The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1905, Image 4

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    ? fc .Wri
. tffcl Wfc , 'viALVaX-..-. ALX'-J Z
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The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
"I nhvnya tonp Ayct'n Clinrrv ITctornl In
tun IKiitrc. u kivkh -rit-t'i ruiiri xncutt
any or u iihv.i riiuciis r n.iru rniin. i i
imul It fur 11 iniinv vmm mill () K
hurK.M. ,
fit In S
have f
Made by .T,
u -Wfs
(1. A vnr (Jo.. Lowoll. JJ6J0. n
o ininufuaturors of fl
iia:k vigor.
Blllouonoos, constipntlon rotard ro euro thoso with Avor's Pills.
For Judgo of tho Supremo Court:
For Regents of tlio Univorsity:
Fiti:iEiucK H. AnuoTT
Victok G. Lyfoiiu
For Treasurer:
W.C. Fkaiim Blue Hill
For County Clerk:
John .1. Gauiikh Rod Cloud
For Shoiilf:
O. D. Hkikh: Hod Cloud Twp
For County Judgo:
A. II. Kkiinky Cowles
For Superintendent:
Mas. Nklmi: Oastou Rod Cloud
For Surveyor:
Geo. U.OvKiiiNo Rod Cloud
For Coroner:
Dr. It. T. Ham. Cowles
For Commissioner, 1st district:
T. J. I iiaplin Elm Crook Twp
For Commissioner, 1th district:
Jam es Overman Rod Cloud Twp
A Final Word About the Candidates.
Noxt Tuesday is election day, nud it
is to bo prosumod tlmt ovoryouo has
tnndo up bis mind as to how ho will
voto. From nil indentions, party
lines will bo tightly drawn, and should
this be tho case tho Republicans will
win easily. Howovor, wo want to
urgo all Republicans to bo suro to go
to tho noils, for tho largor tho ma
jority.tho better.
Tho Republican tickot this year is
made up of good, clean candidates
from start to finish.
W. C. Frahm, caudidato for county
tronsuror, is ono of tho loading inor
vlmiits of Blue Hill. Ho is a young
man wlio has "mado himself," lias
novor boon a caudidato for oillco, and
his success in business proves that ho
has tho qualifications necessary to
inuko a good county treasurer.
John J. (iarbor, caudidato for county
vlork, is another man who has novor
been a caudidato for oillco. though ho
lias been deputy county clerk during
tho last two terms and has shown that
ho is thoroughly competent to con
-duct tho nirairs of the oillco. There is
no valid reason why ho should not re
ceive tho hearty support of all Repub
licans. O n IlEDOK.
Oliver Hodgo, for sheriff, lias lived
in Wobstor county for moro than
twenty years, coming hero when a
.small boy. Since tho death of his
father soveral years ago ho has
managed tho homo farm and been tho
mainstay of the family. Ho was can
didato for sheriff four years ago, being
defeated by J. A MoArthur by a very
narrow margin His nomination for a
-second time shows tho esteem in
which ho is hold by thoso who know
him. Ho is of that typo of a man
from which ldoal sheriffs are mado
Voto for him.
cation woll fits him for tho oillco of
county judge.
Mrs. Caster, nominee for superin
tendent, is another victim of intention
nl misrepresentation For soino timo
tho ''boosters" for Miss Householder
have been claiming that Mrs. Caster
did not hold a lirst grade cortificato
iiuuj was moron) ro not ongiuio lu mu
oillco. This story was easily dis
proved. While Mrs. Castor is amply
qualified from an educational stand
point, her practical oxporionco as a
teacher in this and other counties,
combined with her good judgment,
should give hor additional prestige in
tlio race Mrs Castor is tho daughter
of Judge Sam West, and is dependent
upon her own resources for the sup
port of herself and child. Head btato
Superintendent MoHrlon's letter on
tho first page.
Don't forgot that you are entitled to
voto for both commissioners, no mat
tor whether you live in their districts
or not James Overman, from tlio
Fourth district, has served on tlio
board and tho people are acquainted
with his qualifications Ho needs no
recommendation. T. J. Chaplin of
Elm Creek, candidate from Fred Gor
lach's district, is ono of tlio successful
formers of his neighborhood, is woll
educated, and is thoroughly acquaint
ed with the needs of tlio county Hois
conservative in ids his views, and tlio
county's business will not sutler in ids
Evorybody knows tlio Republican
candidate for surveyor Ho is a prac
tical civil engineer, and is competent
to do tho work required of that ofllco
dr. hall. '
Dr R. T Hall, candidate for coroner,
has served In that capacity tioforo and
will no doubt bo tho next coroner.
