The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1905, Image 5

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. i -
night for ii short
Hay and feed at I'lutub's.
Plumb soils Blue Hill flour.
Street fair, September 2o to 30.
Mrs. C. H. Potter is in Lincoln.
Roy Garber is home from Hasting.
C. B. Halo is in Campbell this week.
Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or food.
G. W. Kaloy is home from Lincoln.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Dnmercll
Faco massage mid ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Tako your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
.Too Fogol was in Superior Wednes
lny. Will Auld was in Superior Wednes
day. Dr. Hall was down from Cowles
Grant Turner is freight "rustler" at
the depot.
Walter Kaloy was up trom Chester
this week.
Tho commissioners were in session
this week.
John Harvey was down from Itmvalo
Harvey Bros, were down from Ina-
valo Thursday.
J. W. Robertson has begun work on
hi now house.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sears went to
Campbell today.
Miss M'irkor loturned from tho oast
Wednesday n'ght.
Dr. and Mrs. Gardner wore up from
Wynioro Saturday.
Dr. 11. F. Raines now dispenses his
own prescriptions.
Otto Pope was down from Lincoln
tho first of tho week.
Mrs. Bomford returned from Umaha
Wednesday evening.
Charley Ludlow is homo from Hast
ings for a fow days' visit.
Frank Burss of Lincoln was in Red
Cloud tho first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Auld are tho
proud parents of a baby girl.
.Red Cloud onco more has a switch
crew in tho Burlington yards.
Chas. Gurnoy was in Superior Wed
nesday attending tho carnival.
Al Groat is expected home from
Hillings, Montana, in a few days.
F. W. Cowdon was down to Superior
Wednesday, taking in tho Fiesta.
J. P. Halo was homo from Lincoln
ior a few days tho first of tho week.
Tho carnival colors, whiio and yel
low, mako a very pretty combination.
Mrs. Roy Zmt and son William of
MeCook are in the city visiting relatives.
Orlando Bentley arrived in Rod
Cloud Monday for a visit with rela
tives. Plumb the food man will pay you the
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Dr. Thomas is having a now barn
built on bis place in tho west part of
Marion Morcor will play with tho
Hardy band at the Nelson fair next
Goorgo Pilloyof Wymore, a nophow
of J. O. Lindloy, has bought tho Rob
Harris farm.
J. K Wall returned from Wray,
Colo , Wednesday, whore ho has been
buying cattlo.
Mr. and Mrs. C W. Busheo roturned
from a visit with relatives at Hold
redge Monday.
J. M. Sellars returnod from a four
teen days' visit with relatives in Don
vor and Boulder.
Mr. and Mrs R. B. Fulton wont to
Rivvrtmi Tuesday
visit with relatives.
Mug Mmlo Kiloy arrived from
D liver Tuesday and is visiting with
relatives near Inavalo.
Mr nnd Mrs Ralph Foo nro moving
int) tho house recently vacated by
I 11. Holmes and family.
Chas. Foit of Omaha was in tho city
tho fiiBt of tho week visiting his par
ents, Mr. nud Mrs. L. II. Fort.
R. F Rainos is now the Republican
stato central committeeman for tho
Twenty sixth senatorial district.
Miss Vura Crabill can bo found at
Albright's storo on Saturdays, enter
taining tho music-loving peoplo.
When you got a hair cut, shavo and
bath at Manspeakor's barber shop you
will feel liko a now man. Try it.
Mrs. G. K. Mi'Ki'oby has rented tho
Albright houso on west Fourth avonuo
recently vacated by B. F. Muntz
The condition of Mrs. E. W. Ross at
noon today was very critical and her
death may bo expected at any time.
Don't lent buy a farm. Writo for
list. I have 02 farms for sale. D. W.
Giiant, Noiton county, Kan. Doc 11.
Tkkky Muiihiy: If you wish to
hear from your daughter Mary, ad
dress lock box 200, Twin Falls, Idaho.
Misses Beulnh Taylor and Bertha
Potter departed Thursday morning for
Lincoln, to attend tho university this
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gecman of Froo
port pays ouo-third of tho taxes
and hus over COO policies in
forco. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutunl
in tho stato, with over throo
quartors of a million dollars in
surance in Wobstor county.
for Good insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
A mixed team dubbed "Birnyard
Goiillas," defeated Cowles yesterday
on tho Red Cloud grounds by a score
of to 5
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
L. 11. Feis died Sunday morning and
was taken to C.impboll, whoro burial
took placo Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Anderson arrived
from Hepburn, Iowa, Wodnesday
morning to attend the funeral of their
daughter, Mrs John Lain.
Tho Ladios Aid society of tho M. E.
church will sorvo dinner and supper
next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
in tho F. & M. bank building.
Peter Anderson of Red Onk, Iowa,
and Mrs. Allerson of Pago City, Kan.,
woro in Red Cloud Wednesday attend
ing tho funeral of Mrs John Lain.
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Palmer and
son Worth, departed Tuesday ovou
ing for Portland, and also n visit with
relatives at Forest Grove, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baurdridgo of
Waverly, Nob., were in Rod Cloud this
woek and purchased the J P. Halo
farm north west of town. Considera
tion $5500.
