The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1905, Image 8

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' I.
Items of Nows Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Aflo
This Week V
0. II. Clmiioy wns in Almii this week.
Mrs. M. W. Dlekorson has returned
S. F. Spukesllold has returned homo
from Hebron.
J. II. Smith mid wifo lmvo roturncd
from tlio frontior.
Uoo. Gilford has been on tho sick
list for n fow days.
A daughter of S. Perkins, from Den
ver, is in tho city.
A now bund was organized in Kod
Cloud last Monday night.
Mr. Umphonor's littlo daughtor died
lust weak from diphtheria.
Sotii Anger, of Iowa, an otirly No
brnskn sottlir, is in tho city.
A. N Eddy is too happy over tho
urrival of an heir to his estate
S Knutnon, living near Rivorton,
committed suioido last Saturday.
Our friond, John Fulton, of Rlvor-
tou mado this ofllco a pleasant call.
Mr Rolls and Miss Campbell wero
married on the t!(i by Kov. Hummoll
Tho ground has boon broken for tho
now school building in tho south end.
S. P. Fox. living across tho rivor, is
tho happy father of a bouncing baby
John Moore, cashior of tho First
National bank, was in Lincoln this
Jim Pottor lost a valuablo cow tho
other day. It was drowned in tho
Republican rivor.
A. W. Copoland and son traveled
.100 miles into Kansas and built two
frame houses in '21 days.
Jerry Orndolf takes tho cako for
largo potatoes. Ho raised 111 bushols
from a peck of soed planted.
Married by S West, Mr. Isaac P.
Rechbaugh and Miss Mary 13. Bird of
Salom, Kansas, Septombor .'10.
Tho avorago 'bus driver will bo cal
ling out in stentorian voice noxt
week, "All aboard for tho fair grounds,
going right out."
Mark Warnor was thrown frim his
mowing machino on Tuesday and con
siderably bruised and shaken up, but
fortunately not seriously injured.
Quito a demonstration was mado on
our stroots Saturday by tho boys who
aro theatrically inclined. Tnoy had a
whole caravan of animals, from an
olophant down to a hippopotamus.
Ed Parkos' buggy horso took it into
his hoad to run away Tuesday. In tho
buggy was Mrs. Ed and Win. Parkos
and Miss Lucy Purdo. Thoy wore all
thrown from tho buggy and seriously
bruised and tho buggy was pretty well
On last Friday ovoning Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Mitchell had been married two
years, and to properly commonorato
tlii) event, tho happy couple invited a
number of friends to join in a proper
celebration. Many beautiful souvf-f
nirs wero loft, and at a lato hour tho
iniosts retired wishing tho couple
I many returns of tho happy occasion.
Tho Republican voters of Webster
county hold their convention Thurs
day afternoon and nominated tho fol
lowing ticket. C. O. Wilson, County
Commissioner; Judson Baib-y, County
Clerk; M. B. MuN'itt. County Troas
uror; II, D. Runney, Register of deeds;
F. A. Swoozy, County Judge; Houry
C. Scott, Slioriir; C. W. Springer,
Supt. of public instruction; F. P.
Reed, Surveyor,
On last Wednesday tho old settlers
of Wobstor county, who arrived in tho
grout American Desert, previous to
1871, met in Ira Slocpor's grovo in this
city, for tho purposo of again ming
ling together and recounting tho
many trials and hardships incident to
settling up a now country, and at tho
same timo tell of tho many funny in
cidents that wore wont to occur in tho
oarly pioneer days when tho festive
Indian and tho romantic buffalo hold
undisputed sway in this then vast
prairio. There wero multitudes of
interesting events that wero of inter
est to all, and as Hon. James Gilliam,
Judgo Wilcox, Captain Munsoll, G. W.
Knight and others pleasantly recalled
in thoir respoctivo happy ways, tho
scones wero brought vividly boforo
each sottlers memory. Mr. Gilliam
and Mr. Wilcox woro tho first lawyers
iu Red Cloud. Mr. Gilliam mado him
self enormously rich by his law prac
tico tho ilrst year, his rocoipts being
estimated at 75 cents. Tho day was
very pleasant and all had an oxcollont
ladies at tho P. O. aro groat lovers of
llowors and have somo very nice ones.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado ftind stono walk is
laid thnt Hctilns it. See Overlng Bros.
&(3o. for prices.
Stnte of
WebRter County
Order To Show Cause,
Nebraska, I
A. I).
AtR County Court held nt the County
room in nnu tor mm coutuv Augun si,
In tlio umtt'T of tho cMnto of William
dPiinliiK ilfccftKcd.
On rcnilliiK mid filing tno petition of limnnlnli
W. Capluti tirnjliii? tlmt ncliiiltilMMiInn ir Mini
cutnt" muT bo KMtiteri to KmiiMuh W. Coplcn
iir niluiltiiNtrator.
