Coming-! Parker's "Fairyland" Carnival Co., Red Cloud Street Fair, September 25 to 30. ;ii fetea5s5s2jfa (vi Subscription $1 a, Year 1 in Advance THE RED CLOUD CHIEF tfttflAtttftfJtet Eight Pages All Home Print ti .WTOSE3PJmCRSepBe: I'w ( VOLUME XXXI 1 1. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, SEL'TEMRKR 15, 1905. NUMBER V7 rJnmKn w 1 lieiasy flotes ftom Neighboring Touifis I 1 GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES LEBANON. (From the TimoB.) Billy Kimsoyis helping in this office this week. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roilz, last Sunday. Andy Lull put in 177 head of tino fctoors in his feed lot, on his farm north town Saturday. O. T. Vinsonhalor has bought tho Nichols property in Bellairo and will erect a store building immediately. John and Ellis Adams left Sunday for Now Mexico, after tho 2800 head of sheep which they recently purchased. Mrs. Charley Lull left today for Goodlaud, whero she will join her husband who owns a barber shop at that placo. A.M. Hayes of Gtudo Hock, Nob., attended court at Smith CentM, Tues day, and visited his sister, Mrs. Chns. Lull, Wednesday. Albert E. Dyke depnrtod this lifo nt at his homo in Bellairo September 3, aged 47 years, 10 months and 11 days. Tho deceased was bom in England, October 19, 18oG. Ho, was united in marriago to Miss Louisa Sheltcn in May of 1880, she having died August 12, 1000. Tho funeral service was con ducted by Uev. It. G. Hardiug of Smith Center. will fatten on bis ranch tho coming winter. Archie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mossbarger, died Wednesday aftor an illness of 10 days. Tho funeral was bold at tho homo Thursday, conducted by Rev. King. Interment was made in the Franklin-cemetery. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mankhey September 7. A son of Mr. Peterson living north of town is sick with appendicitis. David It. Peck returned to Grinnoll, Iowa, yesterday to resume his studies at Iowa college. Mrs. Wm. Inglis was called to Paw nee City Monday, by tho serious ill ness of her mother. Misses Pheme Bruce and Anna Dyer went to Grand Island Monday to aUend business college. Tho Western Union Telegraph Co. is putting on copper wires. Material has been unloaded here. Mrs. Woody Itowo and children of the south side are tusseling with the mensles contracted on the train com ing from Portland. Lind Nelson wont to Colorado tho fore part of tho week, returning today with several thousand sheep which he RIVERTON (From the Review.) County Attorney Byrum drove from here to Campbell last Friday on busi ness. H. Vincent, the stockman, was on our streets Sunduy looking up fall feeders. Marion Neal lias decided to locate at Ited Cloud and orders bis paper sent to that placo. Tho I O. O. F. will hold a conven tion and gala day at Bloomingtou, Soptembor 19. Uev. J. M. Bates of Ited Cloud held soi vices in tho Congregational church Wednesday night. Prof. O. J. Staudloy arrived Satur day from Peru, to take chargo of our public schools which opened last Mon day. Bert Harwood and Chas. Irwin re turned Sunday from Red Cloud, whore they had taken the herd of horsos bo longing to Enos & Harwood for sale. Tho butcher mado a mistake this weok. Ho killed a party's milch cow instead of tho one ho was sent to kill. Mrs. Ed Fuller is the loser of a line milch cow through the mistake. tho people of Blue Hill and vicinity quarter of land noar Lucorno in Sheri- dan county, Kansas. Ernest Wolf, August Honning and John Illiind, nro in Gaylord this week threshing their wheat. H. J. Poppon of Lincoln township was married to Miss May Wo-ivor last Saturday and left at once for Denver. Miss Kitty Harwood wont to Lin coln, Nob., last Sunday, whero sho ox- poets to take a ton weeks courso in music. H. II. Sprnpuo of Mundon and W. A. Tallont of Belleville, Kansas, woro on route west Thursday looking at tho country. Mel Skinner died nt tho homo in Pleasant township last Sunday morn ing and was buried in thn family bury ing grounds nt Gajlord Monday. can bo gaiued by noting tho last First National bank statement published last weok which showed that thero woro deposited in tho bank over 8204,000. A protty wedding occurred at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norris nt Bladen, Tuesday evening, Septombor fi, when Mr. Itusstl Pol, and Miss Nel Ho Norris woro happily weddod tho Rov. Mr. Wilson, castor of tho M, E. church officiating. A now Bluo Hill Athlotic club has been organized in this city with tho following officers: C. Watorbury, presidont; Anton Souchok, vico presi dent; C. F. Gund, secretary and treasurer; Frank Baker, manager ball team, and Ben Prentice, captain of tho ball team. It. C. BLUE HILL (From tho Leader. The Bluo Hill mill shipped a car of Hour to Chicago Tuesday. Tne Commercial bank of this city opened for business last Saturday morning. Miss Fay Hostottor left for Boston Thursday to attend tho conservatory of music. EJna James loft last Friday for tho northeast part of the state, where she is teaching. E. G. Rees is 'putting in a fine new cement block walk in front of his business lot. Dr. Wogman reports the arrival of a tine baby boy at tho home of Mr. and Mrs Ernest Chambers last Saturday. A good, fair idea of tho prosperity of SUPERIOR (From tho Journal.) E. FitzofRed Cloud was hero yes terday. Born, Thursday, to It. Walters and wife, of Abdal, a son. Tho second nine ball club got bent by Nelson yesterday, tho score beiug 21 to 0. F. 1). Wilson and granddaughter. Gertie Wilson, wont to Red Cloud this morning. Miss Surah Hayes had tho misfor tuno to fall and dislocate her shoulder last