To tnako a long story short, howovor,
tho host way to voto is to placo an X
in tho circle aftor tho word 'Republi
can" ut tho head of tho tickot, and
then you will bo suro to muko no mistake.
a. u. keeney.
Whilo tho campaign just drawing to
.i oloso has boon unusually free from
mudsliuging, A. H. Koouoy, renom
inated for county judgo, has boon tho
victim of a sories of campaign lios that
should not docolvo a child. People
who aro acquainted with tho judge
pay no attention to tho stories, but in
neighborhoods whoro ho is not so woll
known thoro will bo pooplo who can bo
made to boliovo thorn. Judgo Koouoy
was born in Webster couuty, and with
tho exception of tho time ho spent as
si Uuitod States soldior in tho Phillip
pines and as a studont at tho Uuivers-
Judftes and Clerks of Election.
Guide Rock-Judges, P. E. Fairfield,
G. F. Hunt, H. F Coopor; clorks, John
Lnrgont, Clydo Hodges.
Boavor Crook Judges, W. R. Rykor,
W. T. Chrlsman. R. B. Thompson;
clorks, W. A. Vauco, G. H Payne.
Stillwater Jndgos, C D. Fishol,
Will Crozior, Orris Hubbard; clorks,
C. F. Johnson, Oscar Shirley.
Oak Crook Judges Frod Buck,
Goorgo Buker, Willard Brown; clorks,
Elmor Schormorhoru, James Laird.
Garflold Judgos, Grant Shidloy,
Will Kent, Charles Ailes; clerks, O.
Holmgrain. Eugono Smith
Pleasant Hill Judges, Charlos Fris
bio. Horace Morris, Sam Giger; clorks,
J ak Ellingor, George Maun.
Elm Creek-Judges, W. T. Mills,
C. E. Putnam, John Minto; clorks,
A G. Nickorson, Oscar Arnold.
Potsdam Judgos. Thos. Burge, A.
James. Win. May; clerks, Fred Wehnos,
L. C Poislngor
Lino-Judges, R.Turner, J. W. Mc
Intyro, J. W. Kounison; clorks Ed
Hansen, F. M. Barlow.
Rod Cloud Township Judges, C. II.
Kaloy, Win. Konnady, Frod Mauror;
clorks, E. J. Ovoring, John Kellogg.
Batin Judgos, E. W. Blocli, Robert
Harris. Klias Lockliart; clerks, Frank
Bean, G. W. Hasobrook.
(ilonwood Judgos, A. France, Louis
Cutter, Philip Fussier; clerks, L. E,
Sponco, Thos Duffy.
Walnut Creek Judgos, V. B. Mc
Call, Harry Chapman, Mahlon Poiuts;
clerks, Ross Foarn, Frank Stokes.
Inavalo-Judgos, I. O. Walker, E, II.
Jones, Win. Irons; clorks, A. II. Hold
redgo, D. E. Cloud.
Cathorton Judges, O. L Lludgron,
Emory Bean, John A. Lookhart;
clerks, Otto Skjolvor, Jesse Brooks.
Harmony-Judges, II. E. Wheat, J.
P. Egllngton, Win. Patterson: clorks.
Clarence McCoy, C. C Stout
Rod Cloud First Ward Judgos, A.
A. Framo, Honry Dledorioli, Wm.
Mackoy; clerks, Wm. Wolfe, L. A.
Rod Cloud Second Ward Judges,
Jamos Burden, O. C. McConkoy, Jay
Pope; clerks, Charlos Rolgle, Oscar
Doinfts of the CltY "Dads."
Tho city council mot in special ses
sion Monday eveuing to consider tlio
application of G W. Lindsoy for per
mission to build a fluino from Crooked
crook to his ico pond. Chairman
Catlior prositlod; prosont, Warren and
It was agreed by tho council to go In
a body Tuesday and invostigato tho
Tho council mot In regular session
Wednesday ovoning. Prosont, Catlior,
Warren and Wolfo. Chairman Catlior
On motion tlio council ordered Unit
a crosswalk bo laid at tho intersection
of Ninth and Soward avenues, to cost
not more than 815.
