The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1905, Image 8

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Interesting Items GntKerotl
by Our County R-oporters
,). DiBrunneris pnintlng his houso.
I. O. Wulknr wns in Red Cloud Mon
day. Miss Alico Fogg is vis'ting near Hod
Mr. Rodgors is laying tlio (oundntion
for n now barn.
Mr. (Jlmml was in Kivorton on busi
hops Wodnofldny.
II. Chriotiunsnn shollod corn for M.
Johnson Monday.
Tho wire is up on tlio remaining part
of tlio now telephone lino.
MifH Vorna Robinson from Franklin
is visiting at Elinor Harvoy's.
Mrs. William Gilroy of Red Cloud is
vniting friends in those parts this
Mr. Stiofol, tho now hog buyor, was
on tho inarkot in Kansas City Monday
with sorno nice hops.
Thoro will bo a Sunday school picnic
in Hon Arvidson's grovo next Situr
day. Everybody invited.
Prof. Thompson was in theso parts
one day this week looking after tho
interests of tho Franklin academy.
Mr. Millor, ono of our prominent
young stockmon, was at market in St.
Joo with a car each of heiforH and
hogs. Tho hogs sold at tho top, 85 75,
the heifers brought $3.80.
TIiob. Rowdon, ono of our industrious
young mon, loft n fair sized roll of his
hard earned monoy with tho gamblers
M tho Hivorton streot fair. Wo hope
it will bo a lesson for somo othoryoung
Miss Elf-io HolTman spont Sunday
with Miss Grnco Heed.
Geo. Yarger of Illinois is visiting nt
the homo of Mrs. Woodsido.
R C. Chevalier and J. E. Yost drove
down to Cowles last Tuesday.
Mrs. Williams of Bluo Hill is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Charles Moroy.
Grandma Bartlott was visiting at tho
homo of E. W. Tuttlo last Tuesday.
William Johnson wont to Lincoln
last Tuesday to visit his brother John.
Wayno Hoed and family visited at
the homo of his brother, Fred Rucd's
last Sunday.
Miss Bortie Woodsido returned to
Alma Monday, after visiting several
days with home folks.
Mrs. Hendrick and children returned
from Hustings Wednesday, where she
naB been visiting hor son Ed.
Miss Josie Gress returned from Nel
son Wednesday, where she has been
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Williams returned from Camp
bell Mondny, where she has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. D. II. Claik
Frod nnd Ed Watson of Inavale
wero visiting nt tho homo of their
uncle, J. W. McCoy, the first of tho
Wash Reed went to Omaha Thursday
to buy his fall stock of dry goods.
Walker Hickercos has cl argo of hb
store during his absence.
We bad a tine shower Tuesday night.
Jasper brnith was visiting his parents
hut Sunday.
Coon & Wiggins shipped a load of
X t hogs to market last Friday.
Tho rain last Friday night washed
out somo culverts, making tho roads
Hattio Lippincott went to Blair last
week for an extended visit with rela
tives and friends
Harry Harris broke the roach of his
wagon while crossing n culvert near
tho old Popo farm Inst Saturday.
Eli Houchin shelled more than 800
bushels of corn Inst Tuesday and took
it to Red Cloud to market at
42 cents per bushel.
Weathor warm and wet.
Frank VanDyke is somo hotter at
this writing.
Mrs. Charles Isnm is visiting her
brothor, Roubon Keagle, at Alvn, Okla.
Robert Wilson nnd son John of Rod
Cloud are doing tho carpenter woik
on Charley Bosso's new house on West
Penny Creek.
Rev. J. J. Campbell did not fill his
appointment at Penny Creek last Sun.
day, on account of tho rain. He will
preach at Penny Creek Sunday nwrr
nig. There will bo prayer meeting Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Mr.
Workman!, All aro invited to nttet d
nnd take part in the meeting.
