UK 1 to t -,9-3333434332ffrfr&E-&tC-t: LOGALETTES no a Wednesday for an outing in Colorado. Hay nud toed at Plumb's. Plumb sells Bluo Hill Hour. Go to Fred Plumb's for lli'iir or food. Oscar Soars was in Hivorton Sunday Mrs A. T Walker U on tho sick list Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damorcll block. F. II Gurlach was down from Cowles Tuesday. T. A. Jonos was up f.iom Superior Wednesday. Roy Gnrbor was down from Hastings Wednesday. Charles Schultz was in Holdrego Monday. Dr. Hall of Cowles was iu tho city Saturday. George VauCamp returned to Hast ings Tuesday. Miss Eva Myers was down from Iun vale Saturday. Ed Hurman of Beatrice was in the city Tuesday. A. Shoeloy of Guide Rock was in town Tuesday. Ed Piatt was numbered among the sick Wednesday. Father Lougnot wont to Superior Saturday morning. Miss Stella Ducker was in Guide Hock last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith wore in Esbon Tuesday. Judge Koonoy spent Sunday with his parents in Cowles. Georgo Forkins was down from -Campbell this week. A. h. Sprachor and wifo woro down from Cowles Tuesday. Miss Carrio Fnrquhar was up from Juido Rock Tuesday. Face massage and ladies' shampoo at Hayes1 barber shop. Tako your poultry and hides to Plumb, Top prices paid. Miss Agnes Leonard of Rivorton was in town Monday. Louis Bangert of Stillwater precinct vras in town Tuesday. Miss Mabol Bradshaw was ovor from North Branch this week. Adai Galusha was down from Lin coln tho first of tho week. Mrs Chas. Gilliam and children are visiting in Kansas this week. Mrs. Byrd Kyle of Bladon is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Feis. Mrs. Thomas Kralick was taken sud denly sick Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Butler aro homo irow their outing in Colorado. A baby girl was born to Mrs. Chas. Campbell tho ilrstof tho week. Mrs. George Nowhouso and children are visiting relatives in Bladon. I. H. Holmes and family intend to tiu ve to Horton, Kansas, soon. The Misses Sihultz returned from a visit in Guide Rook Friday night. M. McIIalo and Wm. Wintora of JBladen were in Red Cloud Tuesday. Cressie and Fred Eddy aro in Smith Center this woek attending the fair. Guy Bradbrook went to Lawrence Wednesday for a visit with friends, Vera and Lester Cadman of McCook are visiting with tho Teol children. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Young of Bladen wore shopping in this city Tuesday. Miss Mary Oarbor of Rivorton is this week visiting her friend, Mra. Sears. Wm. Crawford of Forest City, Mo., was in Rod Cloud tho first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Walters of Inavale departed for Donver Wednesday night. Place your order for western hard oal. Now on tho road. J. O. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Garber will leavo Plumb the feed man will pay you tho highest pi lee for poultry, eggs and hides. A number of lied Cloud people woro in Franklin yesterday attending tho reunion. Harvey Bros.' wore down from In a v.ilo Wodnesdny attending to business mutters. Mrs. O. C. Caso and brother C. D. King, were in Red Cloud tho first of the week. August Brinkmau of McCook was in tho city tho first of tho wojk visiting friends. R. B. Thompson aud daughter of Cowles wore shopping in Rod Cloud Tuesday. C. L. Winfrey and his brother-in- law, j. u. Miller, wero in superior Monday. Forep.uigh & Soils Bros, circus is billed for Red Cloud, Wednesday, Sep tember 11). Fred Wolfo roturnod Wednesday morning from his ovorland trip to Colorado. Tho Republican county contrnl com mittee mot in tho court houso Tuesday afternoon. W. C. Frahm of Bluo Hill was in Rod Cloud Tuesday, looking after his polit ical interests. A. U.iKaloy and family aro oxpoot- ed homo Sunday from their visit at Caroy, Ohio. H. J. Lesvoldt of Bladon nnd Fred Wissel of Hickman, weio visiting L. II. Feis Saturday. Mrs. Wm Engols departed Wednes day morning for a two's visit with rel atives in Iowa. Miss Millicont Slttby of McCook has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for a fow weeks. Mrs. Mary A. Young of North Branch was a pleasant caller at this ollico Saturday. Mrs. Emigh returned from Naponoo Wednesday morning, accompanied by Bernieo West. H. Bohnott of Hastings was in Rod Cloud Wednesday on his way to Bloomington. L. D. Thomas of Cowlo3 departed the first of tho weok for a visit at Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. C. H. Minei and Miss Ethel Whittakor roturnod from a month's outing in Colorado. Evorton Foo departed for Denver Monday morning for a two weeks' out ing in tho mountains.