THE RED CLOUD CHIEF fittafoWjaateK $1 a Year Eight Pages All Home Print it Advance l9mS55.WffiHS VOLUME XXXI I r. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 27, 1905. NUMBER 432 Subscription Km Hi ' BABIES Something NEW in Red Cloud We have the only complete line of INFANTS READY MADE WEAR in Red Cloud, consisting of Long and Short Dresses, Jackets, Cloaks, Skirts, Shirts, Stockings, Bootees, Rubber Diapers, etc. They are cheaper and better than the home-made ones. We quote a few styles and prices of Infants Long Dresses Made of good quality Cambric, deep hem, embroidery o C yoke, homstitchod ruillo in nock aOC Fancy open work and embroidorod yoko, hemstitched OA ruillo nock, good quality cambric OUC Embroidorod yoke, with embroidered ruillo, a good A r quality cambric, at 4UC Tucked and embroidorod yoko, with embroidorod ruillo, Kn homstitchod rufilo iu neck and sloovo OUC Koavy corded yoko with embroidered ruillo, lace in neck flK and sleeves, embroidorod ruillo around bottom DOC Fancy open work and tuckod yoko, embroidered ruillo, nc, homstitchod ruillo iu sloovos and nock I O C Emb. and tuckod yoko, emb. ruillo, homstitchod ruillo in 17 K - nock and sloovos made of good quality long cloth. . IOC Those aro only a fow of tho bargains we have in both long nnd short drossos. Pressed flannel Jackets from 25 to SOc Crochotod Jackets from 75c to 1.00 White Flannel, por yard 25 to 4tc White Embroidered Flannel, por yard 75c to jtt.OO F. NEWHOUSE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, ETC. crWN'vyvyvv 2 . . fleaisy flotes prom a i 8 5 GATHERED FROM BLOOMINGTON (From tho Advocate.) Wo failed to montion the arrival last week of a girl baby nt tho homo of P. F Peterson. Miss Daisy Montgomery reeently -went to Lincoln to attend tho Keister school, whore she is taking a course in dresfnviking. Mr. Crso of Hasting), a deputy from tho grand lodge of tho Fraternal Life association, has been in town thisweok in tho interest of the order. Tho recoption given by tho ladios of tbo "P. E. O " society last week in tho Masonic hall, wns ono of tho most pleasant social' events tbnt hns taken plnco here for some time. Tho hnll wns brilliantly lighted by tho new lamps which ndded luster to tho deco rations, yellow ai.d white. A largo tnblo was covered with a whlto spread with yellow stnrs nnd tho lotters "P. E O." in tbo contor, nnd covered with cut flowers sent by absent members. Dainty refreshments wero served and about 150 people in attendance. CAMPBELL (From tho Citizen.) Mr. Hunt, who bails from Dawson, Nob., is tho gentlemanly now helper at tho depot. Mr. Ault informs us that bis son Martin, is in a Chicago hospital under going an operation for appendicitis, Rev Goetz roports that at tho mis sion feast of the German Presbyterian churoh hold in thiH city over $85 wns collected for mission work. D, Rippon is carrying his arm in a sling by reason of an accidont recoivod while riding homo ono day ?y, rook. Ho was seated on a box in The roaf of his spring wngon. when unnoticed his boy, who was driving, struck the horses with tho whip, which threw Dick out. He caught and managed to Neighboring Tomns I i- OUR EXCHANGES -; alight right ond up with caro but tho inonientum throw htm into tho ditch in such n manner as to badly sprain his arm. Campbell is beginning to put on n metropolitan nir and with it comes motropolitnn transactions. Lnst week n smooth guy giving his nimo as Geo. Duncan and who labored as a carpen ter for Contractor Davis tired of work and thought ho would movo.but beforo going wished to replenish bis coffers somewhat, so on Saturday evening forged a fow cheeks on his employer and passed one of $10 on O. Gagnon and another of liko amount on G. A. Firkins. This boing tho extent of tho blank check in his possession nnd tho game working so smoothly ho pnssed an order on H. Holizman for a $4 pair of boots, supposedly to ptotect his foot in his flight. Ho is supposed to hnvo tnkon tho Sunday freight onst for pastures now and groon. At last re ports nothing had boon dono by tho victims to secure his capture. -- SMITH CENTER (From tho Messenger.) Ralph Bnrgor returned last Satur day from Mexico nnd Arizonn, whore ho bought 9,000 shoop. At six o'clock last Wednesday oven ing, October 11, 1005, nt tho homo of iho bride's parents south of this city, Mr. Milt Perry nnd Miss Grnco God frey, weio united in nmrringo by Rev. Roberts. J. L. Horrodsborg, of tho Plains country, linishod n now rosidonco on his farm last weok and had n regular old fashioned log rolling time last Sat urday night. Fifty Riiosts woro panic ipants in tho dance. Little Arthur Mead, the 21 months old babe