iiUSttftUW SHUU UMrfJliml. Uat: Bl Willl MIIKI1MI I t 0 wm MMMM i I I ? i f.'i AD M ocfor s edicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. " I hare mod a (trait deal of Ayer' Cliorry lVotnral for coiikIii and hard cold on the chfU It tia nlwnyi donn ma itreat pxxl. It It certainly a mott wnndrrful couttli medl. rlnn." Mioiiakl J. Fitzokralu, Medlord, N.J. IOM ocnooi jraoies d MmAb tar J. O. Ay sr Co.. LorrtU. Mam, Aao Euauuoiaraii 01 SARSAPAJOLU. Lid I O HAIR VIOOR. You will haston Ing no of Ay or 's recovory by tak Pills at bedtime. Electric Llfthts. Tho ogitation of tho oloctrlo light question seems to havo died down as suddenly as it sprang up. Thore is no question but tho pooplo of Red Cloud want electric lights, and if there is any possible way to provide then tho city should begin preparations at onco. Tho majority of niorchautn who use tho artiticlal gas lamps are thor oughly disgusted with the working of that system and are ready to pay for electricity when thoy can got it. It has been several weeks siuco tho moss mooting was held at tho court houso to boom tho light proposition. At that mooting tho chairman was authorized to appoint a committee to net In conjunction with tho city coun ril in obtaiuing data and devising moans, but siuco tho mooting nothing lias boon hoard of tho work. At tho timo of tho mooting it looked ns though there was an elfort boing liiado to throw "cold water" on tho municipal lighting schomo by making, tho question of tho water supply take procedendo over that of eloctrio lights. This may havo had somothing to do with tho apathy siuco shown by tho council and committee, if a committee was ever appointed. m a Bad Roads Tho editor took u drivo over into Walnut Creole precinct last Sunday. o had thought tho road leading in to Rod Cloud from tho south was about tho worst over, but tho roads touthwost from Inavalo is as much worso as ono could imugiuo. Of course tho high water last spring and summer is somowhat to blame for this condi tion, and it does scorn no more than right that the county should givomoro assistance in repairing these bad spots. As it is, tho burden falls upon the very few men whoso property adjoins the roads, and it is asking too much to to expoot thom to put in threo-fourths of their time at repairing roads for other poople to drivo over. There will never bo adequate relief from this condition until wo have a rounty road overseer and county funds with which to build good roads. Once built, tho cost of maintaining thom isill bo trilling. Now is tho time to start the work. . I ii EMc:'CK:wji-sfi4:i Pearl Ilinos is again in school. Tho number of tuition students has boon growing loss. Cora and Lorn Woestior aro now living iu tho district. Pearl Smith has also moved iu. Plioobo Osborn and Delbort Thomas havo dropped out. Thus tho number has been reduced. A serious problem is confronting the board Mrs. Caster's room is crow- ed. Next year Miss Perkins' room, accord ing to present prospect, will contain about seventy. Tho trouble, however, is that thoro aro not enough square feet in this room to seat over fifty. Even thou, the room is crowded. At present, it appears that more room, ono more room, at least, must bo pro vided by noxt September. Tho Carnival of Nations has como and gono. Entortainmonts of this sort aro not without bouoflt to the student who takes part. Only long exporienco can prevent the heart from boating foster and tho knoos from trembling when ono sees a sea of faces turned toward him. In short, stage fright is a social instinct. Only ono thing will overcome it expori onco. On tho other hand, entertainments tako much timo from regular school work. Class work always suffers. For this reason, mo-t pooplo agree that school outoitaiumouts should not bo given too often. Concentration is tho cry in many Holds. Why not apply this in tho mauagomont of tho