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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
Hlir ftWWJ Ut-rr, e.w?n. ssW-MkXJa v,m I f M; i . i H t l li THE CHIEF BED CLOUD, NKMIASKA. PUBLISH EDEYERY FRIDAY. Paul C. Phakes Gioruk Newnousi Editor Manager sunsonirrioN rates. no year II M Slxmonlbt SO nttrattt uepo KadUlaad, Biond oImi mall raattr. ADVERTISING KATES: Furnished on application. 'BLEPHONE. SEVEN - TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for tho olllco of county tronsuror, tmbject to tho actiou of tho Republican convention W. II. Thomas. Rod Cloud, Nob. I am a caudldato for tho nomination for county treasurer, subject to tho will of tho Republican covention. W. 0. Fbaum. Bluo Hill, Nob. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announco mysolf as a can didato for the olllco of county clork on tho Republican ticket. John J. Gaiiiier. Red Cloud, Nob. I am a catulidato for tho olllco of county clork, subject to tho action of the Republican county convention. V. B. Fulton. Rod Cloud, Nob. FOR SHERIFF I desiro to inform tho voters of Web ster count' that t will bo a catulidato for the nomination for shoriif of Web ster county Subjout to tho decision of tho Republican county convention. Isaao B. Colvin. Guido Rock, Nob. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for tho Republican nomination for hhoriir. Wm. Wolfe. Red Cloud, Nob. I am a candidate for tho oflico of sheriir, subject to tho actiou of tho Republican county convention. O. C. McConkey. Red Cloud, Nob. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT I am a catulidato for tho Republican nomination for county superintendent of public instruction. Stella Due her. Rod Cloud, Nob. Convention Call. Tho Webster County Republican convention, will bo held at tho court house in RedCloud,on Monday, Sept , 11. 11 o'clock. Candidates for tho following ofllces will bo nominated: county treasurer, county cloik, county sheriir, county judgo, superintendent of public in struction, surveyor and coronor Al-o county commi-hionors for tho first and fourth districts. Delegates to tho Republican stato convention to be hold at Lincoln on September 11, '0.'), will bo elected and such other busi ness will bo dono as may properly cotno boforo this convention. Tho various precincts aro entitled to rep resentation as follows: Guido Rock, IT delegates. Boavor Creek, 0 dolegates. Stillwator, 0 delegates. Oak CrooK, 0 delegates. Garfield, 0 delegates. Pleasant Hill, 10 delegates Kim Ci'tolc, 8 dolegates. l'othdam, 11 delegates. Lino, 0 delegates. Red Cloud twp 10 delegates. Hod Cloud, 1st wa'd 11 delegates. Red Cloud, 2nd ward 10 dolegates. Batin, 3 dolegates. Glonwood, 9 dolegates "Wulnut Crook, 0 delegatos. Inavalo, ? delegates. Cathortou, 5 delegates. Harmony, 5 dolegates. Each precinct committeeman is re quested to givo duo notico of his pre cinct caucus to be held not lator than Saturday, September 9. L. E. Tait, C. F. Gather, Secretary Chairman. Caucus Calls. Tho Ropubllcan voters of tho fol lowing precincts aro requested to meet at tho placo and timo designated bo low for tho purpose of selecting dole gates to tho county convention, which is to inot't in Red Cloud, Soptember 11, for tho transaction of such other business as may regularly coino be fore it. Walnut Crook at Inavalo, Saturday, September 9, at 10 a. m. Chas R. Dickenson, Chrm. Stillwator precinct, Iu school houso district No. &.i, Saturday, Sept-tuber 9, at 7 p. m. Louis Banoert, Chrm. Lino preoiuct, in sohoolhouso Dis Women as Well as Men Are Made. Miserable by Kidney and' Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys tioii the mind, discouragcsandlessensaiubition; beauty, viyor nun cneerim ncss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of cder or dis eased. Kidney trouble 1ms become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates toooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an nye when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-tintf, depend upon it, the cause of thediffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards th5 treatment of these important organs. Tins unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder atul not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men arc made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It issold by druggists, in lifty ccut and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Homo of Swamp-Root pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, mcnuiing many 01 lueiuousniuisoi testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., ISiughamton, N. Y., he sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Uiughamtoii, N. Y., on every bottle. trict No. J51, Saturday, Soptomber 9, at 10 a. in. J. W. McIntyke, Chrm. Rod Cloud 1st ward. C. F. Gather's olllco, 7 .110 p. in., Saturday, Sopt. 9. Clarence Rkkd, Chrm. Red Cloud 'Jd ward, Firomnn's hall, 7:30 p. iu. Saturday, Soptember 9. G. J. Warren, Com. Elm Creek, at tho school houso whoro elections ur usually hold, Sep tember 9, at 2 p. m. C. E. Putnam, Com Tho Republicans of Red Cloud pio cinct will meet at tho court houso at li p. in., September 9. O B. Hedge, Com. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a in New York discovered an aromatic pleasant herb drink for women's ills, called AUS-TRALIAN-LEAF. It is tho only cer tain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses and backache, kidney, bladdor atul urinary troubles. At nil druggists or by mail 50 cents Sample FREE. Address Tho Mother Gray Co., LoRoy, N. Y. AGuarantccd Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, blooding or protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund money il I'azo Ointtnont fails to euro any case, no matter of how long standing, in C to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. COc. If your druggist hasn'i it send 50c in stamps, ami it will be for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo. Arc You Using Allen's Foot-Ease? Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot- Ease, it powder. It cures Corns, Bun ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen feet. At all druggists and shoo stores, To Cure n Cold In One Day. Tak.- Laxativo Bromo Quinine tab lets, All diuggHts refund tho inonoj if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signa tuto is on each box. 25c. lUU'.UMATISM CURKD IN A DAY. Myrtle Curo for KhcamHtUm nml Nuurubtfa radically cures. In 1 to a dnjB. Its action upou thosjktcrn lb remarkable mid mysterious It removed at onco the cause and tho dlseaso Im mediately disappear. The first doo Breath lionefltN. 7f cents and lt.00. bcld-by H.fc Gncu DniKK'tst. lied cloud HOLUSTER & ROSS All kinds of DRA YING Piano Moving, Furniture Moving and other Heavy Work our Specialty j jt No. 2... PHONES. ...No. 79 HOLLI9TER-J5 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Moulolne for Busy People, Brines QolJou Health anil Renewed Vigor, A. speclne for Constipation, Indlgoitlon, Live nnd Kldnov Troubles. Pimples, Eeema, Impure Blooa, Pad Ihenth, Sluggish Rowels, Headache and Ilnchncho. It's Rocky Mountain Ten In too let form, 35 cent n box. Genuine mndo by UouusTna Dnro Oompanv, TPidhon, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PL8 dCrvIC TRADE REVIEW F0R THE WEEK- September Opens With Fall Buying Apparently at a Maximum. New York, Sopt. a. Bratlstrcefa says: Kcptftnlicr opens with fall buyliiK appar ently at a maximum, mnrfced nrihlty In nil linen of IndtiHtry, liberal buying '' railroad of ralla and nupplloH, currency Milpmt'iitH to the country to movu crops Incri-naliiK nnd with confidence mm to tho outlook for trade previously noted utreiiKth ened by tin- Mieccsuful Ikhuu of the Uiismo JnpuncHo peace ncKotlutlotiH. Theno hitter, jointly with the Inerenned pri'HHUie of aup pllcM of agricultural products at leading iiuirkctH, have had u cllatliict effect upon many commodity viiIuch, the tendency be ing towiud u lower level In cotton, live nnlmulH, potatoea and butter. It Is to ho noted, however, that home products are ntrong nnd