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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
: v I if i i l V I M fi ! P i P . i ? ; ; I.' I JFor Me Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How is it with the children P Are they thin, pale, delicate ? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Thn children cannot poulbly luvo Rood ihtaith uuleti the tinweli tiro In proper condl tton. A iliikRlih llvor RlTtttncuatPd tongue, k4 lirnath, comtlpateil lion el Correct nil thrio lir kItIiik mull laxatlvn doici of Arer'a r;ili All vegetable augar coated. Had by J. 0. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Ma, Alio manufacturer! of 7 HAIR VIGOR. vers Anue CURE. CIIEKRV PECTORAL Before the Battle. 'Tomorrow afternoon and evening will be hold in tho various precincts of tho comity lo choose del egates to tho Ropublican county con tention, which moots at the court bouse in this city next Monday morn s' n at 11 o'clock. Tho campaign for the nominations Jhas been a clean one, and tho various candidates aro to bo congratulated for Alio fairness aud courtesy with which fJiey havo treated each other. The two most talked of candidates tfor county troasuror aro W. C. Frahm of Uluo Hill and V. II. Thomas, west lied Cloud. Both aro good mon and rihoTonghly competent, though Mr. (Frahm scorns to havo a slight advaut iiujcln the matter of location. Por tho olllco of county olork thoro zare three candidates from Rod Cloud 3chu J. Garbor, V. B. Fulton and E. "T Ross, all good, clean men. Mr. SFultou has boon engaged in tho lum ber business horo for many years and meeds uo introduction. John J. Gar foar, prcsont doputy clerk, has lived nn tho county sinoo it was organized, i-iud his long oxporioncu as doputy in ihe oillce well qualities him for tho position. z. JThero aro 11 vo candidal os for tho xaoiniantiou for sheriff Win. Wolfo, -C. C. McCoukoy and Ed A mack of Bed Cloud; Oliver Hodge, north of Red 'Cloud, aud I. B. Colvin of Gnldo Rock. iOlivor Hodgo mado a good raco four jjpoars jigo and lost through no fault of IliVs'Owii. EdAmackgavo Sheriff Mc . Arthur a "run for his monoy" two jpaars ago, nnd lost by a very small margin. Wm Wolfo is tho woll known blacksmith aud ono of tho most pop ular youug mon in tho city. McCon lkey and Colvin aro both old aud well 'known citizens of tho county aud will .Si&vo thoir sharo of support in tho o (invention. -Judgo Albert H. Koonoy has mado a 339 ol record in tho office of county .liadgo aud will undoubtedly rocolvo the customary complimont of a ro . nomination aud oloctiou, thoro boing iuo opposiug.candidato announced thus Ifac fljJor county superintendent thoro nro itwo candidates iu tho Hold Miss sStella Duclcor and Mrs. Nolllo Castor. The latter is tho daughtor of Judge S. West and is a toaohor of sovoral years' -exporienco. Miss Duoker is a gradu--uto of tho University of Nobraska and ill as taught iu high schools in this and otier cities of tho state, as well as &avlng done instituto work horo. iFcrtho offices of surveyor and coro ta.'CT mid commissioners for tho First .:zad Fourth districts tharo havo boon no candidates announced. Think Well of John Garber. iiast week's Lebanon Times has tho Afollowing: "We uotico in tho Rod Cloud Chief Shct John Garbor is a candidate for rtbe olllco of county clork of Wobstor -.county, Nobraska, subject to tho ac tion of tho Ropublican convention. Mr. Garbor is a man woll qualified for Mho olllco aud siuco our acquaintance Nsvith him wo havo always found him ito be a rofiued and oducatod gentle itn tin." MmEzzamm Commissioners' Proceedings. Bod Cloud, August .'11, 1005. Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment, Mombors prosont, Richard, Gorlach and Sawyor. Resignation of Dr. R. F. Rainos as county physician accoptod. Dr.Damor oil was appointed to fill vacancy. Chairman nppolntod Commissioners Gorlach, Richard and Fogol to view and appraise north half northwest quarter 25-2-10 for salo. Resignation of M. Doylo as O H R D No. 2 accoptod. Oscar Emick was ap pointed to fill vacancy aud bond ap. proved. D B. Stunkard was appointed O H R D No 1. Claim of N. E. Harvoy S3 for road work rejected. Claim of Joo Garbor for 8G 85 was rejected. J Sheriff was instructed to notify and assist tho O II R D No 23 to open tho public road through section 20-1-9, as the caso was tried aud decidod in the district court, has boon allowed aud warrants havo boon drawn in favor of tho land owners. Tho following claims woro allowed aud clork ordered to draw warants on tho respective funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND. J B Carr, mowing court jard. .8 2 50 Omaha Printing Co, supplies. . 11 50 Ovtring Bros, tlagstono 5 50 W Richard, com'r service 11 00 S W Foe, sheriff foes Pondlo- ton caso 5 00 G W Hutchison, olllco exp.... 11 1R K II Gorlach, com'r service .... 