5r I It !' 1:1. i i i '!. :! 'i I ' 1 J I i ' t 'I ) u Z W r B" ) i i ,f I H news of 'Nebraska: Mining Promoter Killed by Wife. ! Butte, Mont., Sept. 12. William Frost, a mining promoter from Battle ,Crcek, Neb., was killed by his wifo after lie had tried to cut her throat (with a razor. Tho woman blew his lioad from his shoulders with two charges from a shotgun. FroBt had fccen drinking. Joker Assaulted With Neckyoke. Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 13. Harry Cup Ib, biff, Jolly and full or run, a farm hand near Elgin, Neb., Hob near death, one Bide paralyzed, many blood vessels bursted, his Bkull fractured and ills ecalp gaahed, as tho result of too much Joking. 111b physician gives no hope for his recovery. Curtis began badgering and hectoring Hoss Nott, a youngor man. Nott lost patience, KPlr.ed n. neckyoke and brought it down .with terrlilc force on Curtis' head. Mother Gets Her Boy. nontrlro. Neb.. Sept. 13. In tho linbeas corpus pioceedings brought by Mrs. Thrall of this city against her mother, Mrs. Mary Miller of Ilollen lmrg, Kan., for tho purpose of seeming possession or her little son, County Judge Ilourne decided In favor of tho plaintiff and ordered tho child placed in tln Piistodv of its mother. Tho grandmother claimed she had ii Hon on tho boy for a board bill. She railed to put In nn nppearance at the hear ing. t . Farmer Killed by Train. Lincoln, Sept. 10. John Barrett, a wealthy ictlred farmer, who recently removed to Lincoln, died at St. Eliza lioth hospital as the result of an acci dent in which his right leg was cut off below the knee and tho left leg lmdly mangled. Barrett was going to ")avey on tho northwestern train and was riding upon the platform, from which he slipped and fell under tho wheels or tho train. Ho was about seventy years old and leaves a son und daughter. I Murder in Second Degree. ' Broken Bow, Neb., Sept. 11. Tho Jury In the Haddlx-Butlor case brought Jn a verdict or murder in tho second degree. In dismissing the Jury .ludgo liostctler paid the members a high compliment on their Intelligence and unflagging interest throughout the trial. Sentence will not bo passed until Attorney Sullivan or tho defenso lias presented nn argument for a new trial. In giving the verdict the Jury requested that tho prisoner receive the mercy of tho court. Sixty Days' Limit No More. Omaha, Sept. !). An order was re ceived from tho department of Justice directed to tho United States attor ney rescinding the sixty days' limit hitherto granted tho cattlemen to re move their Illegal fences and requir ing the removal of fences at once. Tho order Is a speclnl one and applies only to Nebraska. A number of addi tional special agents has been or dered to tho Nebraska field nnd will lnvestlgnto tho fenco question nnd wherever nn illegal fenco is found on public land proceedings will at onco begin against tho offenders. pendent upon each other's society to break the monotony of the dragging days. When their first child was born great hope was based by tho parents on the future companionship of the youngster. A yenr passed and tho baby had not learned to talk. Shortly afterward the fact dawned that the child was dumb. From the shock or tho discovery tho lonely parents seem never to have fully milled, even after tho birth of a second child, now a crowing, laughing boy of eighteen months. Fatal Wreck In Illinois. Bloomlngton, 111., Sept. 12. Two freights on the Chicago branch of tho Illinois Central were wrecked in a collision at Thawvllle. A stockman, riding In the caboose, was killed and several were Injured. Standing of the Clubs. AMH'CAX M'.AUri: AMHUICAN ASH'N. W. I.. V. IMiM'phln ..".-. :. )2n riiiniKo ...71 r.i .wj novHiiint .. r .""() Now York..!".!! .'. ."! Huston ....."