higher on tile weetc. Something like n traiiHferenco of fall tnulc activity from the went to the east In Indicated In the reportH that hoiine trade In Ic-kh active rela tively In the former section, owing to the return home of excursionists, vherean the eastern markets have been benefited by an Influx of out-of-town buyers. Western houses nre, however, pusTied to All orders previously received and business west anil northwest Is btlll heavily In excess of a year ago. Large eastern centers report marked activity In all lines of cotton goods nod larger buying of cotton, shoes, millinery, lumber, building materials and hardware. Wool has shown sustained strength on good demand for manufactur ers. Leather and all Its products display great strength. The central feature of the Iron and steel trade at present Is the con tinued liberal buying of rails by leading rnadH, the active demand for plates for ships nnd liberal placing of specifications for steel shnpes for structural work. Failures for the week number 101. Wheat, Including flour, exports for the week ending Aug. .'II nre l,2.'B),2f0 bushels, ngalnst l,170.:ilO last week. From July 1 to date the exports nre 8,0O0,7."l bushels, against Kl.-Jftl.OO'J Inst year. Corn exports for the week are 1,10.1.270 bushels, against ubi.NM last wee:; and 710. rifW n year ago. From July 1 to date the exports of corn lire 0,227,817 bushels, against 5,27.'I,!K)1 In 11HM. WRITING POOR LIFE RISKS. New York Insurance Investigation Un earths New Scandal. New York, Sept. 2. Evidence of ox tensive fraud In tho writing of life In surance on risks known to be bad has been brought to tho attention of tho Armstrong legislative committee. It Is asserted that In this class of fraud there has been collusion between tho olllcers and agents of companies of high standing. Subpoenacs summon ing the medical examiners of some of tho big companies to appear before the committee have been prepared. They will also bo requested to have ready for the committee tho medical records of the company for tho last few years to be used as exhibits In case they are required. All tho med ical examiners probably will be called for the same day. PRINTERS' STRIKE MAY SPREAD. Question of Calling Out Men in Other Cities Under Consideration. Chicago, Sept. 2. Spread of the job printers' strike to other cities is a possibility following the arrival of James Lynch of the International Typographical union. In a conference here, President Lynch will talk over tho situation as it applies to Chicago and tho whole country with President Wright, J. C. Harding and other Chi cago leaders. After the conference an order may be issued calling out printers In several largo cities where the national Typothetao has shops. This action Is counselled by some In order to weaken tho strength of the Chicago Typothetao. Emperor of Korea Disappears. Victoria. B. C, Sept. 4. The em peror of Korea has mysteriously dis appeared, according to , advices re ceived by tho steamer Athenian. The Yomiuri, a prominent Tokio newspa per, said on Aug. 18 that the where abouts of tho emperor of Korea were then unknown. Ho had, the paper stated, disappeared since Aug. 1, and no one was cognizant of his present hiding place. Mr. Hayashi, Japanese minlhtor to Korea, had examined sev eral Korean officials to no avail and Consul Malsu is at Chemulpo seeking the whereabouts of the emperor. Aeronaut Blown to Atoms. Greenville, 0., Sopt. 1. Aeronaut Baldwin of Louisvillo was blown to shreds with his balloon at a height of 2,000 feet. He was giving an exhi bition of the use of dynamite from a balloon for wnr purposes and had three sticks of the explosive with him. When he was 2,000 feet in the air, In full sight of thousands of people at tending the county fair, by some acci dent the dynamite exploded and tho balloon and man were literally torn to fragments. Baldwin's wife was a witness of the horrible scene. Seven Thousand Houses Burned. Constantinople, Sept. 4. Fire at Adrlanoplo caused enormous damage. Seven thousand houses