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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
t r '- - f-bf-j tE85!SftWBI!fR5IBlB5SC4ES3 MtfflWWSKSrttf-iWrt .-- It i I I ft !. ,'! v j, CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County R-eportcrs BEAVER CREEK Oscar Monin Is homo from Donvor. Miss I'unrl Smith is on tho sick list Miss Knto Drngg commenced hor school Monday. ChnrlcB Oglovlo was in Cowlcs Wed nesday on businoss. Low Smith nnd family wore visiting in Guido Rock Wednesday. 0. W. Frink nnd wifo woro visiting at Red Cloud Inst Thursday. Mr. Hnmilton. A. J. ltrngg nnd Ed Moranvillo attended tho stiito fnir this wook. Homor linker nnd wifo of Hod Cloud woro guests their cousins, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. rink, Sunday. Mrs. West of Guido Rock wns tho guest of hor dnuphtor, Mrs. Grnco Monia, Sunday and Monday. Tho rnin laid tho dust nnd mnkes fnll plowing bottor. Sovortl farmers boro bnvo sovoral bundrod acres each to plow. LESTER rain niado ono Tho cold think of winter. Amboy school opened Monday. Miss I'unrl Hagon is teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Doin visited rela tives across tho river Thursday. Mrs. Jncob Ellingor took dinner with her sister. Mrs. Chester Cox, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. John llolcomb and Henry ltassor spent Sunday at John SaladenV. Fred Harbor and family spent Sun day witli Mr. ami Mrs. Will Mountford, near Cowlus. Mrs. (1. W. Biker accompanied her daughter, Mrs II. S Durrctt, to Lin CC(S ' f r Incomparably Bigger Than Ever, Occupying the Highest Plane The FOREPAUGH-SELLS BROS. SHOWS present this year the Greatest Gathering of world-Funous Features ever seen. It is not show of one, two or three prominent acts and displays, but the entire aggregation of Animal Wonders, Human Achievements and Spectacular Grandeur in every detail is com posed of World-Renowned Features selected with the view to make this the Ibe Greatest Sho The florid Has Etcr kcon THE AUDPiDA 7fMlAEC The Champion Soldier Experts y -tO "Mlttf" ' 9Hs I lit AUKUKA. MJUAVfcb i all the wortd-i Milium Mtnx K mjmmsmm?- WAV'. 55.1 Ww 11J R VJk'tvv.3,wWTr - M Ui.WfT MmfJMflM VWvWiTiWLS Ju'riH W TV TMwSiHWi NoLli jLr -si .v.v..w. j II Kill I ft aHEjs 10 POLAR BEARS CONSTITUTING THE LARQEST KONGO and Elephants, and Three Big 'ASTONISHING SHOW Reserved seats and admission tickets can be Cotting's Drug Store at same pnees charged coin Monday, where tho latter goes to tako medical treatment. G. W. Bnkor, A. It. Salndon nnd Kr nest Hines woro among tho many that wont to Donvor last Friday. Miss Maud Millor loft Saturday for St. Edwards, whoro shn Is engaged to toach school tho coming year. Mrs, C. C. Cox is leaving tho old homo place nnd moving in hor now uroporty in Rod Cloud. Sho will bo croatly missed by hor many friends. GUIDE ROCK E. E. Burr is in Lino tin. Two nnd a half inches of rnin foil hero. Floyd Bayles is holping in Hodges' store. G. W. Hngan's grapes nro roady to gather. Mrs Redden moved to Omnhn Wed nesdny. Sovornl from hero nro taking in tbo stnto fair. Two caucusos in tho Moon building tomorrow. School began Monday with 123 pu pils enrolled. Elsio nnd Russell Vaughn nro nmong thoio attending tho stnto fair. Frnnk Marsh has gono west to form a partnership with a young lady, so wo understand. Quito n number from hero took ad vnntngo of tho excursion nnd wont to Donvor, some having nlroady returned. Tho Odd Follows building is pro grossing nicely, although work had to bo stopped Tuesday on account of tho ram. Bort Van Horn'd brother-in-law, who was hero on a visit, died Monday and tho remains woro shipped to Missouri Tuesday for interment. GARFIELD Wo had a lino rain tho first of the week. Frank Ailes dostroyed some bees in his house this week and got out a lot WEDNESDAY 7HE DOMINANT fflNToMODERNJlMUSfMfNrS ayr and SELLS BROS ENORMOUS SHOW "PANAMA" Tho Supurb, Patriotic dOKOTOUS I.OOO-CttAKACTER VVVLIUWSMa bntlcWhirlwIndDai CAPT. WEBB'S TRAINED SEALS" VlfU TWO TROUPES OP ACTINO r vJT w'n POLAR WONDERS vXlfi lkl O'BRIEN TROUPE D1NUS tSSSVSSS, PROSPER UtlMJV EvcrBroothttiAnitrlca ra -( 6F0LD CIRCUS of JOO Performers In J Rlncs. 