Hurley Mooro of Houlder, Clo., wus
tho gnoH of James Keaglo ono day tbl
weok. Ho was on his way to Mtinlmt
tan, Kan., for a visit with his mother
Wm. VnnDykonnd son H. S. visited
friends fit Guide Rock and North
Branch this week. They report the
pro'pentfl good for a flno crop of corn
along tho state line.
And still rnin.
Farmers nre plowing for wheat.
Some nre stacking their grain can
not thros'i.
Bert R"ove shelled corn tho first of
tho week.
A number of Prairio Center people
attended tho bmkot meeting nt Guide
Hock Sunday.
Will Finny's now house is showing
up quite plain. Robert Allen of Rise
mont is boss carpentor.
Will Finney nnd wife havo mndo fre
quonts trips of lato to soo tho lattor's
father, Mr. Wright, near Lawrence,
who is slowly dying of cancer.
Will Crozier and family, Frank nnd
Eflie Howard and Uessio Middloton,
who nro staying at Clvdo Albin's nt
tended a picnic at Heuloli on Wodnes
day. Eckloy Sunday school voted to havo
a picnic somotimo in August. They
oxpoct to invito other schools to par
ticipate. Further announcements will
bo made I at or.
Mary Mclntyro of Idann, Kansas,
but latoly returned from tho stato of
Washington, and Mabol Menus of
Buulah wero calling on friends last
Saturday in our vicinity.
Kansas City, August 1 Receipts of
cattlo thus far this week aro 22.200;
Inst week 10,500. Moudny's mnrkot
was generally strong to 10 cents
higher for boof steers; cows and
heifers 10 to 15 cents higher. Tho
inquiry for stockors and foodors was
brisk and tho market ruled generally
10 conts higher. Today's trade for
best fed was generally steady but
grossors ruled weak to 10 cents off.
Cows nnd heifers of all grades were
steady to strong; bulls and veals firm
Stockors nud feeders wero strong to 10
conts higher
Tho following table gives quotations
now ruling:
Extra prime corn-fed steers. .$5 00-5 40
Good corn fed steers 4 85-5 CO
Ordinary corn fed steers. . . . 4 25-1 75
Choico corn fed heifers 4 05-000
Good corn fed hoifors 4 10-4GO
Medium corn fed hoifors. ... 3 00-4 10
Choico corn fed cows 4 00-4 25
Good .125-380
Medium 2 75-3 20
dinners 150-2 00
Choice stags 4 25-4
Choice fed bulls 3 00-4 00
Good 325-350
Bologna bulls 2 25-2 70
Voal calves 0 00-0 75
Good to choice native or
western stockors 3 70-4 25
Fair 3 25-8 75
Common 2 75-3 20
Good to choico heavy native
feeders 4 00-4 00
Fuir 300-100
Good to choice heavy brand
ed horned feedors 3 40-3 CO
Fair 3 25-8 40
Common 2 75-3 00
Good to choico stock heifers 2 20-2 70
Fair 220-320
Good to choico stock calves,
steers 4 00-4 00
Fair 300 4 00
Good to choice stock calves,
heifers 3 0f)-3 no
Fair 2 50-3 00 !
Choico wintered grass steers
4 20-4 00
Good 3 75-1 25
Fair 3 40-3 75
Choico grass cows 2 70-3 00
'ood 250-2 75
Common 2 00-2 00
Receipts of hogs thin far this weok
aro 7000; last woek 12,000. Monday's
market was 0 to 10 cents higher, clos
ing llrm and today anywhoro from 10
to 20 conts up. Bulk of sales wero
from 10 85 to 0.90; top for loays $5.07 ,
ulthough.30 head weighing 188 pounds
brought ?G.
Receipts of shoop thus far this week
nro 8400; last weok, 10,900. Monday's
market was generally 10 to 15 conts
higher aud today Btrong to 10 cents
higher. Wo quot choice Inmbs,
$025 to 0.50; choico yearlings 85 to
5.25; choico wethers, 84.00 to 4 70;
choico ewes, $4.25 to 4.00.
