rFHE CJHLIK1- Ili:t) Ot.OUD, NEBRASKA. PUBLISH ED EVERY Fill DAY. Paul C. Piiarks - - Kdltor GionoB NKwnou.HE Manager SUHHOHIITION HATES. On yer II ou Umouth Mi nlcrdd t tna no RrdOlaud, Neb.M oondcUiimall matlor. AIH'KRTIHINO RATKS: Furnlniteti on application. ""ELEPnONE. SEVEN - TWO M'CURDY ON STAN J PRESIDENT OF MUTUAL RELUCT ANT TO AN8WER QUESTIONS. Decrease in Dividends Is Unexplained Refers Committeemen to the Actu ary of the Company Investlgatlor Attended With Revelations. Now York, Oct. 18. Testimony Id tho iiiHiirnnco Investigation was tnosl exciting throughout the entire da 'and only the repeated throats of Sen ator Armstiong, chalnnun of the com mittee, lo clear tho room, prevented violent demonstrations of dlBtinnroua lion of tho witness, who was Klchard A. McCurdy, president of tho Mutual Life ItiHiirunco company. As it was, liowover, thero wero Jeers at several periods of tho testimony that tempo rarlly interrupted tho proceedings. These came when Mr. Hughes, the counsel for the committee, asked ques tlons that Mr. McCurdy was reluctant nt times so defiant thnt tho spectators bent forward to catch every word and stood on tiptoe expecting every mo ment to hear him directed by counsel to answer tho question. His proffer of another witness was all that pre vented steps being taken toward his indictment. Calls It "On the Rack." Mr. McCurdy, also during the ef fort to Induce him to answer the ques tions as to tho reduction of dividends, launched forth Into a protest us to tho manner in which the Investigation was being conducted. Ho said tho committee was going beyond tho scope Intended when it was appointed by tho legislature and that the Investiga tion had nssumed tho proportions of nn Inquisition. Ho was asked by Senator Armstrong how ho would conduct tho Investigation and told that If he had better methods the com mittee would bo glad to know or It. Mr. McCurdy thought that putting a witness under oath made him feel he was on tho rnck. Ho said his answers wero published In a distorted form, that appeared like an attempt to ruin him. Man Killed by Train. Sioux City, Oct. 17. Albert Amberg, n carpenter, fell from a freight train on his way to Omaha and was Instant ly killed. ""- .,?Jiir niCHAUD . M'CUItUY. to answer, or evaded, and wore mado by tho crowd that stood at tho bnek or tho room, which long ago proved In adequate to accommodate the counsel and witnesses summoned and the crowds of spectators that Increases with every hearing. Where this im portant Investigation Is going to lead or where It will end bus caused no email amount or conjecture and doubt less In some quarters anxiety. Mutual Employs Literary Bureau. In Mr. McCurdy's testimony a feat tiro entirely new was disclosed, and this was that tho Mutual Llfo In fiuranco company employed a literary bureau to send out to tho press of tho country news matter that was of lien ollt to tho company. This Information was elicited during the probing ot tho "legal expenses' account. It came out when a vouchor for tho payment of ?2,r.00 to Joseph Howard, Jr., In 31)01. was produced. Another voucher for tho same amount paid in Maj, 30115, was marked "Repayable on de mand" and "for professional services." Mr. McCurdy had vised tho vouchers and explained that Mr. Howard was a iiowspoper correspondent and that his professional services conslbteil In syndicating news stories. Pressed further, Mr. McCurdy said: "Mr. Howard was a correspondent for tho Boston fllobo and several other pa pers." Mr. McCurdy further said that ho paid Mr. Howard about $2,500 a year for these services and that tho voucher for May, 1005, was "really a loan or nu advance." McCurdy Dodges Questions. An attempt was made to obtain from Mr. McCurdy the reason for re ducing tho dividends on policies as the business Increased and tho as fiots piled up. This question was prompted by tho largo number of lot tors recolvod from policy holdors by tho commltteo and cited facts and examples. One In particular for $3, 000, that in 1S7C drew a dividend ot $05. 1 0, had been gradually cut until in 1901 it received only $3. To all tho questions on this matter tho witness bald ho was not fortified with tho In-, founatlon required, that these wore j actuarial matters, and whon pressed for his opinion, roplied that ho re lived to discuss tho question, lie! would proffer a witness, lu3 aetimry, i whoso bi'MnrP? It vn t- t .. ,.,. m,, .' things, but c -, fo hi- . i ' ro d'rci i t; c x C i (', dt "r ,r NORWAY A SEPARATE NATION. 