On motion tlio street commissioner
was instructed to present bills to the
parties for whom tho city has built
A resolution was adopted providing
that water motor pits shall hereafter
bo constructed upon the property of
tho consumer, under tho supervision
of tlio water commissioner, and shall
bo built iudepedout of hydrants aud
In tho matter of the controversy
with U W Lindsoy, it was decided to
dismiss tlio injunction instituted by
tho city against Mr. Lindsey in tlio
matter of placing a llumo to Crooked
creek on his property, upon tlio fol
lowing conditions: That said Lind
sey shall at his own cxpeuso open and
straighten tho channel of said creek
between tho dam placed by tho city on
tho premises of Mrs. Garbor and tho
point whoro tlio creek ontors his ico
lioiid; also to build two flood-gates
not less than 1G feet wide, material for
said gatos to bo furnished by tho city;
Lindsoy to reimburse tho city in tho
sum of $10, tho sum expended by tho
city in opening tlio creek below tho
dam, and to further indemnify tho
city for any damages that may accrue
Tho following claims wcro allowed:
Sheridan Coal Co , coal $ 31 58
Boyd Munsell, labor 1 (JO
R D Wood & Co., hydrant 25 00
John Wolfo, labor 50
O F McKoighan, labor 40 50
C N Lovorchock, laboa 12 05
C N Lovorchock, labor 10 50
O C McConkoy, labor 15 00
Humphrey Etherton, labor 21 00
Al Hunt, labor 5 25
Honry Houchin, labor 5 25
E M Gard, labor 24 00
Ed Bates, labor 2 00
Richard Lee, labor 2 70
JBCarr. labor 150
AM Aultz, labor 2 00
Saunders Bros , lumber, 12 45
Saunders Bros., lumber, 14 OS
J W Kinsol, night watch 12 20
J W Kinsol, water com 12 50
Rod Cloud Nation printing 1 00
Chlof Pub. Co., printing 13 50
Geo Smolsor extra police, 2 80
T J Ward, street com 32 50
J M Sollars, ongleoor 40 00
' -i ta r tii -J i ' A 2 A : H: i SL: 4& : SLi i S S S? 5?w
Prices $1.50 to $7.50
nBnALa An
!? MF1 . V
Boys' Clothes of
Highest Quality
Those nro tho only kind wo
soil; tho only kind you want
Littlo follows' Russian Over
coats in stripes, clicks and
handsome overplaids; snug,
dr ssy most attractive for
SSftJE?. $2.75 to 7.00
Junior, Russian and Ad
miral Blouse styles in littlo
suits for tho small young
sters. Thoso aro tlio pick
from tho stock of tho greatest
makers of clothing for boys.
They wear longer and bet-
others "!... $2.50 to 5.00
Handsome Junior Suits for
ages 3 to 10; the handsome,
dependable product of , tho
greatest makers
of Boys
$3.00 to 6.00
Boys' Knoo Pants Suits, 7 to 10 years cut in doublo-brensted
two-pleco aud single-breasted Norfolks, good honest cheviots,
tweeds nnu Homespuns, also uluo serges, tfi en
well tailored $1-50 to
Boys' Fine Kneo Pants Suits. 7 to 10 years, in all tho newest
styles, singlo or double breasted Norfolks, our now stylo suits; also
plain doublo-brcaston stylo, with plain or kuick- ,n rn i 7 i;n
orbocker trousers; exceptional values 3o.0U LO 1 .0J
Boys' Top Coats and Reefers. 3 to 10 yenrs, mado of lino all
wool covort, serges, cheviots aud homespuns, o-o nrv c nn
lined with silk or serges fcd.UU 10 O.UU
tended tho stato university for a time
Thursday's Star.
Miss Hazol Boll, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. O C. Bell of 031 D street
and E. B. Smith of Rod Cloud were
married Friday afternoon at Kansas
City. This information was received
in a telephone message to Lincoln rel
atives yesterday evening. The young
couplo quietly loft tho city Wednes
day night, leaving a noto at Miss Bell's
homo addrossod to her parents, saying
that they had gone away to bo mar
ried. Saturday's Star.
