The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1905, Image 1

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    1 1
Coming ! Parker's "Fairyland" Carnival Co., Red Cloud Street Pair, September 25 to 30.
$1 a Year
in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print '
rt x
:ffi n
1 flemsy flotes prom neighboring Toians
(From tho Timns.)
Mabollo Eustico wont to Salinn, Sat
unlay, whoro shu will ontor a business
Frank Bozarth purchased tho Noal
Mays property last Saturday, whoro
foreman Geo. Hill lives.
Adams Bros unlonded 1400 hood of
lambs yesterday and will food them in
thoir yards on tho Manning Schemmo
horn farm.
Francis Schroeder left Tuesday
morning for Ellliigham, III., whoro ho
will take a year's courso in a school of
Ilov. L. B. Tremain was called yes
terday to tho Mclntvro homo live milo
west of Jewell to preach tho funeral of
Mr. Mclutyro, who died at his homo
Chas. Mundy, who was employed by
Oscar Buchanan, went out last Tues
day to Cars Peterson's to get a load of
sand. While loading up his wagon tho
bank suddenly gave way, catching his
right log in such a manner as to break
both bones, splintering them up for
about 8 inches. Ho was entirely alono
and had to shovel tho sand oil himself
and crawl into his wagon and drive
home It is a very bud fracture and
will lay Mr. Mundy up for a long time.
(Prom tho Citizon.)
Wo learn that Ludwig Klein and son
Gus, while out west last week, pur
chased 480 acres of land near Culbert
son, upon which Gus will reside soon.
Miss Lillie Hardy attended summer
normal at Holdrego during vacation
and wo notice by school papers that
she ranked tho highest of any in at
It. A. Collier by way of improvement
has added some now furnituro to bis
storo room in tho way of an elegant
plate glats show caso which adds
greatly iu exhibiting his silver ware.
A. D Karnes, who disposed of his
quarter of land a week or two ago for
875 per acre, did not remain out of
lmidlordship long, for this week ho
purchased three eighties from Gus
While Rev. Ellis and family wore
visiting in tho country last Wednesday
8' me miscreant entered ho parsonago
and carried away a 86 dollar bill,
which lay on a center table, and forgot
to leave his receipt for tho same.
(From tho Messenger.)
Our baby reporter ilnds a now ono
at Wm. Roberts since lust Sunday.
Art llelihan was down to Mankato
last week playing ball with tho Burr
Oak team.
Mr.Talton Crane and Miss Florence
Moldrum wore married at Phillipsburg
last Thursday.
The cement is on the ground for tho
now addition for tbo Smith Center
Mill & Elevator.
Low Broakoy assisted by II. N.
Dunton has sold his farm in Oak and
bought tbo Benedict Hanson fatm in
Charlio Hershner, a well known
young doctor of North Branch in
Jowell county, went to Phillips county
last week, and was married to Miss
Jonnio Horrell near Long Island.
Constable Tom Srador of Oak was
over last Friday turning "Huoks"
Timmons of Lebanon over to tho
county authorities for correction,
"huckb" is out of tho state reform
sohool on parolo and again got into
Tho most important caso in district
court this term of court was tho Josso
Moirill caso from Kensington. While
in tho employ of tho R. I. ho foil in a
well, and received somo injuries. Ho
sued to recover dnnmges for same
somo two years ago. Ho got judgment
in first trial for $1,042. For some
causo it was tried ngain aud tho jury
gave him 81,600. Tho company took
an appeal, and tho State Supreme
court sont it back for a now trial. This
is tho trial just closed, in which the
jury gives Morrill judgment for 82000.
(From the Sentinel.)
A. A. Haddon has laid a dandy ce
mont walk in front of tho Freo Press
Street Commissioner Smith, is get
ting our stroots in tho best condition
wo have ever soon them.
Mooro & Booker have just completed
painting tho high school building and
thoy have tlono u dandy job.
Tho public school opened Mondny
and tho enrollment up to date in all
branches is 201 of which 10 are nou
A. L. Marstellar, of Wilcox, stopped
off hero tho first of tho week for a few
days visit, while on his way to StJ
Louis, whero ho will graduato in medi
cine this year.
W. It. Robertson was thrown from
his buggy last Saturday sustaining
quito a soveie scalp wound. Ho was
carried home in an unconscious state
but soon revived.
A few of tho relatives and friends of
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Humphreys gather
ed at thoir homo in this city Sunday tq
help them celobrate tho fortieth anui
versary of their wedding.
Baking Powder
(From tho Journal.)
Burt Mendell is putting up a 28x3
houso. Ho has the cemont foundation
Kid Colo had two Gngers mashed bt
having a pilo driver hammer fall od
I ho ball game yesterday .between
Burr Oak and Superior resulted in
score of 7 to 0 in favor of tho former.
John Bloom, a former Superior boy
and a graduato of the Suporiorachools,
was tho victim of footpads in New
York City last week. Ho had been
calling on a friend and on his way
homo was passing through Contra!
Park, whero ho was held up by Gvc
men, wno aomanueu cigars, ho wa
robbed and severely beaton. It i
thought that ho will recover, but it
feared mat nis eyesignt is pormanent
ly injured.
