The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1905, Image 5

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Hay and feed at Plumb's.
.Plumb soils Blue II'll tl Mir.
Street (air, September 25 to 30.
Go to Fred Plumb's (or Hour or feed.
Roy Winfrey w-mt to Omaha Sun
day. Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Dnmerell
Miss Noll Shormtui is home from
L. M. Vance wa? down from lla?t
ings Sunday.
Mrs. T.C. II u'ker is recovering (rom
a slight illnei.
Allen Tulle vs returned to Naponee
Thur'dav night.
Mrs. Mamie Waskom was dt.wn from
Inavalo Sunday.
0. W. Wise nnd family moved to
Nelson this week.
T. A. Wilburn was down from Mo
Cook Wednesday.
Mark Parkos was down from Mc
Cook Wednesday.
Dr. It. F. Haines now dispenses his
own prescriptions.
Mrs. Frank Nelson has returned
Aorao from Denver.
Lew Mi Clintoc came down from
Tlnldi-ego Thursday.
Allon Tulleys was down from Napo
.nee to pee the circus.
Ueorgo Morhart and family spent
'Sunday in Guide Hock.
Webster county's exhibit at tho state
fair ranked fourteenth.
Faco massage and ladies'" shampoo
Ht Hayes' barber shop.
Mrs. Bomford leaves in tho morning
.for Omaha on business
'Mr. ami Mrs. diet Cox aro tho par
ents o( a now baby boy.
Mrs. H. J. Clark and childron worst,
.to.LincolD $fci morning.
v&)AV Sears and wi(o wore in Canip'-'
bell the tirst of tho week.
Take your poultry and hidos to
Plumb, Top prices paid.
G. W. Black o( Alma was in Bed
Cloud tho ilrst of tho wook.
Miss Maude Phillips of Bloomington
was in tho city Wednesday.
Ed Jeffries was in Bed Cloud for a
abort time Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chaney wore up
-.from Superior Wednesday.
iPetor Noble and wife were up from
'Superior Wodnesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Duckor wore
over from Lebanon Tuesday.
Sheriff Honsol of Hebron was hero
Wednesday on official business.
'Chas. Gilliam departed last Saturday
night for an outing in Colorado.
Tho threc-months-old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. L. II. Feis is quite sick.
J. F. Winters of Lincoln was in town
the tirst of the weok on business.
Bay Frame camo down from Blue
Hill Wednesday to seo the circus.
L. H. Blackledge was in Lincoln on
legal business tho tirst of tho weok.
Thiriy-threo tickets wore sold from
Napouoo to Bed Cloud on circus day.
Mercer's orchestra furnished tho
music for tho club dance last Friday
Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Marshall Boby and wifo camo down
frrm Hastings tho first of tho week for
a visit.
John W. Tulloys, stato examinor of
county treasurora, was in Red Cloud
Secretary of Stato Galusha and
daughtor Juliet camo down (rom Lin
coin Monday.
Bobt. T. Potter loft Tuepday morn-
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gocmau of Free
port pays one-third of the taxes
and has over 500 policies in
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
in tho stato, with over three
quarters of a million dollars iu
biiranco in Wobstor county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
iug for Okmulgee, I. T, where ho is
practieirg law.
Adair (Jaliis-ha camo down (rom Lin
coln Saturday and returned homo
Tuesday moruing.
C arloy Brubakor
evening (or a trip
left Wednesday
t) Portland and
other coast points.
George Hollister is limping around
with a very sore (oot, caused by hav
ing run a nail iu it.
Flave Grico and hio mother return d
(rom a five wek pleasant visit with
relatives in Chicago.
Miss Father Brower o( Doniphan is
in tho city visiting with her cousins,
S. I. Dowitt and wi(o.
Miss D ira Holdrego o( Omaha has
accepted a position as trimmer in Mrs
Bomfoni's millinery store.
Miss Mary Kubick returned to her
homo at McCook Sunday night, after
a visit here with relative.
Mrs Case left Monday for Kearney
to assume hur duties as preceptress of
tho Kearney Notmiil school.
Bay E. Gorman and Elsa V Farrens
of Bellaire, Kan , wore married Mon
day by County Judgo Keonov.
George Pholps, son of N. Phelps, is
very ill at Lindley's restaurant, where
he has been employed recently.