were de stroyed In tho Greek, Armenian, Bul garian and Jewish quarters. Thero were many victims. With the excep tion of the Catholic church, tho mosques, tho schools, a convent and a telegraph olllco, few buildings were Insured. Short Your Cnrcn, Form n habit of throwing o(T before going to bed at night nil the cares and anxieties of the day -everything which can possibly cause mental wear nnd tear or deprive you of rest. $ "The Kodak Way" j k ) ta mTSBaJmmmk r t WaWWWWWWWmk ammmBBKaWWWmaWmm mm mmwSammmmammmmmmmmmwf' A mmKKflammmam0Mv' "' W aaaaaaawaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaK sBEivv "YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL' -j"-lL w'Wtfyitfii itfiyAawvlaawawaMar maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&aamSKm amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa --JaaaaaaaW a s&Kfis8&B6kBM Kodaks and Kodak Supplies I'- n finer In Vam tAft-t-tt flL, ili lit Wst Iff I " (0 1 pEWHOUSE (V JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. S. Ct C: & St C: & SL & St St & & St & & & & & : & St ' RIDER until you ltn!5,?on Lv? w ?ilv Finest cuaranteed 1905 Models wis WLISHEDlr M V JWIZtEARSJ FREE taken In tratlo nil Tiial;i's ntnl am vn nil NflT RIIV n I'iuyclo until you havu written for our FACTORY , ""j," w" PRIDES MHO FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tires, equipment, sundries and sportlne jroods of all kinds, at half regular price, in our big tree Sundry Catalogue. Contaiiib a world of useful Information. Write for It, PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES $4 M Regular pnico $350 per pair. To Introduce $ j "7 PZ una iaisii :ti Mm w You 3i Sample Pair for Only NAILS. TACKS S UK ULAbS HUH I U&l OUT THE AIR NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 13 years exporioneo in tiro mttklnjr. No danger from THORNS, CACTUS. PiNS, NAILS, TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, lileo intentional knife cuts, can bo vulcanized like uny other the. Pond for Catalotnio T." showinir all kinds and makes of tires at &.00 per pair and un ..No Coaster-Hrakes. Hullt-ui) Wheels and Hleyeles Sundries at Half the usual prices, Notico tho thick ruhhe-r tread "A" and punctum strips "It" ami " I)." This tiro will SHJJViJlK.J.tar "'i1,1'0 . Soft- Klastlc and Kasy Kldlnu'. Wo will hhlp C. 0. D. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION without t cent itepostt, Wp will allow a caah dlucount of 555 (thfjg,niakinjr tho prleo S1.50 per pair) If. you send full caah with order. Tiros to bo ri4PJK(l at our expense It not batlsfactory oa examination. $ HEAD CYCLE CO., Dent. "J.L. CHICAGO, ILL City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUD1LBAK1SR, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADA1S EXPRESS CO. Residence 18S. INFLAMMATORY HIIKUMATI8M CUHKD IN a DAYS Morton I,. Hill, of Lebanon Ind.. mivs: "to rihll wlft had InllHinniatorr IthcMiiimilhin In uvoi uiucle and Joint. Iilt siillerlnc whn terrih and hor body and face were awnllcn almost be , yonn rucoKiiiinn; hail iiren In bed lx weeks nn. i inn. vihin ('Him limn, uuv irL'UIVlMI MU btuullt until bhe tried liiu MjMlc Cure for KheumHtlMii It hhvu Immediate' relief and fch wan able-16 nlk about In three datu I iiib Kiire It MTrd hr life." Sold bj II, 'B, ttrleo. Unih'Kist, lied Cloud. & -. I..,l-.. ez-l r 14- -tnitt- W " h i- BROTHERS,! ft AGENTS WANTED No Money Required receive nnd approve of your bicycle. Ten Days Free Triaf $1iS to $24- with Con.iter - Brakes and Punctureless Tires. 88V.ii2.!!5 $7 to $12 Any make or moihl you taint at one-third usual price. Choice of nuy standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any one without a cent deposit and allow 10 DAYS TRIAL beforo purchase is binding. 500 Second Hand Wheels 3 $v by our Chicago retail stores, imwliil. l-iwuI fiw imw EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS My TELEPHONES, Office u Isaac B. Colvin REAL ESTATE, Farm Loans and Insurance. Telephones: Glonwood and Guido Rock Hues. Box 23. GUIDE ROCK, NEB. t til I