The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1905, Image 8
t r v ' t ic ( . ' V : ffJfffrfSffrfrfS'-f TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of Novvs Found In The Chiof of Twenty Years Ago This Weok V y !'W'W'WWW'WWW W. II. Btickbeo hits moved into tho Jakes Sollars property. II. P. Mason of Inavalo was doing tho city Saturday ou bis return from tho capital. D. 13. Spanoglo has returned from liis western trip over tho B. & M.'s new Obcrlin route. G. II. Chanoy was at Republican City on last Saturday looking up evi dence in a murder caso that ho has boon retained ou. W. E. Douglas of Iowa City is visit ing in Red Cloud. Leo Blouut of Guido Hock has ac coptod a position ou The Chief. Lawrence Dutton, a Plattsmouth merchant, is tho guest of County Clerk Bay ha this week. F. C. White of Donvor was' in Rod Cloud last Saturday. Ho Js an old friend of M, W, DiQkorsQUi Since tho cqulnotical WO Aro having tho regular all wool and a yard wide "Injun sumtnor." Harry Pond wont to Omaha Thurs day night after his mother. Win, Parkes aud wifo, who havo been visiting in Utah for several mouths past, havo returned homo. Tho three-year-old sou of W. II. Young, of Rivortou, died last Monday of brain fever, after a brief illness. Win. M. Clapp, ono of tho early set tlers of Wobstor county has returned from Woodstock, Vermont, and lo cated near Cowles. Charley Gust, living across tho river, while imintitu: his burn tho other day foil otr tho laddor aud was seriously injured. Mr.. McBrido loft Wednesday night for St. Joe, whoro she goes to pur chase tier fall stock of millinery. Ed.Hosford. tho popular manager of tho Red Cloud stock yards, started on Sunday ovoning for Burlington, Iowa. Walnut Creek Prank Thorntou Tabitha Myers woro married.... John Myers is teaching tho school in district No. H. . . . Miss Bean of Red Cloud will teach tho school in district GO. Wells C. C. Storoy is on tho sick list.... John Ramsoll has his outfit all ready and will start west as soon as the weather will permit. . . .Milt Ran dall and Sponco Alexander woro taken sick one day this weok. . . .Ev Harrison took flvo loads of fat hogs to market today.... A straugo uoiso is heard in tho back room of Grandma Lockhart's Btoro. It's mado by a ton-pound boy. Catiierton John McCallum is in Liucoln. . . .Editor King of the Helmet and W. N. Richardson woro hero Pri day....J. L. Framo is erecting a lino re8idonco....W. B. Cramer's oat crop averaged 63 bushels per acre, wheat 17. . . . .Our roads aro recoiving careful at tention from Ovorsoor Cramer.. Lloyd Crabill is giving tho farmors a chanco to purohaso Rod Cloud nursery stock ....Mr. Boyd and Mr. McDonald of Livingston county, Illinois, aro hore looking for homos, Cowlks Mrs. Stoddard of Walnut creek is visiting in Cowles at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Paul Among tho recent arrivals in this vicinity is u young gentleman at tho homo of J. C. Wallor; also a young lady at Georgo Hilton's A. J. Ilorton has sold his rosidenco in Cowles to A. A. Peak and intends going west Tommy Quinn, ono of tho ilrst settlers on Elm crook, after many years of work on tho rail roads of Nobraska, has retired from activo lifo, and will livo on tho pro coeds of his farm noar hoi o Tom Crouch is shelling corn this weok for Mr. Buzick. Real Estate transfers. Transfers for weok. ending Wednes day, Aug. 30, furnished by J. H. Bailey of Wobstor County Abstract company. Ed McBrido to Commercial bank Bluo Hill lots G and 7 block 0 Blue Hill wd 8 1800 Martin Cronor and wifo to W A Barous o2 swl 5-3-10 wd 1550 Herbort Himloy and wifo to J J Martin part lot 4 Bohror add to Blue Hill wd 200 Stato of Nob toClms A Campboll nw4 sol 7-1-10 wd 2S0 Harriot A Milligan to C A Camp boll swl sol 7-1 10 wd Lincoln Land to T II Quigglo lot 13 block 12 Rosomont wd Josophiuo K Colvin to I B Col vin lots 19 and 20 block 1 Tnl- GOO 50 hot add to Guide Rock qod ICO James B Colviti and wife to I B Colvin lots 10 aud 17 block 1 Talbot add to Guido Rock qed 100 I B Colvin and wifo to M G Hagau lots l(i to 21 block 1 Tat hot add to Guido Rock qcd l'JOO James A Ramey and wife to I B Colvin lot lfi block 1 Vance add to Guido Rock wd GOO L C Wilson to O R Boyco lot 1 block 21 Cowles wd 15 C E Perkins to O R Boyco lots 2 to 5 block 21 Cowles wd 10 Jama Rose aud husband toLillio B Quiggln lots 8 and 12 block l.'i RoBomont wd 80 L E Tait and wifo to J R Mercer lots M to 10 block 10 Red Cloud wd 2100 Mattio E Taylor aud husband to J R Mercer lots 17 and 18 block 11 Red Cloud qed 75 Total $8785 Mortgages filed S.'HJOO Mortgages released $5700 LIVE STOCK MARKETS IT KANSAS CITY. TJME WEEK' TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY. ROBINSON A OOMPANY, LIVB STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFIOES AT OHIOAQO. KAN8A8 CITY, OMAHA, ilOUX CITY. ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER. Kansas City, Sept. 12. Receipts of cattlo Monday woro 20,000. Choice cornfod steers woro scarce and sold at steady to 10 cents lower rates while grasscrs woro uneven, somo claiming steady sales and others 15 cents lower. Cows and heifers woro steady to strong early but eased off at tho close. Choice and medium stockors aud feeders ruled steady to 10 cents higher, otliors uuchaugod. Recoipts today aro estimated at 23,000. Tho supply of beef steers was liberal and botli corufed and grassors dropped 10 cents. Cows and heifers woro steady; bulls slow; veals strong. Best stock ors and feeders held steady; ottiers dropped 10 cents. Extra prime corn-fed steers. .." 75-G 25 Good corn fed steers 5 25-5 75 Ordinary corn fed steers. . . . 4 50-5 25 Choice corn fed heifers 4 75-5 25 Good corn fed heifers 4 10-4 75 Medium corn fed holfers. . . . 3 50-1 10 Choice corn fed cows 4 00-4 25 Good 3 25-8 85 Medium 2 75-3 25 Ciamors 1 50-2 50 Choice stags 4 25-1 75 Choice fed bulls 3 25 -3 75 Good 300-325 Bologna bulls 2 00-2 50 Veal calves 5 25-0 50 Good to choice native or western stockors 3 GO-4 20 Fair 3 25-3 GO Common 2 75-3 25 Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 00-4 40 Fair 350-4 00 Good to choice heavy brand ed horned feeders 3 50-3 05 Fair 325-840 Common 3 00-3 25 Good to choice stock hoifors 2 75-3 00 Fair 225-275 Good to choico stock calves, steors 4 00-150 Fair 3 50-4 00 Good to choico stock calves, hoifors 3 00-3 50 Fair 2 50-3 00 Choico wintered grass steors 4 25-4 55 UOOU .t (U-4 ''. Fair 3 40-3 75 Choico grass cows 2 75-3 15 Good 250-2 75 Common 2 00-2 50 Receipts of hogs Monday woro 5300 and tho market 5 to 10 cents lower. Recoipts today were 11,000 and trodo again 5 cents lower, closing easy. Bulk of sales woro from $5.20 to 5.30; top S5 42J Recoipts of sheep Monday woro 12,000, and tho market 10 to 25 cents lower, lambs suffering worso. Recotpt today woro 2000 and trade unchanged. Wo quote-choice lambs, $0.50 to 7; choico yearlings, 85.25 to 5.50; choico wethers, ?1 75 to 5; choico owes, 81.50 to 4.75. The Circus. Tho Adam Foropaugh and Sells Brothers Combined Shows havo como and gone, and tho impression loft on tho minds of thoso who attended is ono that will remain for a long time to como. Thero aro features about tho Calumet Baking Powder Perfoot In quality. Mode-rate In prioo. show which make it tho best that ovtr visited this bection of Nebraska, and tho immense crowd that attended Wednesday aftcmood had but ono complaint thero was to much to bo seen at ono performance. Tho drill and wall scaling of tho Aurora Zou aves, tho couching party, tho trained goals, tho Russian dancors and the particularly flno work of LcFleur in ground tumbling just boforo ho makes his drop from tho ladder, were either one singly worth tho price of admis sion. Another diillcult feat was tho turning of a somersault from ono moving horse to another Then there woro tho trained elephants, clowns' springboard, and tho aorial horiz uital bar work by artists of tho first-class. In tho menagorio tho feature which probably attracted tho most attention was tho baby lions, as cuto and as playful as kittens. Noar tho com mencement of tho program the man agement mado tho pleasing announce ment that tho show would visit us onco every two years, and it is safe to say that when they come again thoy will bo greotod by all thoso who at touded this time, and many more bolides, Tllol'6 was no graft or gambling, either on tho grounds or on the streets, aud everything about tho show was clean and straight. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. let Ilendlnir Room and the Thonaanda of Hooka It Contntna. In the reading room of the British museum desks nro crowded with stu dents all day long, and In addition to the books of reference, some 20,000 in number, which 1111 the open shelves Of the room, from three to four thou sand volumes are given out every day. Theology In a wide sense, Including tho Bible, Biblical literature, church his tory and works on the religious rites and ceremonies of all races and creeds, Is easily at the head of the list, with about 300 volumes. Topography comes next, with about twenty fewer, and of these books on London amount to a quarter, books on English topography to another quarter, the other half be ing for the rest of the world. His tory and biography come next, Eng lish history being mostly In demand, and books on France and the French provinces second. Essays, criticism and miscellaneous literature take the fourth place and are followed by fic tion not less than five years old moral philosophy, poetry and the fine arts, the drama, law and philology, political economy and so on down to politics, mathematics and chemistry, which huve about forty volumes apiece, and, lastly, works on uaval and mili tary subjects, which seldom have more thun three or four volumes each. It Is a curious lint and throws a useful light on the sort of studies taken up by the readers In the museum. London Globe. THE DOG'S EYE. Watch Thnt, Not the Month, For Symptom of Hydrophobia. As dogs do not perspire, the only re lief they seem to get when overheated is from Inhaling cool air through their wide opeu mouths in short, puffy breaths. Tho friction between tongue and lips caused by their rupld, labori ous breathing produces saliva, which la sometimes lgnorantly diagnosed as foam, one of the symptoms of hydro phobia. Many Innocent victims havo lost their lives on account of such stu pidity. If your dog should feel 111, sick with some ordinary ailment, he will wag welcome to you with a sad, pitiful ex pression, looking up iuimlrlugly as If asking for help aud relief. If It has come to the worst and he feels by In stinct tho germs of the dreaded disease In his frame, his action will be entirely different. You will find him with low bent head, withholding his usual glad welcome, hardly noticing or glancing nt you. If your eye moot his, tho restless, nervoiiB, strange expression will star tle you. The dog, feeling his doom, Is conscious of approaching danger and would like to prepare and warn you. These unmistakable and easily recog nized signs should bo watched closely and always heeded. Comer the dog at once and, with the help of a broom or barn fork, keep him at a safe distance until locked up. Country Calendar. Ordinance No. 53. An Ordinance establishing and adopting grades for the streets and sidewalks of tho City of lied i loud, and tho width, measurements and distances thereof; also to repeal ordt- Cnnance number 11 and ordinance numburUO of the Ilevlsed Ordinances of said city, of 1000. and supplementing ordlnauco number 40 of said city, passed and approved October 23, 1D0U, aud providing penalties. lit it Onlaliml. by the Mayor ami Council of the City of JltU Cloud: Section 1. Tho grades for the streets and side walks of the City of Hed Cloud, and the meas urements. Hues and distances thereof, aro here. by established and adopted as made by the survey of A. Melteynolds aud as shown by tiieinaiior it at mauo ami comueu uy mm sir- vojor under date of .Inly 11, 100.V which Is on lllo with the city clerk and ncuonipaiileit and Is part of this ordluaucu. at the levels, elevations and distances therein shown; and the grade points thero given, connected by grnde Hues, give the street center Hue, aud sidewalk grades, at lot Hues, Section 2. All streets and sidewalks htrearter graded, worked or constructed shall bo graded Say Plainly to Your Grocer That you want LION COFFEE always, and ho, being n, squaro man, will not try to Bell yon any thing else You may not caro for our opinion, but What About the United Judgment of Millions of housekeepers who havo used LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is thero any stronger proof of merit, than tho Lion-head on every package Save thoso Lion-heads for valuablo premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. FARM LOANS I am well prepared to make Farm Loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at low est rates, either for five or ten years, with best of options. Loans safely and carefully made for par ties having private funds. J. H. BAILEY, RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA mid constructed conformably to Raid jrrade; und all building!) or structures of any kind acta ally or substantially adjacent thereto shall con form to mid grade. The streets of said city shall bo graded so that tho roadway thereof shall be forty feet in width, aud twenty feet on each side of the center Hue of the street, and all streets shall bu crooned, twelve Inches to the center. The tree Hue of said streets Is fixed at the distance of eight feet from the lot or land Hue, aud no trees shall be planted in any of