n I :i ,'fi S ' I' i?p LFo "-f ffini r Thin, Poor Blood You can trust a medicine tested 60 years ! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar saparilla; the original Sarsa parilla; the strongest Sarsapa rilla; the Sarsaparilia the doc tors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. llttt oven lliln Brain! nM tnorllolno cannot do It IipiI wnrk If ilia IIwt l Innctlve nml Ilia IkiwcId coinUpritoil. For tlin Iw-nt poMllilc r tilldToiiilioiilil tnko Inxntlve ilrxus of Ajrrr'i 1MIN wIiIIh tiiklnc tliuKimaimrllln. Tlio liver wlllijulckljr repoii(l,ainl 10 will UiotMmcli. A. Made by J. C. AyerCo., I.owoll, Mmj. Aiao manuiaciurera or HAIR vinos. AOUH CURE. CHERRV PECTORAL yers REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Treasurer: V. C. Fit.uiM Blue Hill For County Clerk: -John .J. Gauiieb Red Cloud For Sliorilr: O. D. Hkihu: Red Cloud Twp For County Judge: . li. Kkknky Cowlos For Superintendent: lIns. Nklmb Castoii Red Cloud For Surveyor: Jeo. H.OvuitlKU Rod Cloud For Coroner: Dr. H. T. Ham. Cowlos For Cotninissionor, 1st district: hJamkh Ovi:kman Red Cloud Twp For Commissioner, It.h district: T. J. C hai'MAN Elm Creek Twp THE CARNIVAL Public Wedding Yesterday-Industrial Parade Today BIS Crowds. Since Tuesday afternoon Rod Cloud has been the sceno of the most extra ordinary holiday ever seen in this jmrt of the state. The fall carnival and street fair opened with the great est show that has ever visited this ntato namely the Parkor Fairyland Amusement Co. The managers Tyler, k Cramer, havo secured a list of varied and high class attractions that sur $)usses in magnitude and excellence anything that can be rnmomborod by tho oldest resident. 'Several diiforont companies bearing "Uho name of Parker havo visited sur rounding cities in tho past two years iiud every city they visited has soundod praises of them to tho skies, consequently tho firemen woro desir ous of securing one of them to furnish the attraction. However, many citi v.ons objected, believing them, as tho jtoneral run of carnival companies are, to bo a very inferior class and oven .after tho contracts woro signed with II. S. Tyler, who represented Fairy- (land, some woro doubtful and it was then that a committee was sent to (Superior to inspect their attractions thoroughly. They came back moro than satisfied 'They were loud in their praises of tho high class shows and gentlemanly conduct of tho employees toward tho ipntrons and wo have not boon disap pointed in tho least of our expecta tions. Right hero it is well to speak of u little matter which shows tho courtesy and good fooling that exists among show people. "Undor Two Flags" was billed at tho opora houso Monday night and tho carnival was to open tho some timo Mr. Cramer kindly refrained from oponlng and did moro. Ho loaned tho Molville Family band which is enrouto with tho company, to Mr. Arlngton to draw a crowd to tho opora houso. Tuesday afternoon all tho attrac tions oponcd and have beon giving continous performances over slneo. To say that tho pooplo havo boon pleased would bo putting it lightly. Three froo attractions aro exhibited twice daily aii'1 aro as follows: 2 and 7:30 p in. Itortino, fancy bag punching and feats of marvelous strength. 3:30 and J) p. m. Fraviolo in his dar ing slide for lifo from a lofty towor hanging by his tooth to a slender cable. fi and 10:110 p. m. Faustina, who cips tho climax of all daring feats by loop ing tho loop in a hollow ball. Tho pay attractions aro as follows: Creation, an ingeniously devised electrical spectacle that illustrates tho Bibieal story in u literal but novel manner. A loeturo accom panies tho exhibition which is com pleto in every detail. Other features aro tho bountiful lire dance and illus trated songs 13 ectric Thoatro, whore the Croat Train Robbery and tho Lost Child aro presented. Tho last part of tho week tho pooplo will laugh at tho wholo "Datum Family" and tho "Datum dog," while tho featuro "Tho Moonshiners" will turn thorn from teats to laughter alternately. This is tho most sensa tional Him over made. Tyroloan Alps, a grand mechanical exhibition, showing a day and a night spent in tho villago of Geneva at tho foot of tho Alps mountains. Foolish House, tho