The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 25, 1905, Image 1

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    c "
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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
f ,v
Wlmtovor reputation this store muy huvo gained for giving the
biggest value for your money has boon gained through the perform
ance of duty as wo seo it.
Hero is a small collection that wo list as ovidenco that you can
get more for your money than at any other store in Hod Cloud.
Theso sumo artibles will cot you more in any other Red Cloud
store. You aro not going to deliberately waste your money, aro
t-Ar'VAwV rfrfJrfJfJfJjjJffJfJtrf
Wo have 12 Ladies' Suits
from our Spring stock.
The Fall and Winter Suit
styles aro showing medium
and long skirted coats In
this lot that wo place on sale
you will find quite a fow of
the famous Woltex Faultless
Fitting garments, ranging in
price from
$12. SO to $25.
3T Ladies' Skirts in several
nodular cloths, ranging in
price from 82.50 to 12 50.
Commencing Monday, July
31, up to and including Aug
ust 12, evciy garment in our
Skirt aud Suit stock placed
on sale at 40 per cent dis
$10.00 Suits at $6.00
$12.00 Suits at $7.50
Coupon dishes given during
this bale.
Laco Curtains Wo have
about 30 single Curtains rang
ing in price from $1.50 to $5.00
ner pair. Duriug this sale
your choice, each,
Ladles9 Collars
We have placed on our cen
ter table a large assorlmont
of Ladles' Neckwear ranging
in price from 25 to 35 cents.
July 31 to August 12, choice,
Do yon know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma- J
2 terial and Coal at our yards? Not only t-
? that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit-
2 ore, but because we take especial care c-
3 of and protect all can be classed as ;
Coal. Lumber.
CMMlssfoBers' Pmeedlifts
Claims allowed on bridge and road
(Continued from last week.)
F Houobin, bridge work 8 18 50
Wm Corlach. bridge work 5 00
W E Butler, bridge work 11 -10
Bladen Lumber oo, bridge lum-
bor . 389 80
J M Kincaid, bridge work . 40 25
A W Bowman Lumber Co,
bridge lumber .113 90
Hollister & Ross, bridge lumber 2 50
Piatt & Frees Co, bridge lm-
bor . 18, 41
Henrv' Aronds, bridge lumber .. 1 15
V S Hall, bridge lumber .. .. 209 27
V S Hall, bridge lumber . 4 80
Nuckolls county, b idgo wot k 32 00
Chicago Lumber Co, ltosemont,
bridge lumber 190 50
Hollister & Ross, hauling lum
Our Carpet room did the
largest business this spring
that the department has
Wo necessarily have a largo
number of remnants and
short lengths in Ingrain Car
pets Those goods aro mostly
strictly 2-ply all-wool, carpets
that wo liavo snowu at to cts.
per yard all season. The
pieces range Id yardago from
G to 10 yards, sold only by the
entire piece, July 31 to Aug
ust 12 at
Per Yard.
Wo carried over from last
winter's stock about 250 yards
of Flaunelotts rauging in
prico from 12J to 20 a yard.
During this sale, July 31 to
August 12, two patterns
for the price of one.
Dress Goods
1,000 yards of worsted Dress
Goods that we must move to
make room. They will bo
placed on our center tables.
While they last, remember
the event, range of prico,
25 to 90c
per yard two uresscs
for the price of one.
Buy a dress pattern and
you may select another one
at the same price.
COUPON with all
i cash or produce sales.
ber 7 00
Will Sullivan, lumber. 11 00
Wm Irons, lumber 07t 8G
Wm Irons, lumber 07 40
John W Towle, bridge work .. . 2000 00
Dickenson & Son, bridge work . 13 40
Piatt & Frees Co, bridge lum
ber 1781 80
Chicago Lumber Co, Blue Hill,
bridce lumber 498 25
Bladen Lumber Co, bridge lum-
285 80
Ohio-igo Lumber Co, Blue Hill
H G Sawyer .. .
Claims allowed on Road Fund.
335 10
28 00
John James, road work 3 50
F Houohin, road work 25 75
Leo Arnott, road tools . . 112 SO
W A Carpontor, road work G 00
Loo Arnott, repair on road tools 45 00
Clms Wolf, road work 3 00
Leo Arnott, road tools 150 00
Loo Arnott, road plows, scrapers
etc 42 00
Minutes read and approved
U(U( ifcau. 0iaifcaa(aavifcaaiaa.U(4fc oiiaiiafcaaaU(iitvfcviuU(aai ii vfcviae-
I Jlemsy Notes From
(From the Sentinel.)
