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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
iM. & ! i ?., 'A i H N t Is" I IK. , ' ! i n Quiets the Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, and heals. Sold for 60 years. ATrr'i Cherry Toclnrnl ln tiocn ix reRtihr life rrt'i'm'r tf rue It tunmtlit tno UiroiiRli n .rvetn atlnrk n( i ui'iiniutiiH nml I fori thnt I fiwotnr W' t in wmiitcrfiil curative rroiemi -William II 'luuirr vavn i'n, The New M. E. Church. A MMWIIMMIIWn i ladobyJ 0 Ayor Co.. Lowell, Msa Alio manufaotureri of f SARSAPARILLA. tl&ti O tlAIR VIGOR. To bo Dedicated next Sunday, Soptembor 17. Hasten rocovory by keeping tno bowels rogular with Ayor's Pills. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Webster County Republicans Nominate Complete Ticket Monday. For Treasurer: W. U. Fiiaiim Bluo Hill For County Clork: Jons . I Gaiuieu Hod Cloud For Sheriff: O. D. Hnimi: Rod Cloud Twp For County Judgo: A. II. Kkeney Cowlos For Superintendent: Mas. Nei.mi: Castok Hud Cloud For Surveyor: Geo. II.Ovkiiino Rod Cloud For Coronor: Dk 1. T. Ham- Cowles For Commissioner, 1st district: .Tajiks Overman Rod Cloud Twp For Commissioner, 1th dlstriot: T. J. CiiAi'MAN Elm Crook Twp Tho Republicans of Webster county mot in convention at tho court houso in this city at 11 it. m. Monday. Thoro was not tho loust bit of wrangling and everything passed oif harmoniously. Tho convention was called to order by Charles F. Cathor, chairman of tho couuty commlttoo. L. B. Tait acted as secretary. Following tho report of tho com mittee on credentials tho temporary organization was made porinunout. SUl'EKINTKNDENT. The first order of business was tho nomination of a candidato for county superintendent. On tho informal ballot tho voto was as follows: Mrs. Nolllo Castor 98, Miss Stella Duckor 17, W. G. Shannon !, Miss Ada Skjolvor 2. On tho first formal ballot Mrs Cas tor was nominated, receiving 105 votes, to HI for Miss Duckor. COUNTY JUDGE. On tho informal ballot for county judge A. II. Keonoy received 115 votes, J. R. Mercer 22, Thornt Foe 17, Har rington 2. On tho first formal ballot Judgo Kooney received 111 votes, Morcor 28, Foo 17. Judgo Kooney was declared tho nominee. FOR SHERIFF By the time tho balloting for sheriff was reached tho dologates had bocomo warmed up and thoro boing five can didate.s in tho Hold, tho contest was a warm one. The informal ballot showed Hodge 12, A mack 27, Wolfo 17, McConkoy :W, Colviu.11. Tho first formal ballot gave Hedaro 40, Auinck 21, Wolfo 20, McConkoy 30, Colviu 41. Second ballot, Hodgo 51, Amaok 8, Wolfe 21, McConkoy .'11, Colviu 41. Third ballot, Wolfo 10, Hodgo 52, Amnck 1, McConkoy 32, Colviu 58, Scott '.. Fourth ballot, Wolfo 10, Hodgo 01, Amack 1, McConkoy 23, Colviu 01. On the fifth ballot Hodgo received 84 votes and was declared tho nomi noo. Ho was callod to tho platform aud thaukod tho convention. COUNTY OLEUK The informal ballot for county clerk gave John Garbor 57, V. B. Ful tou 28, E.- W. Ross 30, S M. True 20, Walter Cox 11. The first formal ballot showed con siderable gain for Garbor and on tho socond ballot ho recoivod tho nomina tion, tho voto being as followg: Gar bor 110, Fulton 8, Ross 23, True 9. COUNTY TREASURER. The two loading candid atos for treasurer were W. C. Frahm of Bluo Hill aud W. II. Thomas of Rod Cloud township. Mr. Frahm was nominated on tho first formal ballot rooriving 132 votes, tho highest number cast for auy candidate boforo tho convention. Goorgo II. Ovoring of Rod Cloud On next Sunday, August 17th, will occur the dedication of tho beautiful now Methodist Episcopal church erected in our city. This is an occa sion which should eugago tho careful thought and consideration of ovory citi'on of Rod Cloud. About two years ago this enterprise was undor takou by tho congregation of Metho dist people of this city and in building tho church they have endeavored not only to provide a suitablo place of worship for