big fun factory, whoro fun is m ado to order. If you can't laugh don't visit it. Naval Dattlo, a roprosontation of tho battle of Port Arthur. Tho battle taking placo betweon real ships oporatod by electricity in a tank hold ing .r0,000 gallons of water Penny Arcade, a gallery of scones from all tho world prosontod to each one for the sum of ouo cent. Carry-Us-AU, tho delight of young and old. A monster merry go round operated by oloctricity. A delightful place to rest after sooing tho piko. An oloctrio light plant is carried by tho Parker AuiUHomot Co , which makes tho streots a perfect blazo of glory. Tho staff of tho company is: C. W. Parkor, owner; Cramer & Tyler, lesseos and managors; D. A. Fulton, advance representative; W. R. Hudd, secretary and press agent; Georgo Gilroy, in chargo of privileges; How ard Molville, loader of tho baud; Leo Barnes, master of transportation. The Public Wedding. Aside from the big industrial pa rade today, tho most interesting spec ial featuro of carnival week was tho public wedding, which occurred yes terday afternoon boforo an audionco of from 1.000 to 5,000 people. A tem porary platform was oroet'd in front of Engels' jowolory storo, on which ' was displayed tho numerous prosouta ! olfered by the business men of Red Cloud. A littlo after 8 o'clock tho bride and groom, Miss Ida Stefan of Rod Cloud and Mr. Squiro Wordon, recent ly from Indiana, and who has boon employed by F. W. Studobakor in his comout plant, ascended tho platform whoro Rev. G. W. Hummell was awaiting them. Tho coromony was Immediately performed and tho clergy man saluted tho bride, tho crowd cheered, tho band played and every one, including tho bride and groom, soomod to npprociato tho situation. Following tho coromony tho newly married couplo started in to mako tho rounds of tho shows, vory appropriate ly beginning with "Creation." TfTnrn&tfmnffiffrfnnTnttUTart Deaths and Funerals. A MATTER OF HEALTH -- Vmv IBS WING POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos- phatic acid 1 tfmyotfnuy vimfmmvumH' Mrs. E. W. Ross. Mrs. Margarot Ross, wife of former Mayor E. W. Ross, died at her homo in Red Cloud last Friday afternoon, aftor a brief illness from typhoid fever. Funeral services wero hold at tho M. E church Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. W. Bennett Mo.o, and tho remains wero escorted to tho cemetery by delegations from tho Fro-- tortial Aid, Royal Neighbors and Rebekahs, of which orders slio was an honored and beloved member A sad coincidence was tho fact that sho was ono of tho 1' tiding workers for tho new church building and was tho lirst person to bo buriod from it. Margarot C Rife was born in La Sallo county, Illinois, July 28, 1800, was If) years 1 month and 25 days old at tho timo of her death. In 1881 sho removed with her parents to Gage county, Nebraska, wheroon Novomber 20, 183.!, she was married to Elmer W Ross. To this union wero born ono son and threo daughters, tho son and second daughter having preceded her into tho flual rest In 1803 sho ro moved with her husband and family to Red Cloud, which has sluco been their home. Sho was converted in tho M. E. church at tho ago of 13 years and was an active working membor in tho church. Mrs. Ross is survived by her husband, two daughters, Miss Lavilla and Marie, her mother and tho following brothers nnd sisters: Mrs. E. T. Rickards, Weeping Water; Mrs. G. L Griffls, Lincoln; Mrs. F. M. Pot tor, Seattle, Washington; Mrs C. II. Kaloy, Red Cloud; Win. Rife, Beatrico; John Rifo, Wostorn S. L. Rifo of Bridger, Montana and . Roy Rifo of Rod Cloud. Wesley Wilson. Charles Wesley Wilson, tho well known Inavalo druggist, dropped dead in Dr. Cook's office last Saturday after noon about four o'clock. Mr. Wilson had beon suffering with heart troublo for soveral months, and tho first of last woolc camo to Rod Cloud to take treatment. Ho seemed to bo improv iug, aud only a few moments boforo ho died ho said ho was feeling much better than ho had felt for soveral weeks. A moment or two later ho fell forward to tho floor and when tho doctors reached his side lifo was ex tinct. Funeral sorvicos woro hold at tho Christian church in this city Mon day afternoon, conducted by Rev. Davis, and