7 30 II G Sawyor, com'r sorvico .... 72 20 A M Waltors, ofllco expouso.. 10 R0 W R Anderson, com'r sorvico.. 17 10 Dr R F Rainos, sorvico in county court 1 10 Dr R F Rainos, same 2 10 A II Koonoy, foos and oxp.... 17 10 J A MoArthur, sheriff foos. . . . 101 15 M Durdin, constable foos 10 C5 Hammond & Stovons, supplies county superintendent 22 85 L E Talt, printing 3G 50 Robinson & Burden, supplies. 7 20 BRIDGE FUND. Joe Watson, bridge work 23 10 John W Towlo, on bridgo con tract 1000 00 August Lampt.ian, b'dgo work 3 7R Joo Homrick, same G 00 John Konzack, samo 13 50 Goo Bibby, samo 0 00 Chas McKoighan, samo 0 00 Geo Clauson, samo 02 50 Houry Clauson. samo 47 00 II G Sawyor, samo 00 00 Waltor Sanderson, samo 30 20 II G Sawyor, samo 20 00 ROAD FUND. John Kinnison, chainmau.... 2 00 F A Kuohn, surveying 12 R0 Goo II Ovorlug, chainman .... 2 00 Josso Barlow, road work 1 50 Minutes road aud approved. Board adjourned to moot Septem ber 18. Nike Donovan Robbed. Miko Donovan has again becomo tho tho victim of robbers. Miko rooms iu tho building adjoining Horburgor's restauraut on tho north, and either last Friday or Saturday somoouo on torod tho room during his absonco aud took his gold watch and chain, valued at $75, togothor with about $25 in cash and somo valuable papers. Tho prop erty was missed Saturday night or Sunday morning oarly, and suspicion foil upon Mrs. Hay, a young married woman who camo hero rocontly with her husband from Hastings and so cured employment at Lindloy's res taurant. Later sho wont to work as a dishwasher and chambormaid at Hor burgor's, but was discharged Satur day, and sho and her husband woro at tho dopot Sunday morning to tako tho train for Guldo Rock, when Sheriff MoArthur appoared and searchod them and thoir baggago. No traco of tho missing property '-was found, aud thoy woro roloased. Tills is not Donovan's first experi ence witli thiovos. About five years ago, when ho was section foreman on tho Burlington horo, ho buriod ?1G00 in a tin can in a corner of tho tool house. When ho wont to look for his monoy it was gouo. Tho money was novor recovered. Miko has offered a reward of $50 for tho arrost of tho porpotrators of tho latest theft. Industrial Parade. Ono of tho proposed features of tho coming stroot fair is an industrial pa rado which will includo handsomely docoratod wagons, carriages and floats representing ovory business houso in tho city aud as many of our farmer friends as can bo inducod to tako part. As a special iuducomont to farmers to enter tho parado a 850 surroy will bo given as a prizo for tho best decorated farm wagon. Other prizes will also bo offorod, aud tho parado will undoubt edly bo tho handsomest aud bost over soon in Rod Cloud. Tho Parkor Amusement Co. has flvo carnival companies on tho road, aud thoir "Fairylaud" company Is tho now est and bost of thorn all. Thoro will also bo various amusomontsasido from thoso furnished by the company, in cluding all kinds of sports. Geed Nan for the Place. Tho Bladon Eutorpriso says: "Wm Wolfo of Rod Cloud was in town yesterday nmking the acquaint ance of tho votorb In this neck o' tho woods. Mr Wolfo Is a candldato for tho nomination forshoriff at tho hands of tho Ropublican county convention. Wo know of no ono whom wo aro more pleased to recommend for this posi tion than this gentleman, whoso char acter is above reproach. Mr. Wolfo, if givon tho nomination aud elected, will mako ono of tho best sheriffs Wobstor county lias ovor had." Had "Snakes." Not in his boots, howovcr, but up his pants leg. Ridgo Leggett went out hunting Sunday, aud while chnsiug through some tall grass in search of tho covotod prairio chickens a bluo racor about soven foot long crawled up ids pants leg. When Ridgo folt tho cold, clammy reptilo moving up his trousor loc ho began dancing a horn pipe Unit lasted until his snakeship was dislodged. Ridgo was so surprised that he allowed tho snako to oscapo unhurt, but badly scared. fvvV TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In The Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week Tho fair grounds aro now fenced. F. Bradbrook has returned from Iowa. J S. Gilham was in Lincoln this week. School opened Mondny with 3G0 pu pils in attendance. Mrs. B. F. Mixer has been on tho sick list for a few days. The anti monopolists will hold a county convention. C. Wionor's now brick building is uearing completion. Doputy Postmastor Frank Quigloy was in Lincoln this wook. Excavation was begun this wook for Houry Cook's now building. Tho subject of township organization for this county is boing agitated. A. Campbell, division superintend ent of tho B. & M., was In town Mon day. Ed Wiener has ombarkod in tho sta tionery aud nows business with Walter Klooman. Tho contract for the brick work on tho new school building has been lot to Ross & Co. A. S. Marsh has sold