of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kings, buiy, died at the home in this city last Friday evening at f o'clock. Tho fun. tral was conducted by Kev. dark at tho hotiso Saturday at b o'clock, ami tho remains laid to ret iu the Fairviow cemetery. A prnirio lire down in Kd Strami- thaii's neighborhood last Thursday forenoon caused consiilm ablo excite mnntfora fow hours. In what way tho lire got started no 0110 soenis to know. A good ninny acres of prairie were burned, nlso soveral tons of feed and grain. BLUE HILL (From tho Lender. Tho Farmers olovntor is just nbout completed. A now fttrnnco is boiug put in nt tho M. E. church. Sheriff McArthur wns in this city Tuesday on oflleinl business. John Gnrber, republican cnndidato for clork, was in town Tuesday. A largo amount of grain and stock is being markotod nt this point. Oliver Hodge, republican ..ndidato for sheriff, was in town Thursday. Alex holverson is building a largo barn 40 x 00 for P. Schlitman on his farm. Cltns. Winfrey, R C. Potter nnd Judge Keonoy woro up from Rud Cloud Saturday. J. L. Boswoll of Kontucky. has nc copted a position with R. A. Simpson in his roul estato nnd insuranco oilico. A pretty wedding occurred at tho Catholic church Wednesday, October 18, nt 9 a. m., when W. J. Dnunor and Miss Filepono Huppert wore hnppily wedded, tho Rev. Father Lougnoi of Red Cloud ofliciating. SUPERIOR (From tho Journal.) Born, to Mr. and Mis. Frank Miller, today, a daughter. Thirteen electric lights aro being placed in and around tho Burlington depot. Miss Myrlo Gittiugs enmo down from Red Cloud to visit her pntonts Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cowden and children returned to thoir homo in Red Cloud last evening. Jim Clinrloton wont to St. Joe, Mo., today, whoro ho is employed on the St. Joo nnd Grnud Islnnd railroad. Over a hundred young people in tended tho Epworth Lenguo mooulight party at Mr. Lunt's last ovoning. The evening was plensnnt and thoso pres ent report having a good time. Mrs Nancy George, oged eighty-two years, died last Sunday at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. A. Wiles, near Rubens, Kansas. Sho loaves eight children. Tho remains woro intorred in tho Evergreen cemetery. Tho Woman's Relief Corps at Fair bury gave a reception last night in honor of Mrs. O. E. Adams, of this city. Mrs. Adams also attended tho stnto moating of the Daughters of the Revolution thero yesterday. LEBANON. (From tho Times.) Uriel Kimsoy, tho nino-yonr-old dnughtor of Will Kimsoy, wns ncci dentnlly shot through tho light foot with a rovolver by her brother Mon day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nato Smith left Fridav for Indinnoln, Iown, to nttond tho regi montal reunion of tho 34th Iowa Vol., in which Mr. Smith served during tho rebellion. J. O. Price's oldost boy was thrown off of a horso Inst Friday, and his right oidow badly fractured. This samo little fellow was injured by lightning a few months ago. W.T. nnd J. J. Mays, who recently purchased 0500 head of shoop in Wy oming and Now Mexico, sold 2300 head of them in Denver last Friday making u nico little prolit of 8800. Lat Thursday little Matt Regan, sort ofjMontio Regan, was kicked by a colt and sustained a fracture of tho frontal and nasal bones, oomp'o ely severing tho bones of the nose (mm tho frontal bono and driving the bone A friend of the hom Afoa of th Trust Calumet Baking Powder tOomplicB with th Pur Food Lswa of all Stntaa. of tho nose down into tho roof of tho mouth. T. S. Spurrier and daughter MIrb Byo returned home last weok fiom their Colorado, Washington, Portland exposition and St. Paul, Miuuosotn trips. They were gone seven weeks and enjoyed themselves immensely. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) R. M. 1'atteiHon died at his home in Ri voi ton Wednesday of blood poison ing, at the age of 81) years. Interment was made in the Franklin cemetery today. From a recent lettor from S. G. Mc- Mastor wo learn that they have moved from Long Beach, California, to Pasa denn, nnd that he has been promoted to tho wholesale ollleo of the Southern California Lumber Co. of Los Angeles. F. W. Suffen of Urn Cloud and Miss Mjrtlo Barstow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bmstow and sistor of Mrs. L It Borland of this city, were .married by Rev. Meeker at tho M.E pnrsonngo at Bloomington, Monday, October 10. Fire broke out in tho cngino room of tho Free Press oilico yesterday morn ing and only for tho prompt action of it volunteer bucket brigttdo might have resulted disastrously. As it was the blaze was quickly subdued and no damage done. The comfortable homo of Mr. nnd Mis. Geo. Drake on Macon prairie was the scono of a