The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 25, 1905, Image 8

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ininreftHnif Items Uatncrcu
i by Our County Reporters 4
Weather warm and dry.
Will DollltiB la on a business trip In
tbo western pnrt of tho stato.
Mrs. Labou Aubusbon Is homo from
visiting her daughter and reports hav
iiiR a good time.
Uov. J. J. Compboll and wife of
North Branch were tho guests of Win.
VanDyko Sunday.
Knv. Howard of Topekn, Kansas,
and Andrew Hawley of Giirliold word ,1(jr8i9ter Ml.8 jr(l Kii0.
I III H WIDTH 111 Will. 1UUAJIIW w --,
Elm I'o ok at tho homo of Cuarlcs
Mf Cox's sister returned homo
Tueiay, aftor visiting with hor tno
yj Boutchor and family aro visiting
lit l home of bis sister, Mrs, U. S.
fs. N. Bartlett visited at tho homo
ofior sister, Mrs. E. W. Tuttlo last
firs. Byrd Kilo returned from Hcd
riud Monday, where sho has bee
biting her parents.
Mrn. It O Chovalior was n passon
r for Cunipbell 'J'uosilay evening,
tturning Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Pels ruturuod homo last
riday, after spending six weeks visit-
' Taylor's
John Aubuahon shelled corn for h
brother William, who lives on joi
t!t.,i.'u riinc-li in Smith coun
Mrs. Isom is homo from Alba, Ok
whero sho has boon visiting
brother, Reubon Koaglo, and rop
tho crop good.
trank VanDyko was visiting frn8
in Lino this week. Ho is able tf
uround again, after his uccidont
few weeks ngo.
Thoro will bo a series of mooiiri nt
tho 1'opo school houBO commt'n8
Saturday at 7 p. m. conuuetud b"v
Howard of Topoka. I
Tho Wosloyan Methodists wil,ilu a
two days meeting at J. E. Fox'afoVj'
SoptemberS, conducted by Ue,
Campbell and Rev. Hester rolia
Branch. ,
ThroBbing is going on at ft)idrat0
Tho iron man is making ; rouni18
Dave Fishol is helping
with their thresher.
Felix Killough had tboforluno t0
lose a good horse recent)
Prof. Douthit cut his .n"' badly
Wednesday morning'10 cult,V
sunflowers with a corn"0' li0 wm
bo laid up for some tif
Jnko Monia and fa aro
lik Liu mnrhnr ,preSOIlt.
Monia and children'0 i re'
turned from a visit ' uor f,Uuor ftnd
sister in Illinois.
Tho committee grams for the
school liU . ,lYJ euu'"ua
U. ParkP1 "!
v pr comes uigniy
I...I UO UB UU l ""
onjoy tho picnic;1
Corps aaf Kood ln tbis Part of
Kansas Bnfra8ka',
Mrs jtfaucnainP and nt'' r'
bavo boon but aro "POed as im
proving. Frod Vor and cbildren, Mr. and
Mrs Hb' and K'r'9' r and rs
Lippin(And Doya and W G' SnHn
on sporniiftV w'tn Ohas. rhrook-
pe Jiardsleo and Ben Gibson rre
busy K roiu'y 'or haying and had
to ot,d 'oud 'or repairs for their
mow an hatl R not,on to Duy a
noJstrong machine but thougnt
jt iot weather for such.
MoMurrry, Mrs. Houghtaling
. U. Shannon and children have
nod from a visit of a month in
nesota. They report having a
4 timo, met with relatives for the
L timo in 18 or 20 yoais. Thoy find
feat change in tbo atmnspbero of
nncsota and Kansas. Slill they do
t wish to exchange their homo hero
one in Minnesota, tho land of
Mr. Vondorllutch wa9 a passenger
for tho west Tuesday evening, whero
he goes to look at tho country.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson left for
Oregon and California, whoro they ex
pect to spend a couplo of months.