- Mrs. T. A. Wilburn and children of McCook arrived in Rod Cloud Monday for a visit with friends. Mrs. Tanner and daughter, Mrs. Charles Stout of Alma aro this woek visiting Mrs. F. P. Hadloy. Miss Stella Tracoy of Ellsworth county, Kansas is visiting with C, E. Foam and family this woek. d iy In atteml'.itiee at tho ball game Mm. MeMurray, Mrs. Houclitiiliiii and W. G Summon letuined from a four weeks' visit iu Minnesota, Friday night. M. A Mercer wont with tho Hardy band to Franklin Monday night to furnish music for tho reunion at that place. Georgo Garner, and his brother James, who is visiting him from West Point, III., wero down from Inavalu Tuesday. Missos MuClung nnd Cuthor, who have boon visiting at tho Gather homo departed for Now York City Thursday morning. Miss Byrd Wht'comb, who Im? boon tho guost of Mrs. Henry Clark re turned to her homo at York, tho close of last weok. Don't forgot to insuro your propor'y ngainst lire, lightning and cyclones with L. H. Fort, ngont, Damoroll block Mrs. Anna Cuthor of Lincoln arrived in Rod Cloud Friday night for n visit with Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Kaloy and othor rolativos. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Bailey nnd daugh ter, Mabol, departed Tuosday morning for a wook's outing iu Donvor and Colorado Springs. Wm. Ronkel of Inavnlo was in Red Cloud yesterday on his way to tho northorn part of tho state, whoro ho goos to buy cattle. Chas. Michoals of Mow Cnstlo, In diana, is visiting with his brothor, H. G. Michaols and family, living north west of Rod Cloud. Mrs. John Barkloy returned from n two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hatfiold, at Concordia. Kansas, Friday night. F. S. Spurrier and daughter Miss Byo of Smith county, Knnsns, wero iu Red Cloud Monday on their way to Port land and Washington. For Sale Ono block of 24 lots, well fenced and cross-fenced, good woll, 7 room houso, bnrn for ton horses and ton tons of hay. W. V. Bkal. Miss Mary Peterson dopnrtod Sun day night for Omnha and- from their will go to Bruning, whoro she will hnvo cnargo of a millinory storo. Mrs. Lucy Wyuntt and daughter Mary of Shnwnoo, Okla., and Mrs. J Hanthorn of Cadmus aro in tho city ALWAYS The Best AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT SHOES and HATS The New Fgv.ll Styles and Colors Every Conceivable Style in Hats and Shoes now worn by Up-to-Date Dressers. The Largest Stock saw. Come and see you ever them. GooideMfaley Clothing Go., ALWAYS RELIABLE. First Door North of Posotff Ice, Red Cloud, Neb. 'WA,'W,'N'A'W''W'WA''WAWA'W' To the Farmers Out of 50 Insurance Companies doing business in Wobstor County tho Gocman of Free port pays ono-third of tho taxes nnd has ovor fiOO policies in force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of Nebraska is tho largest Mutual in tho state, with ovor three quarters of a million dollars in surance in Wobstor county. For Good Insurance Call on o. c. Red Cloud. Mrs. T. F. Jones of Walnut Crook is quite sick at tho homo of bor father, E. B. Smith, in this city. The editor of this paper, P. C. Pharos, is enjoying a week's vacation at his old homo in Clinton, Illinois. W. E Bean living north west of Red Cloud is about to bogin tho orootion of n largo houso on bis farm. Mrs. Frank Cowdon and children and Mrs. Lotson will be home from Colorado Sunday morning. Mrs. D. M. McCaim of Graham, Kan sas, is visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gard this woek. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Evans and daugh ter loft Tuosday morning for Ashland to visit Mr. Evans parents. Editor W. S. Asbby, of tho Bluo Hill Leader and Attorney A. D. Rannoy wero in Rod Cloud Saturday. G. W. Lindsoy and his brothor-in- law, B. F. Dolph, of Salem, Kansas, left for Portland tho first of tho weok. Clydo Wolfo is the now delivery boy at Griff oth'a grocery store, Frank Sut ton having resigned his position. J. L. Dayton nnd wifo of Rivorton wero in this city Monday wintnossing fie ball gam o, Inavalo vs. Chester. Mr. and Mrs. I S. Edgol nnd child ren of Lincoln, III., aro visiting with tho Emick family oast of Rod Cloud. Georgo Harral of Humcolt. ropro sinting the Continental Insuranco Co of Now York was in town this wook. Mrs. W. K. Goor was called to Hudam. Kansas, tho first of tho wook on account of tho illness of a relative Mrs. Olivor McCall and daughter donarted Thursday noon for a visit with relatives at Livingston, Montana. Mower Knives, 5 ft.. . Mower Sections, each Mower Guard Plates, each i.75 .03 03 Mower Guards 25 We have them to fit near ly all machines. Why pay more for the same thing? We are right in price and the quality of our goods can't be beat. 8-in. Flat File 15c 10-in. Flat File. 20c 12-in. Flat File 25c 14-in. Flat File 30c Guaranteed Goods Miss Boulah Harman and Art Car pontor of