:i ' i vi 1 4 9?444ttttttttr LOCALETTES Hny and teed at Plumb's. Plumb sell Blue Hill ibmr. Go to Fred I'uunb'.s for Hour or feed. Dr. E. A. Tlionms, dentist, Dumeroll block. Charley Fort was iu town tbo first of the week. W. G. Black was down fiotn Alma this week. Walter Kaloy came up from Chester Wednesday. A M. Walters was down from Bluo Iliil Friday. A. II. Kriegsmann was flown from Uluo Hill Tuesday. Face massago and ladies' shampoo nt Hayes' barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. John MoCuuo are homo from a visit in Kearney. Tako your poultry nnd hides to Plumb. Top prices paid. A son of J. J. Ryan is ill at Dr. Cock's hospital in this city. Mr. nnd Mrs, Artluu Wolcott wore lown from Inavale Monday. V. E Uifo of 3eattieo has been in town this week on business. John Rut ledge of Hebron has boon spending the week at home. E 1 Harman of Beatrice was in lied Cloud tho closo of last week. L. 11. Blaeklodgo and family are home from their visit iu Iowa. lvl McCuno this week sold his placo west of town to V. 11. Thomas. Mr. Neiil of Uivorton is in Ked Cloud taking medical treatment. Grandpa Dellart suffered a slight stroke of paralysis Tuesday night. Ansil and Luther Crabill uro homo irom thoir trip to Salt Lake, Utah. George VanCamp camo down from Hastings Thursday for u short visit. Mrs. George Hollistor and daughter returned from Denver Saturday morn ing. Warren Longtin has accepted a posi tion at Guide Rock in A. J. Hayes' .store. Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho highest price for poultry, eggs and hides. Sam Temple was up from Kansas City thie week shaking hands with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Crabill are tho proud parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday. Dr. I. W. Tullcysand Wilbor Peter son relurned from Colorado Sunday morning. A freight car in tho Burlington yards -caught fire Mouday and was partially destroyed. Tho new cement walks in front of Jnce's and Albright's are a big im provement. Mrs. C. H. Waldo nnd littlo son of Bloomington wore in town la9t Friday for a few hours. Ray Frame of Blue Hill Sundayed in Rod Cloud with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Frame. Mrs. V. B. Fnlton and children are enjoying a vacation and visiting with relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. J. T. Bomford was taken sud denly sick last Saturday morning, but is able to bo out again. W. H. Dodrick loft Wednesday for a throe weeks' trip to Sheridan, Wyo., nnd Billings, Montana. For rent After July 1, residence, corner Cedar street and Third avenue. Inquire at Nowhouso's store. Mrs. P. Horigstad and children left last night for a visit with her parents and other relatives in Donvor. Elder Davis will preach at Inavulo next Sunday night at eight o'clock instead of tho afternoon as usual. To the Farmers Out of r0 Iusuranco Compnnios doing business in Webster County tho Gecnian of Free port pays otio-thlrd of tho taxes nnd has over 500 policies in force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of Nebraska is tho largest Mutual in tho state, with over three quarters of a million dollars in surance in Webster county. For Good Insurance Call on O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud. R -v. Hummoll was down from Bluo Hill this weok, looking after Webster couuty's exhibit at tho stato fair. Don't forget to insuro your property against lire, lightning and cyclones with L. H. Fort, agont, Danieroll block Will and Grant Bdloy camo homo from Lincoln Ins- Friday, whoro they have boon attending business college. Arringtoa's Comedians, Opera Houdo, Thursday, Friday and Satur day of next weak, with Saturday mat ineo. Mrs. Winifred Garber is packing her household goods preparing to movo to Chicago, whoro sho will make- her future homo. Vern Bailey returned to his homo in Mankato, Kansas, Wednesday morn ing, after a pleasant visit hero with relatives and friends. Ocar Sears has sold his intorost in tho meat hrm of Feis & Sears to A. C. Schmidt of Hebron, tho transfer oc curring last Saturday. Brown's Tonno9!oo Ministrols ap peared in this city Monday and Tues day evenings and played to largo and well pleased audiences. A. A. frramo is suffering with a von soro foot, caused by stepping on a nail while working on John Hardwick's olovator, south of Inavalo. For Salo Ono block of 24 lots, woll fenced and cross-foncod, good well, 7 room house, barn for ton horses nnd ten tons of hay. W. V. Bkai.. Mrs. Mabol Thompson left Wednes day for her homo in Grand Island, after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsoy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Milligan, Mrs. John Polnioky and son Paul and Mrs. Frank Richardson departed this morn ing for an outing in Colorado. A. W. McReynolds was over from Nelson tho first of tho woek on busi ness in connection with tho survey of tho city, which ho mndo Inst spring. