The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1905, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
i Subscription
We have also placed in stock a fine line of
We wish to call particular attention to our line of
Gretna today to attend tint funeral of
Mr. Baldwin's mother, who died at
Kearney Thursiliiy.
J. Uinor roturni'd Mmdav from a
visit at Manknto unci Jewell, Kan. Ho
has boon laid up with a niushoil foot
for tlio past livo weeks.
InvitatiotiH arc out announcing tlio
marriage of Wnltor Hennitigson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hnnniugsen of this
city, to Miss May Mahonoy.
Tlio transport liuford, on which will
bo carriod tlio remains of tlio lato Liou
tontant McConnoll, loft Manila on
Octobor 20, and will not arrivo in San
Francisco until about, tho 21st. Thoy
will nrrivo horo about November 27.
Made of good quality Cambric, deep horn, embroidery
yoke, homstitchod rulllo in nock
Fancy opon work and embroidered yoke, homstitchod
rulllo nock, good quality cambric
Embroidered yoke, with embroidered ruflle, a good
quality cambric, at
Tucked and embroidered yoke, with otnbroidorod rulllo,
hemstitched rulllo in neck and sleeve
Keavy corded yoko with embroidered rulllo, lace in neck OK
and Hluevos, embroidered rulllo around bottom vJdU
Fancy open work and tucked yoke, embroidered rullle, r7r
homstitchod rulllo in sleeves and nock I Jj
Emb. and tucked yoko, omb. rulllo, homstitchod rulllo in TV K
nook and sleeves made of good quality long cloth. . I -L
Pressed llannel Jackets from 25 to SOc
Crochotod .Tuckets from 75c to 9 l-OO
(From tho Times.)
Tho union meetings that woro hold
at tlio Methodist church closed Sun
day night.
Mrs. E. C. Hath was taken very sick
Saturday night but is considerably bet
ter at this time.
Clarence Bcurdsloo drove over to
lied Cloud Saturday evening to be
present at tho wedding of his sister
LastSund-iy in the Citholio church
at Kod Cloud, Miss Minnie Buanlslce
was married to Mr. Miles 1) iyhi by tho
priest of the Red Cloud diocese.
I)rs. 11. A. and J. B. Djkcs per
formed an operation on John Atloway
last Friday night for strangulated
hernia', also on Mrs. Mary Grouati of
Gaylord, Tuesday, for bono diseaso.
Sundiy evening, at tho home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. h. O.
Gerard, in tho presence of about forty
livo guests, Mr. Ziok Leonard and
Miss Pearl Gerard woro united in tho
holy bonds of matrimony by Uov. Tre-main.
Jiemsy flotes prom Neighboring Touins I
(From the Leader.
Born, on Wednesday last to Rev. and
Mrs. Reck, a boy.
Tho material is on the ground for
R. A. Simpson's new office building.
Otto StolTrogan is building an addi
tion to his already commodious resi
dence. Fred Pelz, W. A. Garrison and W. A.
May wore Red Cloud visitors tho first
of tho week.
Wo received tbo announcement Sat
urday of tho niairiago of S L. May to
Dora M. Mann at Wonsor, Canada.
A number of tho friends of Frank
Kuhn and wife gavo them a surprise
reception at their new home Wednes
day evening.
Dr. Boles had tho misfortuno to get
his left knoo badly sprained during
tho foot ball game at Rod Cloud laBt
Friday and has been confined to his
room all week on account of same.
ton Wednesday armed with a few war
rants. Ho served two; ono on Cbas.
Glick and ono on Fred Stolling, the
charge being that of gambling, pre
ferred by tho county attorney. Each
plead guilty and paid 130 and costs in
the police court. '
(From the Advooato.)
Will Scneunemann is having an ad
dition built to his house.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.
V. McGrtw at Lincoln, Tuesday, No
vember 14.
Cement sidewalks have baon reonnt
ly laid upon the high school campus
ground by Frank Hagor.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Black havo sold
ttioir property horo and intend to
move to Hastings in tho spring.
Miss Olivo Montgomery, who hits
been taking a course in dress miking
ut Lincoln, arrived homo Sunday.
U. J. Bontloy had a hearing before
Justice Montgomery Tuesday on n
chargo of assault and battery prcfi'i nil
against him by Ada Carlilo
Sheriff Wulralh wont down to 11 r
(From tho Messenger.)