his gonoral merchandise buinos3 to Athow fe Young of Rlverton. D. G. Walker and family leave soon for Victoria, British Columbia, where thoy will mako thoir homo. A Mr. Dougherty, living uoar Hicks, discharged a gun into his big too and Dr. Damoroll amputated it. Last Friday Marvin Marsh received word that ho had drawn a prizo of $1, 200 in the Louisiana lottery. Whilo at Beatrlco last wook Hiram Hicks was robbod of his pooketbook containing $7 and his return ticket. Jim Hubboll, who has for a number of years beon In tho grain businoss horo, will opon a bank at Guido Rock Mrs. C. E. Wood lost hor gold watch Friday night, but found it again Sat urday morning near tho Forguson res idence D. B. Spanoglo, prosldont of tho Western Implement company, loft for tho west this wook to establish brauch houses, A couple of gonuino cowboys woro on our streets Saturday. Thoy have bocomo a raro sight in this section of tho country. Tho youug ladies who go watormolon "cooulug" and mako a poop show of pooplo's housos ought to bo ashamed of themselves. Mrs. Sarah Williams, who lives about six milos southwest of Rod Cloud, lute boon frequently aunoyod of late by a night prowlor who has mado sovoral attempts to ontor hor homo at unsea sonable hours. Tho other night sho J took a shot at tho prowler, and 'when 2 t v 2 ia & A 'X & A 2 12 2i There Will Be "Things In Red Cloud, September 25th to 50th Going to have the best show ever. The business men of Red Cloud will see to it that everybody who conies will be well treated. THIS STORE is going to make a spe cial effort to entertain visitors. The entire line of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, and in fact everything that a man or boy wears, will be in place and you are invited to pass a little of your time in examining them. Make the store your headquarters. Whether you buy goods or not, Yoi Will Be Welcome m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to )34344343tetttf-frtfrtti PAIL STOREY J(tiU)4tbUUiibUivkU(U(iUitiUkbklvbivliUibkibbkbtibUbtbkfai(ibkitbkiUitbiUkibfakbi4(. JKcWTBssssssI - JyTrir3ivt",JwregsBM HisH Vm assBBsm 1 'sBIssbbbbbbbbbbbbh "?!; Red Cloud, TiTiiiiTTiiiiiviiriiii'n'r'rT'r'r'!'ri'rfr'r'rTfr'r'T''r'riT' BEFORE YOU BUILD That House or Barn, or storo that Coal, it will savo you monoy and give you a lot of satisfaction if you will cnll and get prices aud seo tho stock of SAUNDERS BROTHERS, PHONE 60. red CLOUD, NEB. Dry Lumber and Gcnnlnc Maltland Coal a Specialty ho fled he left behind somo papers bearing his name which will bo used against him if ho continues his unwel come visits. A couple of our loan brokers who held a chattol mortgigo on somocattlo belonging to a German farmer living sovoral milos west of town, in company with Constable Watt Chambers, wont out to levy on tho property. Tho ownor of tho cattlo was not at homo,'so tho constablo and brokers gathered up tho llvo stock and started for town. In tho vicinity of Indian crook thoy mot the irato Gorman, who was armod with a shotgun. When tho trio behold tho gun thoy abandoned tho cattlo and flod, CowLES-Father Waller and G. T. Clark aro on tho sick list. . . . Dr. Lino bargor Is spending tho week in Rod Cloud. . . .Asa Kurd's sick children aro recovering.... There was a pleasant surprise party Tuesday ovening at tho homo of David Paul In honor of his 53d birthday. In a vale Tho Pooplo's Lumber Co. is what wo talk of now....Chailoy Piatt and T J. Moshor woro up from Red Cloud this week.... Ed Kellogg waB on our streets ono day last wook ....Allen Ayors and wife, who hiivo been In Tennessee for tho past year, havo returned horo temporarily. Thoy will soil out thoir property horo and return to Tennessee to llvo. . . A. Arno son Is suffering with a soro hand .... A party consisting of tho father, mother, sister and brother of H. N. Holdrogo arrived horo ono day last wook from Missouri. Thoy coutomplato settling h' ro. SL ZL. & & & Q L- Gi 5 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m Doing 15he CLOTHIER M. A. Albright, J5he Grocer -SELLS- First 3 Quality ' Goods AT Reasonable 3 Prices Nebraska Andy Means Is Dead. Just as wo go to press wo learn that Andrew J. Means, ono of tho oldest and most highly respected citizens of Red Cloud, died very suddenly this morn ing. He was taken sick last Saturday. Mr. Means was prominent in secret society circles and was ono of tho old est Odd Follows in tho state. Ho was a member of Pioneer lodge No. 25, 1. O. O. F., Franklin; Wobstor encamp mout No. 25, Faith Robekali lodge No. 19, Calautho lodge No. 29, K. of P.; M. W. A. lodge No. G08, aud Gurflold Post No. 80, G. A. R. He is survived by throo sons and two daughters. At this hour no arrangements for tho funeral had boon mado. Popular Flavors in Summer Drinks and Ice Cream The Bon Ton W. S. BBNSB, Proprietor. f f-f-f--c-c-fr. f-f- t fe s-f-f-f- 6- c-s-