The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1905, Image 5

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Fifty Years ih Standard
A Cream of Tartar Powdir
Made From Grapes
No Alum
5A horso blankets ut Fogel's.
Go to Fred Plumb's for flour or food.
Soo the Banquet ran go ut Popo Bros.
Dr. Ashor went to Blue Hill Tuesday.
Daniel Kombs was in town yester
day. Al Groat is home from Billings, Mon
tana. Ed McAlister -was in Franklin this
Tho county commissioners met this
Dr. K. A. Thomas, dontist, D.tmorcll
Buy a Banquet range and savo
J. P. Halo was down from Lincoln
F. C. Guild was down from Blue Hill
Ed Koon was down fnm CowIcb
Ed Harman was down from Inaralo
Fif(D mink who in Guide ltnokl
Wtn'.RIf Boalrico was in tho city
KtulK was up from Guide Hock
Thurst iy
.Tuck A'r wis down from Cowles
Wed tie di-
Ned iQig was down from Blue
Hill Supd
Frank h of Lincoln was in tho
city Ttiesit
Harry tphroys was up from
Cluster Siy.
John Eon of Bladen was in the
city Wotlny.
Itememlio dates, Nov. 27, 28 and
2!), tit P ipos.
11. B. Idler was in Lincoln tho
first of thek.
Walter I; was up from Chester
Joe ltgls tho 0 A horse blar.ketsi
b'ston thirket.
Dr. Bfmmo up from Suporior
Thuisday ling.
Evorythh the harness and sad
dlery lino ngol'.s.
George I returned from tho cast
Fnoo nu;o and ladies' shampoo
at Hayes br shop.
Mr. and L II Halfhill are tho
i rmronts of w babv.
E J Ponas down from Orloans
Sunday, vig friends.
Tnko yt poultry and hides to
Plumb. Trices paid.
Miss M Lain returned from
Omaha Satiy evening.
Percy Mdo returned to his home
in Kotirnejuidtiy noon.
A big t sale at Popo Bros, all
week, comcing Nov. 27.
Miss Ji Cutting is expected
homo fromcoln tonight.
Mrs Cliio Jonos of Inavale spent
Sunday attry McCuno's.
Mr. audi. W. H. Frey and child
ren aro lioYoin Lincoln.
George aison and daughter wore
down fronwles Tuesday.
M. A. Mr returned from a visit
at Gibbordnosdny noon.
Mr nnd MistJ. T Bitmfurd returned
from Omaha Slturday night.
Dr. anil Mrs. Gaidnoi came up from
Wymoro Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J. O. Waller of Cowles was
shopping in tin city Tuoday.
Mth. Gund at d childn n have return
ed to their lion e in Who Hill.
Mrs. Lulu Matthews of Iiiavnle was
shopping in thiit city TueMlny.
Sen tho now jj'ghtnii
at Pope Bros. Kov. 27, '
g rent grimier
28 and 20.
Wo will show you how to bako "just such bts as mother used to
make," with only ouo-half tho fuel being used.
Strength, Economy, Convenience, Durability Beauty Combined A
great savor of fuel and labor. Made of Malleilron and bteol. Riveted
together like a boilor. If properly used will h lifetime.
mT) 1 dirk if 5
FWfcr.-nMirpn.minuto Biscuics and Delici CofToo Sorvod
To ovory purchaser of "Tho Mallo" Rango this wook only
wo will give absolutely FREE a) set of Cooking Utonsils
Morhart Bros. Jdw. Co.
F. Ncwhotise curries a omplctn line
of i cud v made garments for babies.
Mrs. Anna Odinrn and daughter re
turned to Sumnoi, Okln., Wednesday.
Mrs. Smison went to Not tin, Kan.,
the fust of the week on a business trip.
A. 11, Gray of Norton, Kansas, wits
in iho city between trams Wednesday.
C'tnio in and got some cakes and
cofTco and see the new Banquet range.
M. R Bontloy is up from HotSprinpr,
Ark., tnis week looking after his prop
erty. Not a rich corporation but just
plain J O. Caldwell, for hard and soft
A big reduction on heating stoves
and ratiRQj for ono wook only Popo
Hugh Boal came down from Omaha
Tuesday evening for a visit with homo
Mis Dora Dooso departed Wednes
day morning for a visit at Sioux City,
Plumb tho feod man will pay you tho
highest prico for poultry, eggs and
Miss Edna Henderson of Bui I aire,
Kansas, was hero this weok visiting
A union church in Walnut Crook,
southwest of Inavale, will soon be
Mrs. C. Rood and M s. Fults woro in
Gat lield Woduosdaa visiting nt N. L.