Doo Logan is homo from a week of
recreation at Excelsior Springs, Mo,
Will Wilson was kicked in tbo mouth
by ono of tho horses ho was working
on tho dray. Will lost onn tooth and
his faco is pretty badly cut up.
H. A. Coulson came in Sunday after
noon from Mexico with 2,000 sheep
that will bo fed at tho farm fourteen
miles northeast of Smith Center.
Miss Fannio Stafford of this city, but
who has been attending the college of
photography at Effingham, Illinois, has
just completed an eight months course
and has accepted a position at St.
Augustine, Florida.
Mrs. Nottie Arnold of Mt. Sterling,
III., and George Rabb, a big ranchman
of Denver, brother and sister of our
old timo friend, Robert Rabb, ' of
Womer, met here for a visit this week
for the tirst time in 35 years.
(From the Sentinel.)
Jas. Lantis is suffering from conges
tion of tlio biain.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Moroy, November 12.
Rev. A. A. King wont to Blue Hill
Wednesday to attend tho wedding of a
Tbo Norton, Kansas, high school
foot ball team aro hero playing tho
academy boy3.
J. J. Burton with bis grading outtit
loft for Republican this morning to re
pair the approaches to tbo railroad
Mrs. Christina Christiansen from
Upland was adjudged insane last Fri
day and taken to the asylum at Lin
coln by Sheriff Walrath Saturday
Hays Bell writes to his father from
tho City of Mexico that the Arm of
which his uncle Will is tho senior mem
bor is about to close tlio contract for a
$11,000,000 piece of railroad construe
Interesting; Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Valio Sonvncr ib clerking in a storo
at Lebanon.
All is quiet on tho croek and tho best
of health prevails.
Everybody is busy at present trying
to get their corn out of tho Holds.
Win. Rnsencrans of Rid Cloud was
here last week on his way to Womer.
Frank Wolfo went up to Arcadia,
Loup county, on a laud inspecting
Burt Stevens, who is teaching near
Lebanon, was home S.tlurday and
(ins Maline's new residence is finish
ed with the exception of the inside
Wayne Wolf", the popular school
teacher ovor near Reach, visited heio
last Sunday.
Mis Sutla Sciivner, who is attend
nig Hi'hiMii near lcuunon, was home
last Sunday.
Stiuiicl Mountfoid, John Fox, CIiiih.
Hanoi t and others have their new
h-iiiM's completed.
M'xmis. l'lilmer and Johnson are cas-
iiU forS. Mountford,aiid C C Cowdcii
is doing the painting.
"S-'ph" Roscnoranh of Rockford,
III , formerly of Walnut Crook, was
here on business last woek.
Old Mr Wolfe is not only a "Jack of
all trades, "but is good at any of them.
He not only built John rox's house,
but has plasteiod it, and when John
gets ready he can paint, it for him if ho
wants him to. Ho has even built a nice
was down to visit her daughter, Mrp.
Will Finney, last Friday,
llallie Robinson, who has been busk
ing corn lor Charles Shulte, returned
to his home in Roscinont.
There will he n basket supper at
Prairie Center school house on Wed
nesday night, December (I. Proceeds
for benelll of the church.
Tho revival meetings at Kokley
closed last Friday night with a largo
attunuauco and great interest. There
were nine additions to the church.
Ralph Hubbard had a runaway Sun
day. He and a young lady started to
church at Pi nirio Center. Tho tonguo
of his buggy o'imn down and tho
horses started to run, breaking tho
tonguo and dragging Ralph from tho
buggy. No one injured.
Fine rain visited this place Thursday.
John Forner is building a new barn,
A. J. Bragg is preparing to build a
new barn.
Mrs. Jake Motiia and sister woro at
Red Cloud one day last week
Mr. and Mrs. A. R Saladen were
guests of C. W. Frink's Sunday.
Cbns. Oglevio and family woro visit
ing south of Guide Rook Sunday.
Mrs. Clias. Mollio has boon suffering
with neuralgia tho past fow days.
(From tlio Journal.)
Born, to W. H. B.illard and wife,
last Friday, a son.
Tlio Shipping association font out a
car of stock to St. Joe Tuesday.
It is repot tod that tho Doano Col
lege is to play foot ball hero on Thanks
giving. Evan murder ouso was dismissed
Thursday by Judgo Ilurd, owing to
the lack of evidence on 'ho part of the
E. J Bi'dwin and wife woi.t to
(From tho Advertiser.)
Tho Corn Huskors mot defeat at
Clydo, Friday, with a score of 11 to 0.