! .Ml .VHl Detroit ....::i (It Kill Wasn't nn ..no 70 II T St. i.ouiH...it so :i:.r NATI'NAI, I.KAlM'i: New York..S!l .'1(1 7111 I'lttKliurg ..RS 15 11(1.2 ClilriiK'n .. .71 ui .17 1 riiirpiiin ..;!) ns .-.4:1 Cincinnati .04 (15 -Mm' St. i.oiiIh....-,o si :tv-j Huston ,...4'2 S7 :i: Hiooltlyn ...'IS 87 .'Hit W. U. 1'. ColntnlniH .O'J III (!.-:! Milwaukee .87 5-1 (117 Min'aiioiiH .s:t nn nsi I.uuIhvIIIo ..7t (17 ."-'." St. Haul OS 71 -IS.) Iml'npollH .(VI 7(1 157 Toledo ."i(t HH .".SH Knn. city.. -t.'l 11:1 :so:i wi;st'hn i.HAcn: 1). Molnex. .87 1(5 I'm J Denver ....81 ."0 (127 Oinalia ....72 nil nil) Stoux City. (IS (H 515 I'uelili r.0 71) :i88 St. .Joseph.. .'Ill DS ,25'' of riot suspects In custody exceeds "Action of which lie afterward men 1.0G0. It is stated that formal charges ' was slowly destroying his healthy and have been made against 100. Tho re-! vigorous frame. At one time he seemed mnlnder will probably be released. It to be much better, nnd when the physf is expected that the government will take a lenient attltudo toward those to bo tried. General Sakuma and start visited and inspected the guards throughout the city. Tho restaurants were reopened and conditions aro re suming a normal aspect. Wife Murder and Suicide. Decatur, 111., Sept. 11. Henry Port wood, a wealthy and retired farmer at Moweaqua, killed his wire and him Boir with a razor. The two quarreled because or tho presence or Portwood's child by a former wife in the household. cinn came to see him he noted the Im provement and told his patient of it. Froude nsked whether It was likely thut he would be able to go back to his work ngaln. On heurlng that this was Impossible he said, "If that Is the case, I do not wish to live." DECIDED AT POKER. Anlmnl nnd Color. The theory has been advanced that the conspicuous colors developed In vurlous species of Hiiakes, Insects nnd animals are nature's method of adver tising the fact Unit such are poisonous, cither In the bite or sting which they inflict, or that the llesh Is unpalatable If used for food. The believers in tills theory cite tho wonderful dlspluy of colors In the eclaza wasp, tho coral i.n Moiirc'M Five cnni Draw Won tin snake, the horrldlum fish and tho Gila Name of the Comity. I monster. When the extreme western border of Dakota was colonized there was a live ly squabble about what the new coun ty should bo called. There were four fomnilssloiiors whose duty it was to decide on the nitme, and at the board meetings the vote for the name of tho county was always two and two, and Wines 0? the Morning. (Continued from l'ago Threo ) CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS lie pressed her arm by way of an swer. They were too near to the wult- publlc feeling began to run high. John ing trio for other comment Winn suggested that the four oominls-1 "Captain Fltzroy," cried Iris, "let me (doners should take 500 white chips introduce Mr. Anstnifhor U you. Lord dark eyes were fixed on him. Kvery Rainbow island. lie readily explained tho creation of quarry and cave by telling them of the vein of untlmony imbedded In the rock near the vault. Antimony is one of the substances thnt covers a multitude of doubts. No one, not excepting tlte doc tors who use it, knows much about it, and in Chinese medicine It might be a chief factor of exceeding mistiness. Inside the cavern the existence of tho partially completed shaft to the ledgo accounted for recent disturb ances on tho face of tho rock, nnd new comers could not, of course, distinguish the bones of poor "J. S." as being the remains of a European. Anstruthcr was satisfied that none of them hazarded tho remotest guess as to tho value of the gaunt rock they were staring at, and chance helped him to bailie further Inquiry. A