The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 11, 1905, Image 4

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For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
I sl n wfol cough tot tnnn tmt, and
rciMr. !! U A) uti Htif km, I UA
A.y-l' Vhftfj )'M-torl m1 toon r.ntiA.
I rwitnrneii'l It t nil rny frl.nL whrirTf
t'T " e'tjll." Mlffl !, METCkJI,
Wwf t.iiiU, I), c.
liU4 br J.C. Arr Co., lyiwull, Uui,
Alto D)nuMiurr or
Aycr's Plllo koop tho bowols regular.
All vegetable and gontly laxative.
Strien Team Rewurcd.
On Friday, July ii3, two strangers
hired a team at Buchanan A Sons'
barn in Lebanon, ostensibly to drive
to Ked Cloud Aa the team had not
been returned the following Sundar,
0. 13 Iiuchanan started out in March
of them. He came to Ked Cloud, but
the team had not been here. He
theu weiit west as far as Alma, then
north to Kearney, where he found the
team last .Saturday. The parties who
had hired the team had driven it to
Calloway, Neb, about sixty mile.
northr.est of Kearney, in which neigh
borhood they are supposed to live.
They then drove back to Kearney,
where they sold the te'arn and buggy
for iliSTj. The party that purchased
the team traded it for another horse
and 4123 in cash. Mr Buchanan
lrove the team to Ked Cloud, arriving
here Monday, and went home Tues
day morning. Before leaving Kear
ney he was offered ZYlo for the team
alone. Ho says the Kuirney police
know the thieves and that their arrest
will probably soon follow.
Wm. Welfe for Sheriff.
William Wolfe, tho well known
blacksmith of this rlly and member of
tho city council, h a candidate for tho
K'-pfiblirari nomination for sheriff.
Mr. Wolfe is an old resident, having
lived in ( itit field township for nine
teen years before removing to Ked
('loud ten years ago. Ho is still a
young man, being but 37 years of age,
and is known for his temperate habits
and gentlemanly, upright character
His business in Ked Cloud has
brought him in contact with tho ma
jority of tho farmers in the county,
among whom he has a large number of
friends. There is no question of his
ability to fill the office in a satisfac
tory unuuer should he be nominated
and elected.
Detective Stories That Are The
Real Thing.
The Cosmopolitan has been fortu
nate enough to secure the "Confes
sions of a New York Detective made
by an ex-Captain of Police. This re
mark able narrative will be run serial
ly, beginning in the September issue.
It bids fair to prove far more intertst
and exciting than an imagined detc
tive story for it deals directly itb
thove phages of life and their super
vision by the police upon which sJJ
the ingenious 7&ms of clerer -writer?
are formed- Henry Raleicb it illus
trating the Conlession. aaJ is ta&lazi?
some Ttr? realistic drawing.
The Lei j MaJt
Board of equalization met pcrse&a:
to call of clerk Members preheat
Gerlach. Kicbard, Sawyer. Turner and
Garber. clerk
On motion the following levie-s were
General fund 1 mills
Bridge fund I mills
Road fund 3 mills
Kailroad bond fund 1 mill
Total couuty levy for 190." 12 mills
Board adjourned sine die.
A Fine Piece 'of Statuary.
Overing Bros, this week received
Irom Carrara, Italy, a statue of an
angel, made from white Italian marble,
which would bo worth your time to go
ud see. Tho statue is about live feet
high and tho workmanship is ex-
quisito. Tho stono weighs XX) pounds,
and tho freight from Italy to Ked
'Cloud amounted to f82. Tho first of
"the ivook tho statue will be taken to
Oxford, whoro It will bo placed on a
tbuso ton foot high, tho whole making
a monument fifteen feet high. Tho
monument was purchased by E. P.
Rcichardt of Oxford and tho contract
price is 51,100. Ono may travel a good
many miles without seeing as lino a
piece of workmanship as this statue,
-which shows tho skill of tho Italiau
.sculptors iu this lino.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncilled
for ut postofflce at Ked Cloud, Neb
or the week ending August 10, 1D03:
Eating House Ellington, Leuuie
Clatk, Warren S Jones, Dr Harry
Phitmey, Gertio Smith, Joe
Zoiger, Myrtle
These will be sent to the dead letter
ollico Aug. ill, VMo, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised.''