Inavalo woro in the city Moa WORHART KKm. VB Hardware Co. 1 1 visiting their brothor, O. C. Teol. Mrn. Ed Ovoring arid littlo baby girl returned homo from Polla, Iowa, whoro they hnvo boon enjoying a pleasant visit with relntives for n fow wooks. Charley Moranvillo had his shoulder broken last Monday at Holdrego. His team became frightened at an nutomo- bilo rnd threw him out of tho buggy. II. C. Minor wont to Chicago Tuos day morning to purchnso fall and win ter stock of dry goods for Tho Big storo. Mrs. Minor accompanied him. Woll improved G5 ncro fnrm for salo adjoining city of Red Cloud. Good substantial 10 room modorn houso, bnrn, alfalfa, bluo grass pasture, lino spring and plonty of timber. Tonus o suit purchaser. M lis. Silas Gariikh. Dear Gus: I havo solved tho mothor-in-law problem; just glvo hor regularly Hollister's Rocky Mountain toa. It will mnko hor healthy, happy and docilo as a lamb. 35 cents, toa or tablets. C. L. Cotting. If you nro troubled with dizzy spells headache, indgestion, constipation, Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea will mako you and keep you well. If it fails got your monoy bnck. That's fair. 85 conts. C. L. Cotting. Superintendent Thomas and wifo of McCook arrived in Red Cloud Sunday morning, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McCarl. Mrs. Thomas is a sister of Mr. McCarl. Lost Wednesday evening August 1G, botweon Mnuror's spring and Red Cloud, a red and white sofa pillow. Will tho finder pleaso loave at Cot ting's drug storo. Tho "Moonshiner's Daughter," pre sented by the Anngton Comedy Co. at tho opera bouse last night was groatly appreciated by tho large auciionco present. Prof. G. W. Dudley and family ar rived in Rod Cloud this week from Dowitt, and will make this placo their future homo. Thoy have moved into Dr. Tulloy's rosidenco. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Payno of Wau- nota, Nob., aro in tho city visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wisocarvor. Mr. and Mrs. Payno intond to roturn to thoir homo Sunday evening. Mrs. Grant Christy of Oborlin, Kan., U visiting Mrs. Al. Slaby this woek. Mra. Christy's littlo babo has boon dan gerously siok with cholera infantum, but is bettor at tho present time. Wanted an oxporioncod school teacher in district No. 10, south and west of Guide Rock. Wages $85 to 40 per month according to competency of applicant. Apply to P. C. Boan, Guido Rock. Mrs L. H. Fort and Mrs. A. J. Gard nor ot Wymoro woro in Orleans a fow days last weok visiting with Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Thoy returned homo Sun day night and Mrs. Gardner departed for Wymoro Mondny. Tho Ladios Guild of tho Episcopal church gavo an ico cream social at tho homo of Miss Mollio Forris Tursday ovonlng, and a pleasant timo is re ported by all presont. Tho proceeds amounted to.about $11. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinino tab lots. All druggists refund tho monoy if it fails to euro. E. W. Grovo's signa ture is on each box. 25o. Order to Show Cause. IN Till! COUNT V COUUT. Stato of NebriisUn, I Webster County, f Al 11 county court held nt the county court room 111 nnd tor sniu county, wcunowiay. All trust. 11). A. I). 160."). In tho mutter ot tho estate ofitlarry McConncl doccasod. On reading irnd tiling tho petition of .Tame McCormol praying Hint administration of Jsnld estaio mny bo grunted to John II, Crary, n administrator. Ordered, that Moudnv. tho 4th dny of Septem ber, A. D. 11K)5. at 1 o'clock p.m., Is assigned for Hearing "Kin poiuiou wnon nil persona interest ed In siild matter mny nppcnr nt a county court to bo hold In and for wild county and how cause why prayor of petitioner should not be granted ; aud that nollco of tho pendency ot said petition nnd tho hearing thoroof bo given to nil portions interested In stud matter, by pub lishing 11 copy of this order In tho Itod Cloud Chief, a weekly nowHpnpor printed In said county, for three coubccuUvo weeks prior to said day of hcnrlnfr. (Seal) A. II. Kkknbt, soptl County Judge. To the Public Having purchased Chas. Wadell's meat markot, wo extond to you a hearty lu vitation visit us and become bettor acquainted and also, when looking for good first class meat, wo ask you to give us a trial. Wo are satisfied wo can we'canjploaso you. Yours for business, FEIS & SEARS FARM LOANS I am well prepared to make Farm Loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at low est rates, either for five or ten years, with best of options. Loans safely and carefully made for par ties having private funds. J. H. BAILEY, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA & i !$ M ? m 2V sM' uw. It if 4 n h 7 r ; V, J At k m .hi 1 m f 1 t iff iji