The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1905, Image 8

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The Parte Fairyland
Carnival Company
s Interesting Itoms Gathered
by Our County rLcportors
Tho Inst crop of nlfitlfn is being put
up this week.
Dnn Uruoll bought Sam Mouutforu's
shorthorn bull.
Frank Wolfe is homo from n busi
ness trip to Wymorc.
Mr. Fitzgornltl is building 11 resi
dence) for Sum Mountford.
Alex Uentloy nnd wifu aro homo
from tlioir trip to Lincoln.
Coin has dried up nicely nnd tlieio
is now but littlo dnngor of frost.
dins. Pulmor of Rd Cloud will do
tho enrpentor work ou Sum Mount
fjrd's house.
VVm. Fnir bought a bunch of feeding
steers from Clnrk Stovrn?. Ho also
bought four or fivo from Gust Molina.
Dnvo Doll, one of tho biggest cattlo
feeders in tho county, recently bought
soino steers hero at $3.85 per hundred
Tho Into rnin tins put ibo ground in
good condition for sowing small grnin.
Not many will sow grain however, as
most of our farmers think corn pays
Special Prizes.
is the only
High Grade Powder
offered to the
consumer at a
Moderate Price
It should not be
confused with,
the cheap, low
grade powdera
on the one hand,
nor the high priced
trust powders on'
the other
$50 Road Wagon.
(Sweepstake Prize.)
For the Wagon best decorated with Grain, Fruit and
Vegetables, entered and decorated by any farmer actually
engaged in farming. Said wagon to be entered in the
Industrial Parade, Friday, September 29.
$125 Wedding Gift.
To the first couple presenting themselves to committee
to be married on the platform erected on the carnival
grounds. Ceremony to take place at 3 o'clock Thursday
afternoon, September 29.
Pair Blankets, A. Hndoll.
Table Cloth, 1 Nowhouso.
Towols, Mrs. MoFurland.
Washboard and Tub, Jas. Potorson.
Iron Bedstead, Albright Bros.
Lap Robo, Jos. Fogol.
Wash Boiler, Morhart Hdw. Co.
Whits Chamber Sot, Turnuro Bros.
Rocking Chair, Minor Bros.
Dishpnn- and Coireo Pot, Popo Bros.
Lamp, C. L Cotting.
Trunk, Cowdon Kaloy Clothing Co.
Wedding Ring, H. J. Engols.
Clock, Nowhouso Bros.
Flatirons, J O Butlor
Wedding Cako, W. S. Bonso.
Broom and Mopstick, Robinson &
Ham, Koon Bros.
Bacon and Lard, Fois & Schmidt.
Whito Bedspread, M. A. Albright.
Clothes Basket, John GrllFoth.
Ironing Board, Sam Kizor.
Picture. G. V. Argabright.
Shoos, Frnuk Smith.
Ten Dollars.
To any man or woman who shall bring the largest num
ber of people on one wagon or vehicle during any day of the
First prize, $6.00; second prize, $4.00.
Cash Prizes for Agricultural Display.
Flowers for Brido, H. Dioderich.
Present, C. W. Kaloy.
Glass Sot, Fair Storo.
Suit Case, Paul Storoy.
Present, William Wolfo.
Stop-ladder, Charles Piatt.
Half ton Coal, Saunders Bros.
Half ton Maitlaud Coal, Will Sul
livan. Two Hons and Ono Rooster, J. O.
Wodding Suppor, Roy Oatmau.
Pig, II. C Cutter.
Comb and Brush, Henry Cook.
One year subscription to Argus.
Ono year subscription to Advortisor.
Ono yoar subscription to Nation.
Ono year subscription to Chief.
Sack Flour, R. B Kummor.
Sack Flour, Amboy Milling Co.
Bridal Room, Ed Amack.
Liconso, Judge Koonoy.
Ofliciating clergyman, Rov. Goorge
Lester is on tho improve.
Mrs. John Emick is building a now
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lowis aro visit
ing their old homo in Iowa.