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. G. Norris nnd Mrs. M. C. Sherman wore westbound pas sengers Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives at Longmont, Colorado. It will wash nnd not rub off This complexion all envy mo, It's no secret so I'll toll Tako thou Rocky Mountain ton. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. M. S. Durrott, of Lebanon, Kansas, has recovered from her recent illness and was visiting her parontt., Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bnkor, near Am boy. Mr. and Mrs. Al Decker and daugh ters loft Thursday morning for Smith county, Kunsns, whoro thoy will visit and tako in tho fair. Thoy wont over land. Frank P. Shields, who worked on Tub Chief eighteen years ago and was later engaged in tho newspaper busi ness at Bluo Hill, arrived in Rod Cloud yesterday. Mrs. B. M. Grico and son Flavo de parted Wednesday morning for Chi cago. Flave will return homo about Soptombor 1, and his mother will re main until fall. Miss Carrie Reynolds and brother, Merlo departed for their homo at Hobron Wednesday morning. They were accompanied by their niece, littlo Doris Reynolds. Dr. and Mis. Townsond and child ren of Riverton and Harry Townsond, a brother of tho doctor, woro in Red Cloud tho first of tho week on their way to Beatrice. Tho ontottainments given by tho Blackburn Appliance Co. in tho tent north of tho Firemen's hall are draw ing largo crowds and furnishing con siderable amusoment. Will Parkos has recoivod word from his son Mark, at McCook, that ho has been promoted to conductor of a freight train. Tho change occurred the 20th of last month. John Wall, of Nevada. Iowa, who has been visiting bis brother, J. K. Wall, loft this weok for Chlcngo with two cars of mules which ho purchased along tho Burlington line. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Winfrey are on joying a visit from their daughter, Miss Blanche, and also Mis. J. L. Lowrance and J. C. Miller, sister and brother of Mrs. Winfrey of Carrollton, Missouri. Foot ball is already beginning to bo talked of, and there is already consid erable enthusiasm. Red Cloud has always had a winning football team and no doubt will again havo ono this year. The mayor has boon ordorod by tho council to let contracts tor tho build ing of all walks which have previously boon ordered but not yet put down, This looks liko tho council moans busi ness. Dear Gus: I have solyed tho I mother-in-law problem; just givo her ' regularly Ilollistor's Rocky Mountain toa. It will make her healthy, happy and docilo as a lamb. 85 cents, ten or tablets. C. L. Cotting. George and Ed Ovoriug, Grant Tur ner, Ridgo Leggott and Chas. Grout wcro at Oxford tho first of tho week, whoro thoy placed in position tho piece of Italian statuary mentioned in these columns last weok. If you are troubled with dl..y spells headache, indgestion, constipation, Holllster's Rocky Mountain toa will mako you and keop you well. If it fails got your money back. That's fair. 85 cents. C. L. Cotting. Woll improved G5 aero farm for salo adjoining city of Red Cloud. Good substantial 10 room modern house, barn, alfalfa, bluo grass pasture, line spring and plenty of timber. Terms to suit purchaser. M its. Silas Gamiku. Managor Morhart of the Opera House announces tho engagement of Arlington's Comedians for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, with Saturday matinee. This is ono of the best popular pi ice shows on tho road, and aro favorites with Red Cloud people. Mrs. Honry Cook and daughter Mini returned Wednesday evening from a delightful trip to tho City of Mexico, where thoy visited with Herbert Cook, who has u good position with tho Mex ican National railway. Thov brought back many curios and souvenirs of their visit to our sister republic. Having decided to locate hero iu Red Cloud, I am prepared to do any kind of cemont work cisterns, side walks, foundations ami cases, or any fancy work, ami having had eight years' experience in tho cement busi ness lean givo the best of references. Prices reasonable. C. 11. Conkmk. tf Win. Cropp, who has boon a popular conductor on tho Burlington for many yoars, has purchased a hardware store at Almena, Kan., nnd will remove to that placo. IV r. Cropp nnd his esti mable wife have ninny friends iu Beaver City who wish them success iu their now location. Beaver City Times- Tribune Walter C. Wudo of Glonwood, Iowa, a pioneer of this county, who left hero moro than twenty yearp ngo when crops wero fniluros and times were hard, paid a visit to his old friend and neighbor, Rev. G. W. Hummoll of ALWAYS The Best AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Mower Knives, 5 it.. .