 7 50
John Lain, bridgo work 12 00
Henry Clausou, bridgo work.... G5 00
E J Evorton, bridgo work 17 50
Alva VanDyko, bridgo work 35 75
Elmer Wilson, bridgo work 8 00
Frank Clauson, bridgo work.... 20 25
Wm Busking, bridgo work 21 00
W A Bunnell, bridgo work 14 00
Goo Clauson. bridgo work 05 00
Henry Arends, hardwaro 3 10
Boyd Muusoll, bri'lgo work 11 00
Wm Kent, bridgo work 4 25
Jos Schrador, bridgo work 7 50
Adumsou & Mills, hardware.... 3 55
John Turner, road work 1 50
II A Johnson, road work GO 00
Honry Dorra, road work 15 00
W E Bukor, road work 12 00
II G Sawyor. road work 81 00
Jamos Dalton, road work G8 20
F Houchin, road work 12 50
Sherman Shipman, road work.. 30 80
Julius Wobermann, road work.. 50
II Gruiss, road work 27 25
M Doyle, road work 13 00
Frod Lampman, road work.... 2G 00
A Whitmoro, road work 30 00
W Bunnell, road work 2G 00
A Roats, road work 2 50
S Saunders, road work G 00
W G Shannon, road work 2 50
O W Emick, road work 28 00
O W Emick, road work 18 00
.Too Schrador, road work 20 75
II F Bartols, road work., 38 00
Boyd Munsoll, road work 07 00
Diclrlck's Business College Will Open
for the Reception of Students
on January 2.
Mr. Paul S. Dietrick, an experienced
conductor of business college work,
has located iu Rod Cloud and on Tues
day, January 2. will opon a business
collego in tho Damoroll block Ho
has leased tho largo hall used by tho
Methodists last winter, as well as sev
eral of tho adjoining rooms, which will
givo ample room for tho beginning of
tho school. Quito a number of stu
dents havo already enrolled, and moro
aro promliod Tho tuition for tho
twenty wooki' courso is vory reason
nblo and the school should recelvo tho
patronage of all our homo pooplo who
desire to acquire a business education.
Thero aro enough young men and
women in Red Cloud aud vioiulty, who
wish to lit thomsolvos for an actlvo
business iifo, to support tho school
handsomely, and when they onco real
ize thai they can acquire that kind of
an education without going away from
homo they will no doubt tako advan
tage of tho opportunity oiforod. Wo
oarnostly urgo upon nil young tnon and
women whocontemplato taking a busi
ness courso to call upon or write Mr.
Dietrick before making arrangements
to go olsowhore
Sold Liquor Without a License.
L. L. Watt, tho Guido Rock restaur
ant man, has gotten himself into seri
ous troublo. About two years ago tho
federal authorities got after him for
selling liquor without a government
liconso. Tho caso was compromised
however, by his paying a government
license and a nominal ponalty. This
timo tho caso is moro serious. Last
Saturday Shoriif MoArthur and
Deputy Sam Foo wont down to Guido
rnr'--'-"-' .-- - - -
:wi.5,.j..j,.j(.jr3.a.ift.r't'',,i"-''" tp
m . w
Prices $1.50 to $7.50 Boys' Clothes of (f
m & Highest Quality
lBlsrf ' Thoso aro tho only kind wo jm
Z VTRAGOOrV ..II, th. ,- jp
ff jIBII S& Little follows' Russian Over- ffi
sn JffiWMfimrLl& conts in stripes, clicks and jm
'" JJlWwtlJw&HMfk handsome overplaids; snug, -J-
W JTti V llrlfffir Wtm9r dr-ssy; most attractivo for (fl
rti vftawVltmH '4u '.W school and anyc n 7 0D ti
" ilW''M N gon'lwoar.. V-'- t0 ,uu iJJ
rn (t$0r BlffluWli Janior Ru88j"n nud,d' ft
ij tLJvr WNYvWvQlxL miralBlouso stylos in littlo .