trumpeter on board the Orient was blowing his lungB out to summon them to luncheon when Captain Fltzroy put a final query. "I can quite understand," he said to Robert, "that you have an affection for tills weird place, but I am curious to know why you lay claim to the Island. You can hardly intend to return here." He pointed to Robert's placard stuck on the rock. Anstruthor paused before ho an swered, lie felt that Lord Ventnor's Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, Sept. 11!. A heavy movement of tlie clop In Hie inn ihwest hail a weakening lntltteiiee on the wheat market here today. Support from 11 leading hull, however, pie Milled any material decline In values, the licccmhcr opt Inn at the close being prac tically unchanged, compared with yester day's lliuil limitation. Closing prices for corn, ontH and piovlslotm also were 11l1110.it lilcutlllcul with thosu of ycxtciday. Clos ing prices: Wheat-Sept., 82c; Dec, 8:SHS:Hc: May, 85y,r.fKV!i)c. Corn Sept., 5:tU,e, new, Klc; Dec, -l.'fJiO i:re; May, my.e. Oatj-Sept., iliVTie; Dec, 27iU7jc; Muy, Hork-Oct., 11.70: Jan., $ll.ao. l.anl Oct., $7.."7V7.St); Jnn., $0.83. lllba-Uct., SJUCIli; Jan., $0. 10. South Omaha Live Stock. South Oiiiahu, Sept. 11!. Cattle ltecelpts, 8,700; 10c lower; nutlvo nteer.s, S.1.7.V(itl.l0; cows anil heifers, $'2.7r(LH.50: wentorn ntecis, $:i.00ftl.8r; Texan Hteerx, ?2.75ij:i.H5: range cows and hclfern, $'J.0Ufi):i,40; din ners, $l.noy'J.:!U: utooki'ra anil feeders, $2.75 64.25; calves. 2.noU.r..r0; bulls, Mtngs. etc., $2.2.V(in.nO. Hogs-Hccelpts, 5,700;; steady; heavy, $.V.SVfr.'i.40; mixed, SS.nWi.VIO: light, $5.4!if.45; pigs, $l.7.Wn.25; bulk of sales, $5..':KiiUO. Sheep- Hecelpts, 11,000; 10; lower; westerns, $4.801iV.!0; wethers, $4.50 (LU.bO; ewes, !f 1.2.Vi.UiO; lambs, $onoUO.M). Kansas City Live Stock. Kansns City, Sept. 12. Cattle Hecclpts, "1,000; steady to 10e lower; choice beef steers, $.".l!.Vit).(iO; fair to good, $I.O(K!(ri.25; western steers, $.'!.2(Ki,4.75; Mockers and feeders. $2.noUU5; cows, S1.0.y.a.nO; heif ers, $2.noifj.OO; bulls, $lMXMi;Mfi; calves, $:i.lXKil..riO. Hogs-Kccclpts, 11,000; Be lower; top, $5,421..: bulk of sales, $5,201, n.;i5; heavy, $5.1.Vit5.40; packers, $5.20r(f ri.42j; pigs and light, $l.7.Vr5.:i5. Sheep Hecclpts, 2,000; steady; Iambs, $5.5(Vj.7.lO; fed cues and yearlings, $l.25((iC5.oO. apiece and play n game of poker to Ventnor, you have met Mr. Anstruther decide, the chips to represent ."?." each. ' before." This was agreed to, and tho game com menced with the entire population on hand. For two hours little gain was ' made, nnd then a Jack pot came around, for which seventy-three hands were dealt before It was opened. Fl-j nnlly Commissioner Fdwnrds opened it for ?100. He held three kings, Judd La Moure held a zigzag, and the otli-j ers dropped out Edwards drew one card. La Moure dealt himself fivo -with false testimony." cards, and the betting commenced. ills lordship's sallow face wrinkled Men with revolvers kept the crowd somewhat. So Iris knew of the court The Bailor shook hands. Lord Vent nor smiled affably. "Your enforced residence on the is land seems to have agreed with you," he said. "Admirably. Life here had its draw backs, but we fought our enemies in the open. Didn't we, IrlsV" "Yes, dear. The poor Dyaks were not sulllclently modernized to attack us from the table. After several raises there was $5,000 In the pool private' money, besides tho chips. Then the' hand was called. Edwards held threo kings, nnd La Moure had drawn a full, three fives and a pair of fours. Ho rose to his feet nnd cried, "Gentlemen, this is McKenzIo county," and so it was and Is called. The game lasted eighteen hours, and La Moure nnd Winn were carried shoulder .high around the town, which