W. 11. Tabor expects to havo his now
building completed iu time to havo a
big dance thoro street (air wook.
When you got a hair cut, shave and
bath at Manspeaker's barber shop you
will (eel like a now man. Try it.
Mrs. Norman Morrison returned S;it
unlay (rom Colorado, where she has
been (or tho benefit of her health.
Henry Grubo of Upland and Miss
Laura Patton of Bivertm wore mar
ried Wi duosday by Judge Kooney.
Mrs. Glonn and children of Butte,
Montana, aro hero (or, h visit with the
(orinor's mother, Mrs. T. C. Hacker.
Among tho Nohcaskans roflistored ut
tho Portland exposition, aro Jflts. N
Wilhelmson and Mis. E.lla . K.estqr..
Don't ront buy ft fnrip.. Wrjto. (pr
list x have 03 tonus for ft!e: D- W
Grant, Noi ton county, Ran. Doc H
Ed Parkos, Jr., wi(o and childron of
Council Bluffs, Iowa, arrived Wednes
day (or a month's visit with relatives
Teiiky Muiti'HY: If you wish to
hoar (rom your daughter Mary, ad
dress lock box 2G0, Twin Falls, Idaho.
Mrs. Cora Cobb and daughter of
Guide Bock visited at tho home o( her
parents, John Kinsol and wifo, this
Mrs. Hnydon of Grand Junction,
Colorado, is in tho city (or a short
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Claronco
C. B. Crono came up (rom Ottawa,
Kan., this week, to seo that tho Repub
licans nominated tho right kind of a
Miss Elfa Longtin departed for Con
cordia, Kansas, this morning, whore
she will attend school this fall and
Miss St( 11a Duckor wont to Chero
kee, Iowa, Tuesday night, whoro she is
engaged as teacher in tho Cherokee
Miss Stolla Tracoy returned to her
homo in Ellsworth, Kansas, Tuesday,
after a month's visit with Ed Foarn
and family.
Miss Mattio Phillips camo homo
Monday from Lo Grando, Oregon,
whoro sho has been for tho past yoar
with her brother.
Tho station agent at Bivorton ran
out of round trip tickets to Bed Cloud
on circus day, having sold somothing
ovor two hundred.
Lost A lady's watch, on tho street?,
show day; caso engraved with initials.
Findor pleaso leavo at Nowhouso Bros,
and receivo reward.
Tho "Barnyard Gorillas" and tho
Cowles team will play a game of base
ball on tho Bed Cloud grounds noxt
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schlipp of
Sharon, Wis., who have been visiting
at Georgo Hollister's, left for their
homo Monday.
Marion Mercer and Victor Man.
speaker wont to Hardy yesterday
whoro thoy played with tho Hardy
b:ind at tho Odi Follows picnic.
Curt Topllff.Boy Topliff, John Year
iok, Charley Adams, Manning and
Phil Schormorhorn and Frank Srador
woro over from Lonanon to seo the
Mrs. M. W. Diokorson and grand
daughter, little Elsio Dickorson ar-
lived in tho city last night from Lin
coln, (or a viBlt with relatives and
Hoy Hutchison, Bon Stanshour,
Bob Lovoll, Carl Dillon, Jako Gn.n,
Harry Lambert and Bico Hector o(
Esbon were visitors to tho circus Wed-'
Miss Mary Mil'er, enrouto (rom New
York to her hi me in California,
stopped off In the city (or a (ow days'
visit with her (riond, Miss Jessie
Mrs. Abblo Aduns ofSuporlor, well
known in Bed Cloud, was olert'-d
Nn iuual President o( tho Woman's
Relief Corps at the encampment In
Denver last week.
Will West was down from Naponeo
the iirst of the weok to lend his assist
ance in securing the nomination (or
county superintendent (or his sister,
Mis. Nellie Castor.
Lucius Frishio roturcod to his
studies at the Nebraska Wesleyan Uni
versity at Lincoln. Claud Miller o(
Amboy accompanied him and will
attend the same school.
Sror.KN A gold watch and chain,
valued at $75, last Friday or Saturday,
(nun Hurburger's rooms. S.'iO rowiiru
(or recovery o( watch atd capture of
tho thief M. L. Donovan.
Mrs. Maggie ChiUmuu and Mis.
