The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1905, Image 5

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Hay and feed at Plumb's.
Low Clnpp wont west Tuesday.
Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or feed.
Homer Morgan is in town this wook.
O. C. Teol went to Lincoln Tuesday.
Win, Koon is having a now barn
Miss Ella Co k spout Sunday in
C. B. Halo anil wife were in Inavalo
Col. Kaley relumed from Omnlia
F. Binning was down fiom Blue Hill
Frank Smith of Blue Hill was hero
Kd Amack was in Guide Roek
Mrs. S. 13. Lightfoot wont to Blue
Hill today.
Mrs. C. II. Potter returned Saturday
from Lincoln.
Adnir Galusha was down from Lin
coln this wook.
Mrs. A. J. Gardner is up from Wy
more this week.
H. J. Clark returned from York
Thin sduy noon.
Paul Popo returned from Omaha
Wednesday morning.
Miss Mvrtlo Morrison has gono to
Spencer, Nob., to live.
Mrs. George GiilTeth returned from
Juide Hock Tuesday".
W. C. Frahm cmno down from Blue
Hill Tuesday evening.
Face massage and ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Creighton are in
Chicago for a few days.
W. B. Vanco and wife wore up from
Ouido Rock yesterday.
Tako your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Mrs. Goorgo Hollister is vory ill at
toer homo on Seward avenue.
S. S. Lake and wife were over from
Lebanon, Kansas, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Darby of Tronton
were in Red Cloud Wednesday.
Bernard MoNeny went to Lincoln
jin I Omaha the first of the weok.
Oicar Sears leturned from Hitch
cock county tho close of tuo week.
Somo neat now "Don't Spit"' signs
have boon put up. Tako warning.
Noll Sliorman and Vicky Haskins
were in Rivorton tho first of tho week.
John Schultz of Guide Rock was a
pleasant caller tit this ofliuo Saturday.
Not a rich corporation but just
plaiu J. O Caldwell, for hard and soft
J. B. Wisecarver and family have
movod onto their farm south of Ina
valo. Plumb the feed man will pay you tho
highest prico for poultry, eggs and
Foil Sale A lino driving horso with
buggy and harness. Inquire at this
Mr. and M.-s. Will Parkes loft Mon
ltiv night fur a visit at Iudianola and
M' Cook.
Robert McBride has purchased tho
Roby property in tho northwest part
of town.
John Polnicky and C. H Kaloy wont
to Kansas City Tuesday to see tho
tiorso show.
Mrs. James Stoffer of Hiawatha,
Kansas, is in tho city visiting with Mrs.
J. C. Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Juntos Sullivan are tho
j)!irents of a baby boy, which arrived
last Saturday.
If you want to buy, sell or trade
your real estate, see Tbo Red Cloud
To the
Out of fiO Insurance Companies
doing businoss in Webster
County tho Gocman of Free
port pays ono-third of tho taxes
nnd has over 500 policies in
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
in the stato, with over three
quarters of a million dollars in
surance in Wobstor county.
for Good Insurance
Call on
Rod Cloud.
I II V H 11(11 11 1 t .
M unit Mr. W IMnior mid sni le
nt tnriu'tl Wfrineviliiy from a thiee wreks'
visit at Portlat d
Judgo Slubbs of Kuisas City, for
m.Mlvof Supuihr, was in Red Cloud
Monday on business.
Blueklegiuo and blacklegoiils, tho
euro of blackleg in cattle, is sold by
Cotting tho druggist.
Mrs Ben Ludlow camo homo from
South Oiimh) .Tuesday, whoro she had
been visiting hor sister.
Mrs Joo Fogel will ropresont tho
Red Cloud Rebukahs at, the state camp
at Nebraska City next week.
Mr. J. p. Dewitt of Hastings' ar
rived Saturday and is visiting with her,
son, S. I Dovvittand family.
Lost Saturday night, between
town and tint river bridge, a light sum
mer coat. Leave at this otlioe.
Mrs. M. A. FNhor and son Ilo de
parted Monday morning for Michigan
after a weeks visit in Red Cloud.
When you get a hair cut, slmve and
hath nt Mansni'iiker's barber shop you
will feel liko a now man. Try it.
Mrs. Nello Holden of Riverton was
in Red Cloud tho first of tho week
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker.
Don't lent buy a farm. Write for
list I have G2 farms for sale. I) W
Grant, Not ton county, Kan. Dec 11
Tho meeting hour of the Degree of
Honor bus been ch'iuged to 3 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon instead of evening.