Mr. and Mrs. Hassolbnck left Tues
day for their homo at Wilbur, aftor
visiting relatives and frionds hero for
the past two weeks.
Quito a severe wind storm struck
through this part of tho county lust
Monduy night doing considerable dam
ago to outbuildings and blowing dowc
a number of windmills
Rev. L.
listen to
will bo
a good
held in
D. H. Clark of Campbell was in town
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reed
August 24, a boy.
R. C. Chevalier was a passenger for
Campbell Thursday.
Mrs. Clark is enjoying a visit from
her sister of Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thome aro visit
ing thoir son Will, at York.
Tom MoTigh went to Holdrego Tues
day evening to tako in tho fair,
Miss Anna Carr is visiting at tho
homo of Mrs, O. Iverson this week,
Frank linker accompanied by Chas.
Filz drovo to Red Cloud Saturday.
A. Reed and daughter Grace drovo
to Rod Cloud Friday, n-turning Satur
day. Lloyd Reed spout last Sunday on
H. Christianson has threshed his
Remember Elzy Pierpont'd sale, Au
gust 31.
N. E. Harvoy's spent Sunday with
Elmer Harvey's.
John Leo markotod somo fat hogs at
E. Harvoy's Monday.
E. E. Fogg is in Chicago on legal
business tbis woek.
Miss Alice Fogp is homo for a few
days visit with her mother.
Adam Miller sold his entiro fat
stock to E. E. Harvey last Saturday,
Mrs. DoBrunner and daughter
Frances were in Rod Cioud last Fri
day. Tho danco at Orrin Harvoy's last
Friday night was not much of a suc
cess. John Meyer has rented his place to a
man from Missouri, and expect9 to
movo to Rivet ton soon.
Grandpa and Grandma Martin and
the Pier pon t children returned from
thoir trip Tuesday evcniug.
John Copley and Milly Schaiil were
united in holy bonds of matrimouy
lust Saturday by Squiro Harvey.
Elzy Pierpont expects to start for
the mountains in a short time, having
rented hiB furm to parties from Mis
souri. Olo Olson expects a new stacker in
a few days. That is right Ole do y.our
work by machinery and tako life
Nineteen different men from Mis
souii were in this locality tho last fow
davB looking for farms to buy or rent,
some of them offering some fancy cash
A fow friends of Grandma Meyers'
surprised her last Friday night by tak
ing their baskets tilled with good
things to eat and taking supper with
sho and htr husband. The occasion
was her 74th birthday.
100 in tho shado Wednesday.
It. W. Midlluni 1b in Kansas City
this weok.
I. B. Colvin and H. W. Baylos were
at Red Cloud Tuesday.
D. Jones has commenced tho erec
tion of his now hardware store.
Mr. Carlin, a former resident of this
placo, was buried atBostwick Wednes
day. Quite a number of people from hero
are going to Deuver tho last of the
Harry Vaughan is getting the Signal
ready to start at Guide Rock once
more. A Mr. Shields is doing the
printing for him.
Tho I. O. O. F. building is progres
sing nicely and looks as though it
would bo a flno structure when com
pleted, and one the town might well bo
proud of.
has been vory
Mrs. Clark Stevens
sick for several days.
Miss Hattio Graham, who has been
very sick is reported somo better.
Tho Telephone lino from Lebanon
has beon tepaired and wo can call up
central again.
Mrt Stevens bought him a driving
team of horses in Rod Cloud last week
and has thorn already broken to drive
to his bugpy. Thoy match real wull
and aro fino travelers.
The littlo three-months-old babo of
Mr. and Mrs. Chus. At buckles died
vory suddenly last Thursday. Tlio
funeral services wero held at tho resi
dence Friiiav, conducted by Elder
Olampott, pastor of tho U. ohurcti
of Lebanon Tho littlo ono was laid to
rest in tho Mt. Hopo cemetery, follow
ed by a host of frionds.