Susan Noel, who have been visiting
with their sister, Mrs. Melissa A.
Hedge, departed Tuosdny morning for
their homo iu Uuionvillo, Mo.
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will
moot oyo, oar, hcro and throat patients,
and thoso needing glasses prororly
fitted, in Dr. Damerell's office in Rod
C'oud, Thursday, September 23
11. J. Clark and family relumed
Wednesday evening from Lincoln.
Mr. C'ark will remain with tho Bea
trice Creamery Co. here until tho first
of tho year, when ho will remove to
York, Nob.
Bheumatism, gout, backache, acid
poison, aro results of kidney trouble.
Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea goes
directly to tho seat of tho discaso ami
euros whon all o!so (ails. 35 cents, C.
L. Cotting.
W. H. Tabcr has ordored throo now
pool tables and other iixturos, which
wrU hp piRQfd in lis mw buiMing
when completed, making a total of
gnypnnqnl HOll 0UQ bjja,rd, taWCS In
his equipment.
Norman B. Droffn, who brig been
held in tho Bed Cloud jail Cot' the bast
week, (or robbing a traveling man of
$90 at Mankato, was taken to that
place Tuesday by the sheriff of Jowoll
The Best
Mower Knives, 5 it.. .$1.75
Mower Sections, each .03
Mower Guard Plates,
each 03
Mower Guards 25
We have them to fit near
ly all machines.
Why pay more for the
same thing?
We are right in price and
the quality of our goods
can't be beat.
8-in. Flat File 15c
10-in. Flat File 20c
12-in. Flat File 25c
1 4-in. Flat File 30c
Guaranteed Goods
Hardware Co.
"She Cowden-Haley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of PostofTtcc, - Red Cloud, Nob.
county, on a requisition from tho gov
ernor of Km sis. He had refusod to
return to Kansas without requisition.
Frauk G.o.rd.Qn., (rom YW i Kansas,
got a Jug on iiiroua day and bconmo
bobtprotis, Marshal Kinsel linloil
him up bo(ore Judge R?eU mill bo was
Imuilcil ft Aia of fclo and cosIp, amount-
ing iu all to $17 50.
QV'.l rtttvlco lo women, If ton WAUtl
(l -beautiful complexion, cleat skin,
bright eyes, rod lips, good health, take
ttollistor's Rook Mountain Tea. Thoro
is nothing like it. 85 cent?, tea or tab
tats. C. L. Cotting.
Owing to the dedicatory services nt
tho Methodist church next Sunday tho
Congregational church will not hold
any of its regular services except tho
Sunday schoo', which will meet at tho
usual hour, 11:15 a. 111.
Aro you lacking in strongth
vigor? Are you weak? Aro you in pain?
Do you feel all run down? Tho blessing
of health and strength como to all who
use Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea.
35 cents. C. L. Cotting.
Postmaster Hacker will hold an
examination of applicants (or rural
routo carriers in tho high school build
ding in this city Saturday morning at
10 o'clock. Thoro are eight applicants
(or position as rural carriers.
Miss OUtings' room in tho First ward
school, the piimary, is so overcrowded
that it has boon decided to divido tho
time o( tho pupils. Hereafter, until
better arrangements can bo made, tho
kindergarten pupils will attend school
in tho (oronoon only, whilo tho first
grade pupils will havo tho afternoons.
I Tho arrangement is only temporary,
however, and it is hoped provision
can soon bo mado to nccommodato tho
classes in their regular order.
Webster County's Mining Exhibit.
Tho Liucolu Evouing Nows has tho
following very interesting item con
corning tho tho exhibit of yellow
ochro from tho mine near BI110 Hill:
"For tho first time in tho history of
tho fair a mineral exhibit of a Nobras
ka product is to bo soon. In tho
Wobstor county exhibit is a littlo
table upon which aro displayed 11 mini
bor of samples of crudo ochro from a
mino located on C. Roso's farm, eight
milos southeast of Bluo Hill. Ochro
is a pigment that is used in all pnints
that ono boos iu tin pails at tho stores.
Two thirds of tho amount consumed
In tho United Statos Is imported,
mostly from Franco and Italy, and the
company of Wobstor county capital
ists that has boon organized to dovolop
this mino boliovo thoy havo 11 big
thing ahead. Thoir prosont idea is to
go ahead with tho work of mining and
preparing tho stuff for tho commercial
markot, and I a tor to build a paint
factory. Tho deposit was found sixty
flvo feot bolow tho surfaco, and the
I veins run from twenty to thirty feet.