T. C. Hackku, Postmaster.
Council Proceedings.
The council met Monday evening, all
members present. Mayor Diekeu'-on in
th chair.
Minutes of preriou st;it.r rt5
and approved.
'J he foil .i2 ebviak' xifr.i vtl
C T rVmni. 'tear--
Chief PubUt&i&r Oft- fwuiiuhr
Oi(-kla Jc Sw. ItAoc .
Jos HrlM?re. vhhA iw jjieuir
June Bd:. Ifcftiw. 5:i'. n i .
C T LftclikiaaL. fuJiu:.'?- us. 7nn?f:
tni -iaawsc
J 11 St-S.?".. vutetrv'tul: mip
nrj. j)l4l?7
Sbri'iiJ0i C:iJ Of... t'.iu& . . .
Ja 5: ?z:r.. in.:
J W KaatiL vi?tc flimi'r,
J V." K-i&mhL liiciit v.uoh . . .
V W .S".!atiaL-Hr. r"(iffin-
J B Ou7. liJliec-
W S ?wk&. 3k3nr
Oa s&C'Tjoei :&t- tAiAm tA T. Hotjcslnii
fc h'Xx vwl: iz& muttirJiJL, wa. ul
Oa a.ii.a -tit-liisj &f T -.1 Vtic-S
i&? ?!. hi i?,3&: Massasaitfata- vl
AJ.iceraii3 t. 1V it:fiiTr tri-Ziiits
Aira.i ft.
Coca!! a! jrista: w d?w2ra-2-a?-
licalj-j. p:2t. Cttiii-r. Wtr
rn tad Wolf.
TL ioUoivisg' idiias vert allowed
Will S31jrta. lerst'tr
Jod- Bt)t. liior
Jtiznr Beat- Ulor
V V Btitl. lhhr ,
ft i
:' A A mhrmtirTX
miv a. t vtAtJmti..4r;mnrs w tii tav
lO Cents ySL'W-vl-VU
a Button. W ' a RiP
824 5
25 (0
2 W
C5 n
Wtl l-ScCord. labor
Gay Bridbrcot. l&b&r
J O BotUr. irHgbt
Coaisaitu-e refor: titat Fr&nci?
HoochJa h.'d ct3p!:d the dam
hcrtis C:wkvl erk &id that SJHir
sraaooordiag to tT:ment.
On motion, claim of F. Houchin for
cl.T for building dam wa.s allowed.
Adjourned to meet at the call of the
Al Slaby's Hard Luck.
Hard luck sooms to bo pursuing Al
Slaby. Not a groat while ago ho was
robbed of a jacket containing some
.money, lator bomeouo "swiped" a half
Iozon laprobos from his barn; within
tho past few days ho has lost several
Kood hogs through some mysterious
dlseaso, and last. Sunday to cap tho
climax, ono of his best horses died
Just as ho was leaving Cowlcs on tho
return drive to Hud Cloud. Iu tho
trip up to Cowlcs tho horso stumbled
ud foil, and it is thought ho was in
jured internally. Ho was put iu tho
ham there, and was apparently all
right, but just as thoy left tho barn to
return to this city tho horso dropped
load. Mr. Slaby had u short timo
previously refused an offer of $22." for
tho horse.
"Jake" Comes Back.
Jake Nustein has relocated in Red
Cloud, after an absence of about two
years and will again engage in tho
cigar manufacturing business. This
week he moved his fixtures into the
building formerly occupied by the late
Fritz Birkner as a tailor shop, corner
of Webster street and Third avenue.
His family is expected to arrive soon
from St. Joseph. Mr. Nustein has a
host of friends iu this vicinity, who
will welcome his return.
Overcome By Heat.