Mrs. II Teeker is suffering from a
partial sun stroke Tuesday.
L E Furry & SonB shipped a lond of
hog to St. Joe Tuesday.
Invitations are out for tho wedding
of Karl Austin and Miss Blancho
Tccker, August 29.
Woody Row and wife returned os
tordav from their trip to tho Pacilic
coat and Portland fair.
Miss Ada Patterson departed Inst
Saturday night for Now York City,
af'or a ton days' pleasant visit.
Mussel Robot tson went to Upland
Friday to accept tho position of mana
ger of tho lumber yard at that placo.
Ed VanStoenburg, one of tho popu
lar and steady young men of Macon
prairie, has accoptud thu management
of thu tvlacon State Bank.
J. N. Scott and family wont to Kan
sas City yesterday morning for tho
purpose of consulting a specialists as
to tho nature of tho trouble with which
Mrs. Scott has has been sutroritig for
aoino time.
Wm. Bernhard arrive 1 homo last
Friday night and reports a most on
joyab o outing in tho Big Horn Busin
on his return from Portland. Ho says
that our Frauklin friends aro enjoying
health and prosperity.
M. C Dill of Uolvidoro, a brother of
P K., was visiting him hero this week
and looking after his ranch south of
tho river. Ho informed us that ho
bad never known cattle to do so well
on glass as his have done this year.
Tho putiid remains of man probably
dead a week woro found in a car of
coal at Republican City yesterday
morning. Tie car was billed for Nor
catur, Kan , and was standing on tho
siding at Republican. Tno discovery
was made by Conductor Douglas.
(From the Leader.
R. J. Calaban left for his homo at
Blaino, Washington, Monday.
Mrs. Case of Red Cloud was tho
guest of Mrs. Newcomer Wednebday.
A new foundation bas been com
pleted under the Christian parsonage.
C. Fassler, Jr. had tno misfortune to
got his leg badly cut in a self feeder
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs Dr. Franklin aro tho
proud parents of a pretty little girl
born Wednesday. . . .
Ed McBride was looking after busl
nets matters in Grand Lland several
dayB this week.
Carrol Walters had tho misfortuno
to get one of hip legs badly injured
during the ball game Sunday.
Dr. Thomson bas commenced tho
erection of his residence and ollico just
west of J. L. Cornell & Cos lumber
The second nine ball team drove to
Campbell and played the team tbero
Sunday afternoon, loping by a scoro of
6 to 8.
Mrs. M. Juggar gave a party at her
splendid heme Thursday afternoon to
a number of little folks in honor of bor
daughter, Fay.
E. G. Rees now has biB cement block
machino in shape for business. He
bas located on the rear of bis business
lot east of Martin's hardware
Wo understand that tho now Com
mercial Bink of Blue Hill will be
opened and ready to do a general
banking business September 1.
F. P. Shields, tho founder of Tho
Leador, arrived in tho city Tuesday
ovoning, aftor an absenco of thirteeen
years, and as a natural consequence,
called at tho home of his creation.
Saturday night about 10 o'clock tho
tire alarm was sounded when it was
discovered that tho residonco occupied
Neighboring Tomns !
by M. II Dnridn was on lire. Thu lit u
department promptly responded and
soon had the lire under control. Mr.
Dunlin carried no insurance
(From the Advocate.)
Attorney By rum was called to Alma
yesterday on legal business.
Miss Allison Johnston loft Friday
night to attend the C E convention at
Daisy Montgomery iB again at work
in tho ollico, after un absunco of sev
eral weeks.
Ludeke & Schogg this weok built a
hotiso to protect the engine at tho
pumping station.
Miss Bossio Dunn will loavo tomor
row night for St. Joe and Kansas City
on her millinery errand.
Ettrl G. BillupH, aged 18 years, 0
months and 29 days, died August K, at
his homo nt Ash Grove, after a long
siege of suiferin?.
Th is. Reap, an attorney from Peters
burg, HI , is in this vicinity on business
matters. He is representing heirs of
the Bunger estate.
Mr and Mrs. C. E. Harris, of Stun
ner, Miss , arrived in tho city last
Tuesday evening fur an extended visit
with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McGrew.
August 15th marked the 30th wed
ding auniversaty of Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Kunze. A largo number of rela
tives and friends woro present. A stir
priHO was served and greatly enjoyed
by all.
(From tho Review.)
Frod Taylor made his usual trip to
Red Cloud Sunday.
James McGuiro of Red Cloud was on
our streets Thursday.
Ed McAllister, tho tombstono man,
was hero on business a short timo
Mrs. H. E. Coates of Fianklin was
looking after her business interests
hero Monday.
