The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 08, 1905, Image 5

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Mondav was Lthor day.
Hay and teed tit Plnmh's.
Street fair. Spptembur 25 to 30.
JnoB.iM- wnnt to Punvor Sititrdnv.
Go to F' ' P. ii in ' (or 11. mr or (mm1.
Duvo V hunker is homo from K-insas
Dr. E. A Tnuiuas, dentist, Dnmerol'
Claronco G irnev wont to Alma Wed
nesday. Audrow U.M was over from Lebanon
F. Nowhoiijc icturncd from Donver
Mrs. Goorgo Hollistor went to Lin.
coin Sunday.
Dr. Robert Damoroll went to Wrny,
Col., Saturday.
Dr. II. F. Unities now disponses his
own prescriptions.
Judeo Duiry was up from Guide
Rock Wednesday.
Charles Hornck wns over from North
Branch Wodnesdtiy.
J. P. Halo was down from Lincoln
the first of the week.
Face massage- and Indies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Stuaykd Sundny, n Jersey cow
Notify Mrs. J. P. Halo.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garber have
returned from Denver.
Charles Potter and wife went to Lin--coin
Tuesday morning.
Tho lladell stock has been moved
auto tho Potter building.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyman Essig attended
tho state fair this week.
School opened Monday with an un
usually largo attendance.
Tako your poultry nnd hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Popo went to Lin
coln the Grst of tho week.
Miss Jessie Wert went to Orleans
Saturday for a short visit.
Dffight Wilson expects to attend the
State University this winter.
Aro you going to get in tho indus
trial parade stroet fair week!
Captain Houchin took in tho Grand
Army encampment at Denver.
Henry Houchin is ngain braking on
tthe Burlington out of Orleans.
Mrs. I. W. Brown of Columbus, Ind.,
as tho guest of Mrs. Low Clanp.
Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Polk
Sutton diod yestorday morning.
Walt Saundorson and Henry Clauson
were among tho Donver visitors.
Soils Bros, and Foropaugh's third
biil car was in town Wednesday.
Mrs. L. H. Fort loft Wednesday for a
visit at Wymoro and Peru, Nob.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Walker returned
lrom Denver Wednesday evening.
C. E. Borgtield and M. E Moranvule
were up from Guide Uock Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Goblo and chil
dren aro among tho Donver visitors.
Tho school board mot Monday even
ing and transacted routine business.
Dwight Wilson of Superior visited
with his parents tho flret of tho wook.
Fred Emick is nursing a very pain
ful abscoss in tbo palm of bis right
Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Mrs. Hedgo and daughtor Laura have
Toturnod from thoir visit at North
Grant Bailey returned to Lincoln
Tuesday, where will attend business
Miss Bollo Spanoglo left Friday even
ing for a visit in Donvor with her sis.
tor Kato.
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gecman of Free
port pays ouo-third of tho taxes
and has over COO policies In
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
in tho state, with over three
quarters of n million dollars in
surance In Wobstor county.
for Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
Plumb sells Blue Htll Hour.
Kay Palmer Is now messenger boy nt
the depot.
John G Potter and wifo aro homo
from thoir trip to Portland and As
toria, Oro.
Miss Gertrudo Koon has gone to Ox
ford, whoro sho will teach during tho
next term.
Robort T. Potter came in from tho
Indian Territory Saturday. Ho looks
Mr. and Mrs. Polk Sutton wish to
thank their friends for their kindness
and holp during tho illness and doath
of their baby.
Quito a largo number of pupils from
ho country districts havo enrolled for
tho wlntor term.
Miss Jennio Cotting has gono to Lin
coln to tako a oourso in tho Lincoln
Business Colli-go.
Fred Mandovillo, wifo and children
wont to Lincoln and Seward Tuesday
morning for a visit.
Mrs. Elmer W. Ross is very ill with
typhoid fever, at her homo in tho
north part of town.
Preparation has boon made for tho
laying of a cement walk in front of
Boron's livery barn.
II. W. Dcdrick returned Thursday
morning from a trip to Colorado, Wy
oming and Montana.
Miss Iono Albright wont tD Omahn
Mondny, whoro 3I10 will tako a course
in a business college
Mrs. Anna Tullnys returned to Nap
oneo Saturday nfter a short visit with
friends in lied Cloud.
vMiss Kuth Warren returned Friday
from an extended visit with Mrs. W.
W. Wright, in Hebron.
Ringling Bros.' circus will bo in
Hastings tho samo day tho Foropaugh
Sills shows appear hero.
Harry Vaughn, editor of tho Guido
Rock Signal, is in Lincoln taking
treatment for rheumatism.
Clark Storey is homo from Prescott,
Ariz., whero ho has boon spending tho
summer with his son Dick.
Miss Mira Cok left Monday for
Omaha, whero she will tako a course in
the Pharmaceutical School.