Miss Hattlo Graham, daughter of
Frank Graham, was prostrated by the
heat Saturday afternoon, while shop
ping In Turnure's store. Miss Gra
ham had been in poor health for some
timo and her heart was in a weakened
condition, and this, combined with the
extreme sultriness Saturday after
noon, broke her down. Sho hnd so
far recovored Monday morning as to
bo able to return to her homo.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, Au. 9, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company.
Lester C Cone and wife to E C
Christy part sw-1 3 1 ft wd S1.V30
David Byrme to J F Grimes lots
7 and 8 block 1 Rohrer add to
Blue Hill wd 1S.7)
Jno Hoeveka et al to Mary G
Heinz s2 ne4 1H 1-9 wd 2200
Jno F Grimes and wife to R F
Pel, lots 1 and ." block 22 Blue
Hill wd &0
Hugh B Hunter and wife to E E
Burr lot 9 block 6 Vance add
to Guide Rock wd 32
A H Keeney Co Judge to Mar
garet L Tobin et al nwl 14-11
decree t
Anna M Karr et al to Mary J Mc-
Clure nwl 1-1 1 1 wd 3000
Adeline Mandelbaum to Herbert
Hawley lot 4 Rohrej add to
Blue ijillwd 200
Honry Gibbons to E J Babcock
uw4 29 2-12wd
Hugh Miner to Julia Miner lots
1 to i and part 19 to 24 block
21 Red Cloud qcd 1
It S Proudflt and wife to Anna
Froy lots 10 and 17 block 10
Guide Rock wd 800
Chas Spence aud wife to L E
Sponce lots 5 to 9 block .'J
Spouco add to Bladen wd 1200
Chas Spenco and wife to Willis
Letner lot 15 block 4 Spence
add to Blaxlen 75
Chas Sponco and wife to Otto J
King lot 4 block 2 Spence 2nd
add to Bladen wd 150
Chas Spenco and wife to Minnie
M Gunu lot 5 block 2 same
add wd 150
Wendell P Stater to John M
Craig nwl 35-4-10 wd 500
Ever chink how much time you spend
in your Clothes?
Ycu might as well have a comfortable
fit, feel and look.
get all in DUTCHESS
All light-weight SUITS and
ERS cut to prices that
close them out.
N. A. Albrightp
T5he Grocer
First Quality 3 Goods
Reasonable 3 Prices
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
That House or Barn, or storo that Coal, it will save you
money and give you a lot of satisfaction if you will call and
get prices and see tho stock of
Dry Lumber and Gcnnlnc Maltland Coal a Specialty
Mrs. Fred Wlttwer Dead.
Mrs. Fred Wittwor, living about
oight miles south of Red Cloud, died
Thursday morning about 2 o'clock.
Funeral services woro hold at tho
family homo this morning, conducted
by Rev. G. W Hummell of Blue Hill.
Airs. Wittwor has been a sufferer for
tioveral months with cancer, aud has
boou in a Lincoln hospital for treat
ment twico within tho past year, but
without relief. Hor death lias been
anticipated for several weeks.
John Hassclbacker's Sister Dies.
John Hasselbacker received a tele
grrm Saturday morning from Des
Moines, Iowa, announcing tho death
of his sister, Mrs. Fred Duerr, aged 50
years Mrs Hasselbacker left Satur
day evening for Dos Moines to attend
tho funeral, which occurred last Mon
day, Mr. Hasselbacker being unable
to go.
Total S15.118
Mortgages filed 59500
Mortgages released $13200
Drank Too Fast.
Lawronco McCall came into town
Saturday and whilo iu an overheated
condition drank some pop aud other
.slop which caused him a serious at
tack of indigestion. He was taken to
tho Holland House, where ho rocolvod
tnodlcal attention and was uble to go
home Sunday.
Ribs Loosened.
Last Saturday, while stacking al
falfa, the stacker polo broke and fell
on one of Charloy Gurney's horses,
knocking It down. When Mr. Gur
uoy attempted to loosen the harness
so tho horso could ariso it kicked him
iu tho side, loosening two ribs. He is
doing as well as could bo expected
under tho circumstances.
Cardinal Gibbons en Divorce.