Items of News Found In Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Weok "V V v
Harvesting isjnoarly over.
Anson Highby was in Beatrice tho
other day.
R. V. Shiroy was in Omaha this week
on business.
Jim Minor has gone to California on
a plensuro trip.
J. L. Minor is building an addition
to his rosideuco.
Dwight Jones of Fullorton was in
tho city Friday on business
Dr. Vauco of Kearney was in tho
city this week on business.
Mrs B. F. Mizor has returned from
hor extended trip in tho oast.
Mr. Wadsworth and wife of Boatrico
wt,ro the gnests of A. S. Marsh this
Miss Mary Hausou of Catherton was
adjudged insane Wednesday, aud was
sent to Lincoln.
Fred Howard of Couucil Bluffs, la.,
is tho guest of his brothor, H. A.
Howard, this weok.
Mr. Kennedy of Quincy, Illinois, is
tho guest of J. H. Remsberg. He will
probably locate here.
A. J. Welch has been appointed re
ceiver of all funds that pooplo wish to
douato to tho Grant mouumont.
F. E. Goblo loft Monday to look
after his lately acquired lumber
interests, and to purchase now yards.
Mrs. J. L. Millor is visiting in John
son county. Jake is unhappy while
plodding through this vale of tears
Tho sociable at Row Geo. H. Brown's !
on last Thursday ovening was of an
interesting nature and all enjoyed
themselves greatly.
Capt. John Carr, attorney at law,
and John Hull Jr, of tho National
Bank of Montezuma, Iowa, wero the
guests of C. B. Crone aud family this
Peter Conover will move into his
flno new dwelling on Seward street on
next Monday. This wiil be ono of the
finest and most convenient residences
in the city.
Chauncey H. Wolcott of Cowlos died
July 30, 1885, after an illness of two
days of apoplexy. Ho was 74 years of
ago and leaves a wife and three child
ren to mourn his death.
Burglars made nn attempt to break
into Wm. Buckbee's house one night
last woek, but were frightened away
It would be well for people to see that
their houses are locked before retir
Last Friday evening Mrs. Charles
Wiener gavo a very pleasant surprise
party to her friends in honor of tho
38th birthday of Charles Wienor. The
ovening was pleasantly spent until a
late hour.
Scott -John Mitchell bought a
horse from Isaac Points Bro.
Hummell was absent last Sunday and
his place was filled by Rev. Milner. of
Cloverton Mr. Lewis is visiting
his friond, John Vaughn.
On last Wednesday evening the
members of the Fire Department
gave their initial ball at the rink, and
probably the largest crowd that over
attended a ball in Red Cloud were
presout on this occasion It was a
very pleasant social event and wilt
long bo remembered by those present.
On last Tuesday night, Ed Booker,
book-keepor in the First National
Bank of this city, took it into his head
that "it was not good for man to
live alone," and surprised ids friouds
very much by joining tho great army
of benedicts and wedding Miss Linua
Hanun, sister of our friend, T. D.
Ilanna, book-keeper of tho Nebraska
Lumber Company.
Wklls A few more days nnd har
vest will bo over Fine weather
R. S. Tibbits is ropairiug tho
bridge west of town S S Wells
will thresh this weok Jas. Burden
has invented a trap to catch flies
That's more than tho ball nine can do,
for one of their champion ball playors
has absconded, and no one knows his
whereabouts Robert Wallace's
child is very sick S. Alexander
has sold liis mail route to John Gray.
Pleasant Home Harvesting is
over and stacking aud threshing has
begun Dauiol Hull lost one of
his little ohildren aud has two more
very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Guy
lost their oldest child Mr. Ben
nett has a '( ry sick child Reeves
and Whito aro making their threshing
I machine hum in our vio'nity Tho
The Secret ol Good Coffee
Even tho best housekeepers cannot mako a good cup of
coffeo without good material. Dirty, adulterated nnd queorly
blended coffeo Buck as unscrupulous dealers shovel ovor their
counters won't do. But tako tho pure, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader of all package coffees
tho coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been daily
welcomed in millions of homes and you -will mako a drink fit
for a king in this way :
Ui LION COFFER, because to Ret best results jou must use the beat coffee.