week. Mrs. Geer, who has been visiting her relatives here, returned to Rod Cloud Saturday night. Marion Bailey and Ira Sago, from lt. (Hurt, Wlint trt ftViinifint. tn nttnnrl IthoNoimal college. Miss Myrl Gittinga went to Red Cloud last night, where sho will teach in the public schools. J. Morton, of Moriah, Mo., a man about sixty years of ago, narrowly es caped death this morning nt tho Bur lington station. Ho attempted to board tho first section of a moving train as it was pulling out and was dragged nearly one hundred foot on the brick walk. Chas. Abbott and Les Chancy caught him and prevented him from being ground under the wheels. CORRESPONDENCE and visiting his daughter, Mrs Chevalier. Peoplo aro coming in from ovory direction to tho reunion and thero is a largo crowd in town. Miss Rosa Thome left for Blair last weok, whero she goes as principal of tho high school at that placo. Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. Wnyno Rood was quite badly burned ono day last wock by falling in a kottlo of hot water. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos McBrldo of Cowlos drovo up hero Sunday. Mr. McBrldo returned homo nnd his remained in town for n week to friouds and attend tho reunion. wife-visit Interesting Items Gathered by Our County R-oportors LINE S. C. Shuck went to Auburn Thurs day on buMnoJS. Frank Van Dyko visited his sister nt Montrose this week. Mrs. Dahlen and Rev. J J. Camp hull wont to conference. Mr. nnd Mrs. K.ekiel Johnston spent Sunday at S. C Shuck's. B. S. Van Dyko made n business trip to North Branch this week. Ed Mountford nnd Ed Anderson's families spout Sunday at S. C. Shuck's. Mrs. Ida C. Fouls nnd children woro tho guests of Wm. VanDyko nud took in the show nt Rod Cloud. Fifty Years the Standard v CREAM BAKING A Cream of Tartar Powder Made From Grapes No Alum BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) Invitations are out for the marriago of Miss Edna Black to M. O. Bishop on the 20th. Mrs. G. W. Prather loft yesterday for a two months visit with relatives at St. Louis, Mo., and Peoria, Illinois. Ed Overton, who went to California some timo ngo, likos tho country so well that ho has decided to bavo his family follow him. Dr. E. P. Sumner reports tho ar rival of a baby boy at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bnshford, who livo north of Nnponee. Little Guy Green nnd Charlie Moffet went fishing last Monday and had the good luck to catch a channel catfish that weighed 0i pounds. Tho daily papers say that R. H. Vanntta, formerly of this placo, has fallen heir to 800,000 in cash. No ono could use it better than Ross. Miss Pearl White, for several years a very successful teacher in the Frank lin schools, wns recently married to Mr. L. H. Kelso of Franklin. Put Fullor of Riverton, was taken up last Monday under tho new law and adjudged an inebriate. Sheriff Walrath took him to tho asylum at Lincoln Tuesday, whero ho will bavo treatment. BLADEN Mr Alhritrht of Rod Cloud was in town B'onday. Lloyd Reed returned from Cheyenne, Wyo,, last Monday. Quito a number from hero nttonded the stato fair last week. Rob Ray loft Tuesday morning for Peru, where ho goes to attend school Mr. nnd .Mrs. Byrd Kile drovo to Red Cloud lost Wednesday to boo tho big show. Mrs. Georgo S doman visited at tho homo of hor mother, Mrs. O. Fisk, last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Hnsebrook are visiting their sons, Will nnd Garret, living south of town. Mr. Quinton of Cnmpboll was in town Tuesday, taking in tho ronnion WEST WEBSTER. . John Loo wns n Red Cloud visitor Monday. J. M. Burgess moved to Franklin Tuesday. N. E. Harvey's littlo girl has boon on the sick list this week. Harold Christiansou shelled cor n f or Otto Skj-lvor Tuesday. Mrs. Weasel was visiting at J. U. Mevcra ono day last weok. J. M. Burgees and El.y Piorpont wero state fair visitors last week. Miss Pnyno and Mrs. Cooper wero calling at E. E. Harvey's Sunday. Tho littlo son of J. Roig, who has been so very siclcis reported better. Tho danco nt Rodgors' was well at tended and ovoryono onjoyod them selves. Mrs. Hnnnum nnd cbildron returned Tuesday from Denver, whore sho has has boon attending tho reunion, Adam Miller returned from Iowa Saturday ovoning bringing his brido with him. They will go to house keeping soon on E. E. Hnrvoy's south farm. Wo wish them much joy and n long lifo. Tho boll crowd showed them a morry timo Sunday ovoning at tho home of Elmer Harvey. DUTCH FLAT Tho sick in our locality aro doing fairly woll. Mr. Gibson nnd family spent Sun day with Mr. Corbott's family. Frank Wittwor and lady spont Sun day with G. Boardsloo's family. William Hicks and Indy was visiting with Chas. Boardslee on Sunday. Chns. Wittwor has very bad luck, threshing, for which wo aro sorry. I. W. Houghtaling is still in Colo rado and reports having a good time. Mrs. Christy nnd children aro still with her folks and it is t del us Grant has sold for tho purpose of relocating. SMITH CENTER (From tho Messenger.) Luther Clack, so long in feoblo health at his homo in Downs, is dend. Tho band is "wind jamming" in Denver at tho big G. A. It. encamp ment. J. R. Burrow has Fhipped in a car load of brick to lay his side walks in the city. feJay Falkenburg has invested in u i RoVal BaKinf Powder Absolutely Pure Royal Baking Powder is indispensable to finest cookery and to the comfort and convenience of modern housekeep ing. Royal Baking Powder makes hot breads, cakes and pastry wholesome. Perfectly leavens without fermentation. Qualities that are peculiar to it alone., ROYAL 0AKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. y n 1