Ordered, tlmt Hntunlny tho Iflth dny of ti
tcmbor A. I). l!K)fi nt one o'clock p, in . I- n.
digued for iPnrliiK mid petition when nil per
Font Interested In wild matter miy nppuiir nt h
County Court to bo held In find for onid Connlv
mid fchow enuso why prayer of petitioner hIiouIi'I
lint bo L'rntited : mill tlmt notice of tin nendrnrr
of wild petition Hiid the hcnilng thereof be
given to a I jhtmhih IntercHtcd In wild iimtier.
by publlHliliiKiicopv of thlH order In the Hurt
Cloud Ciiiki". it weekly newcimper printed In
snld county, fo' three consecutive wneks prior
to wild dny of hearing.
(Sen!) Couuty Judgo.
Facts Are Stubborn Things
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of
vVebster County, Nebraska.
ChnrlcB S. Nnrrln.
Charles L. Snylor
Kvan A. ItovH,
ToChnrlcH L.Baylor and Kvan A.Hoss:
DefcndmitH will tnkn notice that on the 13th
dny of September 1 1 r. plaintiff herein (lied his
petition In tho DlBtrlct Court of Webster County.
KebraHkn. agaitiHt xald defendnutH, the object
and prayer f which are to rcuulrc apeclllc per
formance of the contract marie by mid defend
ant. Snylor. with plaintiff on the 1th day of No
vember, UK)!) to require of said defendants nn
nHslKtiment to plaintiff a certain contract from
the State of Ncbrnuku to certain I'tilverolty land
described as followR, to wit: tho Houth half of
tho HouthwcHt quarter of Kcctlnii 13. township 8,
laiiKc Id west ' f thoflth P. St.. In Webster Coun
ty Nebraska, and tho delivery of said assign
ment to plaintiff.
You arc required to answer said petition on
or before the 'J3d day of October. 1003.
C'iiaiu.f.hS. NontiiH.
Hy K. U. Overman and U. SIcNcny, his attor
neys. octO
Uniform excellent quality for over a quarter of a
century haa Bteadily increased tho sales of LION COFFEE,
The leader of all package coffees.
Lion Coffee
is now iiBed in millions of homes. Such
popular success speaks for itself. It is a
positive prool that LION COFFEE has tho
Confidence of the people.
The uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition.
LION COFFEE keep Us old Irlcnds and
makes new ones every day.
LlUli lAFfUjij has even more
than Its Strength, Flavor and Qual
ity to commend It. On arrival from
the plantation, it is carefully roast-
H cu ui uur laviunco uiiu dcvutu;
I packed in 1 lb. scaled packages,
I and not opened again until needed
I for use In the home. This precludes
Lthe possibility ol adulteration or contact with germs, dirt,
dust, insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity of
LION COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer.
6fe 0)
Bold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-hond on every package.
Savo theso Lion-heads for valuable premiums.
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
THE SCOTS GRAYS. Sidnoy Wolcott of Cutlior
ton, visited his mother iu Cowles one
day last weok C. E. Wright has
closed his billard hall by boiling bis
goods and house to C. W. Fuller. Mr.
Wright goes to Now York with his
family. Fullor it Rood aro this weok
removing their stock of hardwaro into
tho building vacated by Mr. Wright
Thos Paul routod his restaurant
to Mr. Broadway David Francis
and family, formerly of this vicinity,
have returned from Toxas.
Walnut Creek Dr. Sutton has re-
turned Death took from wifo and
littlo ones, John Lockhart, Soptomber
1(5. Funeral sorvices woro hold on tho
17, at 2 o'clock conductod by Rev.
Chootham Mrs. J. W. Mcintosh
of Republican City is horo visiting rel
atives Miss Mollio Rinkor has
boon visiting iu tho oast. Her sister
Fannio is at McCook Thomas
Vaughn has melons wasting Tho
Notice to Creditors.
Stnto of Nebraska, I
Webster County, f
In the matter of tho CBtato of Wllllnm Clen
(lcuiiliiKi deceaHed.
Notlco 1h hereby Riven to all persons having
clnlms nnd demnnds against Wllllnm Clenilen
iiIiik. Into of Webster county, deceased, tlint the
timo llxed for IIIIiik claims against mild estate 18
six months from the tilth dny of October, iflOIi.
All Hiich perhoiiH are renilreil to present their
claims with the tho County .Judge of
said county, nt his oHico therein, on or before
the l.'lth iltiy of April. 1WX): and nil claims
so tiled will bo heard before the sold Judgo on
the Hth dny of April. 1000. nt ono o'clock p.
in.; nnd thnt the administrator Ih allowed one
year from the 16th cky of September, 1005. In
which to pay the debts allowed against snld es
laie. nnu heme me same.
Skai, A. II. Kkenet.
oct.11 County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Stnte of Nebrnskn, I
Webster County. (
In the mnttor of the estnto of Henry McCor
mel. deceased.
Notice Is hereby clvcn to nil persons hnvlnt:
clnlms nnd demnuds against Henry McCormel,
late of Webster rounty, deceiised. thnt the time
fixed for llllug clnlms nunlnst bnld ctnto Is nix
months from tho (5th dny of October. 1005.