saw no sleep that night Tho cards held by La Moure arc to be found among the ar chives of tho county, labeled "La Moure's Five Cnrd Draw." NAMING A VESSEL. Not j Cow Tosses Old Man to Death. . Fremont, Neb., Sept. 10. Mlchnel Caulley, for thirty-nine years a resi dent or this city, was ratally gored by n vicious cow and died a few minutes later from Ids injuries. Mr. Caulley, who Is eighty years old, was leading his cows out to pasture and passed a cow staked out which belonged to Amos Chrlstcnsen. Tho Chrlstensen cow attacked him, tossed him sovoral times on her horns, and trampled on him. The accident was witnessed by a numbor of railroad men, who cams nt onco to his assistance, but arrived too lato. Tho cow was known to bo vicious and had attacked and Injurod Mr. Caulloy onco before. , Swedish Methodists Meet. Lincoln, Sept 9. Swedish Metho dists of the states of Nebraska, Iown, Kansas and Colorado began a four days' conference horo. Bishop Hamil ton is presiding and Carl Froman of Iowa was elected secretary; Carl J. Mellberg of Nebraska, statstlcal sec retary, and O. J. Swan, treasurer. Re ports were received from the theolog ical school of the church at Evanston, 111., also from tho Mutual Insurance Eociety. Tho reports indicated pros perity and growth. Reports woro re ceived from C. O. Freeman, presiding older of tho Kansas district, A. R. Mclllne of tho Iowa district and Peter Munson of tho Nebraska district. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Sept. 12.-Cattle-Hecelpts, 13, OIK); Mi UK' lower; steers, $:i.2.V((5.1HJ; stock ers anil feeders, $2.2.Vn4.15; cows nnd din ners, $1.5r4.2n; bulls, $2.00fiM.lXi; heif ers, ?2.25!jin.5; calves, $:i.tHXR7.75. Hogs Hecclpts, 20,000; fifidOc lower; spring and Delected, $5,(lViifi.70; mlM'il ami heavy pack ing, $I.H5rtjG.(l2Vj; light, $5.40515.70; pig and rough, $2.tXKii5.,VI. Shcep-Uecolptd, :io,(H)0; 10c lowir; sheep, 52.5OU0.23: lambs, $5.50417.75. Why President Arthur Would Cull It the Concord. While General Arthur was president nnd during one of the summers of his administration ho was on board tho Dispatch at Newport, and Secretary of the Navy Chandler was pestering him to consent to naming the new dis patch boat afterward the Dolphin, tho Concord, after the first battle of tho Revolution. General Arthur was dis posed to quiz Chandler about his pro posed name, lie preferred the name Dolphin as being more suggestive of speed at sea. When Chandler argued the Importance of keeping in mind tho heroic resistance of the colonial mili tia and the brilliant opposition offered to riteuirn's men General Arthur ask ed him: "What Is It that you propose to call this ship?" "The Concord," answered Chandler, giving the approved New Ilampshlro pronunciation. "There," retorted Arthur, Inviting tho attention of Captain Reeder. "Do you hear that? Conquered. Do you Stranger Killed by T'raln.""" Tokunmh, Neb., Sept. 12. Passen gor train No. 7 ran over and killed n man supposed to bo John Bernhardt . ... n . .... tn , n hln, Ho was standing In the middle of the of.wnp? Tb BUpposo you change the track when tho train came around a ii ,! ti if rwrri insr Jfl UllMIlV.lfcIUi IlltU . w wwv.w-f j. - sharp curve. He seemed to be scared, as ho made no effort whatever to get ut of tho way. Grading All Done In Dodge. Fremont, Neb., Sept. 13. Tho SIouj: City and Western hns nearly all of Its as spelled. Docs It not strike you, Chandler, that there is a degree of Concord In tho presence of a vessel of war?" Tho new ship was called tho Dol phin, but tho Concord appeared after linn within nt pmintv frrn.lori nnd' Genornl Arthur had ceased to havo In ready for ballast, ties and rails. Noth-J fiuence In naming tho ships of tho Inc has yet been done within that . navy. NEBRASKANS