Grind your LION COFFKE rather fine, Uiie "a tablespoon ful to each cup, and one
extra for tho pot." First mix It with a little cold water, enough to make a thick paste, and
add white of an egg (If egg is to be uted ai a settler), Uien follow one of tho following rale :
Int. WITO BOILING WATER. Add boiling water, and let It boll
THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add little cold water and act aside live
alautea to nettle. Serve promptly.
2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to the paste and
brlao It to a boll. Then act aside, add a little cold water, and In live
minutes It's ready to aerve.
3 (Don't boll It too longr.
v -Don't lot It stand moro than ton mlnutosbeforo serving.
DONTS (Don't uso wator that has boon bollod boforo.
Ut With Eggs. Vtt part of the white of an egg, mixing it with the ground LION
COFFEE before bolltng.
L With Cold Water Instead of eggs. After boiling add a daeh of cold water, and set
aside for eight or ten minutes, then serve through a atralner.
Insist on getting a package ol genuine LION COFFEE.
Erepare It according to this recipe and you will only use
ION COFFEE In future.' (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.)
(Lion-head on every packago.)
(Sto these Lion-heads for Tamable promiums.)
WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
lust but not least improvement is Mr.
Builey's new two story house, growing
up just north west of Wm. Guy's
C. P. Norris and family aro contem
plating a visit in Lowell.
Inavale Last Monday morning a
new lumbor dealer put in an appear
unco at tho rosideuco of A. C. Hale.
Ho will from timo to time offer his
advice pertaining to his senior's busi
ness. A box of fragrant cigars wero
frcoly distributed. It weighs nine
pounds and ton ounces UI11
Knight bus taken a claim near Mollie,
in Huyrs county. Judging from his
talk he would like the postofllce at
that place Tho report that a man
was drowned in tho river near this
place proved to bo fulse Last Fri
day night a tramp or incendiary set
tire to a building belonging to L. C.
Olmsteud. By tho aid of his hired
hand uud u favorable wiud Mr. Olm
steud barely saved his dwelling house
and other buildings
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, July 2(1, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company
Cassie Goble nnd husband to B
McNony lots 13 to 17 block 11
RedCloudwd 8 1
B McNeny to P E Goblo same. . 1
James Levara ot al to C P Gund
ue4 11-3-11 wd 400
Frank Levara et al to C P Gund
1-7 ne 11-3.11 wd 200
Casper Wegmun and wife to J
Martin lots 35 to 36 block 9
BlueHillwd 1300
L ! Barndt and wife to C W
Kuloy o2 nel 33-2-11 wd 2100
Uuited States to John Elliott e2
nw4 and w2 ne4 4-1-11 pat
Barbara Kus to C F Gund no4
113-llqcd 1
O W Kaley et al to Wm Taber
part lot 19 nnd all of 23 block
31 RedCloudwd 800
S B Walker to Clarence Guy
part se4 se7 4-1-9 wd 1000
M W Hornberger and wife to E
G Rees lot 31 block 14 Blue
Hill wd 700
John Larkey to Daisy Chrisman
. sw4 58-29 wd 4000
L S Miller and wife to Mary E
Simpson loss 1 to 2 block 5
Hoover add to Bluo Hill wd. . . 120
Melissa E Hugau and husband
to J R Ureonholgh nw4 nw4 18-2-9
wd 1500
Arthur Burgo and wife to J R
Groonhalgh swl nw4 18-2-0 wd 1100
C E Perkins Trustee to Chas E
Denton nel 27-3 10 wd 2000
Total 810,122
Mortgages filed v$10100
" rehoused 1320G
Week ouding August 12:
Edward S Hodgson and wife to
John W Graves all 252-9 wd..!