Prospoct holes at various points indi
cate that at least fifty acres of it lio
ready for mining. Tho .stud' comes
out sof; and oily, but dries upon ox-
posuro to tho air. It is dug with pick
Fall Suits
Do you wear Clothes
that look as if they
belonged to you?
It takes skillful tail
oring to make them
look that way.
Our garments arc all
tailored with so much
talent and skill that
they adapt them
selves to the figure
with a grace and ease
that at once indicate
that the clothes be
long to the wearer.
We have Suits
$5, $Q and 9IO, way up to
91S or $2Q
You may go else
where and do worse, .
but you can't go else
where and do better.
Shoes, Mats and Fur
nishings, the best
there is for the money
and shovel, and comos out in all slab
of chunks. Later it is ground, y"
machinery to tho flow of wheat
tlonr. Tho company 1111 miuk Hs
bhaft and expects to have ochro roa'dy
for noxt spring's Initio. Thosluff
ranges in color from a (loop yollowvto
almost white,"
Our Candidate far Sheriff,
Tho Republican nomination for"
Shorilf Uil ye'"" wont to Oliv'or Hodgo,
tho woll knOWn frottiBt Wrifaor' liviug
north of Red Cl,oud. Thore Wf four
opposing candidates in tho flold, fill
good men, but tho strong fight mndo
by Oliver four yours ago, whou ho wag
defeated by only sovon votes, gavo
him 11 prostigo which won him tho
nomination. Oliver camo hero twenty
ono years ngo, whon a small boy, nnd
. o nun aiiiinu IU I1UIW1J UVUiy Ulllll III
liiu couiiiy. jiuout oigut years
his fathor died, and, as ho was tho
oldest son at homo, tho dutios of tho
parent fell upon him. Ho has re
mained on tho homo farm, caring for
his mother, youngor brothers and
sisters, and tho duty has boon faith
fully performed. It is doubtful if tho
Republican convention could havo
solocted 11 bettor or moro popular can
didal for tho office of shoriff than
O. D. Hodgo, and ho should rocoivo
tho unqualifod support of ovory
Ropublicau votor in tho county.
Street Fair Attractions.
Among tho many attractions fur
nished by tho Parker Amusomont Co.
for tho wook of September 25 to 30
may bo mentioned:
Leaping tho chasm.
Congress of trained animals.
Tho Vonotian glass blowers.
Looping tho loop.
Dog and monkoy circus.
Tho oloctrio thoator.
Alton troupe of acrobats.
Miss Spray's high divo from a 00
foot towor into a three-foot tank of
Prismatic electric fountain.
Tho hall of mirth.
Tho bounding buy wagon.
Tho Katzenjammor cnstlo.
A school of natural history.
Tho Parkor plonsuro wheel.
A band of thirty piocos,
Those and a long list of others aro
furnished by tho Fairyland compauy,
Thon thoro will bo tho old sottlors
day, tho industrial parado, travoling
men's day, and othor special features.
Don't forget tho dates September
25 to 30.
Notice to Creditors.
State of NchrnKltH, 1
Wcbsier County, f
In tlio matter of tbe estate of Henry McCor
met, (leceiiHcd.
Noilce In hereby k I ven to nil ioronH havlntr
clulinHiiiKl (lumiuHlH dkhIhu Henry McL'ortnel,
late of foter '-oiinty, decciitci. that Hie tlmu
ilxed for IllliiK clulniH iigil'mt fiiid etlu le nix
months from tho fith day of October. 1005.
All Mieli iiurboiiH uru required to present their
cIhIiiih, with the voucher, to the County Judge
of buld county, ill hU olllee therein, on or be
fore the nth day of April, 1900; nnd all claims
bullleu will be heard buforo tho tiald judge 011
tho 7th day of April. 1900. nt I o'clock i. in.j
and that tho administrator In allowed one year
from tho 11th day of September, Wtt, lu which to
pay me debts allowed nt,'itfuti bald estate, nnd
settle the tame.
Ihkai.i A. II. Kkk.nkv.
octtl Count)-Judge.