Miss Daisy Phillips returned Sunday
from Goodland, Kan., whero sho has
been spending tho summer.
Mrs. Starko, mothor of tho Starko
brothers of Amboy, arrived Wednes
day evening from Milwaukoo.
Leopold Horburgcr acted as man
agcr of tho restaurant during tho ab
sence of his parents in Donvor.
When you got a hair cut, shave and
bath at Manspcakor's barbor shop you
will feel liko a new man. Try it.
Emanuel Fitz returned Friday from
Fairfield, whero ho had tho contract
for building a largo school house.
Mrs. Thomas Ryan and daughtor,
Mrs. Marshall, havo returned from
their trip to tho Portland exposition.
Walter Richardson returned to bis
homo in Topeka, Kansas, Tuesday
morning after a visit with tho Pharos
Beedy Shirley and Ida Shirley, who
aro fourth cousinf, wore married at
Rosomont Monday, Rev. Ahrons offi
ciating. Misses Mattio and Louiso Smalley,
sisters of Mrs. Fred Plumb, arrived
Wednesday evening from Eureka, III.,
for a visit.
If you want to soo ovorybody elso,
you will find them at tho Great Adam
Foropaugh and Soils Brothers' Consoli
dated Shows.
Work was to havo boon begun on W.
H. Taber's now building Wednesday
morning, but tho hoavy rain postponed
it indefinitely.
Tho Btreet fair and carnival promises
to bo a bigger event than tho ret nion
of a year ago. Bettor begin to make
preparations for it.
W. V. Boal returned from St. Joseph
Sunday, whero ho wont to mako ar
rangements for disposing of his in),
monse cabbago crop.
Owing to tho now building not boing
completed, tho Indian Creek school
did not open Monday morning, boing
postponed for a wook.
Readers of The CniEK who neglect
to read tho "Nowsy Notes From Neigh
boring Towns" froquontly miss sotno
vory interesting items.
Albert Morrill and wifo of Boloit,
Wis., arrived Saturday for a visit -with
thoir brothers, Harvoy and John Mor
rill, and other relatives.
Miss Ada Fitz gavo a party last
night for hor schoolmates and other
friends. A vory onjoyabio umo is re
ported by thoeo present.
Will Sullivan and family aro homo
from thoir summer outing in tho moun
tains of Colorado. Mr. Sullivan's
health wns gtculy b-uiuUiud by tin- C !
orado climate.
W. B. Cranu-r, who recently hnuirht
tho F. E. Gob'" r"idnneo
making somo decided improvement in
tho appoaranc of tho placo.
Mrs. and Miss Norri, mother nnd
sister of Cy Nutria of Bcnso's rostau
rant, havo arrivi-d from Malvern, la.,
and will mnko Umir homo here.
Omor Butler, who n 0 nf tho car
toonlsts on tho World-Herald, camo
down from Omaha tho first of tho
week for a visit with his pnronts.
Tho rain stopped tho grading work
on Sixth nvonua, botweon Sownrd and
Wobstor, just In timo to loavo tho
streot in tho worst possiblo condition.
Mrs. T. F. Jonos, who has boon vory
ill at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Smith, had sufficiently re
covered to bo removed to her homo
Mrs. Winifred Garbor and daughters
loft Wednesday for Chicago and
tho northern lakes, nnd from thoro will
go to Philadelphia, whoro tltoy may
mako thoir homo.
Stolen A gold watch nnd chain,
vnluod at $75, last Friday or Saturdny,
from Herburgor's rooms. $.10 reward
for recovery of watch and capture of
tho thief. M. L. Donovan.
James and Alex Bticklos, Will and
Joo Kudrnn and sovernl others from
that neighborhood whoso nnmes wo
did not lenrn, wont to Lincoln Tues
day morning to visit the stato fair.
At tho mooting of tho Odd Follows
Monday evening E H.Nowhouso and
O. C. Teol wero elected delegates to
tho grand lodge, which will moot in
Nobrns-ka City tho first week in Octo
Mrs. S. J. Tabor roturnod to her
homo in Cass county Tuesday after a
several months' visit witli relatives in
this vicinity. Sho was accompanied as
far as Lincoln by her son, W. H. Ta
bor. Goorgo Hoaton, who has recently re
turned from a visit at his old homo in
Pennsylvania after an absonco of forty
years, said: "It ip a good placo to go
visiting, but I would not go back thero
to livo."
Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid
poison, aro results of kidney trouble.
Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Tea goes
directly to tho seat of tho disease and
The Best
Mower Knives, 5 it... $1.75
Mower Sections, each .03
Mower Guard Plates,
each 03
Mower Guards 25
We have them to fit near
ly all machines.
Why pay more for the
same thing?
We are right in price and
the quality of our goods
can't be beat.