Lloyd Amuck was shelling corn last
N. L. D. Smith added two cows to
his herd last Monday.
Mrs. C. FUhor was visiting with hor
mother last Thursday.
Clarence Reed was at his father-in-law's
last Monday night.
Ed White has sold his farm to Har
vey Parsons, and is going to seo his
wife's people.
Tho school board of District No, 50
aro putting thoir houso in repair for
tho fall term of school.
Tho Ladies of tho Gorman Baptist
church mot at tho homo of Mrs. Sadio
Wagoner Thursday of this weok.
Harry Chaplin is building a new
Mel Farnham shipped a car of hogs
T. F. Jones bought a flno span of
mules the other day.
Mrs. G. N. Blankenbakor returned
from the west last week.
Hay making is occupying tho atten
tion of most of tho farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton visited at
Charley Coulson's last Sunday.
Mr. Wurthen has his stubblo ground
plowed, a good example for others to
Work is progressing nicoly on Frank
lilankonbuker's now house. Mac Ful
ton and several other good carpenters
are hurrying the work along.
Tho roads on tho bottom havo beon
so bad tho mail carrier has boon un
able to travel them for somo timo.
Wednesday ho began to travel his old
route agiiiu.
Items of News Found in The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week
Mr. SpokesQold has been on the sick
Samuel Saunders was in Alma this
Dwight Jones has gono to Hot
Springs, Arkansas.
Sam Garber started for Fort Scott,
Kansas, Monday night.
Miss Myra Browor is homo from tho
Normal college at Hastings.
Andy Berg will build a now house
on his farm and John Murray will do
tho work.
Messrs. Gail and Waksine, of Iowa,
old friends of C. B Crone, woro in tho
city this week.
Mrs. Robert Damorell and Miss
Josio Garner have gone to Illinois to
visit relatives.
Mr. Lense's littlo son died Sunday
at tho Commercial hotel and was
buried Monday.
Mr. und Mrs. G. J. Warren enter
tained a few friends last Friday even
ing at their residence.
Alvah Moore, lato of tho Oxford
Register, of Oxford, was this week the
guest of T. C. Hacker and family.
Thoro was a clover surprise party on
Miss Ella Remsborg last Friday night
A very pleasant evening was spent.
R. B. Fulton wishes to announce to
the world that he has a spanking now
now pair of jeens." Carry tho news
to Mary.
M. Birney's team took a little run on
Thursday afternoon, and David Lutz
also took a fast ride on tho sprinkler
tho same day.
Mrs. H, A. Howard and brother, A.
B Pierce, loft Monday evoning, for
Ohio, in auswor to a dispatch that
thoir mother had diod.
Wiener's now building is being
pushed rapidly forward and will bo
ono of tho handsomest buildings west
of Omaha when completed.
Tho Chief ofllco hns betn author
ized by tho Lincoln Monument asso
ciation to tako subscriptions for a
Grant monument nt Liucolu.
On lubt Saturday night some hungry
Truths that
" nn M
Your grocer is honest and if ho cares to do so can toll
you that ho knows vory littlo about tho bulk coffee ho
boIIb you. How can ho know, whoro it originally camo from,
bow is waa oionaea or Wltn wnat
or whon roaatod? If you buy your
ooffoo loose by tho pound, how can
you ozpoct purity anu uniform quality T
necessity uniform In quality
strength and flavor. For OVER A
has been the standard colfee In
millions ol homes.
LION COFFEE H carefully packed
t our factories, and until opened la
your home, has no chance ol being adul
terated, or ol coming ln contact with dnat,
dirt, germs, or unclean bands.
In oaoh packago of LION COFFEE you got ono full
pound of Puro Coffoo. Insist upon getting tho genuine
(Lion head on ovory package)
(Save tho Lion-hcads for valnablo premiums.)
WOOLSON BPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
follow wont into P. Conovor's resi
dence while ho slept, and helpod him
self to tho contents of tho larder.