Mis. S W Foe and two young sons
will leavo in a few days for a visit with
relatives and friends at Louisville,
E. U Overman departed yesterday
morning for a visit at Ft M.iJison,
Iowa, with his mother and other relu
livqs. Another onjoyablo danco wns Jgivcn
at the Masonic hall Wednesday even
ing. Mercor's orchestra furnished tho
Miss Laura Elder of Culbortson has
arrived to spend tho winter with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
If you want a loan on real ostato for
3, 5, or 10 years time, with optional
payments seo tho Red Cloud Invest
ment Co
Fou Sale ono house on throe bts,
also a good piano, little used, house
hold furnilu o. Apply to Mrs. GiLnov,
Red Cloud.
Ben Mobarland, democratic candi
date for fdieriff, is making a thorough
canvass and thinks ho will poll the full
Democratic vote.
Miss Floronco Cotting returned from
Wisconsin and Chicago Tuesday night,
where sho has boon this summor visit
ing with relatives
Mrs. S. Lindquist, living northwest
of Red Cloud, broke her arm yesterday
morning, we (iiu not learn now too
nccident occurred.
Mrs. E. S. Garbor was called to
Boulder, Colo.. Wednosday evening by
a telegram announcing the serious ill
ness of her son Ansou.
Sheriff MoArthur was in Guide Rock
Wednesday evoning sorving attach
ment papors against property belong
ing to Harry McCormol.
Mrs. Fred Mandovillo and children
returned from Seward Friday night,
whoro thoy have boon for several
weeks visiting rolatives.
Mis. J. D. Crans returned from Kan
sas City Tuesday morning, whero sho
has beon for ton days visiting with hor
father and othor relatives.
J. B. Wisocarvor and family aro oo
cupjing tho Dr. Tulloys' rosidonco and
Prof. Dudley and family havo movod
into A. H. Kaloy's property.
A now stool biidgo is being put in
across Crooked creek just oast of Red
Cloud. This is an improvement that
has beon needed for years.
C. W. Pottor and family living south
of Inavalo, moved to town Wednesday
and aro occupying their now homo
latolj purchased of J. B. Wisocarvor.
Lost botweon this city and tho Jos.
Topham farm, an account book con
taining work nccouuts. Finder ploaso
leavo at this office and rocoivo reward.
Paul Storey and E. H. Nowhouso
leavo for Nebraska City Sunday evon
ing to attend tho Grand lodgo of
I. O. O. F., which moots next Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Corbott and son
of Chicago, who havo boon visiting a
fow days with his brothor, J. W. Cor
bott and fumily, doparted Wednesday
evening for Denver.
Girls, if you want red lips, laughing
oyes, swoet breath and good looks uso
Hollistor's Rocky Mountoln Tea. Tho
greatest boautiier known. 35 cents,
ton or tablets. 0. L Cotting.
Elsewhere iu today's paper will ho
found au interostlng lettor from Mrs.
E 'i Knight, who now Huh ut San,
i-eir-o, t u , vnri- "Uij" Is now
iniet ostrd in a daily paper.
Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia,
kidney and liver dbordors, unit nil
stomach t monies positively cured by
using Hollistor's Rookv Mountain Tea.
Tnior tablots. C. L. C ttting.
Wo notice by the Beaver City Times
Tribuno that Miss P. 1). Yoiser, form
erly of this city, hud a very lino ex
hibit of hand painted china ware at
tho county fair recently held tliero.
Alvin Snapp came up from Webber
Wednesday night to nssist Morcni's
orchestra at tho club dance. Mr.
Snapp is a lino clarinetist and will
play with the orchestra this winter.
Mayor Dickenson issues a warming
to all bicycle riders to keep off .lie bide
walks, as tlioro is an ordinance against
riding on the wa'ks. BieyclistH caught
on the walks will bu arrested and
Tim ladies of tho Christian chinch
will givo a dinner and supper on the
'21st, at which time they will have on
xa'o ono hundred fancy advertising
sofa pillow covers. You s-hould see
John Griffeth left Tuesday evening
lor liaruoru, Mien., where he was
e tiled by a telegram announcing the
serious injury of a brother. Tho mes
sage did not stato tho nature of the
It makes no diiTercnco how long you
have been sick, if you are troubled
with indigestion, const ipation, liver
and kidney trouble-, Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea will make you well. 35
cents. C. L. Cutting.
Carl Frahm, who has beon book
keeper at tho Peoples Bank for somo
time, has resigned and gone to Grand
Island. Miss Irene Miner has re
sumed her position as assistant cashier
and Holton Letson will bo book
keeper. At tho mooting of tho Fratornal Aid
latt night Mrs. C H. Pottor was elect
ed president and Mrs. Gooigo Now
houso vico president, to iill vacancies
caused by tho death of Mrs. E. W.
Ross and tho resignation of Mrs. I. II
At tho Congregational church Sun
day morning tho pastor will present a
Book Study of Luke Instead of tho
This gun is well made
throughout, ot fine quality
and good workmanship.
Extra fine blued steel bar
rel, rebounding lock, top
lever, fine walnut stock,
pistol grip, rubber butt
plate, case hardened frame
and a good, close shooter.