iutormont was in tho Red uiouu comoiory. Mr. Wilson was about -15 years of age and had boon married twice. Ho is survived by five children by his llrst wife. About a year ago ho was married to Miss Doisloy, n daughter of Howard Deisloy of Inavalo. oi rri ii f i T h mere win du . . . to . - - . . "1 tiings Lioing to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to In Red Cloud, September 25th to 50th Going to have the best show ever. The business menof Red Cloud will see to it that everybody who comes will be well treated. THIS STORE is going to make a spe- cial effort to entertain visitors. The entire line of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, and in fact everything that a man or boy wears, will be in place and you are invited to pass a little of your time in examining them. Make the store your headquarters. Whether you buy goods or not, You Will Be Welcome to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m444-94442t&S-ffcrfct "' to to to m :'f PAUL STOREY 15he CLOTHIER C7nk ' '. i Mir M. A. Albright, 15he Grocer iUUbkfabbttiUiLUbbJU(Jkkbli(bbbbtbUiLiUUkbiivlUi(ibtVvbviiUibtbbUkb4(. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 4 a i 9 9 9 -9 i 9 4 9 -SELLS- 6- f 5 r. fr. s- First duality s Goods CV?0Vit AT Reasonable ' Prlces i &. I Red Cloud, - Nebraska 4 ft BEFORE YOU BUILD That House or Barn, or storo that Coal, it will savo you money and pivo you a lot of satisfaction if you will call and gel prices aud see tho stock of SAUNDERS BROTHERS, PHONE do. RED CLOUD, NEB. Dry Lumber and Gcnnlnc Maitland Coal a Specialty C W Kaloy to F W Studobaker lots 19 to 24 block 1 Lo Dues add to Red Cloud wd Robert Harris and wife to Goo C Polloy so4 22-3 11 wd 5000 500 Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for wook ending Wednes day, Aui?. 30, furnished by J. H. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company. Kato Pond aud husband to L E Tait lots 7 8 and 9 block 9 Smith & Mooro add to Rod Cloud wd $ 1100 Elizabeth (iilford to J R Groeu halgh lots 1 and G to 11 block 2 Cowlos ved 290 Elizabeth White and husband to Ella Armstrong lots 9 and 10 block G Graves add to Bluo Hill wd 100 Goo Nogloy and wife to L H Rust lot 7 block 8 Rod Cloud wd. . . 75 Julia Putman to C E Putman ot al swl 23-3-10 aud nw 4 20-3-10 wd. will Nora M Clark and husband to Anna M Munt. lots 1 and 7 part 2 aud 8 block S LoDucs add to Rod Cloud wd 1200 O T Ely and wife to II W Hub bard part lots 0 7 and 8 Roberts add to Guido Rock wd 1800 John Hyke to E T Foo nwl 32-3-10 wd 4200 A C Halo and wifo to Ed and Minuio Soaton swl 32-2-10 wd 4500 Boy's Head Crushed. Charley Bates, tho 10-yoor-old son of Ed Bates, living iu tho south part of town, suffered an accident Sunday evening about G o'clock which nearly cost him his lifo. Quito u number of porsous had gathered at Winfrey's barn to watch tho breaking of a herd of bronchos, and us tho herd was being turned from ono lot into an other tho littlo Bates boy fell under the foremost horse and the entire bunch passed over him. He was picked up unconscious and taken to Dr. Cook's hospital, whoro ho soon revived. His head wos severely crushed, but it is thought ho suffered ouly slight internal injuries. Tho physicians did not sow up tho wound, fearing blood clots would form on tho brain, which would uocessitato its re opening. At the last reports tho boy was resting easily aud it is thought ho will recover. Morhart's Opera House One Night Only Tuesday O October tJ Blondin & Leon will present L. R. CARLISLE IN Rip Van Winkle Seats on salo commencing Saturday, at II. J. Engels' Prices 25, 35 and SO Cents Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York discovered an aromatic pleasant herb drink for womon's ills, called AUS TRALIAN LEAF. It is tho only cer tain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses and backache, kidney, ' bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail 50 cents Sample FREE. Address Tho Mother Grny Co., LoRoy, N. Y. Popular Flavors in Summer Drinks and Ice Cream The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE. Proprietor. jKiffit:; 7 - . isVi, .-. ".' ji.LiimLtXk-j. iUTu t - . f -Ajwixfe- .vms. XHmtoMz&ri&iinzm -- " "T"YTlflHriHlMWi IhillMllMllltM I