Cards aro out announcing tho mar
riago of Miss Gortrudo Weil to Ekwin
B. Torronco.
Cad Holman, who had an anklo put
out of business at Clydo, in tho foot
ball game, is again able to hobblo
Mrs. C. E. Wasjol, hotter known
hero as Miss Ethel Cross, diod at
Quincy, III., tho 11 rat of tho week, of
John II. Bruco and Miss Nellie B.
Matthowsnn, both of Solomon Rapids,
woro married by Probato Judge MeGo
hoo last evening.
James Terry Waugh was born in the
state o( Indiana, August 0, 1857, died
at his homo November 11, 1005, of ap
pep'oxr, aged 48 years 3 mouths and 5
dins. Mr Waugh came to this
country in '77 and in '83 was united in
marriage to Kate A Catlelt To this
u i -ver t i ' inn d in,
A lino rain Thursday.
Mrs. Elhs Lockhart visitod at J.
Lockhart's Monday.
Mr. and Mrs R. C. Chevalier spent
Sunday in Campbell.
Mrs. Cowley spont Saturday and
Sunday with her son Charles.
Mr. Barstow returned home Wednes
day, after an absence of six weeks.
Misses Ruth and Frances Hnuso-
holder returned to Rosemont Monday.
Wayno Rood ami family visited al
tlio homo of J. W. Davis south of town
Albert McCoj drovo down to seo his
undo near Covvles Sunday, returning
Miss Nellie Williams returned Wed
nesday from Iowa, whero she has spont
tho last month visiting friends and
Ursey Macklin hnd the misfortune to
have his arm thrown out of placoTuos
day, whilo playing on tho11 school
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for wook ending Wednes
day, Oct. lb, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Wobstor County Abstract company.
Fannio E Carr and husband to
Minerva Ludlow lot 0 and 10
block 2:i Red Cloud qcd 25
C E 1 licks and wife to Slate
Bank of Bladen lot 7 block 7
Bladen wd 1000
C Christiansen to W II Rosen-
oralis part 11 wl set U.V2 111 wd 1127
W H Rosoncrans and wife to S C
Hiohanlson same wd 1200
Thomas Burr to S D No 01 part
uol nol no 10 wd 25"
Sarah II Perry to Thomas Ryan
lot 11 block (I Rod Cloud wd. . 500
Guido Rock cemetery to S B
Hockett lot 2 block ft and 0 in .
cemetery wd 5
C B & Q R R Co to Franklin
lease v2 21 -2 12 wd 2000
Franklin lease to Win Irons v2
21-2 12 wd
E Womor to Win Irons w2 21-3
12 qcd
J R Groonhulgh to E II Koon
lots 15 and 10 block 'A Cowlos
Sadie Ludlow to W L Woosnor
n2nw4 nwl .'MI-2 11 wd
E Carponter to E O Borgmanu
part s2 nwl 10-1 12 wd 1400
Thorosa Holbrook to 11 E Bow-)
man v2 swl and o5 nwl 11-4-0
wd 4800
Alice M Lit, and husband to E
E Harvoy nol 8-2-'l2 qcd 100
G R MoCrary Co Tr to Lou Wil-
mot lot 20 Patmor sub to Red
Cloud tux deed.. r
J U Moyor and wifo to Dell
Knutson w2 swl and w2 w2 17-2-12
wd 6000
Wm J Vance to A O Phillips lots
11 and 12 block 0 Iuavalo wd 75
Henry Gund truBteo to W R
Anderson sw4 28-4-11 wd 2900
Chas Speuce and wife to Wob
stor Co Fair association n2
sw4se4 7-1-11 wd 2000
Is Your Farm For Sale?
If it is, do not list it with too many
agents. Each ono proceeds to knock
tho other follow out of n sale. List
exolusivoly with mo at a roasouablo
price and I will guarantoo a sulo.
J. H. Bailey, Red Cloud.
Hay and teed at Plumb's.
Fino weather.
Corn husking still goes on.
WoJdings and rumors of weddings
aro heard on every hand.
A little son has an ived at tho homo
of Mr. and Mis. Will Nlobuum.
W. A. Howard had the misfortune to
lo' four head of cattle in tho stales
this Wl OK
M M. Wnghi, f "in titur Lawn nee,
Make Your Grocer
Give Yon Guaranteed
Cream ol Tartar
Baking Powder
Alum Baking Pow
ders interfere with
digestion and are un
Avoid the alum.
rrafanflttrtTT inrionwuii muaaai jt