schools? As a beginning, tho kindergarten might bo moved to tho north side of tho first ward, Then all tho children of kindorgnrteu ago could attend school in this building. One teacher could handle all very nicely. Thus both tho north and south wnrds would obtain tho bouoflt of a full day, with ono teacher's entire timo. This would roliovo tho south ward. Each teacher then would have but two grades. Tho kindergarten should not bo combined with uny other grndo. This can't bo successfully done A kindorgarton requires a teacher's full timo. Glllllan, Humorist. Wednesday. December C, is the date for tho second number in tho Slayton Lyceum lecture course. Strickland W. Gillilan, president of tho Ameri can Press Humorists, will bo the entertainer. Gillilan is one of tho most original laugh producors on tho American stage today. His stories and anecdotes havoamusod uowspaper and magazine readers for several years and his niuuuor of tolling those jitorlos on tho lecture platform is as unique as tho stoiios aro amusing, Thore rro no coarse jests in his lec tures, overy story being clean and mornl. Tho Lincoln Daily Star says of him: "Ho shines on tho looturo platform with a brilliancy of wit that bubbles up spontaneously from an inoxhaustiblo fountain." Reserved seats aro now ou salo at Newhouse Bros. m A BI4 Onion Crop. Charley Rasser of Amboy this year raised and sold 1000 bushols of onious from an aero of ground. This beats tho record in this county Mr Ras ser says that next year ho will put Uftoon acres in onions. Should tho yiold bo anything like that of this Toar Mr. Rasser will raise enough -.lions to "porfunio" tho ontiro state. Blue Hill G, Red Cloud 0. I3luo Hill defeated Red Cloud last Friday iu a hard fought gamo of foot ball, by tho score of (J to 0 Blue Hill's touchdown came iu tho first half after a sorics of line bucks ou which they gained their livo yards on nearly every lino up. Whenever lied Cloud did got tho ball it failed to make gains and was forced to punt. Glover kicked goal for Bluo Hill Iu the second half the Red Cloud boys put up a much bettor article of football, and had tho ball iu their pos session most of tho timo. Toward the end of tho second half tho play be oamo very fast and at ono time, when Smolser got, tho ball on a fumble It looked as though Red Cloud mijiht scoro a touchdown, but ho collided with Halfback Lain and was "down." Tho Bluo Hill lino was much heav ier than that of Red Cloud, and tho team averaged about V.) pounds heavier to tho man. Considering tho fact that this was Rod Cloud's first gamo this season thoy did splendidly, and showed tho good work done by Coach Harry Townsond Following is tho line up of tho two teams: Ki:i) CLOUD llM'K HILL Norton R. E . . Bnrcus Smith R. T Wilson Palmer R G Matthowson Framo Cantor Matthowson Smolser L E Baker Rossitor L. T Rainier Sanderson L. G Matthowson Itoby Q B Smith Lain L. H. B Thompson Townsond R. H B Boles Garbor F. B Glovor -"V-v TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In Tho Chlof of Twenty Years Ago This Weok V V ! A"W WW 'WWWW 'W''W'W,'W- in Kan- Illi Charley Campbell Gets a Year In the Penitentiary. Charley R. Campbell, who has been hold In tho Webster county jail for several months awaitiug trial ou tho chargo of embezzling tho funds of tho Ferguson Elevator Co , for whom ho was the local agout for about two years, ontorod a plea of guilty Monday before Judge Adams and was sen tenced to servo ouo year in tho peni tentiary. W H. Skelton, who has boen held for several mouths on tho chargo of burglarizing a restaurant nt Blue Hill also pieauou gumy ana was given a sontonco of thirty days in tho county Mrs. .7. S Ernigh is visiting sas Bob Furst has returned from nois. Dan O'Shea has returned to Red Cloud. Geo. A. Duckor was In Hastlngslast Friday. D. G. Walker and family havo gono to Victoria, B. C. C E. Davis of Beaver