The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1905, Image 8

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Items of Nows Found In Tho
Chlof of Twenty Years Ago
This Weok v
Van Benson is hiippy. It Is n boy.
Ira Sloopor contemplates a visit to
Ohio Boon.
John Young bus boon on tho nick
list thiB wook.
M. D. MoNitt is building nn addi
tion to Ills llOUHO.
R. It Shoror goes wost this wook on
a land inspecting tour.
C. C. Johnson hud his premium colt
killed last wook by tho cars.
G. W. Lindsoy took possession of
Gates' moat markot this weok
Mrs. Frod Potorson and daughter
woro visiting in McCook this weok.
Will Gates is now a gentleman of
leisure, having retired from businoss.
Briggs A: HiimmoU aro building an
addition to the M. E. church parson
ugo. Mrs. G. II. Chancy is lying very low
and thoro is but llttlo hopo of hor re
covery. C. Wionor will move into his elegant
dwelling apartments over his store
this wook.
Aid. Ormsby, who has boon rusticat
ing in tho western climes, has re
turned homo.
L. A. Ilaskins had a lot of hay
burned up the other day by a neigh
bor's prairio lire.
Uilly Atkiti loft this wook for his old
homo in Dlissflold, Michigan, whore ho
will spoud tho winter.
M. I). McNltt goos to Ohio and
Michigan for a business and pleasure
trip Tuesday evening.
Tho Episcopal church has received
an external coat of paint which makes
that ediflco look much bettor.
Tho firm of Walker & Brakoflold
havo dissolved partnership, Mr. Brake
Held will continue tho business.
John (arbor and his mother woro in
Boukloman last wook, visiting Goorgo
Garbor, who is very sick with typhoid
Mrs. Gardnor nnd Mrs. Jocolyn wont
to Donvor Thursday and woro accom
panied by their husbands as far as
Wo aro pleased to learn that M. W.
Dickorson, who has boou on tho sick
list for two wooks past, is rapidly ro
covorlng. A people's lumber company has
boou organized at Inavalo with II. K
Orchard as president and W. J. Vanco
as secretary.
Win. Parkos. of tho ilrm of Parkos
Bros.' manufacturers of boots and
shoos, has roturnod from his trip
Soda Crackers
among tho much married denizens of
C. E. Perkins and G. W. Holdrogo,
prominent B. &. M. olllclals, havo been
onjoylng tho bracing air of Wobstor
county for a few days.
Ed Ferris, who lately put up a law
shlnglo at Elhvood, is progressing
iluely and is becoming a successful
wrostlor of Blackstouo
1) G. Walkor has sold his houso iu
tho north ond to Goorgo Murray of
Whito Hook, Kansas, who will movo to
Ked Cloud in tho spring.
Tho Chief oillco has been ropairing
and brightening up tho interior by a
new coat of paint and havo added a
couple moro bricks to our ash pilo for
a brown stono front.
J. II. Smith, Frod Hummoll, G. W.
Dow, A. J Means and John Parkos,
representatives of Ked Cloud lodgo,
No. 01, I. O. O F., woro In Hastings
last week attending tho grand lodgo of
Odd Follows.
On last Friday night tho Bock fam
ily hold a reunion, tho first time in
fourteen years. Thoro woro present
Mrs. W. D. Forrester, Mrs. Penny-
packor. O. P Bock and Dr. L. H. Bock.
A follow living near Inavalo, wo
understand, who wished to "climb up
tho goldon stair," took rough on rats,
as a medium to gain tho mystic realm,
but fortunately ho took olthor too
much or too llttlo and did not ascend
Tho cano-ino editor of tho down
town "dimooratic" shoot squirts tho
falso creations of his heat oppressed
brain into tho columns of his llttlo
papor this wook, and abuses men and
things with his usual virulonco. Next
wook, Iiowovor, tho insipid regulation
apologies will bo forthcoming.
Ajihoy Wo havo all boon enjoying
Hue weather tho past few days
Wo aro happy to aunounco tho wed
ding of Mr. Herman Fraso and Miss
Bortlia Polly, Octobor 17 Mrs.
Thompson of Iowa is tho guost of Mrs.
J. Polly .... Farmers havo eommoncod
gathoring corn Mr. Truukoy has
completed his now framo houso
Polly Bros, havo hired a now miller.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfors for wook ending Wednes
day, Oct. 18, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Wobstor County Abstract company
State of Nebraska to C W Kaloy
lots 5 to 8 in 2-1 10 wd g 1GG5
N E Henderson and husband to
Frank A Kuohn part block 23
Smith & Mooro add to Rod
Cloud wd 1200
Josoph McCall to Ralph B Mc
Call s2 sol nol sol and sol nol
12-1-12 wd 2800
J Thompson and wifo to J L
Crowoll &. Co lots 14 and in
block 3 Bohror add to Bluo
Hill wd 350
C F Guntl and wifo to J L Crow
oll & Co lot 13 block 3 Bohror
anything you choose milk for instance or alone.
At every meal or for a munch between meals, when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner, in the morning when you wake hungry, or at
night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eating anything else.