INSANE IN CHICAGO J.eave Farm Near Wakefield With Crop Unharvested. Chicago, Sept. 8. Joseph Holdob lor and wifo wero sent to nn asylum for tho lnsano. They came from a farm near Wakofiold, Nob. leaving their grain uncut, nnd wore found wandering about tho streets hero .with two children. Tho rloldoblors lived on an Isolated hit of farm land In n barren tract. The nearest neighbor was miles away. Tho couplo wero almost entirely do- part of tho city where houses are bo Ing moved. A big gang is working on tho Platto river brldgo. None of tho smaller bridges and culvertB havo Sex In Ant, The different species of ants aro pretty generally distributed over tho martial, nor was she afraid to pro claim to all the world that this man was her lover. As for Captain Fltz roy, his bushy eyebrows disappeared into his peaked cap when he heard the manner of their speech. Nevertheless Ventnor smiled again. "Even the Dyaks respected Miss Deune," he said. But Anstruther, sorry for the mani fest uneasiness of the shipowner, re pressed the retort on his lips and forthwith suggested that they should walk to the north beach in tho first instance, that being the scene of the wreck. During the next hour he became audi tor rather than narrator. It was Iris who told of his wild fight against wind and waves; Iris who showed them where he fought with the devilfish; Iris who expatiated on tho long days of ceaseless toll, his dauntless cour age In the face of every difficulty, the way In which ho rescued her from tho clutch of tho savages, the skill of his preparations against the anticipated attack and the last great achievement of all, when time after time ho foiled tho Dyaks' best laid plans and Hung them off, crippled and disheartened, during tho muny phases of the thirty hours' battle. There were tears In her eyes when she ended, but they were tears of thankful happiness, and Lord Ventnor, n silent listener who missed neither word nor look, felt a deeper chill in his cold heart as ho realized that this wo man's love could never be his. Tho knowledge excited his passion tho more. His hatred of Anstruther now became a mania, an Insensate resolve to mortally stab this meddler who al ways stood In his path. Robert hoped that bis present ordeal was over. It had only begun. He was called on to answer questions without number. Why had the tunnel been made? What was the mystery of the vulley of death? How did he innnnge to guess tho dimensions of the sundial? How came he to acquire such nn amaz ing stock of out of the way knowledgo of the edlblo properties of roots and trees? How? Why? Whero? When? They never would be satisfied, for not even the British navy, poking Its nose Into tho recesses of the world, often comes across such an amazing story as the adveuturea of tills couple on mmuiur onoges unu cuiveru. imvu - j d 0Q t,jlB nccomit tne nntura,. been put in. they evidently coming j tnero ,fl wor, for mm under a spoarate contract. No ap- to dQ Jq tJ)0 t econamy o tho Unl- peals havo as yet been taken by either venJ0 In ench colony nmleS( females, company or property owners from tho nouterg und BOmetlmes soldiers aro to awaros or mo appraisers on conuem- roonmlzpa. Tho males aro invnrla- natlon proceedings, though some of bly Bmnler than tho females and, like body was more or less desirous to havo this point cleared up. IIo looked tho questioner squnrely In the face. "In some parts of the world," ho said, "there are sunken reefs, unknown, un charted, on which many a vessel has been lost without any contributory fault on tho part of her officers." "rndoubtcilly." "Well, Captain Fltzroy, when I was Htatloned with my regiment In Hong k6ng I encountered such a reef and wrecked my life on It At least that !s how It seemed to me