said streets unless as herein provided. Provided, however, that the roadway of Web ster street between Second and Sixth avenues, and of Fourth avenno between Cedar and Kim Streets, shall bo seventy two feet in width, thirty six feet on each side of the center line, and tho sidewalks thereon twelve feet In width. Section 3. Any person constructing or placing nnv wnlk. or iniv bulldlne or structure In said city actually or substantially adjacent to any of snld streets, otherwise than as In this ordlnauco nrovldcd nnd permitted, and any owner ot property therein authorizing or permitting the same to be done upon his property snail ue deemed guilty of a misdemeanor am mum- or a misdemeanor ami ou con vlctlon shall be lined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, and tin committed to IhII until such duo and costs are paid; and each day's continuance of such acts or condition in violation of tho pro visions of this ordinance, (hall constitute a separate offense hereunder, punishable accord ingly. section 4. That the said ordinances numbers 11 ami 'JO of the Hevled Ordinances of 1900. of said City of Ked Cloud be. and tho same hereby are. repealed, and this ordinance shall bo In force from and after Its passage, approval and publication rh required by law. Passed and adopted September flth, 1005. Approved September flth. lSXft. C. T. DicKrNso.v, Mayor. Atts:t L. H. FonT, City Clerk, (skal) Leg?l Notice. Charles S. Norrls. "1 I'lalntlir, VB. Charles L. Saylor and Evan A. Hnss. Defendants. In the District Court of Webster County, No biaska. To Charles h. Saylor and Evan A. Ross: Defendants will takn notice that on tho 13th day of September, 10 r. plaintiff herein tiled his petition In the DMrlct Court of Webster County, Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and praver f which are to require speciuo per formance of the contract mado by said defend ant. Baylor, with plaintiff on the 1th day of No vember. 100.1. to rcqttiro of sold defendants an assignment to plaintiff a certain contract from the Statcof Nebraska to certain University laud described as follows, to wit: the south half of tho soutti west quarter of section l.'l. township 3, iiinirclii west of the 6th P. M In WebsterCoun ty. Nebraska, and tho delivery of said assign meut to plaintiff. You are required to answer Bald petition on or before the -J3d day of October. 1003. Ciiaules S. NonuiH. Hy E. U. Overman and U. JIcNeny, his attor neys. octO Order To Show Cause. IN TUB COUNTY COUIIT. State of Nebraska, 1 Webster County. At a County Court held at tho County Court room lu and for said county August 31, A. D. 100f, In tho matter of tho estate of William Clen denning deceased. On reading and tiling tho petition of Emaslah V. Coplcn praying that administration of said ettai may bo granted to Emaslah W. Coplcn, as administrator. Ordered, that Saturday tho 10th day of Sep tember A. I), 100.") at ono o'clock p. m Is ns signed for Iwariugssld petition when all per sous Interested In said mutter may appear at a County Court to bo held lu aud for said County and show causo why prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; aud tliat uotlco of the pendency of said petition and the healing thereof bo given to a I persons Interested in said matter, by publishing a copy of this order In the Ked Cloud C'lllKP. n weekly uowsnanur printed In said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. A. H. Kkknet. (Seal) County Judge, Confidence Of the People and ever Increasing popularity? LION COFFEE Is carefully se lected at the plantation, shipped direct to our various factories where It Is skillfully roasted and carefully packed In sealed pack agesunlike loose coffee, which Is exposed to germs, dust, In sects, etc. LION COFFEE reaches yon as pure and clean as when it left the factory. Sold only In I lb packages. J lee Gream Gool Df inks BEST 15c MEAL IN THE CITY HKLE'S RESTAURANT Damercll Block. Do You Eat Meat? When you aro hungry nnd wnnt somethig nice in the meat lino, drop into my market. We have tho nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, fish, and game in season. Wo think, and almost know, that wo can please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. To the Public Having purchased Chas. Wadoll's moat market, wo extend to you a hearty iu vitation visit us and becomo bettor acquainted and also, when lookiug for good first class meat, wo ask you to give us a trial. Wo aro satisfied wo can wo'eaiijploaso you. Yoursfor business, FEIS & SEARS I f H vemsztrrtKmimsir