Married, nt Rod Cloud, August 20,
1885, by Rov. G. O. Yoisor, Mr. Chas.
Dunbar of Oborlin, Kan., and Miss
Eva Burbock, of Carroll City, Iowa.
Roy Hutchison is waiting for the
sun to pass over tho lino so that ho
can bo on the shady side of his resi
dence whon ho gets ready to paint it.
Thos. Benu came to Red Cloud Sat
urday to visit his relative, G R.
Chauoy, and was taken sick, but
having partially recovered returned
Wo understand that T D. Hanna
will leave tho general ofilee of tho Ne
braska Lumbor Company and tako a
position in tho wholesale yard at
On Monday Inst wo lost ono of our
mo-.t estimable young ladies, Miss
Car. io Braketield, who hii- gone to Ft.
Scott, Kansas, to attend the normal
school at that place.
P Brndbrook, our photographer loft
Thursday night for Iowa, where ho
will visit lor about ton duys. Miss
Amy cook, his absistaut, will have
charge of the business.
Mito Eva King, who has beon visit
ing with relatives in Vermont, re
turned to hor home nt Blue Hill 1 ues
day. Sho was accompanied home by
her cousin, Prank Myers.
It took S52,03.23 to run tho public
schools of V ebstor county lost year.
Not so small un amount to invest in
educational purposes for a compara
tively now country.
Last Saturday, the two-yoar-old
baby of Mr. und Mrs. S. B. Chambers,
of Blue Hill got hold of u cup contain
ing lye aud drank some of the con
tents. At this writing it is in a criti
cal condition.
A committee of three havo been ap
pointed by tho agricultural society to
see about letting contract to build a
floral hall, secretary's building, judges
stands, pens, stalls, eto. The commit
tee aro J. C. Warner, L. H. Rust and
J. H. Fermau.
The lire department aro rehearsing
"Tho Veteran of 1812" which thoy
propose to put on tho stage in n fow
weeks. Tho boys who make up tho
company certaiuly deserve great
credit for thoir efforts to mako the
company a success.
Mr. Copolaud got a vory close shave
from a vory serious accident at tho
now mill tho other day. While rais
ing somo timbers one of tho pieces
fell, striking him on tho side, and pas
sing on struck a two inch plank and
broke it in to.
Wnrron, King and Hosmer, editors
of the Argus, Helmet and Chief, re
spectively, wero in Oxford Tuesday,
attending tho Republican Valley edi
torial lovo feast, leaving their staff
officers in charge. Should anything
of an unusually brilliant nature ap
pear in thoir papers this weok, tho
editorial absence will account for it.
Local Grain Market.
(Furnished by J. P. Delaney )
Friday, August 18.
Wheat G3e
White shelled corn 3flc
Mixed shelled Corn 89c
Yellow Corn 80c
Ear Corn Me
Oats 20o
Sjo 40c
Barley 28c
B. D. Pendleton Arrested.
B. D. Pendleton, n dry goods t olos
man was arrested at Red Cloud early
yesterday morning upon his arrival in
town by a constablo from Cluy county,
Missouri, with a warraut charging him
with klduapplug.
Mr Pendleton refused to nccom-
pauy tho constablo lek to Missouri
lee Gfeam
Gool Drinks
15c MEAL
Damcrell Block.
Do You
When you are hungry and
want somethig nice in th
meat lino, drop into my
market. W have the nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, and game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that we can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
und applied for a writ of Habeas A
Corpus. After a long and tedious
trial Judge Keeney decided that the
constablo of Missouri had no jurisdic
tion over the dtfi-ndant in tho Stato of
Nebraska, whereupon iho dofandanfc
waa discharged. He was however
immediately rearrested upon another
charge by a warrant issued from Judge
Garber's court.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado cand Htnnn wnit iJ
laid that settles It. Soo Overing Bros.
&Co. for prices.
I l .1' , " 11' l it m iiiii.
ITinvo ifto upeuu.