The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1905, Image 2

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Geoiiok Newhouse
auBscniPTioN hates.
One year II 00
Itx monthi &('
Kntorod M tno po KcdC'
eoondclRiimntl matter.
Furnished on nppllcntlou.
other conditions aro still under consideration.
Franco-German Dispute.
Paris, Sept. 19. Frnneo-Uermnn ne
gotiations relative to the Moroccan
conference havo again taken an un
favorable turn, causing anxiety In of
ficial and diplomatic circles and re
newing the- depression on the bourse.
This is due to the continued Insist
ence by both sides on points which
were considered to bo stisceptlblo of
compromise. Therefore the rumor
circulated, naming tho plenipoten
tiaries und fixing tho date of the con
ference, is purely speculative, as seri
ous difficulties Htlll remain to be over
come. However, both parties are will
ing to accept Algcolras, Spain, as tho
place of conference.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prcvailintr. in this
country most dangerous because so deeep-;
live. AianvMUUicti
deaths are caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
"The Kodak Way"
OTBv nm i I 1111 M
I rW&m Mit K
President Made First Move In Favoi
of Such a Meeting, but Relinquished
His Part In It to Emperor Nicholas
Invltatlono Already Accepted.
St. Petersburg, Sept. l'J. Emperoi
Nicholas again appears before tin
world as a promoter of unlvorsa.
peace. No sooner Is the Husso-Japa
neso war over, and oven before tlu
peace treaty bus been ratified, than his
majesty issues Invitations to a second
peace conference at The Hague.
That tho emperor has done so was
learned from a souroo which leaves
no shadow of doubt as to its authen
ticity. It is officially announced that
"tho rtussinn government proposes to
address the foreign powers with o
view to the holding of a second peace
conference at Tho Hague," but it is
known that negotiations preceding
this announcement were enteted Into
especially with the United States and
woro conducted with tho greatest se
crecy, there being not tho slightest
Inkling thnt Russia contemplated any
thing of the kind.
Tho announcement created tho
greatest surprise hero, nnd that Rus
sia should plan a second conference
despite tho steps already taken by
President Roosevelt was nlso heard
with amazement. It Is clear that the
step could not be taken by Russia
without first reaching n complete un
derstanding with President Roosevelt.
Tho fact that President Roosevelt Is
reported as being entirely In sympathy
with tho proposal, and that ho said
to tho initiator of tho first Tho Haguo
conference should belong tho honor of
convoking tho second, and readily nnd
gladly acceded to tho Russian pro
posal, is clear proof that tho confer
enco has nlready been called and that
President Roosevelt relinquished his
part In It to tho omporor.
Thero Is strong reason to believe
that tho ncwB even of tho Intention of
tho Russlnn government would not bo
given out unless invitations had al
ready been sent to tho powers, and
possibly their nnswers Had been re
ceived. In this connection an Inter
esting question arises as to how tho
Invitation wns communicated to Ja
pan, In vlow of tho lack of diplomatic
relations, but the Invitation may bo
delnyed until such relations havo boon
resumed or it may havo been for
worded through tho United States.
It was impossible to learn tho pro
posed date of tho second conference
or to gain even an approximate Idea
regarding It, but It probably will not
bo greatly dolnyed. Russia, ns tho
power convoking tho conference, will
probably submit an official program,
tho other powers submitting suggestions.
apoplexy arc often
the result of kid
ney dihease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed tondvntice
the kidney-poisoned
blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
tlic madder, or tho kidneys tliciiihelves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Madder troubles almost uhwiy:t'rcuilt
from a derangement of the kidneys ami
n cure; is nhtnitti-rt miirkt'St liv n tirntior
.tsn.lnnCH Mnunl R?nl?if . . .... ... . r... f ' i- .