Chas Sponce and wifo to R E
Denton lots 15 and 10 block 3
Speuco add to Bluden wd 150
Chas Sponce nnd wifo to Chas V
Worley lot 0 block i Sponce
add to Bladen wd 775
J T Dysart Co Judge to Henry
Heucker s2 nel 13-4-G qcd deed
Chas Sp nee To The Public part
w5 ne4 7-4 9 deed
Wm Stoinke and wifo to Fred
Huppert nw4 2 3 10 wd 5700
W B Saunders and wife to D E
Saunders 14 n2 lot 20 and lots
21 to 24 block 20. Rod Cloud. . .
Mary E Simpson uud husband
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wadoll's meat market, we
extend to you a hearty iu
vitation visit us and become
better acquainted and also,
When looking for good ilrst
class moat, wo ask you to
give us a trial.
We are satisfied wo can
wejean' please you.
Yours for business,
Order to Show Cause.
State of Nebraska. I
Webster County, f
At a county court held nt the county court
room In nud
for said county, July 25. A. 1).
In the mutter
of tho estate of Julia Put
nam. deceased.
in rending and fllltifc the petition of C. 1C.
Putnam, tiled on the '-'Mb. day of July. A. Ji
lt 5. praying for the examination and nllov
mice of hi final account of tho amo dnte a de
cree of assignment of the laudn belonging to
snld estate to tho persons entitled to the same,
an order distributing the roldue of personal
estate am there upon an order dlschaifilng:
him from futher burden aud sorvlce In bin saltr
office no executor.
Otdered. thnt Mondny, the 14th day of August.
A. D. 1H05, nt one o'clock p. m , Is assigned
for hearing said petition when till persont
Interested In said matter may apt enrnt a county
court to bo held In nud for said countr and
show cause why prayer f petitioner should not
be granted; and thnt notice of the pendenev ot
said petition and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons Interested In said matter, by pub
Hulling a copy of this order in the Hxd Cioui
Ciiikp, 11 weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for three consecutive weeks prior to
said day of hearing,
fnKAT.1 A. II. KsEirer,
August 18 Countr Judge.
Order TShw Cause.
State of Nebraska. I
Webster County f
At a County Court bld at the County
rui'ni 111 puu inr nam county tuuiy vu,
A. D.
In tho matter of '.he estate of Leonard Hull.
On reading and filing the petition of William
Hall Hied on tho 'Jlth day of July. A. D. 10UI.
praying for the examination and nllowanco of
his tlnal account of the same dnte, a decree of
assignment of the lands belonging to snld ch
state to tho persons sntltled to tho same, tin
order distributing tho residue of personal on
tnto and there upon an order discharging him
from further burden aud ssrvlce In his said of
(Ice as administrator.
Ordered, thnt Saturday the 1'Jth dny of An
gust. A. I) 1005, nt one o'clock p, m., In
assigned for honing said petition when all per
sons Interested In said mattt r may appear til n
County Court to bo hold In nnd for'snld county
nnd show cause why pray rnf petltlonershould
not be granted ; and thnt notlco of the pendency
of sild petition nnd tho hearing thereof bu
given to nil poisons Interested In snld matter
by publishing a copy of this order In tho lo 1
Cloud Ciiikp. a weekly newspaper printed in
snld county, for three consecuttve weeks prior
to said day of hearing,
Seall A. II. Keknky
August 18 County Judge.
to August Heirioh's lots 1 and
2 block 5 Hoover add to Bine
Hill wd 18Q
Hannah J Crow to E C Christy
part so4 sw4 3.1-8 wd 341
Jane Holcomb and husband to
John M Essert o2 no4 21-3-9 wd 2000
P E Goble to Wm B Cramer lots
13 to 17 block 11 Rod Cloud wd 2100
Emollno B Knight to W C Bur-
well part ne4 se4 34-2 12 wd... 250
Tolnl 111409
Mortgages fllod $13300
Mortguges released 52200