D. Smith's.
Miss Eva Myers spont Sunday with
her brother, Arthur Myers nnd family,
at Inavile.
Fred Clark, tho Reach gonernl mer
chant, was in Rod Cloud Wednosday
on business.
S. Bockwith wont to Lincoln Thurs
day morning to soo his wife, who is in
the hospital.
Miss.Roso Roats wont to Wilbur
Thursday nnruing to visit her sister,
Mrs. A. Sagl.
Mr. and Mrs. it. K. Skoon expect to
leave Mondny morning for Eureka
Springs, Ark.
Mrs. Roby departed for Beatrice
Thursday to visit her son, M. W
Roby and wife. '
If you want to buy, soil or trado
your real ot'Uo, seo The Red Cloud
Investment Co.
John Ryan loaves in a short timo for
Grand Island, where ho will attend
business college.
Ire Blair of Lincoln was in Red
(.loud the fust of tho week calling on
his many friends.
Ed Overing trappod nnd killed three
skunks last week, on his "farm" in tho
northwest part of town.
Leigh Pope has accepted a position
with Smith & Sons, implement manu
fact mors at Kansas City.
Alvin Snapp came up from Webber
Wednesday to play with Mercer's or
chcsira at tho club danco.
Thero will bo n shooting match,
horse race, and sack rnco at Roach,
Kan., Wednesday, Nov. 29.
O. II. Durand of Republic, Kan., an
old friend of Judge West, has boon
visiting with him this week. '
Mrs. Georgo Newhouso nntortained
tho members of tho W. G. I. A. club nt
h,or homo Wednesday evening.
Mrs. LizJo Rounds, of Grand Is
land, who has been visiting with rola
tives, returned home Saturday.
Judo A. II. Keonoy and Frank
Wolfe were in Arcadia tho fust of tho
week on a land inspection trip.
When you got a hair cut, shavo and
bath at Manspnakor'd barber shop you
will feel like a now man. Try it.
It. W. Koontz departed for Snyder,
Okla., to see his brother Lester, who is
dangerously sick with typhoid fever.
Don't rent buy a farm. Writo for
list. I have G2 farms for sale. D. W.
Grant, Norton county, Kan. Doc 14
Wm, Johns came up from Suporior
Saturday" night for a short visit with
his brother, Frank Johns, and family.
James Peterson this week finished
installing tho heating plant in tho nt w
Odd Follows buildingat Guide Rock.
Drs. Weiriok & Riddilo of Hastings
1 low arc you fixed for Thanksgiving?
Anything you want in your wardrobe?
Best day in the year to spruce up.
Are you in order for the Ball Game and the
' This is the place for you, if there is any
thing needed that will add to your per
sonal appearance.
Handsome Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Cor
rect Hats, Shoes, smart and exclusive
Neckwear of all sorts.
Everything we sell marked at reasonable
and pleasing prices.
Dressed in one of our Nobby Suits you will
do credit to any Thanksgiving Dinner.
H6e Cowden-Haley Clothing Co-,
First Door North of FostofTtco,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Mr. and Mis. Frank Henson nre in
Shelton, Neb., whom thoy were called
by the serious illness of Mr. Henson's
Will Sullivan has boon making snmo
extensive improvements in his lumber
yard, having greatly enlarged tho
If you want a loan on real ootato for
3,5, or 10 years time, with optional
payments seo tho Red Cloud Invest
ment Co.
Mrs. W. W Wright returned to hor
homo in Hebron Wednesday, after a
few days' visit with hor parents, Mr.
and Mrs 1) M. Anal.
Mrs. Carl Ferguson and nophow,
Charley Wiles, who have boon visiting
at tho home of L 11. Fort, roturnod to
Orleans last evening.
On Nov. 27 8-1) wo will grind corn,
wheat and oats on the now Lightning
grinder, servo hot cakes and cofTco.
Remember the dates.
George McCall's now building at
Guide Rock has beon completed. It
will bo occupied by Jamos Peterson's
branch house at that place.
Mnrhart Bros, returned from Guide
Rock Saturday night, whore they had
boon installing a heating apparatus in
tho now house of G. M. Albin.
Leo DuTour, county chuk-olcct, hns
appointed J. K. Brown, who has boon
soliciting insurance in Rod Cloud for
several montliB, to bo his deputy.