12 ftauie, 30-Inch barrel,
xclfcht 6 1-2 pounds -
12 fiauAc double barrel
Shotgun -
- - - $8.25
gun and well
A good
We have the guns in
stock and can deliver the
goods. Come in and take
your choice.
Hardware Co.
i J !1V Jr. l'sJI
f cim Ml - iiJVV'Jl
f I ' Ms ."'a i ' im
?5he Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of RostofJJco, - Rod Cloud, Nob. $
usual sermon. Kvoning sermon theme,
Tako Heed How Yo Hear." After
noon meeting at Indian Creek. Evon
ing meeting at 7 4G
It is said that somo miscreant
"spiked" the punch at the club danco
Wednesday night. That is auoul lite
limit of unadulterated cussedness, and
the guilty parties should lie barred
from associating in respectable society
if it is possible t ascertain who thoy
Deaths and Funerals.
, !ljrll1li,lfl'llll"jFIHIJ,UiIJUiIF,MiTT
Mrs. Dennis Finn.
Mrs. Anna Finn, wife of Dennis i
Finn, died Sunday at tho Stato Hospi
tal for tho Limine, at Lincoln, after a
lingering illness. Hor remains woro
brought to Rod Cloud Wodnosday
evening nnd funeral services woro
hold Thursday morning at 11 o'clock
at tho homo of hor paronts, Mr. and
Mrs. John Havel, north of Red Cloud,
conducted by Rev. G. W. Hummoll.
Intormont was in tho Red Cloud
Anna Havel was born nt Smordolf,
Austria, July 2G, 1807, and was JW years
2 months and 14 days of ago Sho
como to Wobstor county with hor par
ents about 80 years ago, and was mar
ried to Dennis Finn about ilf toon years
ago. Thoy havo no children, and sho
is survived by hor paronts, hor bus
baud, who urrivod too lato to bo pros
out at tho fuuoral; and four sistors
and two brothers, all residing in this
Mrs. L. C. Munfter.
Mrs. OUio Muy Mungor, wife of Lou
C. Mungor, died at hor homo in Gar
llold township lato Friday evening,
from quick consumption. Fuuoral
services woro hold Sunday morning at
10:30, at Ash Crook M. B church, con
ducted by Rov. G. W. Hummoll.
OUio May Sanderson was born in
Corro Gordo, Piatt county, Illinois,
Soptembor 13, 1870, being 35 yours and
24 davs old when sho diou. alio was
married November, 12, 1890, to
Lon O. Mungor, und to thorn woro
born two children, tho oldest of whom,
Ray, 14 years of ugo, survives hor.
Bobidos hor husband, mother und sou
sho is survived by throo brothers and
two sisters, Will, Wultor and Roy
Sanderson, Mrs. Phlan Loggott and
Tena Harris of Springfield, Illinois.
Bert L. McCarl.
Bert L. McCarl of McCook, Nob., a
Burlington conductor well known in
this city und a brother of Station
Agout T. E McCul of tills city,
dropped dead iu tho Akrou yards
oarly Saturday morning whilo chock
ing up tho cars in his train. Agent
McCarl went to McCook to attoud tho
John P. Wldney.
Col. O. W. Kaloy received a telegram
Wednesday evoning unuouuclng tho
death of his fiithor-ln law, John P.
Fall Suits
Do you wear Clothes
that look as if they
belonged to you?
It takes skillful tail
oring to make them
look that way.
Our garments are all
tailored with so much
talent and skill that
they a d a p t them
selves to the figure
with a grace and ease
that at once indicate
that the clothes be
long to the wearer.
We have Suits at
$B and 91 Of way up
$15 or$20
You may go else
where and do worse,
but you can't go else
where and do better.
Shoes, Mats and Fur
nishings, the best
there is for the money
Widnoy, of Auburn, Ind. Mr. Wiilnoy
was well known in Rod Cloud, whoro
ho hud visited u number of timos. Ho
was 8!) yours of ngo.
Ben Williams.
Ben Williams, a farmor living noar
Womor and well known iu this city,
died Wednesday morning from indi
gestion, after n vory briof illness. Ho
was in Rod Cloud last Friday nnd took
out a loud of lutnbor to begin tho
erection of n now liouso.
Is Your Farm For Sale?
If it is, do not list it with too many
agents Each ono proceeds to knock
tho othor follow out of a salo. List
exclusively with mo at a rousonablo
prico and I will guarantoo a salo.
J. H. Bailey, Rod Cloud.
For Sale.
y, block in northwest part of town,
houso of sovon rooms with bath, hot
and cold water, good barn, six lots
fenced for chiokous, plouty of fruit
and shade
Mils. J. P. Hai-k, Rod Cloud. 3
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado sand stono walk is
laid that settles it. Seo Ovoring Bros;
& Co. for prices.
Popular Flavors in
Ice Cream
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSB, Proprietor.
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private