It is a sad blow to his many fiiendl
and more especially to his aged par
onts, to loarn of tho donth of Lieutuon
ant B. T. McConnoll, who died in the!
Philippines on September 12. Tho
following is a telegram received oy bin
father, B. J. McConnell, today from
tho War Department.
'The Department regrets to inform
you that a cablegram has just boon
received from the commanding gon
oral of tho Philippine division, an
nouncing tho death of Lieutonani
Robert B. McConnf 1, Ninth Infantry
Camp Wilhelm, 1141, on Sept. 12, ofl
general peritonitis."
Tho following telegram was received
from Military Secretary Ainswort, aU
Manila: "Remains will bo shipped on
October 14."
(From tho Advocate.)
Miss Jennie Monk of Sumner, is now!
a member of our force, arriving Tues
Evangelist Redding is preaching
pome rousing to mi on 9 to largo audi
onccs this weak.
J. B. and It. V. McGrow and It. H
Waring wont to Lincoln yesterday to
attend tho topublican state convon
Wm. Gillmorc shipped his household
Its superiority 2s unquestioned
Its fame world-wide
Its use a protection and a guarantee
against alum food
Cream of tartar is derived from grapes It is used in Dr.
Price's Baking Powder in the exact form and composition in
which it occurs in that luscious, healthful fruit A pound of
rich, ripe grapes contains a quantity of cream of tartar equiva
lent to that required to make baking powder sufficient to raise
a dozen ordinary-sized hot tea biscuit The healthfulness of
Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder is beyond question
Alum Baking Powders arc Condemned by Physicians
Fifty-two different brands of alum and alum-phosphate baking powders were
recently analyzed by an official chemist. In every one of these fifty-two different
brands sulphuric add was reported in large quantities, frequently greater than twenty
five per cent of the whole weight of the baking powder!
Chemical tests show that a portion of the alum from alum baking powder
remains as such and unaltered in the bread.
Alum baking powders are extravagant. They cost but two cents a pound to
make, yet they are sold at twenty-five cents a pound, or twenty-five ounces for
twenty-five cents.
But, can the housewife afford, no matter at what price, to use a baking powder
which puts alum and sulphuric acid in her food?
goods to Grand Island this weok,
whero ho will reside and ongago in
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Townsond aro
much relived over tho bettor condition
of thoir little girl, who has boon seri
ously siok.
Geo. Groon is having a largo lumber
shed erected and as fast as tho work
can bo dono ho will havo tho oflice
torn away and a nicer and moro con
venient ono in its place.
(From tho Review.)
Tbo roada oast of town aro being re
paired this weok.
James McGuiro was up from Rod
Cloud a short time Saturday.
Booth & Company mado a cemont
collar for W. II. Cloppos this week,
B, G. Lindloy had tbo roof of tho
drugstore ropairod and painted this
F. E. Bortfold, of Red Cloud, was in
town several days this weok tuning
A Quo ram foil horo Thursday night,
which puts tho ground in excellent
condition for fall plowing.
B. G. Lindloy purchased tho drug
store building last Saturday from
Harsh. Consideration $2,000.
Every available team at tho livory
barn was put into soivico Wednesday
to tuko tho crowd to tho circus.
J. W. Eldor and son loft this wook
for Lexington, Mo., whero Bronton
will ontor tho Wentworth Military
Mr. Henry Gruby and Miss Laura
Fatton woro united in tho holy bonds
of matrimony at Rod Cloud, Wodnes
day, September IS.
lurllnftten Bulletin.
Chicago and retnrn, on salo daily,
St Louis and return, on salo daily,
Portland, Tncoma and Seattle and
return, ou sale daily, 845.
Portland, Tncoma and Soattlo und
return, ono way via California, 850, on
salo Soptembor 1,2, H,4 C, 12, 14, 20,
27 aud 28.
San Francisco and Los Angolos and
return, $50 on salo Soptombor sanio
dutos as above.
San Francisco and Los Angolos aud
return, 850, on salo October 18, 10, 20
and 21.
San Francisco and Los Augoles and
return, ono way via Portland 802, o.
salo Ootobor 17, 18, 10, 20 and 21.
Salt Lako and Ogdon, Utah, and re
turn, on salo daily, ono fare plus GO
Philadelphia and roturn on sale
Soptomber 14 to 10 $30 45.
Cody, Wyo , Black Hills and Hot
Springs, S. D approximately ualE
rutes all summer.
Low ono-way colonist ratos to Cali
fornia and Northwest Sept. 15 to
Oct 81.
Cheap homoscokors' rates in many
directions first and third Tuesdays of
each month.
If you will call or write, it will bo &
pleasure to advise you about rates.
train service, to reserve you a berth,
and to make your trip a comfortable
T. E. McCabl, Agent.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uuoalledi
for at postotllco at Rod Cloud, Neb
for the wook ending September 21 1005;
Brown, Prof. Joo Truman. G. R.
Thompson, J. V. Christy, H. IC. pkg;
Thoso will bo sont to tho dead letter
ollleo Oct. 5, 1005, if not called for
before. When calling for above pleai
say "advortlsod."
T. C, Hackkk, Postmaster,
' 4