City was iu tho city Sunday. Geo. J. Warren of tho Argus Is in Chicago on business. E. McFnrlaud Is painting tho front of his grocery houso. Grandma Fulton has been on the sick list for a fow days. Lou Konnoy has acceptod a position in Cotting's drug store. Geo. Dodd has left for Aurora, whore ho will soon movo. C. B. Crone, who broke his tjleg some four months ago, is ublo to sit up. Dr. Tulloys bos moved tho Whit horn houso to his lots in tho north end. R. It. Sheror has returned from a sojourn of several days in tho north west. Dave Kaley has returned to Nebra3 ka, after a sojourn iu Ohio of several weeks Grant Ludlow is in tho city nursing a soro hand that he mashed iu the job press at Hebron. Miss Couo and Miss Liuna Owen have been selected as teachers in the first ward school. Prof. Picking's little child, which has been sick for several days, is slowly recovering. Tho Methodist parsonago has been treated to n coat of paint, which im proves it wonderfully. James Brogan of Iowa has moved to Webster county, whore ho will till tho soil of tho best country on earth. C. L. Miller of Atlantic, Iowa, a brother of Mrs M W. Dlckerson, who has been iu tho city a fow days has re turned homo. S B Hall who is tho Grand Chief Patriarch of tho encampment of Odd Follows of Nobr.iska was in Red Cloud the other day on business. Pound, tho detective, who shot tho crippled burglar iu Lincoln, was con victed of manslaughter Saturday and was sentenced to two years in tho state prison. E. Allen, tho tenant on Win. Parkos' farm near the city, had ttio misfortune of having a mule, a span of colts and a '-pan of horses run down by a B. & M. train last Sunday. Tho other night whilo Will Gates was attending the temperance lecture, some dastardly sneak thief purloined tho clothing from the line iu his yard, which had boen hanging out to dry. Ou last Saturday, R. D. Jones and Will Smith had quite a trying drivo to Rivcrton. When just west of Inavalo the team becamo fractious and ran away. Will Smith, being naturally weak, was unable to hold the animals and just as they approached a con-venit-nt mud hole, out Will went over tho dash board ' ker splash" aud into it ho "sot'' while tho team, which by this time had broken loose from the buggy, wore speeding on towards Rlvorton at a 2:10 rate, whilo R D. split his sides at tho awful position tho vice president of the Nebraska Lumber Company was occupying. Noutu-East Smith R. Lewis is homo from his visit Geo. Wat son's mother and brother from Illinois aro hero ou a visit John Wagoner is building a new houso Mrs. A. D Brown's mother is out from Illinois to llvo with her. Ixavale Mr. Orchard tho president of tho People's Lumber Co , is visiting in Exter aud Lincoln Mr. Humhhroy of Indianola is visiting friends In this vicinity Mrs. J. O. Chamberlain has returned from Ohio Aruosou &, t'o are having a good trndo iu their now store room. K-C' ' PAIL STOREY cLO?hiEr Prices $1.50 to $7.50 ft ft ft ft ft ft T 4 ft XTRAG00Pl' W ' ft (0 ft ft ft ft w ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft s Boys' Clothes of Highest Quality Theso aro tho only kind wo sell; tho only kind you want Llttlo follows' Russian Over coats iu stripes, clicks and handsome overplaids; snug, dr ssy; most attractive for SC"".'. $2.75 to 7.00 Junior, Russian and Ad miral Blouso stylos In llttlo suits for tho small young sters. Theso aro tho pick from tho stock of tho greatest makers of clothing for boys. They wear longor and bet- 0?.... $2.50 to 5.00 Handsome Junior Suits for ages 3 to 10; tho handsome, dependable product of the greatest makers ciothS ... $3.00 to 6.00 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, 7 to 10 years cut iu double-breasted two-piece and single-breasted Norfolks, good honest cheviots, tweeds and homespuns, also bluo serges, &, cn C7C well tailored $1-50 to 5.7b Bovs' Fine Knee Pants Suits. 