Tho head of tho Catholic church in
this country does not mince matters
in his essay on Pure Womanhood iu
tho Septombor Cosmopolitan. It is
astonishingly emphatic, and his dis
cussion of woman's responsibility iu
tho homo, and the divorce question, is
recommended to every woman in the
country no matter what hor religious
creed. It Is cortaiuly ono of tho most
stimulating utterances relating to tho
homo sphere that have appeared In a
long time.
Order To Show Cause.
State of Nebraska, I
Webbter County f
At a County Court htld at the County Court
room In mid for said county July 34. A. 1).
lu tbe matter of .he estate of Leonard nail,
On readlnEand fillnirthe nethlnn nf Wllllnm
Kail filed on tbu 21th day of July. A. U. lfla'i.
iirnyiiiK for tbe examination and allowance of
his tlnal account of the bame date, n decree of
assignment of tbe land beloiiKiiiK to said cs
Mate to tbe persons ntitled to tho fcame. an
order distributing the reririue of personal es
tate and there upon an order discharging blm
from further bnrden and btrvlce In bis said of
flee ns administrator.
Ordered, that Saturday tho 1'Jth day of An
gust. A. I) 1005. at one o'clock p. in., is
assigned for hearing said petition when all per
sons Interested lu said matter may appear at a
County Court to be held In and for said countv
and show cause why pray, r of petitioner should
not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons Interested lu said matter,
by publishing a copy of this order in the Ilea
Cloud Ciiikimi weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three consecutive weeks prior
to said day of bearing.
Seal A. 11. Kkknkv
August 18 County Judge.
said day of hearing.
August 18
A. II. Kkkkkt,
County Judge.
Attention. Workmen!
Grand Recorder Silas R. Barton of
thoA.O. U. W. will bo In Rod Cloud
next Tuesday ovenlng, August 15, and
deliver an address, explaining tho
reasons for tho changos in tho laws of
fio order. All ex-mombors of tho
order nro particularly urged to attend,
On Tuosday, August 8, Judge Koouey
united in marriage the following
Harm Rose and Miss Minnie rt-
man of Blue Hill.
Blanoy Waterbury of Bluo Hill and
Mrs. Emma Stuorhonborg of Ayr, Nob.
On Thursday, August 10, Joseph S.
Ilosklns and Dora M. Laflin, of Guido
Rock, woro married by Judgo Koonoy.
Order to Show Cause.
State of Nebraska, I
Webster County, f
At a county court held at tbo county court
iuuui in mm mi emu cuuuiy, dmy y.r), A. I),
Ill the matter of the estate of Julia I'm
nam, deceased.
on reading and filing the petition of c. K.
Putnam, tiled on the SMh day of July. a. 1)
1.'5. praying for the examination and allo-v-anco
of his flim! account of the muiio date a de
cteo of assignment of the lauds belonging to
said estate to tho persons eutliled to tho same,
mi udiui uisinuuiiiig mo resume of personal
estate and there upon an order discharging
him from father burden and Bervlce In hU said
olllce as executor.
. 4 .V'V' l "u M01"y. the l Ith day of August,
A. I). JWi. at one o'clock p. in . is assigned
for hearing said petition when all persons
Interested In sad matter may appear at a county
court to bo held In and for sad countv and
show cause why prayer of petitioner should not
bo granted! and Hint notice of iho pendency of
tuld Petition nud the hearing thereof bo given
pal persons Interested iu said matter, by pub
MiIiibh copy f this in the lir.ii Coin.
iiukj', a weekly newspaper printed In sad
county, for three consecutive weeks prior to
A6uaranteed Cure For Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing Piles. Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case,
no matter of how long standing, in G to
14 days. First application gives ease
and re9t. 50c. If your druggist hasn't
it send GOc in stamps, and it will bo for
warded post-paid byParisModicinoCo.
St. Louis, Mo.
Accident to Thresher.
While threshing last Friday tho
cylinder head of Charles Wittwor's
thresher engine blow out, causing a
stoppage of work for several days.
Our shop, tools, stock nucl good
will are for sale. Anyono wishing
to engngo iu blaoksmlthing can se
cure an old and well established
business. Apply to
Dickenson & Son,