The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1905, Image 5

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Chas. Fort is in town.
Hny and teed at Plumb's.
Plumb soils Blue Hill Hour.
Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or feed
Mrs. Iiviu Cuuiinings is on the sick
Miss Boll Keller is tip from Guido
,H ok.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dontist, Damcrcll
John Rutledge s li f"om Hebron
this week.
Harry Hicks was downturn It I ail un
Allen Tulleys is down from Nnponce
this week.
Mrs. A. Sehultz is having her hoibe
Phil Cayer of Superior was in town
Mrs. Prather was down from Iuavale
Mrs. Lulu Matthows was down from
Iuavale Monday.
Dr. It. F. Haines now dispenses his
own prescriptions.
Mrs. Carl Ferguson is down from
Orleaus this week.
Bert Ulai k of Oxford is in tho citj
visiting with friends.
Miss Boll Spanoglo returned from
Denver tliis morning.
Face massago ami ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Tho Fairyland Co. will bo at Law
rence, lvun., next week.
"Freight' IVmnds camo down from
Grand Island Tuesday.
Fred Peterson is treating his house
to a new coat of paint.
"Itip Van Winkle" Why not take
her to ltip Van Winkle?
Tako your poultry nnd hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Jim Wall has roturnod from anothoi
western horse-buying trip.
Attornoy Short of Franklin was in
town Tuesday on business.
Miss Scott of Wvmoro is this week
visiting Ited Cloud friends.
Miss Enos of ltivertou was among
the carnival visitors this wook.
Miss Martha Harper of Campbell is
visiting in Red Cloud this week.
Postmaster Bum ott and ltoy Grand
stall' wore down from Bladen Tuesday.
Mrs. J. O. Wiles of Orleans is iu Ited
Cloud this week attending tho carni
val. Miss Myrtle Kaloy camo down from
Inavalo Tuoiday morning to visit rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Missouri
me iu Ited C.oud visiting F. Peter
son's. Plumb tho feed man will pay you the
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Grant Haines of Lawrence is assist
ing in Haves' tonsorial parlors this
Will Bailey camo up from Guido
I R-ick Saturday to spoLil a weok at
Mrs. Josio C-idman of MeCook is in
tho city visiting with O. C. Tool and
Mrs. Wm. Overloes was down from
ltiverton Wednesday attending tho
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Wright of Bladen
are in Rod Cloud this weok attendtng
the carnival.
Mrs. W. It. Itoachman and son Mar
shall leavo for their homo in Denver
Sunday night.
Mrs. J. L. Minor and daughter Irono
are homo from thoir visit in Chicago
and Michigan.
Harry Humphrey camo up from
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Compnnios
doiug businoss in Webster
County tho Gecmau of Free
port pays ono-thlrd of tho taxes
and has over 500 policios in
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
iu tho stato, with ovor thrpo
. quarters of a million dollars in
surance In Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
Chester Thin sdm morning to take iu
the street fair
If you want to buy, sell or trade
your real ctito, see Tho Bed Cloud
Investment Co.
Mrs. 0. S. Palmer and childron have
returned from a two wooks' visit in
Wray, Colorado.
Mt. and Mrs. Chas. Glick woio
down from ltiverton this week attend
ing tho carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Itifo of Beatrico
wero in Ited Cloud attending tho fun
eral of Mrs Boss.
Mrs. M. W. Dickerson and grand
daughter Elsie leavo for their homo in
Lincoln Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Dyke wero
down from Franklin Thursday attei d
ing the carnival.
Chas. Fill wider and wifo of Blue
Hill were in the city Thursday attend
ing tho carnival.
Frank Hutchinson is over from Lob
anon, Kansas, this week for a visit with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. L M. Vance and son Milton
cimio down from Hastings Tuesday for
a visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Zint and son Wil
li'im returned to their homo at Me
Cook Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Gladys Younkman and son of
Denver are in the city visiting her
lister, Mrs. 1'. Herigstad.
Ht v. W. L. Austin of Ohiowa will
percach at the M E church next Sun
day morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs H. B. Fmtm departed
Tuesday night for a two months visit
to Portland and California.
Miss Kelly of Hastings is iu Ited
Cioud for a couple of weeks slaying at
iho homo of John Griffoth.
Tlioma3 Burden of Blulen is in
town this week visiting with his son,
James Burden and family,
Orlando Bontloy returned to Lin
coln Monday, after a fow days' visit
with his mother and sister.
Mis. Ed Gillard and Miss Cora Till
leys were down from Naponco this
week attending tho carnival.
Quito a numbor of people camo
down from Inavalo Monday to attend
tho funeral of Wesley Wilson.
itov G. W. Hummt-11 will preach at
Ash Creek next Sunday, to which
chargo ho has been appointed.
Mr. and Mrs. Wash Heed, Mrs. J. H
Alexander and son are down from
Bladen to attend tho carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. b. E. Reynolds and
children leavo Saturday night for a
two weeks' outing iu Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Durrett of Leba
non, Kansas, are visiting relatives in
Ited Cloud and Lester this weok.