Orvillo E. Barkloy of Ued Cloud and
Miss Laura E. Aboruatliy of Alma
were mado husband aud wife, this
week, Rov. M. B. Carman performing
tho ceremony at tho homo of Mr. aud
Mrs. Edwin Wolihan, of our city, Wed
nosday ovoning, October 25, at 7:30
o'clock. Mr. Barkloy Is an employe
in Keegan & Okorsou's barbor shop.
tho McCook division of tho Burling
ton. Ho has beou hero since tlio year
ono, and has been ono of tho Burling
ton's best passenger conductors, a fuct
which will bo of large value to him in
handling tho difllcult business of that
office. Ho is u seasoned, experienced,
faithful railroadman aud will do his
utmost to mnko good. Here's hoping
ho will-. McCook Tribune.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining unoilled
for at postolllco at Rod Cloud, N-b
for tho week ending Novomber2, 1005:
Giro, Harry Hurd, F. A. (2)
Smith, C J. To.s-.onby, Wm.
Thoso will bo sent to tho dead letter
ity of Nobraska Law Sohool, has mado , ofllco Nov. lfl, 1005, if not called for
Boyd Smith Elopes with Hazel Bell.
Lato last night Mr. and Mrs. O. C.
Boll, residing at 031 D street wore in
formed that thoir daughter, Miss
Ila.ol, had loft with E. B. Smith, with
whom she had boon keeping company
for tho past two years. Tho young
people had gone out ostensibly to visit
some friends, but had really loft tho
city. A noto was found at tho homo
of Miss Boll tolling her parents she
had gone away to mnrry tho man of
hor choice. Mr Bell took the early
morning train for Omaha expecting to
visit that city aud Council Bluffs with
tho hopes of persuading tlio young
pooplo to postpono tho wedding.
It is understood that tho main ob
jection of' Mr. and Mrs Bell to the
marriage of tho young pooplo is tho
youth of thoir daughter. The young
woman lacks somo months of being of
suillciont ago to permit a license with
out consent of hor parents. Mr.
Smith is also under tho statutory
limit, but it is understood that ho yes
terday securod the written consent of
his father, who was in tho city.
Mr. Smith and Miss Boll have boon
sweothearts for yours. Frequently
Mrs. Boll has accompanied them to
outertainmonts and tho young man
has boon entertained at tho Boll homo
on many occasions. Last night uftor
tho young people had left tta house,
Mr. and Mrs. Bell went to aa enter
tainment, returning about 11 o'clock.
Tho daughter had been thoro !ind loft
tho noto iufofming thorn of hor depart-nro.
It was rumored today that tho couplo
had gono to Kansas City aud that the
lattior uau iouowou tnem. until a
lato hour this aftornoon, no word had
Another New Trainmaster.
On Sunday last Conductor P. F. Mc
Konna becamo trainmaster on tho east
end of tho McCook division, succeed
ing Trrtinmastor T. A. Wilburn, re
signed, who has served in that capaci
ty since the ofllco of traiumastor on
this division was divided.
Mr. Wilburn has a lino farm ovor in
the Boavor country and for tho pros
ont at loast will rotiro from tho rail
road business and devote himself to
farmiug and stock raising, nud a largo
company of railroad frionds will join
The Tribuno in wishing him abundant
As to tlio now trainmaster, woll Pat
MoKouua is ono of the old guard on
Judge Letton.
The World-Horuld, following its
usual methods, and judging tho sin
cerity of others by itself and its party,
Is asking in characteristic scarce head
Hues whether Judgo Letton is using
passes If tho World-Herald cared
for the facts, it could readily learn
from tho sworn statement of expenses
filed by Judgo Letton in tho ofllco of
tho secretary of state, that ho paid his
faro to aud from convention, nnd it
should know that a plank in tho re
publican platform aud pledge of a re
publican caudidato means something.
Can it say as much for democratic
platforms and pledges of democratic
candidates? ,
Judgo Letton stands squarely on tho
republican platform and is in sympa
thy with every utterance, and long
before tho World-Herald awoke from
tho knockout blow his nomination aud
tho republican platform gave it, ho
had roturuod all free transportation
of every kind hold by him.
What about Judgo Hastings?
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tab
lets. All druggists refund the monoy
if it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box.
I have just received a full line of
this couuty his homo. Ho is not so . beforo.
old in yoars as to have booomo crabbed say "advertised."
And narrow mludod, and his legal odu-1
been rocolvod from Mr. Bell. Mr. '
When calling for above plouse Smith camo to Liucoln f ron Red
Cloud and has boon working in an
T. C. Hacker, Postmaster. ! office iu tho Browuoll block. Ho at-
1 Everything to Wear 1
i Everything to Keep I
1 You Warm ....
Everybody Welcomed at
f mi A AY Dnfunrtfc ?
0 tt p . aft . atk afamk. aH. al .. ' -