-0,,""-" ,...., v.w..uu., , ircauuciu oi me Kidneys, ii you are ieei-
Toklo, Sept. 18. The Information ing badly you can make no mistake by
has been made public that three naval taking Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
paymasters havo embezzled $1(15,000 Kat kidney , liver and bladder remedy,
of government funds. Tho announce- It corrects inability to liokt urine and
ment has been calmly received by tho &jUS?S&g3 Sfii
public, but tho knowledge that tho compelled to go often througb the day,
commission of tho crime extended and to get up many times during the
over the period of a year without dls- night. The mild and the extraordinary
nnunrif .... It In nnl.t n f,,,,!!., .. c(Tl?Ct of SwflUI tl.Uflflt 1Q Crmtt flM1 1 1'I'lf
I . .11.1 i i i i . .. It stimd; tin? Iii(r1iict fnr tts u-fiitili.rfiil
naval administration and furnish . 'anais
weapon to tho political parties that fi0(l hyl aU druistu in fifty-cent and
are opposing the government. one-dollar size bottles. You may have u
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis-
AMERICAN FISHERS FIRED UPON covery and a book that tells all about it,
-r.. n i i oT , L o. r- both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil-
Tug B&rnhurst Struck by Shots From UIcr & CO( j,,,,...!,,,,, N. y Whcll
Canadian Cruiser. writing mention reading this generous
Erie, Pa., Sept. 18. The fourth ol offer in this paper. Don't make any
tho fish tug incidents of tho pnst week mistake, but remember the lumie.Swamp-
toolc place in Lake L'rio when the Cu- pot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, mid the
nadlan cruiser Vigilant riddled ilia jJ,Alie.8S BluS"auiton, N. Y., ou every
big steam tug Harry G. Ilarnhursl e"
with small shells from tho rille of tun ' :
patrol boat. Captain Nick Fusel ol
tho tug admitted after ho escaped
that tho Vigilant could have Bent hoi
to tho bottom if Captain Dunn had
so desired. They ran more thai:
eight miles under full head of steam
beforo they crossed tho boundary lino
and escaped from tho Canadians.
More than thirty shots struck the
vessel and of these fifteen of tho small
looted the municipal treasury of $2,
000, killed Surgeon .7. A. O'Neill nnd
abducted tho wlfo and two children
of Governor Trias.
Odd Fellows Are Meeting.
Philadelphia, Sept. IS. Hundjeds of
members of tho Independent Older of
BhellB landed with tolling effect on 0(1(l Allows and many of their friends
tho upper parts so that the boat ca-' continued to arrive here rrom n'l sec-
rcened to one side with the mass ol tlons r Uic country to attend Gie an
wrecknen when ho nnnm Into nort. ""i1 convention of tho sovereign.
Having been used form
Tllnnaiirl utnnmnt Mwi T1riilt
1'ivuoitiu dlv:uiiii;i. i iiu iiai uiiuinL in wi
large slzo and well fitted with steam . Wright of Allentown, Pa., grnjd slro
Hmiiiim... Tiw, nrn.,,n., M.rc oi uio sovereign lodge, was minusi
! into port. ""'" .""'" ". v..w HUv. ..(,
lciiy for a Brand lodge, which was fo-mally
ihurst Is of I)ened this morning. Robert E.
Disturbances In the Caucasus.
Tlflis, Sept. 19. General Shliinkln,
commanding tho troops, received a
telegram from the managers of tho
copper works at Ellzabethpol request
ing him to send Cossucks to tho
works. The telegram says the district
Is surrounded by bands of Tartars,
nnd that tho property and lives of tho
employes nro in imminent danger.
Flvo wagons filled with Armenian
refugees from Shaska woro attacked
by Tartars and most of tho women
carried off. A mob of 2,000 porsons
attacked a mall train at tho Abaslm
station and detached tho engine. Tho
troops and pollco fired nnd drovo
off tho rioters, who had many killed
or wounded. Several other outrages
on tho railway havo occurred In tho
Hitch In the Negotiations.
Karlstad, Sweden, Sept. 11). Tho
Norwegian and Swedish delegates
woro in conforonco for two hours and
n half and ndjourned to meet when an
ngreomont is reached on certain
points submitted to a sub-commltteo
consisting of Messrs. LIndobcrg, Mich
aelsen, Hammerskjold and Ixiveland.
A certain element In Norway Is op
posing tho proposed terms of tho
agreement, thus placing difficulty in
tho way of tho delegates. It Is under
stood that as a basis of tho anrce
mont, Sweden has promised to Blrn an
arbitration treaty as soon as Norway
Is recognized as a separate state,
whllo Norway agrees to destroy all
tho new frontier fortifications. Tho
Johnson, fainted in the hold from
over-exertion from keoplng tho steam
up. Ho revived after reaching shore.
Two fishermen wero cut in the face
by splinters shot away by the bullets.