Miss Maudo Kimsey, who hns boon
visiting her sister, Mrs. Floyd Pitnov,
and other relatives for three months,
returned to hor homo in Benklemen
Wednesd ly morning.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dow roturned
Saturday from Califomin, whoro they
havo made their homo for tho oast two
yeors. luoy havo had enough of Cali
fornia and aro back to stay.
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will
moot oyo, oar, ncso and throat patients,
and thoso nooding glasses properly
fitted, in Dr. Damoroll's oilico in Red
Cloud, Thursday, Soptombor 28.
Regular services will bo bold at tho
Congregational church on Sunday
morning. Sermon theme: "Tarry
Yo;" evening, "A Problem of Judg
ment." C. E meeting at 7 o'clock.
James Orndoff, living nino miles
north west of Red Cloud, was taken
sick whilo in town last Saturday, and
taken to tho homo of Goorgo Smolsor,
whoro he is suffering with lung fovor.
Rheumatism, gout, backacho, acid
poison, aro results of kidnoy trouble.
Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Tea goes
directly to tho seat of tho disoaso and
cures when all else fails. 35 conts. C
L. Cotting.
Tho sills for W. H Tabor's now
building havo not arrived, but a tem
porary floor will bo put down and all
next woek tho building will bo used as
a danpo pavilion. Mercer's orchestra
will furnish tho music.
Aro you lacking in strongth and
vigor? Aro you weak? Aro you in pain?
Do you fool all run down? The blessing
ot health and strength come to all who
use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Toa.
35 cents. C. L. Cotting.
Mr. and Mrs, C. R Potter of Wilcox,
Neb., roturned to their homo Tuesday,
after a visit at tho homo of his brother,
Spenco Potter, and other friends. Mr.
Potter was formoily a resident of this
county, but loft hero more than twenty
years ago.
Mis. Dorcns Mcintosh, an aunt of
Joo Ciiir, died at Juniata last Friday.
Mr. Cair, who made his homo with
Mr.. Mcintosh from tho time ho was 0
years old, went to Juniata Saturday,
wheio he attended tho funeral, which
J was hold Suuday.
U";ul the list of special prizes olIYied
by tho carnival committee, on tho last
pago of this paper.
Good advice to women. If you want
a beautiful complexion, clear skin,
bright oyes, rod Up, good health, tako
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Ton. There
Is nothing liko it. 35 cents, toa or tab
lets. C. L. Cotting.
Molor Barbor College, Omaha, Nob.,
wants 100 men to learn barber trade
and tako positions waiting gi initiates.
Fow weeks completes. Can nearly
earn exponsos before finishing, quali
fied teachers, caroful examination?,
practical nxperionco. Catalogue
mailed froo,
Roy Phelps camo homo fiom Sheri
dan, Wyo., Wodnesday morning, being
called hero by tho morions illness of
his brother George, who was operated
upon for appendicitis Tuesday.
Goorgo stood tho operation well and is
now thought to bo out of danger.
Rmv. Charlos Roilly of Kenrnoy, who
was pastor of the Red Cloud circuit of
the M. E. church from November, 1873,
to October 1874, and again from 1877
to 1878, has been invited to be ono of
the speakers nt tho Old Settlors' picnic
next Thursday. A lotter received
from him this wook announces that ho
will bo hero if possible for him to
Friends of Loon Marsh of Grand Is
land will bo sorry to learn that ho has
almost wholly lost his eyesight. For
tho past two or three years he has
been troubled with his eyes, and re
cently whilo in Colorado on a pleas-
tiro trip ho got poison ivy in them and
it is now feared ho will loso his sight
entirolv. Ho was taken to Omaha
'Pintail n r? f-t tnntttinrit
About tho most exciting oxistonce
we havo road of in a long time is de
scribed in tho October Cosmopolitan.
Prof. R. V. Mntteucci lives on tho
cratoi's edgo of VsuviuB for tho pur
pose of scientific observation, and ho
doscribos his daily life in a popular
manner. Readers will not envy this
sciontist his job, especially when they
seo tho picture of the rocks that aro
liablo to drop any moment upon him,
but they will be immensely interested
in his many alarming predicaments
and narrow escapes. This is only ono
of tho many lino featuros of this very
attractive issue.
The Best
Fall Suits
Do you wear Clothes
that look as if they
belonged to you?
It takes skillful tail
oring to make them
look that way.
Our garments are all
tailored with so much
talent and skill that
they a d a p t them
selves to the figure
with a grace and ease
that at once indicate
that the clothes be
long to the wearer.
We have Suits
$5, $8 and jg to, way up
$15 or 92Q
You may go else
where and do worse,
but you can't go else
where and do betterv
Shoes, 1 Iats and Fur
nishings, the best
there is for the money
&e Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
first Door North of Postotflco, - Rod Cloud, Nob.
Mower Knives, 5 It.. .$1.75
Mower Sections, each .03
Mower Guard Plates,
each 03
Mower Guards 25
We have them to fit near
ly all machines.