8weden Severs Band Which United It With Yoke-Fellow. I Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 17. Tho union botween Norway and Sweden, existing slnco 1814, hns been dls-! solved, tho riksdag having passed the government bill repealing tho act of union and recognizing Norway "as a state bjparate from the union with Sweden." Tho lower house Jssod tho bill without debate, but twt or three mem-j bors or the senate expressed the opin ion tho dissolution was an Irreparablo mlBfortuno nnd tho time would co-mo' whon Norway would perceive tho ben efits of tho union. Doth houses sub sequently passed tho new flag law. Tho flag will be n yellow cross on a bluo ground, as It existed prior to 1814, tho union mark, now showing In tho upper left corner, being elim inated. ChrlBtlnnia, Norway, Oct. 17. King OBcar's refusal or the offer of the Nor wegian throno for a prince of the houso of Bernadotto Is expected today and tho government will nsk tho storthing to authorize an Invitation to Prince Charles of Denmark to be come king. It is said that tho reply will ho favorablo and that Immediate ly on its receipt tho Btorthing will proceed to his election. Tho repub licans uro making desporato efforts to sccuro a plebiscite. They publish a monlfcsto protesting ngainst the elec tion of a king and favoring a repub lican rorm or government. It Is un derstood that tho republicans now control rorty votes in tho storthing nnd It is said Prlnco Charles will de cline if tho republican majority Is strong enough to bo worthy or consltl oration. However, It Is declared tho question will he settled before tho end of tho present week. I Unmon ac Wall as Mon Jim Mml iiuiiiuii uo hum ao uiun niu lllauC Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discouruyesaudlesbeusambition; beauty, vigor aim cneerim ncss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of o-'ler or dis eased. Kidney trouble lias become so prevalent thnt it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weuk kidnevs. If the cliildurinatcstoooften.ifthc urine scalds the ilesli, or if. when the child reaches nn nge when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet nfllicted with bed-wet-ting, depend upon it, thecnuseof thedilli culty is kidney trouble, and the first btep should be towards thi treatment of these iniportaiitorgnus. i'lus unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit ns most people suppose. Women ns well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same jjreat remedv. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It issold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample IxHtlc by mail free, nlso a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, niv:uiuiiig ninny oi uicuiousauusot testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghainton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swnmp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad- "The Kodak Way" 1; h Ilomo of Swamp-Root. dress, IJinghamtoii, N. IJOtllO. Y., on every Church Is Blown Up. Pittsburg. Oct. 17. Tho First Pres byterian church at McKecs Rock, a west end suburb, was blown up by nat ural gas and the ontlro building de molished. Tho explosion is said to have been the result of a leak in tho basement of the building, which was sought by tho Janitor with a lighted candle. David Leader, tho Janitor, was badly burned and was caught un der tho crumbling walls, but was not fatally hurt. Kaiser Honors Prince of Monaco. Llndonburg, Prussia, Oct. 17. Em peror William, in speaking at tho ded ication of tho Royal Prussian Aero nautical observatory, alluded to the manifold services to science of the Prlnco of Monaco, who was present, and handed tho prlnco the great gold medal for science bestowed a year ago upon a person of any country deemed most worthy. Injured Artillerymen Recover. Junction, City, Kan., Oct. 1C Tho soldiers Injured In tho stnmpedo of horses at Fort Riley aro Improving, and will recover. Private Connolly and Private Simpson, who were con sidered tho most dangerously wouned ed, have more than an even chance for life, according to ttp hospital physicians. w Kodaks and Kodak jj $ Supplies if ft J fy Bring In Your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. 'J- We do It right. vi Inewhouse brothers,! ( JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. W CHILD KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE. Men on Way to Girl's Funeral Strike Another in Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 17. With hor head resting on a bank of flowers Intended for tho funeral or another child, eight-year-old Isabello Walker was carried by the automobile which had struck and fatally injured her to tho office of a physician, where she died on the pillow of white roses. Tho girl was fatally Injured whllo crossing Ashland boulevard. L. F. Stevens, driver of the machine, was arrested. Mr. Stevens, with his brother Thomas E. Stevens, was hurrying to tho homo of a friend, and his brother hold In his arms a huge floral pillow for tho funeral of tho friend's llttlo daughter. No Bank for tho Laborers. Chicago. Oct. 17. The Union Labor bank In Chicago was sacrificed on tho altar of frenzied lltmneo at a meeting of tho Chicago Federation 0f Labor. , "j un ovorwiieimiug vote tho dele gates laid on the tablo a report sub mitted by a banking commltteo in fa vor or establishing and supporting such an institution. Before the prop osition was smothered It was raked foro and aft by a galling