But as in all other things, there is a difference in sod
crackers, the superlative being
Uneeda Biscuit
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you.
add to Bluo Hill wd 5C0
Edward T Foo to N A Piatt lots
1 to 4 block 11 Cowlos wd GO
J B Wiseearvor and wlfo to Sara
M Potter lots 10 11 and 12 blk
l.'J Ked Cloud wd 2000
Sarah M Roby to R E MoBrldo
lots 5 and 0 block 8 LoDucadd
to Red Cloud wd 800
Henry Siebrass and wifo to II
Arondsso4 20-4 K wd 7000
John Cronor and wifo to Alox
James s2 sol 3 4-9 wd .1000
O W Kaloy to Josoph Kudrua
Bw427-:Mlwd 12S0
Alox James and wifo to R E
J amos s2 se 1 H-4-9 wd .TiOO
R E James to Alex James e2 nol
13-1-10 wd 2.-J00
Total $2C,2:i5
Mortgages filed 810200
Mortgages roloased $0050
IVlint In an Edition?
What Is an edition? Does It consist
of 1,000 volumes or of H00 or C0 os G?
Tho word Is not a technical term like
"gross" or "dozen" or any like expres
sion benring a fixed numerical signifi
cance, and there Is of course no reason
why It should not mean anything from
tho loweBt to tho highest of theso num
bers, according to the taste and fancy,
or It may be the tactics of the particu
lar publisher who employs it. We
know what is meant when we read
that a new novel Is "In its twentieth
thousand," whereas the statement that
It Is "in its forty-fifth edition" conveys
to us simply no information at all.
London Tatler.
A line For the Tire.
An automoblllst traveling through
Castile, in Spain, came out of an Inn
one day to find his automobile sur
rounded by the population of the
whole village, who were gazing at ft
with much Interest aud examining the
back wheels, out of which largo lumps
had Just been cut. Tho damage had
been caused by the mother of a large
family, who artlessly confessed that,
seeing so much rubber on the wheels,
she had cut a few pieces out to mako
toys for her children.
Vhut He Seemi.
"Who Is that youngster?" asked the
visitor to the sanctum.
"That," replied the editor, "Is Just the
new office boy."
"Oh, his face seemed familiar"
"Perhaps It Is, but his manner Is more
so." Philadelphia Press.
Too Methodical.
Hicks My wife Is very methodical.
She's always got a place for every
thing and everything In its place.
Wicks So has mine, but I can never
find tho place.
If wo rightly estimate what we call
good and evil wo shall find It lies much
In comparison. Locke.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Tak'- Laxative Bronio Quinine tab
lots. All druggists refund tho monoy
if it fails to euro. E. V. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
The Secret of Good Coffee
Even tho best housokoopora cannot mako n good cup of
cofieo without good material. Dirty, adulterated and quccrly
blonded coftco such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their
counters won't do. But tako tho puro, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader of all package coffees
tho coffee that for over a quarter of a century has boon daily
welcomed in millions of homes and you will mako a drink fit
for a king in this way :
Une LION COKFEE, becAtuo to Ret best rosulU you must uso tho best coffee.
Orlnd your LION COKFEK rather flno. Uhb "a tablcspoonful to each cup, and one
extra for tho pot." First mix It with a little cold water, cnouuh to make ft thick paste, and
add white of nn egg (if egg la to be nwd as a settler), Uien follow one of tho f ollowlnj; rules :
...JjyJl WJIrJ3JPOIMNO WATER. Add boiling water, end let It boll
THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and set aside live
minutes to nettle. Serve promptly.
2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to the paste and
bring It to a boll. Then set aside, add a little cold water, and In live
minutes It's ready to serve.
3 (Don't boll It too lonff.
i Sn't ,Gt It stand moro than ton mlnutoa before serving.
DONTS (.Don't uao water that has boon boiled boforo.
1st. With Eqot. Use part of the white of an egg, mixing It with the ground LION
COFFEE before boiling.
lid. With Cold Water Instead of eggs. After boiling add a dash of cold water, and set
aside for eight or ten minutes, then servo through a strainer.
Insist on getting a package ol genuine LION COFFEE,
Erepare It according to tills recipe and you will only use
ION COFFEE In luture. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed paoknges.)
(Lion-head on every package)
(Savo theso Lion-heads for valuablo promiums.)
WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private
To the
Out of no Insurance Companies
doing business in Wobstor
County tho Gocman of Kreo
port pays one-third of tho taxes
nnd has over 500 policies in
forco. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
in tho state, with over throo
quartors of a million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
o. c.
Rod Cloud.
Popular Flavors in
Ice Cream
The Bon Ton
W. S. BBNSB, Proprietor.
All kinds of
Piano Moving, Furnlturm
Moving and other Hmavy
Work our Specialty j
No. 52. ...PHONE. ...No. 7
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurse in Now York
discovered an aromatic pleasant herb
drink for women's ills, called AUS-TRALIAN-LEAF.
It is tho only eor
tain monthly rogulator. Curos female
weaknesses and backache, kidnoy,
bladdor aud urinnry troublos. At all
druggists or by mail R0 cents Sample
FRER. Address Tho Mothor Gray
Co., LoRoy, N. Y.
lee Gream
Gool Drinks
15c MEAL
Damcrell Block.
Do You
When you aro hungry and
want somothig nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. Wo havo tho nicest
kind of
nnd meats, fish, and game
in season. We think, and
almost know, that we can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wadoll's meat markot, wo
extend to you a hearty iu
vitation visit us and become
hotter (acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
class meat, wo ask you to
give us a trial.
Wo aro satisfied wo can
wo can please you.
Yours for businoss,
Vtt.-ti IM.tMMWM"'"''-!'""
. 1. Xy M"v