2 and In the Air. BESIDES EVERY STRANGE, CURIOUS, COSTLY CREA TURE KNOWN TO ZOOLOQY MENAQERIE IN ALL THE WORLD ZEFFA Mammoth African Huge-Tusked, 'Giant - Eared Herds 'of Wisest Acting Elephants In the Most OF ELEPHANT SAGACITY EVER SEEN of honey. Jasper Smith was at homo a little while last Sunday. Clara Ailes is visiting in town with her aunt, Mrs. Maria Wolfo. Miss BerMia Kent is "teaching young ideas how to shoot" in district 84. Miss Lida Jensen, from Blair, has been ot.gaged to touch in district 80. W. T. Taylor and family woro guests of James Ueauchamp Sunday night. Tho ladies of tho M. E church mot at tho homo of Mrs. McNntt Thursdny of this woek, Lylo Lippincott of Topoka. Kansas, camo homo last Friday for a short visit with his parents. Guorgo Houchin has given his house fresh coats of paint and piaster and is Hxicg up vory nice. Goorgo Simpson was so unfortunate as to got a sliver undor ono of his tin-gor-nailp, causing a vory bad wound. Simoon Thomas is in chargo of tho school in district 18, nnd wo trust ho will wield tho birch nnd rod in n way that will bo entirely satisfactory to tho patrons of tho school. LIVE STOCK MARKETS AT KANSAS CITY. THE WEEK'S TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY. ROBINSON A COMPANY, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFI0E8 AT OHIOAQO, KAN6A8 CITY, OMAHA, 8IOUX CITY. 8T. J03EPH AND DENVER. Kansas City, Sept. 5. Receipts of cattlo thus far this week nro 45,700: last week, 30,200; last year, 25,100. Monday's supply of cornfod beef stot-s was small and tho market was steady to strong for them. Orassors, liowovor, camo in liborally and wont at steady to 10c lower rates Cows woro steady to 10c lower, stockors and feed ers weak to 10c lower. Veals steady. Choice cornfod steers woro again scarce today nnd prices for thom woro Stir9 1 l Possible to Big Circus Creation SPECTACLE Aero ncurM SBKimS1Si w SSSoSSS The Grandest Longest, Richest Most Gorgeous Free Street Olven stages Every Morning at 10 O'Ciocfc ONE FIFTY-CENT TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE YEARS. HALF-PRICE. TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY DOORS OPEN AT 1.00 AND 7.00 P. M. PERFORMANCESDEGro AT 2.00 AND 8.00 P. Mj. T secured on show day at on the grounds. CALUMET Baking Powder The only high " grade Baking Powder sold at a moderate price. Com plies with the pure food laws of all states. v. (, steady. Medium to fair kinds worn steady to 10o lower. Grassors were mostly 10c lower, cows genoi ally 10c lower, bulls steady to 10c lower, veals scarce aud steady, stockors and food ors steady to 20o lower. Tho following table gives quotations now ruling: Extra prime corn-fed steers. .85 50-G 10 Good corn fed steers 5 00-.r 50 Ordinary corn fed steers. . . . 4 50-5 25 Choice corn fed heifers 4 75-5 25 Good corn fed heifers 4 10-4 75 Medium corn fod hoifers. ... 3 50-4 10 Choice corn fed cows 4 00-4 25 Good 3 25-3 85 Medium 2 75-3 25 Caunors 1 50-2 50 Choico stags 4 25-4 75 Choice fod bulls 3 25 -3 75 Good 300-325 Bologna bulls 2 00-2 50 Veal calves 5 25-G 00 Good to choice uativo or western stockors 3 G0-4 25 Fair 3 25-3 GO Common 2 75 -3' Good to choico heavy nativo feeders 4 00-4 10 Fair 3 50-100 Good to choico heavy brand ed horned feeders 3 50-3 05 Fair 3 25-3 10 Common 3 00 3 25 Good to choico stock heifers 2 75-3 00 Fair 2 25-2 75 Good to choico stock calves, steers 4 00-4 50 Fair 3 50 4 00 Good to choico stock calves, heifers 300-3 50 Fair 250-300 Choico wintered grass steers 4 25 4 55 Good 3 75-4 25 Fair 3 10-3 75 Choice grass cows 2 75 3 15 Good 250-275 Common 2 00-2 50 Receipts of hogs thus for this week arc 12,000; last week, 10,700; last year, 8,500. Monday's market was 5 to 10c lower and today whs again 5 to 10c lower, with bulk of sales from $5 GO to 5 70; top, $5 75. Receipts of sheep thus far this week, 21,000; last week, 17,00; last year, 7,700. Monday's market was steady to 10c lowor and today sheep woro steady, but lambs 10 to 15c lowor. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednos. day, Aiu. 30, furnished by J. II. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company Charles Speuco and wife to Hi ram S Rcchendiifer, wd, lots 17 to 18, blk 2, Sponeo's addition to Bladen 3 150 C 13 Perkins, trustee, to Edward TFoe, d, lots 1 to I. bik 10, lots I to 7, blk 12, and lot 1, blk 15, Cowlos 120 Alfred Shrosbeo and wifo to An nous Buntjer, wd, lot 9, blk 3, Buschow's add to Blue Hill. . . 900 N E Harvey and Elmer E liar voy, qcd, net 8-3 12 500 Maudo W Firkins and husb to Ernestine Schmidt, wd, lot 10, blk 3, Buschow's add to B II. . 500 David L Groat to Wm S Koou, wd, lots 0, 7 nnd 8, blk 2, Rail road add to Red Cloud 1200 Eliza Thompson to N E Harvey, qcd, nwl 29-2-12 1950 Totiil $3920 Mortgages Hied, $2G50. Mori gages released, 81800. For tho week ending Sept. G: Wm L Koon and wifo to D L Grout, lots G and 7, blk 0, Gar- ber's add to Red Cloud, wd. . .8 400 Wm L Koon and wifo to D L Groat, qcd, lots 5 and 0, blk G, Garbor's add to Red Cloud .... 100 Wm B Prathor and wifo to F A Good, wd, o2 nel and nwl uqI 17-3-10 2500 E B Smith nnd wifo to Silas A Finchor, wd, lots 11 and 15, blk 4, Railroad add to Red Cloud 800 Horaeo A Noblo and wifo to Wm Wibbon, wd, nw4 35.4-10 C000 Trust Baking Powders sell for 45 or 50 cents per pound and may bo Iden tified by this exorbitant price. They arc a menace to public health, as food prepared from them con tains large quantities ot Rochcllo alts, . dangerous cathartic drug. lee Gmm Gool Drinks BEST 15c MEAL IN THE CITY HALE'S R.ESTAUR.ANT Damcrcll Block. Do You Eat Meat? Whon you are hungry and want somethig nice in tho meat lino, drop into my market. Wo have tho nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and ments, fish, nnd game in season. Wo think, and almost know, that wo can please you. Givo us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. Order To Show Cause. IN TIIK COUNTY COIUT. Stntc of Ncbnifckn, I WuI'Mer I'oimtj. f At it County ( ourt hold nt tho County Coutt room In aud for mlil county AiiRiit 31, A. I) W :. lit the innlt roftlio etato of Wllllmn Clen (leniili't: ill waved. On tending mill llllii): too petition of Kimtvluli V Coiilcn ltmjIiiK that administration of unci ustntr niny ho grunted to i:mnMiih V. CoiiIl-ii iisndmliiMrutm'. Onlurcil. thiitStiturilny the ifuli lv of Set' (Ginhur A. I) l!io: nt ono o'clock p. m., is as hlKiiuil for h-nriiiK sitrt petition when all per vons Interested in miIiI matter m-iv appear at u County Court to be held in nnd for mid CounU and hhmv cauve why prayer of petitioner should nut he urnnted; anil that notice of the pendency of snld petition mid tho heailiiK thereof he Klvcntonl persons Interested In snld mutter, by publishing a copy of this order In tho lted Cloud C'iiibf. it weekly newspaper printed In said county, fo- threo consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. , .. A. II. Kkknky. (S1) County Judge. Henry A rends nnd wifo to Wm Wibben, wd, swl 2G-4-10 SOW Leonard Everett and wifo to Horaeo A Noblo, wd.nw 1 35-4-10 GOOO Elsio M Kuohn and husband to John Wittwor, wd, lots 8 to 11 and part 12, blk 1, Hichard- son's odd to Red Cloud l loo Herbert Hawloy to Win O Frohm, wd, part lot 4, Rohror's add to Bluo Hill qqq Charles Kollinger and wifo to John Uartman, wd, w2 swl 11- 4- 2100 J R Mercer and wifo to Mrs C C Cox, wd, lots 8 and 0, block 20J Red Cloud lSod' Hannah J Rogors to E J Bub- cock, wd, nwl 20-2 12 300 I t. X. 1 , prsyyg'fjft