Tho Parker people aro well pleased
with tho crowds which havo boon at
tending thoir paid performances.
When you got a hair cut, suavo and
b.ith at Manspeakor's barber shop you
will feol like a now man. Try it.
Miss Frame of Iowa and Miss IIo
gato of Blue Hill aro in the city visit
ing at tho homo of A. A. Frame.
Miss Mabel Bradsbaw, who was
operated on tho closo of last week, is
reported to bo rapidly improving.
Opera House, ono night only Tues
day, October 3. Blondin & Loou'd big
scenic revival of Hip Van Winkle.
Mrs. M. A. Fishor and son Ho are
expected to arrive in Hod Cloud this
week from Sacramento, California.
John By an, son of Thomas Ryan,
who was operatod upon last Friday for
appendicitis, is improving rapidly.
Tho Hopublicrn contral committee
has chosen C. F. Cather for chairmau
aud Goorgo Nowhouso for secretary.
Don't rent buy a farm. Writo for
list. I havo 02 farms for sale. D. W.
Grant, Norton county, Kan. Doc 11
Tkkky Mcitrnv: If you wish to
hear from your daughter Mary, ad
dress lock box 200, Twin Fall9, Idaho.
Mrs. Chnrles McCord and childron
of Denver aro in Rod Cloud visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waltors aud
Tho Ladies Clio club will moot with
Mrs. Paul Storey, Saturday, October
7 Rosponso to roll call, current
If you want a loan on real estate for
3,5, or 10 years time, with optional
payments see tho Red Cloud Invest
ment Co.
Mrs. G. W. Hutchison has this
week boon onjo log a visit from Mrs.
Emma Poyor aud daughter, Clair of
Li'tlo Mario Ross, who was taken
siok with typhoid fever about tho samo
time as her mother, is reported to Lo
out of danger.
Mim. ltuna Burger of Council BluiTs,
Iowa, is iu the city visiting Mrs. Wm.
1'utkui. Mi-.. B.ugui unit .mm. I'.i.ker
wore sell lolmatcs.
Ezra Dunn returned to his home in
Dos Moims. Iowa, M unlay noon,
alter a few days' viit. with his cm in,
A. T. Walker and family.
Mrs. D. F. Parker arrived in H d
Cloud Monday night for a visit wild
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C
Hacker, and other tolatlvca.
Tho Misses Snuilley, who have boon
visiting with their sis'or, Mrs. Fred
Plumb, returned Tuesday morning to
tiieir homo at Eureka, Illinois.
Merlo Bohror, who was partially par
ah zed last summer while in swim
ming, is as yet unable to wa'k around
though is improving somowhat.
Fiank VanDyke, who was Injured
by a hay-sttaekor fulling upon him
three months ago, was in town Mon
day. He is still using crutchos.
Mrs. S J Williams and daughter
Gladys, who havo boon visiting in Bed
Cloud for pcveral weeks, returned to
their homo in Lincoln Thursday.
Hoy Phelps, who was called home
last week on account of the sicknos of
his brother Goorge, roturne I to Shoii
dan, Wyoming, Tuesday evening.
Paul S. Diotrick, a wol! known cdu
caior, has written to biuinof-s mon in
this city inquiring as to the feasibility
of opening a business college here.
"Cap' Houchin's nag got frightened
at an automobile Wednesday evening
and tried to climb ono of tho big col
ton wood trees on north Webster .street
Mrs Mason Fisher and son Ho me
oxpeciod to arrive in Red Cloud Fii
day from Sacramento, California, for
a visit with L. M. Ciabill and family
Miss Nellio Dudley of Chicago, III ,
arrived Friday for a visit with hoi
mother. Mrs. Polk Sutton. This is
Miss Dudloy's first trip homo in seven
Rev. W. T. Taylor, who hns for the
past two years boon pastor of tho Ina
valo and Ash Crook charges, has been
transferred to Rosoland, in Adams
Georgo Hollistor, who bad just got
through limping around with a sore
foot, caused by running a nail in it,
wrenched his back Wednesday and is
again laid up
Mrs. S. F. Spokosliold, who has been
in Kansas City for several months
?'fff iflp Lc: Kil 'JUT
? i r a1 -lr xftdT
At ft!
I km wl
'Bhe Cowden-
first Door North of
This gun is well made
throughout, ot fine quality
and good workmanship.
Extra fine blued steel bar
rel, rebounding lock, top
lever, fine walnut stock,
pistol grip, rubber butt
plate, case hardened frame
and a good, close shooter.
12 gaufte, 30-Inch barrel,
weight 6 1-2 pounds -
12 gaufie double barrel
Shotftun -
A good
- $8.25
jun and well
We have the guns in
stock and can deliver the
goods. Come in and take
your choice.
Hardware Co.
Fall Suits
Do you wear Clothes
that look as if they
belonged to you?
It takes skillful tail
oring to make them
look that way.
Our garments are all
tailored with so much
talent and skill that
they a d a p t them
selves to the figure
with a grace and ease
that at once indicate
that the clothes be
long to the wearer.