Tho ladies of tho Congregational
church will hold a bazar and servo a
ch'cken pie dinner and supper in tho
F. & M. building, Saturday, Nov. 25
Dr. E A. Thomas has been rearrang
ing and enlarging his dontal parlors in
the Damoroll bhiok, this week, to ac
commodate his increasing patronage
The ludios of the Robekah lodge of
Guide Rock will serve a Thanksgiving
dinner in the Odd Fellows hall at Mint
placo which has just boon completed.
After the first of tho year tho county
judge and county attorney will have
their oilhes in the court hoiio, unless
thoy pay rent for ofllcos down
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wilson, who
have been visiting with C. 1). Robin
son and family for several days, left
for their homo In Donvor Tuesday
"Mike" Sullivan and Miss Maggie
Grnnoy of Riverton woro married in
this city Wednosday morning at tho
Catholic church, Father Lougnot
performing the ceremony.
Dr. Townsond returned from Ba
tricn Saturday.1 Ho was accompanied
by Mrs. Townsond and childron, who
have boon visiting with relatives at
that placo for several weeks.
O. W. Kaley left tho first of tho wook
for a visit in Indiana nnd Ohio. On
his return home ho will bo accom
panied by his sister, Miss Bessie, who
has been visiting at tho old homo.
If you aro troubled with indigestion,
will moot eye, oar, noso and throat 'constipation, sour stomach or any
patients and those needing glasses tit
ted in Dr. Croighton's olHco in Red
Cloud, Wednesday, December 0.
other pain, Hollister's Rocky Mountain
tea will mako and keep you well. 85
cents tea or tablets. C. L. Cottlng.
F. W. Studobaker has purchased tho
old Friz Richardson barn which had
boon leased by A. C. S'aby. Mr.
Slaby has taken charge of tho old
Transfer barn, north of tho Holland
Rov. Georgo W. Knapp of Hay
Springs, Nob , was horo Friday on his
way to Riverton, where ho preached in
the Congregational church Sunday.
II may accopt tho pastorato of that
Miss S Perry, who has boon a resi
dent of Roil Cloud for many yoarp,
oxpocts soon to loave for Thomns
county, K'tnsas, where she has a claim
on which she will make her homo in
the future.
The following sermon themes will ho
presented nt tho Congregational
church on Sunday: Morning, "From
Bondage to Frcodoni;" evening, "Tho
Welsh Revival." Music by n doub'o
quartet. Evoryono welcome.
An orror in tho advortisoment of tho
Malleable Steel Rango exhibit nt Mor
liart Bros., which is to ho hold all next
week, mado it read for ono day onlv,
Wodnosdav, Nov. 21). Tho exhibit bo
gius next Monday, tho 37th, and will
continue during tho week.
M-iny childron inherit constitutions
weak anil foohlo, others duo to child
hood troubles. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea will p isitively cure chil
dren and make them strong. 35 con's,
tea or tnolot. C. L. Cutting.
Vincont Snlliday of McCook. who
has beon laying off an account of ill
ness, visited with relatives in Bo I
Cloud tho lattor part of tho week. His
little daughter, who accompanied him,
remained for a visit with her aunts,
Mrs. Slaby and Mrs. Kralick.
Pains may go by tho namo of rheu
matism, neuralgia, lumbago, and
pleurisy. No matter what name Iho
pains aro called, Hollister's Rocky
Mountain toa will drivo thorn away.
:j.p cents tea or tablets. C. L. Cutting.
Peoplo who go to tho expense of lay
ing cement sidewalks should receive
some protection from tho Jolty. Thero
is hardly a cement walk laid in tho resi
dence portion of tho city which does
show tho footprints of somo vandal.
If thero is no othor way, tho city
should hire watchmen to guard those
walks during tho short timo re quit od
for thorn to harden.
Tho Ladles Altar socloty of tho
Catholic church will givo a dinner on
Saturday, Decombor 10, in tho build
ing formerly occupied by A. Hadell &
Co,, Damoroll block, In connection
a baztr will bo held at which they
will offer a gnat variety of dressod
dolls and many othor articles suitablo
(or Christmas gifts.
Representative Kaley of Red Cloud,
who has boon visiting Lincoln friends
for n few days, departed for an extend
ed visit in Ohio, and will not return to
Nebraska until after Jan. 1. On his
roturn to Nebraska, Col. Kaloy will
visit tho Pacific coast as a mombor of
tho party which will attond tho present
ation of 'tho silver sorvico to tho battlo
ship Nebraska Lincoln Star.