7 to 16 years, in all tho newest styles, single or double breasted Norfolks, our now stylo suits; also plain doublo-breasten styles, with plain or kuick- eruocKer trousers; exceptional values. $3.50 to 7.50 Boys' Top Coats and Reefers. 3 to 1G years, mado of wool coverts, serges, cheviots and homespuns, tnnn l lined with silk or serges 3o.UU 10 t)4494CtC-tttCtttt V ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 5.00 ft f i MARRIAGES. Wellman-Brown. Ernest Brown, a prosperous young farmer, and Miss Edna Wellmon of Blue Hill were married at tho homo of the bride's parents at 12 o'clock, Wed nesday, November 15, Rev. Hummell performing tho ceremony. Judge Keeuoy has issued tho fol lowing licenses this week: Frank J. Kuhu and Miss Emma Huppert both of Bluo Hill. Miles P. Doylo aud Miss Minnie Beardslee, both of Red Cloud. Georgo W. Bradshaw of North Branch aud Miss Clara Alios of Rod Cloud. Ernest G. Brown and Miss Edna V. Wellmau, of Bluo Hill. Richard D. Hopkins and Miss Florence Muchow, of Bluo Hill, mar ried by Judge Keoney I uesday. Burlington Bulletin. Special homeseekers' rates: greatly reduced round trip rates to tho North Platte Valley aud tho Big Horn Basin November 21, December 5 and 19. This is an unusually good chance for you to look at lands in theso now re gions, which offer a big profit to those who secure thom early. Homo visitors' excursion: visit tho old homo when you havo cleared up the season's work. Cheap excursion rates to various sections of tho east. Tho only excursion. November 27, limit twenty-one days. Winter suushino in the mountains: daily low excursion rates to Colo rado. To the sunny south: --winter tourist rates daily until April 510 Return limit June 1, 190G. heap homeseekers' rates to tho west, southwest aud south the first uu'l third Tuesdays of every month. Write me just what trip you have in mind and let me advise you tho leat cost and tho best way to make it. J T. Edwards, agent. Will Soon Be Settled. The suit of the City vs. Tho Formers and Merchants Banking Co. is rapidly approaching tho stage whoro tho de fendants will havo to either "fish or cut bait." What is expected to be tho final hearing iu the enso will como up boforo tho Supremo Court at tho De comber term, and tho attorneys for tho city aro confident of a final vic tory It does seem remarkable that in cases where it is so apparent tho on Is of justice aro being defeated thero should bo so many loopholes for tho dofeuso to crawl through. It will bo a relief to tho pooplo of Red Cloud when tho case is finally ended Hurry to "Hale's" A cafoand restaurant, up to date in overy respect. A place serving meals well cooked, neatly served, wholesome and square, and pleasing to every lovor of good living. "Halo's" is on top in the estimation of pcoplo wlu know a good thing when thoy eat it. Our lunches please all the peoplo. Our oysters aro as fresh as tho flowers of May, and m tho matter of cigars, wo havo tho brands that overy gentleman likes. Value for nionoy in good eatables, that Is found at Halo all times of tho day, and tho strictest attention to overy guest. Dnmeroll block. I have just received a full line of DRY GOODS That &H!'s It. When a 5oiuradonaiid stone walk ia I ,, .. ,., ., , ttd that nettles it. Seo Overing Bros. I All other jury cases wore continued Co. for prices. until Junuary. A New Warehouse. Popo Bros, havo lot the contract for a now cement block building, to bo 110x22 foot, which they will uo for an implement warehouse. The building will bo in tho rear of their present quarters and ou tho lot adjoining Pol nloky's saloon E. Fits has tho con tract, and work was beguu on the ' foundation Tuesday morning. Everything to Wear Everything to Keep You Warm .... My GKOCERIEB are tho BEST ON THE MARKET Everybody Welcomed at M. A. ALBRIGHT'S aA-j . J.MJ it ii .j.11,,!. I 1 ,! ..ii,iiii,.)jijtmii).(iwiiYiVriMfii'.ti -i'