8-in. Flat File 15c
10-in. Flat File 20c
12-in. Flat File 25c
14-in, Flat File 30c
Guaranteed Goods
Hardware Co.
We are Receiving
New Goods Daily
Gomdefialey Clothing Go.,
First Door North of Posotfflce, Red Cloud, Neb;
euros when all o!so fails. 85 cents. C.
L. Cotting.
Al Turnor is deeply interested in tho
succoss of a certain candidato for
county clork, and as a consequence
was greatly olated whon a now twelve
pound voter arrived at his homo south
of tho rlvor Tuosday.
Good advice to womon. If you want
a 'beautiful complexion, clear skin,
bright eyes, tod lips, good health, tako
Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Tea. Thoro
is nothing liko it. 85 cents, tea or tab
lets. C. L. Cotting.
S. F. Spokestlold camo homo from
Kansas City Sunday evening, whoro ho
had boon to soo Mrs. Spokeeliold, who
has boon in a hospital thoro for nearly
three months. Ho roporls that hor
health does not soom to bo improving.
Aro you lacking in strength and
vigor? Aro you weak? Aro you in pain?
Do you fool all run down? Tho blessing
of health and strongth como to all who
uso Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
35 cents. O. L Cotting.
If Tiik Ciiikk is not up to its usual
standard of oxcellonco this wook it is
bocaupo of tho absonco of tho local ed
itor, Miss Flo Palmor, who, In company
with her mothor and little brother and
sistor, aro viowing tho sights at Donver
this woek.
Paul Popo, Vic Fulton, Closo Emigh,
Roy Hutchison. James Potorson, S. B.
Kizor, Luther Crabill, L. P. Albright,
Arthur and Tod McArthur Jworo somo
of tho Red Cloud pooplo who wont to
Lincoln Tuosday morning to.ltako in
tho stato fair.
Mrs. Maggio Chrlsman and Mrs.
Susan Nool of Unionville, Mo., stop
ped off in Red Cloud Wednesday for a
visit with thoir sister, Mrs. Moliasa A.
Hodge. Thoy aro on thoir way homo
from a sovoral wooks' outingln tho
mountains of Colorado.
If our out-of-town frlonds want to
soo tho most magnificent street parade
and tho greatest show on oarth, tbo
low excursion rates accordedjto tho
enormous Adam Foropaugh andSolls
Brothers aggregation will Bgivo them
a cheap and convenient chnnco to do so
Tho old settlers' pionio.Jwhich was to
havo been hold Soptombor 21 at tho
homo of Mrs. McCull, has boon post
poned to Soptomber 28, tbo streot fair
management having sot aside that day
for tho old sottlers. Tho picnio will
probably bo hold in tho court houso
Adam Morhart and wifo aro homo
from a sovoral weeks' tour Jof tho Pa
cific coast. Thoy visited many points
of interest and saw many beautlful
sights, yot thoy wore glad to got homo
and Mr. Morhart says Nebraska is good
enough for him. Ho says that G. W.
Dow intonds moving back to this part
of tho world.
Lebanon Timos: "Rod Cloud will
havo a carnival and stroot fair tho
wook of Soptombor 25 to 80. Thoy
havo an excellent program, and if you
attend wo can say in behalf Jof tho citi
zens of that town that you will bo
treated right and can also assure you a
Have a good supply in now and it
would it would be a good idea if
you would look this stuff over. It
would help you in selecting your
Fall and Winter Wearables. We
like to show our goods whether
you are ready to buy or not.
You will find us a safe, reliable
firm to deal with and can sell you
GOOD clothes as low as anyone.
good timo." Thanks, brother; wo will
try to mako your word good.
Tho woods in tho south ond of town
havo grown bo tall that strangors walk
ing up from tho depot aro compelled to
stop at houses along tho way and in
quiro tho road up town. Mel Sherman,
Mrs. Jensen and others who livo south
of Division stroot say thoy aro becom
ing tirod of doing guide-post duty and
want tho woods cut so tho standpipo
can bo soon from tho top of tho hill
near tho depot.
Mrs. J. S. Gilham and son Harry aro
homo from an extondod outing in Col
orado, Mr. Gilham remained in Colo
rado Springs, whero ho has secured a
position as a spocial writer on ono of
tho nowspnpors. Mr. Gilham has had
considorablo oxporionco in; nowspapor
work, and wo wish him succoss in his
now work. Ho has boon a resident of
this county sinco tho early '70a and has
a host of frlonds who will learn with
regret of his docision to rouiain in
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wiidell's meat market, wo
oxtond to you a hoarty iu
vitation visit us and becomo
bettor acquainted and also,
whon looking for good first
class moat, wo ask you to
givo us a trial.
Wo aro satisfied wo can
wojcanjploaso you.
Voursfor business,
- aaiwninnMVMi
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates; either for five
or ten years, with best
of options. ;
Loans safely and
carefully .made for par
ties having private