We have Suits
$3, $B and $tO, way up to
$15 or 92Q
You may go else
where and do worse,
but you can't go else
where and do better.
Shoes, 1 lats and Fur
nishings, the best
there is for the money
Haley Clothing Co.,
RostofTlcc, - Rod Cloud, Nob.
being treated for cancer, return d
homo Wednesday mottling much im
proved in health.
Mrs. It. W. Mooro of Gainesville,
Toxas, onrouto to South Dakota, was
takon siek on the train Wednesday
evening, and is iu tuo city receiving
medical treatment.
John ltifo of Western and Mrs. E. T.
Hiekards of Weeping Water and Mrs.
G. L Griflis of Lincoln wero in tho city
Suiidav nttunding the funeral of thoir
sister, Mrs. E W. Ross.
Personal George: You can square
yourself by taking mo to Rip Van
Winkle Tuesday night. It will bo ono
of tho best this snuson. Got tho tikot
early and then phono to mo. As ever,
Rheumatism, gout, backncho, acid
poison, aro results of kidney trouble.
Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Tea goos
directly to tho seat of tho disoaso and
cures when all cUo fails. 85 cents. C
L. Cntting.
Rev. W. Hennett Maze, who lias ooon
pastor of tho M E. church in this city
for a short time, will hereafter act in
tho capacity of an evangelist. Ho will
bo succeeded hero by W. L. Austin,
who has had chargo of the Oil. E.
church at Ohiowa.
Aro you lacking in strength and
vigor? Aro you weak? Aro you in pain?
Do you fool all run down? Tho blessing
ot hoalth and strength como to all who
mo Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
5J5 cents. C. L. Cutting.
Tho Molvillo Family band, which is
furnishing the music for tho carnival
company, will bo soon in Ited Cloud
aijain in January, when they will bo
here as monibors of tho "Tide of Life"
company, which is booked for a date
Good advice to women. If you want
... 1. i -.:.!..
a benuiuui compiexiou, uiuui o&iu,
bright eyes, led lips, good health, tako
Hollistor's Rooky Mountain Toa.Thoro
is nothing like it. 35 cents, tea or tab
lots. C. L. Cotting.
Harry Wilson, who doos tho "slido
for life" with thu Fairyland Co., had
bis back badly wrouched Wednesday
afternoon as ho reached tho ground.
His injury was not serious enough to
prevent his going through with his act
in the evening.
It is a source of groat ploasuro to
anticipate something out and abovo
the ordinary, and wo realize this in
Manager Morhart's announcement
that ho has secured for Tuesday, Octo
ber 8, Hlondin & Leon's famous Rip
Van Wiuklo Co. This organization,
numbering eighteen people comes to
ifs with tho stamp of metropolitan ap
proval and a iirst-class dramatic and
musical treat is assured. In addition
to tho dramatic interest, iiHordid by
this popular classic, its attracMon is
augmented by high class musical inter-
, polations, Oiovor dances, eleotiioul and
'calcium effects and iuelduuinl music
I by ono of tho best theatrical orchestras
(extant. Manager M irlmrt U to be
congratulato'l upon souring this nnd
other high class shows, knowiug as
ho does, that tho good onos
como amiss.
The Dunbar Company,
Tho first number of tho Slaytou
Lyceum courso, under tho auspices of
tho liusiuoss Mon's Lenguo of Rod
( loud, is tho Dunbar Company, Malo
Quart' tto and iJellriiigors, which will
appoarat tho M E. church Friday,
October (5. Thoro aro four first class
ontortaiumontH in the courso, those
besides tho Dunbar company being
S W. Gillilau, humorous lecturer,
Docombor 0; John It. Clark, looturor,
January '20, and tho Slay ton Jubileo
Singers, March 0. Season tickots for
tho courso will bo sold at $1.(50, and
prices for single numbers aro 25, 85,
and 50 cents
Tho Dunbar Company comprises u
malo quurtotto which compotont
critics havo pronouncod equal to tho
host, whoso roportolro includos songs
for ovory tasto, and who play such
music, upon a peal of moro than 0110
hundred of tho ilnost English hand
bells ovor mtido, as has never boon
played upon bells before. Thoro is
also an instrumental- trio capablo of
giving u delightful recital of music,
headed by Ralph Dunbar, tho cole
bratod violincolllst. Citizens of Rod
Cloud who havo hoard tho Dunbar
company aro unstitod iu thoir praise.
Fair Association Organized.
The Wobstor County Fair Assoola
tion, which will huvo its principal
place of business at Hladon, has filed
articles of incorporation with tho sec
retary of stato. Tho capital stock la
$10,000, uud tho Incorporators are Wm.
M Wogmnn, J. A. Dontou, K. J. Solo
mon, J. E. Hnrtman nnd J. E. Yost.
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private
Judge Keonoy issued n llconso to
John A. Bonkor and Anna Snook of
Itosomont, Saturday, Soptombor 23.
John II. McNoico of Mound City,
Kansas, and Mury C. Stainshouer of
Burr Oak, Kansas, wore married by
Judgo Koonoy Monday, Soptombor 24.
1. 1 i
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