Tho Uarnhurst, nccording to Cap
tain Fasel, was ubout flvo miles aver
the lino, drawing nets, when tho Vig
ilant appeared. Tho other Erie tugs,
tho Almn, Valiant and the Hoyd, wero
closer to the lino and ran away when
tho chase started. It has become
quite tho custom for the Erie fisher
men to cross tho lino regardless of
strict orders from tho companies em
ploying them nnd having exciting
brushes with tho Vigilant. They
never think of surrender when thero
is a chance to run away. The Uarn
hurst lost a largo quantity of nets.
Mate of the V. B. Kctchum Drowned
in Attempt to Rescue Woman.
Snult Ste. Marie, Mich., Sept. 18.
Tho schooner V. II. Ketchum, bound
from Duluth to Cleveland, burned oft
Parisian Island, Lake Superior, nnd
two members of tho crew were drown
ed whllo attempting to leave tho burn
ing vessel in a life boat. The tiro
was first discovered in the nfter cabin
and made such headway that it was
soon beyond control. Tho schooner
wns immediately headed for shoro
and wns beached In twenty-three feet
of water oft tho Island, where she
burned to tho water's ondge.
When It was seen that tho flro was
beyond control, the nine members of
the crow, Including Mrs. H. Ames, tho
cook, launched the llfo boat and pre
pared to row to the steamer Notting
ham, which had taken tho Ketchum
In tow. In attempting to lower tho
woman safely Into the llfo boat, tho
craft was capsized and tho nlno peo
ple wero thrown Into tho water. In
tho strugglo to save themselves, tho
eight men forgot tho presence of the
woman, and sho was carried some dls
tanco away. Mate Andrew Anderson
went to her rescuo as sho was going
down for tho last time. Seizing her
clothing Anderson turned nnd attempt
ed to return to the ship, but tho high
waves carried him further away.
Tired out from his exertions nnd
homo down by the weight of the help
less woman, ho wns unable to mako
any headway, and the two sank beforo
tho eyes of tho other members of tho
crew, who could offer no assistance.
astically welcomed by a largo telega
tlon of brother members of the, order.
Here Is Relief for Women,
Mother Gray, u uurso in Not York
discovered an aromatic pleasant herb
drink for women's ills, called AUS-TRALIAN-LEAP.
It is tho ouy cer
tain monthly regulntor. Cures Jenmlo
weaknesses and backache, kdnoy,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail GO cents. Simple
FREE. Address Tho Mother Gray
Co., LoRoy, N. Y.
AGuarantccd Cure For Plies.
Itching, blind, bleeding or intrud
ing Piles. Druggists refund nicnoy if
IV.o Ointment fails to euro anj caso,
no matter of how long standing,; n G to
14 days. First application givei easf
and rest. G0c. If your druggisthasn'l
it send DOiS in stamps, and it willbo for
warded post-paid byParisModionoCo.
St.. I, mi 14 Mo.
. .w, ... .
Arc You Using Allen's Foot-Etsc?
Shako into your shoos Allon'i Foot
Ease, a powder. It euros Corn., Bun
ions, Paiuful, Smarting, Hot, Ewollcn
foot. At all druggists and shoestores,
25o. '
To Cure a Cold In One Da:.
Take Laxativo Bromo Quiniw tab
lots. All druggists refund tho money
if it fails to euro. E. V. Urovo'esigim
turo is on each box. 25c.
Mystic Curo for Illicnmntism nnd NurnlRln
radically cures In 1 to a dnjs. Its nctlai upon
the Hj'btein Is remnrknblo nnd n)Merotis it
removes nt once tliu causa and the dlf-nho Im
mediately disappears. Tho first dosecrpntiv
benefits. 7fi ccnth and i 00. bckboyll, fi
Alt kinds of
Piano Moving, Furnltirc
Moving and other Hctvy
Work our Specialty j jt
No. 52. .. .PHONES. ...N. 75
Filipino Outlaw Chief Killed.
Manila, Sept. IS. Fellzardo, chief of
the outlaws In the province or Cavlto,
who for a long time havo made trou
ble for tho authorities, was surround
ed near tho Batangas border and
jumped over a cliff. Ho was killed
by tho fall. Tho death of Fellzardo,
It Is expected, will end tho disturb
ances In tho province of Cavlto.
u" " ' "'" "iHronoB, JCd uy andllncknclio. It's Kooky Mountain 1o In tao
Fclizardo and Montnleon, attacked tho J flin m ent n box. Oenuinotmdo by
town of San Francisco do Malabon ' Hot-U8TE" nnvu Company, Madison, Vs.