then. Fortune threw me ashore hero after a 1c? and bitter submergence. You can jinrdly blame me If I cling to the tiny speck of land that gave mo salvation." "No," admitted the sailor. He knew there was something more In the al legory than the text revealed, but It was no business of his. "Moreover," continued Robert smll Inc'.y, "yoy see I have a partner." "There ennnot be the slightest doubt about the partner," was tho prompt re ply. Then every one laughed, Iris more than any, though Sir Arthur Dcano's gayety was forced, and Lord Ventnor could taste tho acidity of his own smile. Later In the day the first lieutenant told his chief of Anstruthor's voluntary statement concerning the court martial. Captain Fltzroy was naturally pained by tills unpleasant revelation, but he took exactly the same view as that ex pressed by tho first lieutenant In Rob ert's presence. Nevertheless he pondered the matter nnd seized an early opportunity of men tioning it to Lord Ventnor. That dis tinguished nobleman was vastly sur prised to learn how Anstruther had cut the ground from beneath bis feet "Yes," ho said, In reply to Che sailor's request for Information, "I know all about It It could not well be other wise, seeing that next to Mrs. Costobell I was the principal witness against him." "That must havo been awkward -for you," was the unexpected comment "Indeed! Why?" "Because rumor linked your nnmo with that of the lady In a somewhat outspoken way." "You astonish me. Anstruther cor taluly made some stupid allegations during tho trial, but I had no idea he was able to spread this malicious re port subsequently." "I am not talking of Hongkong, my lord, but of Singapore, months later." Captain Fitzroy's tone was exceed ing dry. Indeed, some people might deem It offensIve Ills lordship permitted himself tho rare luxury of an. angry, seowh (To bo Continued) That Settle's It. When n Colorado sand stone walk is laid that settles it. tioo Ovoring Bros. J &Uo. for prices. AAvfcfcVvkUvivivl(i(ViUivkivUvivilvkVU(iilU(UU(UivlU(vlkUiU(iiU(kUviU(UvtvfcAvfcifcd tho damages awarded were considered high. Dr. Lee on Negro Problem. Osceola, la., Sept. 13. Dr. J. W. Leo of St. Louis, speaking boforo tho Methodist church conference, took up tho negro question and declared that in their forty years of freedom tho black raco had fallon below tho station whore 240 years of slavery had placed It. Dr. Lee asserted that tho negro is 4,000 yoars behind Uio white man In civilization. Casto spirit and raco projudlco, ho said, aro right, bocauso God has planted them In men's hearts. The opinion was oxprossod by Dr. Loo that tho negro should rejoice nt the mero prlvllego of living and breathing In this country. Toklo Rioters Under Arrest. Toklo, Sept. 11. Tho jotal number I thoso of tho femlnlno gender, havo wlnra In their orljrlnal state. Tho neuters, which aro tho workers, aro without wings In any of their trans formations, nnd tho soldiers aro recog nized by tho armor plates on their hends. Love of Work. Tho love of work, which was one of tho characteristics of tho historian Froudo, is well Illustrated in a story told of his last illness. Tho cancerous 9 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SAY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma torial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our competit ors, but because wo take especial care of and protect nil can be olassod as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. iifiri'ri'i,i,ixiviTin'ivTivix'rv e- -. c- c- c t e-c-c- G-C-C- ( To Cure a Cold in One Day Cures Grin in Two Days Take Laxative BrOlliO Quinine Tablets. JQ (VlJ J evefy Seven Million boxes sold in past 1 2 months. ThlS Signature, - VTXWC- DOX. 25c ErVSS55U3l umkmmm:;. p7rnwviiaftalMts3Mtfci'sr