Mrs. Miles Doylo and granddaughter
visited at Matt Dean's Wednesday.
Mrs. Kate Miller of of Red Cloud is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. I. Frisbio.
Jacob Ellingor and J. W. Saladen
returned homo from Lincoln Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frisbio and
daughter Josephino aro homo from
Mrs. J. W. and A. It. Saladon visited
their sister, Mrs. Frink, of Beaver
crook Thursday.
A largo crowd from horo attended
tho dedication of the uow M. E. church
in Red Cloud Sunday.
The Ladies Union society mot with
MrB. I. Frisbio Wednesday and all en
joyed a plensant afternoon.
Mrs. C. Starko and son William,
after a throo weeks' visit with relatives
havo roturnod to thoir homo in Milwaukee
Wo had a light rain horo lust Mon
day. Frank AiloH finished putting up hny
on tho old Byrant farm last week.
A bouncing boy camo to Charles
Ailes' last week and is stopping with
him yet. Now Chaiios brags that ho
litis two pairs of boys.
Lylo Lippincott, who has boon at
homo two wt-oks, left Monday morn
ing for Topoka, Kansas, whoro ho has
a position with a hardware tirm.
Miss Carter, who has beon visiting
her sister, Mrs. Lippincott, returned
to hor homo at Blair, Nob., Monday.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, 1
Webster Connty. (
In tho matter of tho estato of Henry McCor
met, dereated.
Notice Is hereby Riven to nil persons having
claims and dcmnndH against Henry McCormei,
Into of Webster county, deceased, thnt tho time
(lxed for flllngclalmHagaliitt said ottuto Is six
months from tho Cth dny of October. 1905.
All Mich persons are required to present their
cluliiiR. with the vouchers, to tho County Judge
of stild county, ai his otllco therein, on or be
so filed will be heard beforo tho said judge 011
fore the Cth day of April, 1900; and till claims
April, 1000, at I o'clock p.m.;
The woathor is lovely. No frost to
injure tho lato corn.
Harry Gray of Chicago is visiting his
cousin, Mrs. Arneson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Hoaton spent
last Sunday atT. F. Jones.'
Mrs. John Sutton and Sara Arneson
woro shopping in Red Cloud Wednes
day. Quarterly mooting was held at
schoolhouso No. 3, Sept. 17 and 18.
Tho presiding older preached at 11
Work has commenced on tne new
road 'on tho bottom. It is to bo hoped
tho road will soon bo put through so
wo can tbon avoid some of tho worst
mud holes that woro over traveled.
First prize, ono-hnlf bushol ?5 00
Second prize, one-half bushol. ... 3 00
First prize, ono-hnlf bushol r 00
beconu prizo, ono-half buBhol .... .'5 00 Second
First prize, ono-half bushol 15 00
Second prize, ono-half bushol.... 3 00
First prize 3 00
prize 2 00
First prlzo, ono-half bushol 5 00
Second prize, oue half bushol .... 3 00
First prize, ono half bushol 5 00
Second prlzo, one-half bushol. ... 3 00
First prize, Common Yellow 1 00
First prlzo, Sweet ;.., 1 00
First prize, Squash 1 00
First prize 3 00
Second prizo 2 00
First prizo, Whito 1 00
First prize, Red l 00
Largest 2 00
Second largest 1 00
All products to be displayed in bopth erected for the
purpose. Entries Free.
The Association reserves the right to retain displays of
Grain, 1 nut and Vegetables, except those on wagons. All
displays will be under police protection.
Program m
TUESDAY, Opening and Firemen's Day FRIDAY, Grand Industrial Parade
WEDNESDAY, Fraternal Day SARURDAY, Awarding Prim on
THURSDAY, Old Settlers Day and ' Agricultural Display
Miss Otha Cox was homo Sunday.
Mrs. C. W. Frink was in Amboy
Ed Cox and Jako Monia wont fishing
Sovoral nttondod tho show in Rod
Cloud last week.