their own congregation, but have erected a church which is an ornament to the city and will till a long needed want of Red Cloud as a place for public gatherings of diU'or ent kinds. It lias cost something over 88000 to give to the public this church. At tho prosout time the load is being carriod by u few citizens who had tho courage aud public spirit to take hold of the matter, advauco the fuuds aud carry forward tho ontorpriso, and it is uow up to our poople as citizens to deter miuo whether or not tho debt of this church shall bo lifted aud Rod Cloud havo frco of debt this long uoedod, well furnished and commodious church. Every citizen of Red Cloud should fool tiiat ho has an interest in this church building, for indeed this is a fact, and ovory citizen owes it to him self, to his children aud to this town to bo present on dedication day to assist in a substantial way to raise the funds necessary to pay fie debt re maiuing against this church. There is not a property owner in tho town but what this church will enhance the value of his real estate, and the church building is one Unit, all can point to with prido, and it will cer tainly lio a comfort to know that one has assisted with his money in build ing and giving to tho city of Red Cloud a church building which is surely a thing of beauty and a joy for ever. It is hoped that tho citizons will turn out in mass, go down into their pockets and pay ovory dollar againt this church building, and if ovory citizou will do his duty aud pay his just proportion, tho outstanding indobtoduoss cau bo easily paid aud wo will do ourselves an honor as citi zens aud will have a church that is not only a crodlt to us but will cer tainly stand as a credit to our child ren who will follow us. was unanimously choson as the can didato for surveyor. Dr. Hall of Cowlos, who has served In that capacity boforo, was unani mously chosen for coronor. Tho dologatos from tho First and Fourth commissioner districts mot and selected candidates for commis sioner. In tho First district James Overman of Rod Cloud township was tho choice and in tho Fourth district T. J. Chapman of Elm crook received tho nomination. Tho committee on resolutions re ported a lengthy sot of resolutions, tho ono of particular interest to tho delegates boing a sovoro criticism of Governor Mickey for his actiou in reprieving Frank Barker, tho double murderer, for a period of two years. An otfort was made to havo this clause strickon from tho report, but tho delegates were almost unanimous for its passugo. Tho delegates to tho state conven tion aro as follows: U F Ralnos, E. E Burr, Thos. Quigglo, Otto Skjolvor, Paul Storey, J. II. Ellingor, T. C. Hacker, A. D. McNeer, Richard Turner, C. II. Kaloy, Goorgo J. War ren, E. U Overman, Joe Saladon and W. F. Renkol. Populists Nominate. Tho Populists hold tholr convention at tho court houso Thursday. O. R. Pitney, was chairman aud II. B. Cloin nious ooted as secretary. Tho follow lug ticket was nomiuatod: Troasuror F. II. Gorlaoh, Cowlos. Couuty Clerk Leo DoTour, Guldo Rook. County Superintendent Miss Ruth Householder. Bladen. County Judgo I. W. Edson, Oak creek. Sheriff C. T. Dickenson, Rod Cloud Coronor Dr. Pace, Guido Rook. Surveyor-F. A. Kuohn, Rod Cloud. Commissioner First district, S. W. Foo, Rod Cloud; Socond district, II Stumpenhorst. A CELEBRATED METHODIST. Joseph W. Powell, National Or&anlzcr Brotherhood of St. Paul, Will Speak Sunday. At the dedication services of tho now Methodist church next Sunday tho principal spoakor will bo Joseph W. Powoll of Buffalo, N. Y., national organizer of the Brotherhood of St. Paul. Mr. Powoll, who is an eminent Local Grain Market. (Furnished by J. P. Delanoy.) Fricluy, Sept. 15. W boat o:ic Wnito shelled corn n8n Mixed sbollod Corn jjSo Yellow Corn gs0 Ear Corn Oats Ujo. Baric ..20o . 