$1.75 Mower Sections, each .03 Mower Guard Plates, each . .'. 03 Mower Guards 25 We have them to fit near ly all machines. Why pay more for the same thing? We are right in price and the quality of our goods can't be beat. 8-in. Flat File 15c 10-in. Flat File' 20c 12-in. Flat File 25c 14-in. Flat File 30c Guaranteed Goods MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. SHOES and HATS The New FaJl Styles and Colors Every Conceh blo Stylo in Hats and Shoes now wor. by Up-to-Date Dressers. The Largest Stock you ever sa.w. Come and see them. GomdeiMfaley Clothing Go., ALWAYS RELIABLE. First Door North of Posotff ice, Red Cloud, Neb. 151 110 Hill, this week. Iu company the two gentleman drovo over to tho old homestead south of tho river Tuesday. When Mr. Wado saw the immense crop of com growing on his old homestead ho expressed the bolief that bo had made a mistake in selling out years ago and going back to Iowa, and said it was possible ho would again come back to this county to live. FRANK KING A SUICIDE Brother of Mrs. Eva J. Case Hanfts Himself at Lawrence, Neb, Frank King, brother of Mrs. O. C. Case, committed suicide Bometimo during Tuesday night by hanging him self. Mrs. Case had boon visiting at her brother's and loft thoro Tuesday evening to como to Hod Cloud. When sho arrived hero on tho Hastings train Woduosday she was informed that a telophono message had boon recoivod hero saying her brother had hung him self Tuesday night, and sho immedi ately returned to that plnco. Mr. King was botwoon 110 and 35 years of ago. Mrs. Anna Sapp Injured. Word has boon recoivod iu Rod Cloud from Julian Sapp, at Puoblo, Colo., that his mother, Mrs. Anna Sapp, who formerly conducted tho Fourth Avenue hotel iu this city, was recontly thrown from a street cur in Pueblo, breaking hor log at tho hip and causing other injuries, which might provo fatal. Mrs. Sapp is woll along iu years, and ot her ngo recovery from such a sovoro shock is very doubtful. Forcpau&h fi Sells Bros. Coming. The groat Adam Foropaugh and Sells Bros, combined circus and men agorio will exhibit in Hod Cloud Wed nesday, Soptombor IIS. This is ono of tho largest shows on tho road, und raroly makes such small towns as Rod Cloud except when compelled to in ordor to avoid exceptionally long jumps. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postolllco at Hod Cloud, Neb or tho week ending August 17, 1905: J. E. Novlllo Thoso will bo sent to tho dead letter oflico Aug. 31, 1905, if not called for before. When calling for above ploase say "advertised." T. C. Hackkh, Postmaster. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Grny, a nurso in Now York discovered an aromatic pleasant herb drink for women's ills, called AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is tho only cer tain monthly regulator. Curos female weaknesses and backache, kidney, bladdoruud urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mall 50 cents. Stimplo FREE. Address Tho Mother Gray Co., LoRoy, N. Y. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tab lets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's sigua turo is on each box. 25o. Notice to Creditors. IN THK COUNTV COUItT. Stnte of NcIimhWii, I Webster County, f At h county court held nt the county court room In nnd for wild county, Wednesday, An KllHt, 11), A. I). lW0.r. In tho mutter of tho CNtato ofillnrry McC'ormcl depended. On rendliiK nnd IUIiik tliu petition or .Tiime MeCormcl prnyiiiK tluit iitlmlnlHtrntlon of Jmild extiuo inny liu granted to John II. Crary, us ndinlnlHtrntor. Ordered. Unit Mondiiv. tho 1th day of Septem ber, A. I). WOTi. nt 1 o'clock p.m., Ih MtHlKiicd for hearing mild petition when nil pltnoiih InturcNl od Iu mid mutter miiy appear ill 11 county court to bo held In and for Mild county and oliow cause why prnyur of petitioner nhould not lie Krantod; nnd that notice of the peudoiicy of Mild petition and tho hearing thereof ho Riven tn nil lK'TMiiiH Interested In mild matter, by nub- IIhIiIiik 11 copy of IhlH order In tho Itcil Cloud Chief, n weekly newHpnpor printed In nald county, for three cotthecutlvo wceko prior to Mild dny of hearing, (Hkai,) A. II. Kebnky. Miptl County Judge. To the Public Ilaving purchased Chas. Wadoll's moat market, wo extend to you a hearty iu vitatiou visit us and boconio bettor acquainted and also, when looking for good first class moat, wo ask you to givo us a trial. Wo aro satisfied wo can wo.cnn'ploaso you. Yours for business, FEIS & SEARS FARM LOANS I am well prepared to make Farm Loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at low est rates, either for five or ten years, with best of options. Loans safely and carefully made for par ties having private funds. J. H. JjAjLIjEx, RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA '! i fl I J k, rrnw tszw-wr-