flro from many spectators; financial schemes wero linked with graft and banking was declared entirely ' outsldo tho fiphero of organlzod labor. Close Call for Crew. Portsmouth, Eng., Oct. 17. Tho crow of sixteen on board Bubmarino boat No. 4 had a remarkably narrow escape. Tho boat was engagod In diving practlco orf Splt:iead and was submerged, whon water leaked through tho exhaust pipe and caused an accumulation of gns. A slight ex plosion followed, damaging tho ma chinery. Tho crew, liowover, managed to rnlso the vessel, which came up stern first. A government gunboat n urby .cnt to !ur a-"- "nco and ku 1 all tlr ( - v dmaiine v r t w i'i 1 t r 1,.' AGuarantccd Cure For Piles. Itcliinir, blind, bleeding or protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund 11101103' " I'.m.') Ointnmnt fails to euro any ease, no matter of how long standing) in G to 14 di'j's First application gives east and re-t. 50o. If your drimgist httsn'l it sotitl r0f. in stumps, tuid it will In for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo. Arc Yon Using Allen's Foot-Easo? Shako into your hhoes Allen's Foot Huso, n powdor. It euros Corns, Bun ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen feot. At all druggists and shoo stores, 23o. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tnk- Lnxiitivo Bromo Quinine tab lets. All druggists refund the 11101103 if it fails to euro. K. NV. (Jrovu'ri sigtm tuio is on each box. !Mo. KHKUMATISM CUUED IN A DAY. Myntlo Ctiru for lilienmntlun nnd NctirnlttlH niillenlly ruros In 1 to ') iIujk, 1(8 notion upon tho Hbluni Ik ri'mnrkiiblc nnd nijMi'rlnuH It rcmovi-N nt onco tho cutiso nnd the dli-ctit-e Itn medlutpl) dlMtiiL'irs. Tho first dote i;ri'Hil tionctltN 7f (flits nnd $100. cld by ll.fi Crtco Drngylst. Kcd Claud HOLLiSTER & FiGSS All hinds of DR A Y I N G Piano Moving, Furniture Moving and other Heavy Work our Specialty j jx No. S2 ...PHONES. ...No. 75 HOLLISTEFVa Rncky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Ucy Hi iota for Buay People. Brlaffn Gal; en Health anil KcaowJ Vigor. L aniaHllrt 0. d icH.Mit Inn Tn tlia iMnii T.lrft li'nl Ki ' ' Tron liliw. Vi ;l)os I'ivwti'I I I 't I U. I'M RToV. E Sl Vl Vl'Hiiyi'V Y Bl mww R1 A l !;eSTA3Jg Wi MlZYEARS nv m kv fLm PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES $4 PER PAIR Regular prlco $S5Q per pair. To BitttHssSuce $$1 "jF urn u138 n!! mi o B wv ww mmmi i NAILS. TACKS Ih Ul! CLASS Pair for Only STovu'?"tT.e l4t WW'V ,AO.V. i!Bl . ... . Stj EASY RIDING, STR0NGr UUIInULE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS YouaSsmplQ Pair for Only NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 15 years oxporieneo in tiro making. Ho slangon from THORNS, GAGTUS9 PINS,NAIS, TACKS as GtLASS. Serious punctures, liko intentional knifo cuts, can bo vuteaiiizca into any oinei-lire. u BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Pond for Catnlpuuo "T." showluir till kinds nnd makos of tiros at :.nn por pair and up .lso Coastor-llrakes, Iliillt-ui) hucls and Illcyclos-Sundrlus nt Half tho usual prices. Itntlcn tho tlilelc nilihor ticnd "A" and ntincturo htrlps "li" and " I)." This tiro will ilf,lncsJn.n.E.(V.,A(;F " V"' , -"oft. KJnstle and Kus,y Uldlntr. Wo will bhlp C. 0. D, ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION u-itiout a cut itsflnsit. Wo will allow a cash discount of 5 (tlicrrfWy niaktntr tho prlco S4.50 per pair) If you send full cash with order. Tires lo bo ictiupKd at our oxponso If not satisfactory on (iMiinluntloii. mm miE m., mt. "&.ummm, ill. RB0ER AGENTS WAITED until you reooivo and approvo of your blcyclo any'ono on T(2ff3 JB&JfS frSQQ TriaS" fsoffSSte 0W to $2 witii Coaster - 3rakcs and runcturolcss Tires. S&liS.!! $7 to $12 Any make or model you wnnt (it one-third umud 2mcc. Clioico of any standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles. StrouycU quarantcc. We SSiSP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to nnv WtJ ono lritlw"l' (t ff'if dipimt aud allow JO DAYS Sp 5Q Second Hanrt Wheeis a , fr Q M tnU-fii In trailo by our Clilrauo retail htores. hQ9 W uiu -" nil innl;i. niul m.wl.iiu ......,i . WW r DO NOT W sLjljt cqulpmenl. sundries and sport Injr iroods of all kinds, at half rt-cular nriVo. In our big Irea Sundry Catalogue Guiiialus. a woild of useful luformatlou. Wrlto for it. 75 City Dray and Express Line. IT. W. STUDEISAKIfiK, PUOI. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence iSS. Office 119 INFLAMMATORY RHKl'MATIh.M CURED IN Morton!,. Hill, of l.i'ijunnn Intl.. mijb; "My wife liiid tnlltninniir ItliOtuntiiitn In every muscle nnd Joint . her MillVrliiK win turrlle and hor t l mt'i fni'e wcio hunlli 11 hIiiui.i no joint rut'OK' Ul n; Imtl Ik en liiiunUlx wi-lt llllil lii'd i-islil iImmpIhiis, lull rinMi) h I 1, 'l 11 I I 1 li I ll A 1 1 . fn I 1 ' 1 lit I Mil pi 1 f tin 1 r f 1 ' hh ' I I Isaac B. Colvin REAL ESTATE, Farm Loans and Insurance. Telephones: (il"mvnnd tiuil Guide Roek linoB. u. 2 GUIDE ROCK, NEB. 4. A 1 1