Miss Ethel Shelly, of Gothemburg,
is visiting her sister, Mis. J. L. Whaley
of this place.
Ranpy Harwood and Chas. Lindley
are in chargo of the restaurant during
Mr. N al's absence.
Sam Crilloy, Henry Plumb and
Hunter & Son shipped stock to market
tho first of tho week.
D. A. Groat and wifo of Red Cloud
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Na
than Glick of this city.
L. Layton has tho material on tho
ground for a new cement sidewalk in
front of his barber shop.
Grant Ethorton, who once worked
in this ofiicp. has sold his paper at
Bartlty, and is now located at Hi)
droth. During tbo storm Saturday, light
ning struck S. J. Wilson's house, some
clothing was set on tiro and tbo roof
damaged but no soriouB damage was
Hancock Bros, havo made the livery
barn look like another place.
They havo had it painted inside and
out and a new fence around their lots
and a good cement sidowalk placed in
Mai ion Neal and wife went to Red
Cloud last Friday where Drs Cook and
Townsenrt perfotmeu a ditllcult opera
tion on Mrs. Neal At last reports the
patient was doing as nicely as could be
expected undor tho circumstances.
(From tho Messenger.)
John Mollison loft Monday night for
tho west.
Lebanon defeated tho Indians Tues
day 7 to 3. Neal pitched for Lebanon.
A special train of tho Englo Lodgo
passed through hoie Sunday for thv
An 18-month's old son of Alfroit
Rorabatigh and wife died Sunday andt
was buried Tuesday.
W. O. Goodo of Webster roturnecB.
last Saturday from a visit with fcvm
brother Hert at Oklahoma.
Horn to Jim Guerin and wife Slwy
d'iy, a big boy, and L'atil Arnold up--pears
on tho scene as grandpa.
Bon Out tiH of Gay lord was arretted?
for disturbing the poaco and threaten
ing the life of his son-in-law Tuesday.
Art Relihan has returned home,.
after about two months of baseball
and as captain of the Ellsworth b!v
Tho citizens band of Smith Cente
wil go to Donver to play during tb
G. A. R encampment about tho tiro's,
of Septombor.
Miss Agnos Olinkonboard left Satur
day for tho wholesale bouse at OinalMk
to get in touch with tho latest fall antb
winter millinery stylos.
Burr Johnson of Red Cloud, moves,
to Womor in this county, about Sep
tember 1, where ho will establish b"nr
solf In business as a votorlunrj &srv
geon. R. A. Connolly an old gontlurancu
from Kentucky is here visiting withn
Shelby Swift, accompanying James
Swift in his trip from Indiana over tbt?
Ono day tho latter part of last w&tr.
Alfred Thornburg the 13-year old soty
of Frank Thornburg a well-to-do fann
er near Formoso went out to water the
cattle aud from that time to this bus
not boon seen.
(From tho Times.)
Two of Art Carpenter's lino steers
wore struck by lightning last Friday.
Will Buchanau and Oscar Gilbert
accompanied stock to Kansas City;
Tho storm robo and Bido curtains ctr
Davo Bell's carriugo were stolen Thurs
day right.
E. O. Girard is building a neat ami
commodious residonco in the noftbfc3i.
part of town.
Jako Honson brought In a lod a
hogs Monday, for which bo recoirectt
95.61 per cwt.
Roy Hutchison, tbo Ebon barber
came over Tuesday to peep at tbo ball
game and smilo on bis many friends
in Lebanon.
While hauling bogs to Lebanon Fro
day, Bert Hale, who lives only ltaree
miles east, lost ono by heal Ikatr
weighed 400 pounds.
The United States Marshal carao up
Wed nesd ay night and served papers
on Trustee Wm. Rugger, in connection
with tbo crossing on tho Rock JTuatf)
Charley and Dodo Adams left Tues
day morning for Pueblo and Colorado
Springs. They expect to bo gox a
week and enjoy a vacation of whitfe
they are worthy.
Tho Modern Remedy Co. loft for
Smith Center Saturday night. M Hot
timer's baby received the priao ia t&o
baby contest, and Mis. Maggie Tbt2E?
son tbo prize in the wood sawing t
Mjritlo Cure for Khenmatlim anfl I"raa)g2
radically cures Id 1 to 8 days. I la artirn aj
the ayatem la remarkable and myai7tan 3.
removes at onco the cauie and the &-
mediately disappear!. The tint dote greatly
beueflii. 76 cent and 11,00. fccld-bj 11. K
Once Druggist. lied CJoud
Perfect In quality.
Moderate In prloeu