Ross West has boon working toads
in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith dined with
C. W. Frink and wifo Sunday.
F. Gigor and wife of Guido Rook
woro guests of C. Molloy Sunday.
Mrs. John Yoldon and children were
visiting Mrs. Low Smith Saturday.
the 7th day of
and that tho administrator Is allowed ono year
from tho 11th day of September, 1905, iu which to
pay tho debts allowed against said estate, and
settle the same.
octo County Judge
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I
Webster County, f
In tho matter of the estato of William CIcn
denning, deceased.
Notice 1h hereby given to all persons having
claims nnd demands against William Clenden
nlng. lato of Webster county, deceased, that tho
time fixed for filing claims against said estate is
six montliB from tho 13th day of October, 1005.
All such persons are required to prcbcnt their
clalmR with tho tho County Judge of
said county, at his olllco therein, on or before
the 13th day or April. 1000; and all claims
so (lied will bo heard beforo the said judge on
the Hth day of April. 1006, at ono o'clock p.
m.; nnd that tho administrator Is allowed one
year from the 16th day of September. 1905, In
which to pay the debts allowed against said es
tate, and settle the same.
Seal A. n. Keenet,
oct31 County J udgo.
Legal Notice.
Littlo Mies Shuck is on tho sick list.
Boyd Munsell isbusy improving tho
Tho fourth crop of alfalfa is boing
put in stank.
Charlos Bosso was doing businoss in
Lino Monday.
Tho school in district No. 8 is doing
nicely under Miss Popo of Red Cloud.
Tho Holinoss mooting Pope's school
houso will continuo ovor Sunday, con
duotod by Rey. Howard and others.
In tho District Court of
Webster County, Nebraska.
Charles S. Norrls.
Charles L. Saylor
Evan A. Kobh,
To Charles L. Saylor and Evan A. Itoss:
Defendants will lake notlco that on tho 13th
day of September. 10:5, plaintiff herein filed his
petition In tho District Court of Webster County.
Nebraska, against Bald defendants, tho object
nnd prayer nf which are to requlro speclllc per
formance of tho contract mado by said defend
ant, Saylor, with plaintiff on the 4th day of No
vornber, 1903. to requlro of Bald defendants an
assignment te plaintiff a certain contract from
the State of Nebraska to certain University land
described as follows, to wit: tho south half of
tho southwest quarter of section 13. township 3,
tango 10 west of the 6th P. M In Webster Coun
ty, Nebraska, and the delivery of said assign
ment to plaintiff.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before tho 23d day of October, 1003, S. Nokkib.
Uy E, U. Overman and U. McNcny, his attor
neyi. octO
Order To Show Cause.
Stato of Nebraska, I
Webster County. 1
At a County Court bold at tho County Court
room lu and for said county August 31, A. D.
Iu the matter of tho estato of William Clon
denning deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Emaslah
W. Coplen praying that administration of said
estate may bo granted to Emaslah W. Coplen,
as administrator.
Ordered, that Saturday tho 16th day of Sep
tember A. D. 1005 at one o'clock p. m is as
signed for luorlngsuld petition when all per
sous Interested In snld matter may appear at a
County Court to bo held In and for said County
and show cntiso why prayer of petitioner should
not bo granted ; and that notlco of th pendency
of snld petition nnd tho heai lug thereof be
given to a 1 pernGiis Interested lu said matter,
by publishing n copy of this order In tho Hed
Cloud ('lllKr. II Wcoklv nowsiifllier iirlntml In
bald county, for three conbecutlvc weeks prior
IU (HUM UUJ Ul UtUUllfc,.
, ,, A. II. Keenet.
(Seal) County Judge.
lee Gream
Gool Drinks
15c MEAL
Damcrcll Block.
Do You
When you are hungry nnd
want somethig nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. Wo have tho nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, nnd game
in season. We think, and
almost know, that we can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wndoll's meat market, wo
extend to you a hearty iu
vitation visit us and become
better acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
class meat, wo ask you to
give us a trial.
We are satisfied wo can
wo can please you.
Yours for business,