''"" iiwumuiw i vii unuhvn 'tvrUB
Rocky Mountain Tea Nu;gets
A Busy Modlolne for llasy rcopl
Brlnijis QolJea Health -and Ronowodilfor,
A sneulllo for Constipation, IndlpostSn, I.lvo
find ICldnoy Troubles, l'lmples. Hczcml Innura
Blood. Dad Ilreath, filuRdsli Dowols, Jeaucbo
'. I,.. I. I I ii -
Kodaks and Kodak
j; Bring In Your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. J
fi We do It rlgkt. Mj
x EiriiriiAiior mAiriiri
w rartv hui r KKiiiHri-
,n i,..Vww vviiiuiwp
$7 to $12
$3 to $8
No Money Required
until you recoivo and approvo of your bicycle.
anyone on Ten Days Free Triat
Finest guaranteed ttfm . t0 JW
1905 Models 9U WO &4Sf
witli Coaster - Drakes and Punctureless Tires.
1903 & 1904- Models
Best Makes.
Any vmkc or model you ivunt at one-third usual
price. Choico of any standard tires and best
equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee.
one without a cent deposit and allow lO DAYS
rKtb TRIAL beforo purchaso is binding-.
500 Second Hand Wheels
tnUi'n in trntlo by our Chicago retail stores,
nil tnnut'Q nnd rtmHulu iriivl nu tumr
nil NilT RIIV a bluyclo until you bavo written for our FAOTORf
.7.1 .."Vi ', fHlUKS AMD FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tires,
equipment, sundries and sportlntr woods of all kinds, at half recular price. In out
Dig Jree sundry Catalogue. Contains a world of useful Information. Wrlto for It.
Rogulan prlco $85Q per pair.
To Introduce $
we will Soil
You a Sample
Pali for Only
Result of 15 years experience in tiro makiner.
No dangov front THORNS, OAGTUS,
punctures, liko intentional kuifo cuts, can bo
vuleunized liko any other tire.
Ponrl fn? Pofnlnmin mn .imirin. n i.i,i. ...i . . . , --
il.Vfv,nr.., ii-V. u ii'. "" ,,;,"K ,u" ,,,A,., Ul!" " " iircs at .ik per pair ami up
" ,5S,ii?5sttV,r ' !iS' "lulnt"u wl1,L,.,.,' JHcyisles-Sunilrles at Half the usual prices.
.,;lf11 tho thick rul)l)tr trond "A" and puncturo strips "U" and "I)." This tiro will
0 UVi niiiko-foft. Elastic and Easy Kidlnir. Wo will hi. n. o n on APPROVAL
HNU tAAM NAI ON -.vlthout ,1 etnl rlsfmtil - " ' "
JkT MSA"aa.
Ii 1 I f AM
ml ih IKstabIk,
m u .1712 tEARsn
MsMu on glass
trr H i " ii , hi ,.
- 'in in wis itiiiit( u irrit ttri'UMl.
.J:.!' ;i)ii lliVM..SSPAlaco"n t rA (tliastMr-malclnff tho prlco S4.50 per pair) If you
iircs to oo rctMuu at our exuonso If not satisfactory on
send full cash with order.
cxatnuiaiiou. " .. .w.. -
" ' '"' -
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 1S8.
Office 119
?'?,", T'i V.111, of" e'nnn Ind., Bnygj "Alj,
,. f?.'"111 I,.lH."UUftJorv Itliuumutlsm In ovory
?, r!'!10",') ,lcr Kerlim wm terrible
""'.! '" bull. were bwoIIi-ii almost bo.
1 1" V'T0 V :. "ail been In bed tdx weeks
o.i.i tun ciKiii iii)mc mas, but rncelved no
benefit until kho tried the Mynio rii?o fo?
HlieumatlHin. it rvo linmedlato relief and
hlie was able to wlk about in threo davL uS
miro It Bated her life." Soltl by I! Ori
Druggist, Hed Cloud, y ' a' Urlce
Isaac B. Colvin
farm Loans and Insurance.
Telephones: Glonwoocl
and Guide Rock lines.