All inch persons nre required to present their
clnlms, with the vouchers, to tho County Judge
of snld county, nt
his olllce therein, on or be-
v or April, lot): nnu nn cmims
so niea will be ncani lie lore
fore tho (1th
so illed will
the 7th dny of April. 1000, nt 1 o'clock p. m.
the said Judgo on
nnd thnt the administrator Is allowed one yenr
from tho Uth day of September, 10Oln which to
pay tho debts allowed against taui estnte, auu
nettle the same.
Iskai.1 A. II. Kkknev.
octO County Judgo.
Niece and Nephew
of Uncle Sam
should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda
crackers, because they are the one food with which all of
them are familiar.
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements,
properly proportioned, than any food made from flour.
This is saying much for common soda crackers, and
much more for UnOedc) BlSCUlt, because they are
soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked bettei
more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly.
The damp, dust andwodor proof package retains all the good
ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best
baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries.
Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best
for his people. His people have shown that they think
Uneeda BiSCUit the best of that food, nearly
400,000,000 packages having already been consumed,
Uneeda Biscuit
ReKlmcnt of Drnuoniin KniiKinn Since
(ho Time of Cliiit'lcH II.
"Second to none" Is llu proud motto
of the gullnnt and famous regiment,
tho Second Dragoon Kiiards, or Itoyal
Scots Grays. It Ih n happily chosen
motto, for the fame of the regiment Is
worldwide. Its brilliant achievements
on the field of battle during two cen
turies, Its striking nnd historic name,
Its grand nnd imposing uniform have
made the Royal Scots Grays, as an In
dividual corps, there Is no gainsaying,
tho most widely known and familiar
of all the regiments of the British
Since the regiment wns raised, iu tho
reign of tho second Charles, the dra
goons have borne themselves well in
many n famous field, but want of spaco
forbids us to note the exploits until
"earth shaking" Waterloo came on tlio
glory roll of the gallant grayB. Here,
with the English "Royals" and Irish
"Inniskillings," they formed the fa
mous union brigade which made the
never to be forgotten picture of the
"Kight I-'or the Standard." That wide
ly known picture shows n man of tho
grays, Sergeant Ewart, capturing tho
eagle of a very famous French corps,
tho Forty-fifth of tho line. Scottish
Mlaern of "Words.
Wo have tho richest language that
ever a people has accreted, and we uso
it as If it were the poorest. We hoard
up our Infinite wealth of words be
tween the boards of dictionaries and in
speech dole out the worn bronze coin
age of our vocabulary. We aro tho
misers of philological history, nnd
when we can savo our ponules und
pass the counterfeit colu of slang wo
aro as happy as if wo heard u blind
beggar thnnk us for putting a pewter
Blxpence into his hat "Morals of Mar
cus Ordeyne."
It Depends.
The Inquiring Boy How long a time
is a Jiffy, father? Tho Perspicacious
rnrent It depends on whose Jiffy it is,
my son. When a woman is putting on
her bonnet und snys she'll be ready in
a jiffy, it means from fifteen minutes
to two hours. A man's Jiffy is from
ono to five minutes. Loudon Answers.
A Curlotm Story.
In "A Diary From Dixie," by Mnry
Boyd Chesnut, there is a curious Btory
of a beautiful Washington girl, Muttlo
Iteedy, who, weary of tho abuse that
her northern friends showered upon
tlio southern general John Morgan,
took up tlio cudgels in his defense.
"What's your name?" asked an officer,
turning fiercely upon her. "My name
now Is Mattlc Reedy," was the answer,
"but, please God, I Bhall ono day call
myself Mrs. John Morgan." Up to
this time she had never met or even
seen John Morgan. Somehow tho
story came to his cars. He sought her
out, courted her and married her.
A Littlo Mixed.
After a meeting of the parish coun
cil In a New Englund town tho chair
man rose to sura up.
"You keep us here," he said, "till 10
o'clock nt night, nnd then you enst tho
town drains in our teeth. You keep us
hero plowing tlio Bands, and then when
all decent peoplo aro asleep you go
Into the public drains, causing unnec
essary friction. It won't do it's too
barefaced to hold water." Harper's
A Sharp Seat.
Tommy's Top (explaining tho mys
teries of country life) Yes, n hen will
sit on nn egg nnd hatch It. Tommy
Gracious! I should think It would
hurt to sit on n hatchet. Philadelphln
Record. .
lee Gream
Gool DfiDks
15c MEAL
Dam or ell Block.
Do You
When you nre hungry nnd
wnnt somethig nice in the
ment lino, drop into my
mnrkot. We have tho nicest
kind of
nnd ments, fish, nnd game
in season. We think, and
nlmost know, that we can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
To the Public
Hnviug pnrohnsed Chas.
WadeU's moat market, we
extend to you a hearty iu
vitation visit us nnd become
bettor ncquaiutod nnd nlso,
when looking for good first
clnss ment, wo ask you to
give us a trial.
Wo aro satisfied wo enn
wo can please you.
Yours for business,
- jfc ...