Why pay more for the
same thing?
We are right in price and
the quality of our goods
can't be beat.
8-in. Flat File 15c
10-in. Flat File 20c
12-in. Flat File 25c
14-in. Flat File 30c
Guaranteed Goods
John Galbrctli to the Asylum.
John G.ilbtoth, who was arrested
one day last week for being drunk and
disturbing tho Salvation Army meet
ing, was brought boforo the insanity
board Tuesday on a charge of being a
dipsomaniac, aud after a hearing it
was decided to send him to tho insano
hospital at Lincoln for treatment for
tho liquor habit, iih provided by the
now law governing such cases. Tho
charge was mado by Marshal Kinsol.
This is iho first, conviction in this
county under tho uew law, and should
bo tho last. So long as wo grant
licenses to liquor dialers to mako
drunkards of aien, what, right havo wo
to send these men to the insane
asylum for taking advantage of tho
opporl unities for obtaining liquor
which aro given thorn? Wo under
stand that tho membors of Mr. Gal
broth's family were all opposed to tho
action taken, and it is a dangerous
law that will permit an irresponsible
person to step in and causo tho incar
ceration of another person in a mad
house for an indefinite poriod, for tho
crime of being a drunkard.
If tho ollicers of tho law woro as
zealous in enforcing some of tho other
laws on tho statute books, thoro would
not bo so many young mon ruined by
gambling. If tho Slocum liquor law
was onforced, there would not bo a
saloon running in Rod Cloud.
If the laws against adultery and
kindred crimes woro onforcod thoro
would bo an upheaval in Rod Clould
that would causo somo of thoso whoso
cry is, "I am holier than thou," to hike
to tbo Jungles.
But tho gambling will ro on, tho
saloons will bo permitted to continuo
making drunkards to 11 11 tho insano
asylums, and there will bo no social
upheaval of lasting benefit. And it is
also safe to say that none of tho
woalthly "dipsomaninacs" will over
como under tho ban.
in regular soquouco in ordor of str-vio-i
from No. 1.
Numbers must bo rocordod in t r
rlor's book opposito iintno of owno.' 1 1
box, as woll as opposito uamos of nil
other persons entitled to rocoivu mail
from such box.
Aftor the completion of tho assign
ment of box numbers tho postmasters
will furnish owners with tho otllcial
number of tho box.
Now boxos erected botwoon boxes
already numbored will be assignod tho
next consecutive unused numbor.
Hardware Co.
Democratic Ticket.
Tho Democrats of Wobstor county
have at last broken away from tho
control of th 0 Populists. For several
years it has boon the custom of tho
Populists to nominate a ticket. Thou
tho Democrats would hold a mass
convention aud indorse tho Populist
noniinoes "Anything to boat tho Re
publicans,'' was tho battlo cry of tho
"autis " In thoir county convention
last Thursday tho Populists almost
ontiroly ignored tho Democrats, and
whoa tho latter hold thoir convention
at Blue Hill last Monday, instead of
following tho usual course, they
nominated a straight party ticket, as
Treasurer A. L. Kopisoh, Bluo Hill,
Ciork Ed Hilton, Bluo Hill.
Judgo-T. J. Ward, Rod Cloud.
Shoriff Bon MoFarlaud, Rod Cloud.
Superintendent Mabel Day, Rod
Coroner John Storey, Cowles.
Boxes To Be Numbered.
Postmaster Hacker has rocolvod
instructions from Washington, which
provide for tho numbering of rural
route boxos.
Tho following boxos, whon found to
bo safe, weatherproof and fit rocop
taclos for mail, aro entitled to num
bers: Boxes approved under ordor No. 730.
Non-approved boxos oroctod prior to
October 1, 1002.
No non-weatherproof or othorwiso
unfit boxos will bo numbered.
No rural mall box erected within
tho corporate limits of a town or
withiu a half milo of a postollico shall
bo numbered, unless oroctod prior to
October .'J, 1003, or is bolng served by
snocillo ordor of tho department.
Sorvico must not bo withdrawn, how
ovor, from any box now bolng served,
until such withdrawal is oxpressly
Numbers assignod to boxos on each
route will commence with No. 1, tho
first regulation box reachod by each
carrior, box aftor box thoroaftor to bo
couutod aud given tho proper numbor t
On Tuesday aftornoon, at tho homo
of the brldoN daughter, Mrs. Harry
Stroup, occurrod tho wedding of Mrs.
Nancy E. Sibort aud James McGuiro,
Judgo Keonoy officiating.
Loo Columbia of Guido Rock and
Miss Holen Jones of JNorth Branch,
Kan., woro married in this city Wed
nesday by Judgo Keouoy.
Joseph A. Stock of Washington, 111.,
and Miss Matilda M. Zimmerman of
Bluo Hill woro married at tho judgo's
ofllco ThursdayJ aftoruoon by Judgo
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, wit;h best
of options. '..
Loans safely and
carefully made, for par
ties having 'private
Jo xx. BAIIjEY,
- ! I