rt MffllWfPM biiits for tho small young- fll
m WmMhIM'' ftl stors. These aro tho pick m
" Mm! 11 MlMl il from tho stock of tho greatest
to aTOiiTOTOUnn makers of clothing for boys, (fj
t WlauiVfliW4r,,,i Tlloy wear l01,Kr nnd bot to
;!; IBl?Ill4UKSiVlnH tor than tf-ocn to 5 00 M
to IHIiii'hIIm IB r8 v,ovj io o,uu '?
to VMIraaal Hondsomo Junior Suits for 2J
ft j&2WimL&& KH 3 to 10; tho handsome, ffl
to MIBwXSm. dependable product of the &
LaaafflMBav aaam. greatest makers jjL
to bW liaa. of Boys ro rr ano
JX Wf Qaj clothes ... $300 to 6.0U
(fS Boys' Knae Pants Suits, 7 to 10 years cut iu doublo-broasted (ft
ft two-pioco and singlo-breasted Norfolks, good honest cheviots, M
; twoods and homespuns, also blue sorges, (ti en "7K m
well tailored 4IU to D.O ffl
to to
2 Boys' Fine Knee Pants Suits. 7 to 10 years, in all tho nowpst jj:
"? stylos, single or double breasted Norfolks, our now stylo suits; also .J?
hi plain doublo-broasten stylos, with plain or kulck- .q en f n n en ftK
iii orbockor trousers; exceptional values 4J-OU tu .uu -v
fl Boys' Top Coats and Reefers. 3 to 1G years, mido of fla ) JH
;: wool covert, sergos, choviots and homespuns, oo nn 4 enn m
l lined with silk or sorgos wW l0 uu ?M
Rock nnd arrostod Watt on a warrant
sworn out by tho village authorities,
charging him with selling liquor in
violation of tho stato law. There aro
thirty-uino counts in tho complaint
Watt was brought before Judgo
K ouey Saturday He waived exami
nation and gave a 8700 bond for his
nppoaranco boforo tho district court,
iu January. Tho penalty for tho of-
fonso is a line of not less than $100
nor moro than 8500, or imprisonment
in the county jail for not moro than
thirty days, on each count.
Tho sheriff captured a keg of
whisky and two bottles of beer, which
woro brought to Red Cloud to bo used
as ovidonco
Organization Meeting.
To Webster County Toachors, Pupils,
School Ofllcors and Friends:
Deputy Stato Superintendent E C.
Bishop will hold a meeting in Red
Cloud, Neb , on Dec 5, 1005, at,
at the Methodist church, for tho pur
pose of organizing the Webster Conn
ty Boys' Experiment Club and tho
Webster County Girls' Domestic Sci
onco Club.
Wo hopo to havo at least two dele
gates from each district, but each
school may send as many delegates as
desirod. All' boys and girls present
may becomo charter membeis. Dele
gates will bo chosen at this meeting to
attend tho State Meeting Dec. 11 and
15, 1005 Wo will bo pleased to havo a
number of teachers present at the or
ganization meoting. Pupils who at
ond this meeting should bo oxoused
from school Mittoudanco on Doc. 5th
Printed circulars woro sont to each
teachor somo time ago with full expla-
i have just received
Everything to Wear
Everything to Keep
You Warm ....
My GROCERIES aro tho
- i
nation. Road tho circular to your
school. Lot every ono como and listen
to Mr. Bishop and become imbued
with tho spirit of this ut-w movoment.
Vory truly yours,
Elizabeth Maiikkk.
Everybody invited to como to tho
sale of Largo English Borkshires to be
hold Dec. 20 in Guide Rock, Nobr.
Write mo for catalog.
Thos. I'OLHEMUa.
Does high grado work in tho M
There never vas a creator demand than
now (or young men and women capable of
doing business. Prepare yourself and select
some one of the good places offered. A few
gin any time- private Instruction-work for
board assistance In procuring positions
advantages of a capital city.
Tolophono 2251. 13th & P Sts.
,al li'nuunurw--rn11
a full line of
Welcomed at
i gff
fcA..iir.i,.iiit, H r. a i..i.. .tu;.
-&aKrm- -""
l 0
' v