40c .,28c JOSEPH W. TOWELL. churchman, is known moro familiarly as "tho most remarkable layman lu Methodism." Ho has promoted the Brotherhood from ocean to ocean, vis ited tho gold, copper and slate mines of tho United States, talked to tho fishermen of Vancouver and tho oystor diggers of tho eastern coast. Mr. Powoll is a speaker of consum mate tact aud eloquonce, and is well worth hearing. A Bank for Bladen. Tho State Bank of Bladen, Webster county, has recoivod a charter from tho state banking board. Tho paid up capital stock Is 615,000, Tho incorpo rators uro J. O. Walker, John Mo Laughlln, A. R Rudd, Charles E. Hicks, J. B. Krai, E. H. Cox, W. E. Thome and Charles Spenco. That Settle's It. When n Colorado sand stono walk is Inid tbat Pftilcj it. Soo Ovoring Bros. &Co. for prices. "Things Doing" In Red Cloud. September 25th to 3Qth Going to have the best show ever. The business men of Red Cloud will see to it that everybody who comes will be well treated. THIS STORE is going to make a spe cial effort to entertain visitors. The entire line of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, and in fact everything that a man or boy wears, will be in place and you are invited to pass a little of your time in examining them. Make the store your headquarters. Whether you buy goods or not, Yovi Will Be Welcome )?934--334t-t&fr&tH ,s-v: to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m Jf PAIL STOREY T5he CLOTHIER vtiiiaviUuibibatLviiiaiauivbikiUivkiviU(vba(bviauiUiviiuvivivukiviU(i(a(aiivbvti4t. TmP L I'IhII M. A. Albright, 15e Grocer -SELLS- First ' duality 3 Goods AT E- S- c ;--" w, - L K9fi KKasonaniR ? . . ,vwv fr Red Cloud, - Nebraska BEFORE YOU BUILD That House or Barn, or store that Coal, it will save you money and give you a lot of satisfaction if you will cull and get prices ami see tho stock of SAUNDERS BROTHERS, PHONE 60. RED CLOUD, NEB. Dry Lumber and Gcnnlnc Maltand Coal a Spqclalty &XXX&&k)c3(. Deaths and Funerals. :.ViiiVWt Ernest Chambers. Ono of tho saddost doaths which it has boon our duty to chrouiclo was that of Ernost Chambors, sou of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Chambers, who live near Bluo Hill, which occurred Satur day afternoon at his home on tho Li D. Thomas farm, near Cowlos. Mr. Chambors had boon sick for about a week with appendicitis, aud it was decided that an operation was neces sary. Saturday morning tho opera tion was performod,but tho shock was too much for his system and he died in tho afternoon. A particularly sad featuro of tho death was tho fact that his wifo, to whom ho had boon married only a little over a year, was lying ill in tho same houso, she having given birth to a son but a weok previous. Funeral services wore hold at tho homo Sunday aftomoou, conducted by Rov. G. W. Hummoll and Rev. Hutchins, and iutormont was in tho Cowlos comotory. Deceased was born near Bluo Hill twenty-four years ago, and is survived by his wifo and child, father and mother, sister and two half brothers. He was a nophow of S. J. Chambors, who built tho M. E. church lioro, aud was also a cousin of Dr. E A. Thomas. A. J. Means, Tho funeral of Andrew J. Moans, who diod hist Friday morning, was hold Sunday afternoon at 2:110, from tho Congregational church, Kov. G. II. Rico conducting tho services Tho funorM was in charge of tho Odd Fol lows, and thoro woro delegations from Franklin and Guido Rock prosent. Tho remains woro laid to rest hi the Indian creek cemetery. A J. Moans was born in Ohio, No vember II), 18M. Ho removed to Michigan with his parents when but throo years of ago, and lived thoro ho was 21. Iu 1802 ho oulistod in it Michigan regiment of voluutoors, serving two and a half years. Ho was twico married, boiug tho father of threo sons and two daughters by tho first marriage and two sons aud one daughter by his second marriage, his socond wifo dying in 1894. Mr. Moans was ono of tho pioneers of Webstor county, having como hero in tho fall of 1874. Popular Flavors in Summer Drinks and Ice Cream The Bon To W. S. BENSE, Proprietor. ft RSse3S " ... n " .. V'H.t.L'm