pretty wedding at high noon Wednesday, October 18, when their eldest daughter, Miss Lulu, be came tho bride of Mr. Fred T. Moots, Rev. A. A. King pastor of tho M. E. church oiliciating. BLADEN Miss Hazel Snyder visited Miss Mabel Bovd Sundny. Miss Grace Reed wns a passenger for Bine Hill Mondny. A. Waffle nnd son Penrl drove to tho county soat Wednesdny. Miss Nellie Williams loft Monday for a month's visit in Iown. Mrs. Martin of Roselnnd is visiting her sister, Mrs. Snyder. Mrs. Ziegler of Colorado is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A Woodsido. Mr. Alexander expects to move back in his proporty on east Main street. R. C. Chevalier and wifo drovo oyer to Campboll Sunday and spent the day. Lloyd Rued and sisters spent Sunday nt tho homo of their brother, Fred Reed. Mrs. Letnor roturncd homo Wednes dny, nfter a two weeks' visit with hor daughter, Mrs. Hattio Kolso. Davo Crow returned from Grand Is land Monday, whore ho had boon visit ing his son, who is attending school there. Wayno Reed and family Bpont Sun day at the home of Mrs. Rood's par ents, H. B. Boyd and wifo. Mrs. Fred Piel, who was quite badly burned Inst weok whon her two daugh ters lost thoir lives, is getting along as nicoly as could bo expected. BEAVER CREEK Farmers aro busy husking corn. Fred Fooner sold coveral loads of hogs last week. Mrs. Clyde Albin passed through horn Wo tnesday. G W Bilker and wife woio guests of O, W Ft Ink' Thursday. M- Osi'iir .Minim and clii droti re turned Smuidny ovmitig from Stella, Neb., whoro they had boon visiting tho past two weeks. John Martin of Mt. Clare wiw on thtr creek one tiny this week. Miss Klllo Konzack visited nearr Eckloy the llrst of the week. Mrs. O W. Frlnk nttondeil her sin ter's birthday dinner nt Aniboy WecF nesdny. John Conyonrs rocoivod word Sun day morning of tho donth of his wlfev who has boon visiting in Mahomot, III.. Mr. Conyonrs nnd son loft for Ma homot Sunday evening. Mrs. Con yonrs has beou suffering with asthma-, ror Homo time, but her condition wn. not thought to bo dangerous Mrs. Conyonrs wns nlso tho mothor of Mrs, Low Smith of this plnco. Tho bereaved husband nnd children hnvo tho aytupa thy of their many friends here. LIVE STOCK MARKETS II KANSAS CITY. "CHE WEEK'S TRADE REPORTED BT CLAY. ROBINSON A COMPANY,. fcJVQ STOCK OOMMISSIOr MEROHANTS. 0FF10S8 AT OHIOAQO, KANSAS OITYV OMAHA, SIOUX OITY. ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER. Kanha3 City. Oct. 21 Rocoipt or cattlo Monday woro 20,000. Choice- to prime hoof stoors woro scarco but tho market weak for them. Medium to plain wostorns woro numerous anot- prlcos for this kind weak to 10 cents lower. Cows woro steady. StookertK nud feeders slow but nbout steady; calves aotivo and steady, bulls do. It. Receipts today woro 20,000. Best boovoH woro active nnd firm; others', steady. Cows, hoifors, calves, bulls,, stockors and feeders all sold at steady figures. Tho following tablo gives quotations' now ruling. Extra prlmo corn-fodstoora. ,?5 45-G CO Good corn fed steers 5 00-0 MP Ordinary corn foil stoors. . . . 4 00-5 00 Choice corn fed heifers 4 75-f 45. Good corn fed hoifors 1 10-4 75- Medium corn fed hoifors. ... .'J 50-4. 10 Ohoico corn fod cows 4 00-4 25 Medium 2 75-3 25. Cunnors 1 50-2 25. Clioico stags 4 00-JIJO" Choico fod bulls 3 2f-3 7.7- Good 300-325 Bologna bulls .. 2 00-2 TO Veal calves 5 00-G 25 Good to choico native or wostorn stockors 3 5CM(KK Pair 325-350 Common 2 75-3 25 Good to choico heavy native feeders 0 85-4 25. Pair 360-375. Good to ohoico heavy brand ed horned feeders 3 25-3 75 Fair 300-U25 Common 2 75-3 00 Good to choico stock hoifors 2 75-3 00- Fair 225-275:. Good to choico stock calves, stoors 4 00- 25 Fair 3u0400 Good to choico stock calves, hoifors 3 00-3 C0' Pair 2O-30 Clioico wintered grass stoors 3 50-4 cry Good 3 25-3 50. Pal r 3 00-3 25 Choico grass cows 2 70-3 00 Good 2fi0-275 Common..; 2 00-2 CW Receipts of hogs Monday wero 700Oi Tho niarkot oponod weak to 5 cent . lower but closed strong. Receipt today woro 10,000. Trudo oponod 5 cents lower but closed firm. Bulk of sales woro from 85 10 to 85 17; top ?5.20. Rocoipts of shoop Monday woro 30Ott aud tho market strong. Receipts to day woro 3500 and pricos 5 to 10 conta higher. Wo quoto choice Innibs $725- to 7.50; ohoico yonrlings $5.25 to 5.50;: ohoico wothors 85.15 to 5.80; choice; owes 85 00 to 5,25. Are Ysu Using Allen's tot-Ease? Shako into your shoes Alloa's. FooJu- Enso, a powdor. It euros Corns, Ban- ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollon foot. At all druggists and shoo store,.. 25o. That Settle's t. When n Colorado sand stono walk ij laid that sett los it. Sou Overing Brc &Oo. for prices.