u 4 . 4 i J A.B.(ha$E For '1NW- During all these years A. have boon acknowledged to grade. The most critical and mem unsurpassed in Tone, Action and Durability Wo nro district distributors Pianos, and will gladly put you our representatives, or mail and opecial prices. OLNEY-GASTON MUSIC CO. St. Joseph, Successors to T. J. WASHBURN. Established In 1868. From Here to There On First and Third Tuesdays OF May, June, July, August, September, October and November TO Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Territory and Texas One Fare Plus $2 C. LOVKEIN, Ass't Gen'l Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. Consign Your Live Stock To CLAY, ROBINSON & GO. STOCK YARDS, KANSAS CITY, MO. We also have our own houses at CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY SOUTH ST. JOSEPH DENVER Read our marktt Utter In this papsr. Write ui for my special Information desired. Isaac B. Colvin REAL ESTATE, Farm Loans and Insurance. Telephones: Glonwood and Guide Rock Hues. Box 23. GUIDE ROCK, NEB. WE WILL DO YOUR HAULING Call Phone 75 or 52. H01XISTER ft ROSS, Heavy Drayli a Specialty m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, seo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in surance compuny intbo s4te. Statement of the Cowden-Kaley Clothlnft Co. July 25, 1005. RESOURCES. Merchandise, accounts, fix tures and cash 118,104 41 LIABILITIES. Capitol stock, surplus and bills payable 814,840 31 INFLAMMATORY IUIEUMATIBM CUKBD IN a UAYB Morton L. urn. or Lebanon, ma., says ; "Hr, In eTerf terrible wife bad Inflammatory JCbeumatlsm In mutcle and Joint; tier tufferliiK wai terrib mid ber bod; and face were swollen almost ba yond recognition; bad been In bed nix weeks and bad eight puyMclanB. but received no benent until eno tried tno Mystic Cure for Kheumatlsm. It nave immediate relief and be was able to walk about In three davs. I am mire it savea tier lite." sold by is. fi. , Orice, vruggiBi, jicu uiouu, Send for our convincing booklet. WHY." Twenty Years., B. CHASE Pianos bo of tho very highest expert muBicianB And of the A. B. CHASE in touch with ono of you catalogues Mo. klw"i Homeseekers' Excursions Indian for Round Trip A. HILTON, Gen'l Pnssonger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. DDEN GOLD In a watch chain that adds nothing to the chain's looks or the quality of Its workmanship ? The outer sur face of pure gold and all the details of workmanship and finish arc Identically the same in Simmons Watch Chains and in the costly gold ones. For Sale by Newhouse Bros.. Jewelers ft Opticians, ttmd Clmud, - Nebraska HOLLISTER'U Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy Mediolns fo? Busy Feoplt. Bring Goldin Health tad Benewed Vigor. A. specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live Dd Kidney Troubles. Pimnlea. Eczema. Imnura Blood, Dad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tao- iei lorin, ost cents a dot. uenuino maae oy OLU8TBR Dnuo Coupany, Madison, Wis. ML0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM Clftniti and lxullfli tht hslr. lromotti luxuriant growth. Never Fails to lteitore Oray Jlnir to Ita Youthful OolorT Cure afalp dlteatta hair (allium. tdc.andtUOat DrugirliU wKr NEWS 0E NEBRASKA. Alliance Sailor Is Dead. Alliance, Neb.. July 127. Ward V, Kennedy of this city, who was ninrr the seriously Injured victims of tV Bennington disaster, died at San Di ego. He will bo burled hero Saturday. Couple Drown While Doatrldlng. Norfolk, Neb., July 20. Karl Power and Miss Anna Mellrldo were drowned here In the North Fork of tho Elkhorn river. They were boat riding and got too closu to tho dam and went over. Tho bodies of tho couple have been recovered. Mlsa McDrlde Is a slBler-ln-law of Superin tendent Reynolds of tho Northwest ern. Governor Will Go to Portland. Lincoln, July 31. Governor Mickey tnld that ho will visit the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland, Aug. 21. Contrary to tho usual practlco, the governor will not be accompanied by his military staff. Beside tfte gov ernor, a few other prominent Nebras kans have been Invited by tho expo sition commission. Tho governor will make a short address. William Miles It Caught. Omaha, July 29. William Miles, the negro who Indicted a fatal razor wound on the neck of Harry R. Mc Gechln nt the Cambridge hotel, was npprohended by Captain of Police Mostyn and Detectives Ferris and Dunn. Miles was In hiding In a house at Thirty-fifth and Pinkney Bt roots and offered no resistance when the officers appeared. Miles Is charged tit tho city jail with murder. Acreage of Cereals for 1905. Lincoln, Aug. 2. The state bureau of statistics has Issued its figures on tho acreage of tho various crops of tho state this year. The report shows that this year's corn ncrcago Is 259.C01 acres larger than that of 1904. There are 67,204 more acres of wheat than last year, which Indicates a much greater crop, becauHO of tho great yield over tho state. Oats are In creased 274,300 acres and rye 18,584 acres, while barley Is decreased 8,484 acres. A recapitulation shows thero to be an Increased acreage of Gil, 205 In these crops this year. Railway Mall Clerks Meet. Lincoln, July 28. Declining to listen to their national president, A. A. Kldwell of Columbus, O.. tho postal clerks of tho Sixth tilvision passed resolutions of censuro upon Secretary Wood of the national body for tho submission at the last meeting at Bos ton of unexplained expenso Items ag gregating several thousand dollars. Following the adoption of tho resolu tions, President Kldwell was heard. He said tho money had been used In furthering the Interests of the associa tion, but that he could not furnish de tails of tho expenditure nnd retain his position as head of tho order. Big Grain Men Draw Out. Omaha, July 29. Information re garding the affairs of the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association came to light which lends credence to the cur rent report that the alleged "grain trust" of the state Is on the verge of dissolution. Three of the wealthiest firms In the association have with drawn their membership and It Is said that numerous single elevator con cerns in various parts of the state al ready have withdrawn or are prepar ing to follow the lead of the big deal ers. Tho three big firms which have withdrawn nre the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler company of Fremont, the Up dike Grain company of Omaha and W. H. Ferguson of Lincoln. Young Woman Burns to Death. York, Neb., July 31. Burned to a crisp and death following was tho sad fate of Miss Alverda Kinnison, daugh ter of David Kinnison, who llveB at their home, 1713 Iowa avenue. While lighting tho gasoline stove for tho noon meal, In some way gasoline es caped from the stove and thoughtless ly she wiped up the gasoline from tho floor with her apron. In an Instant the gasoline caught flro and she was enveloped In flame. Running through her father's room, whero ho lay In bed, helpless to assist her, she ran upstairs nnd lay down on the bed at tempting to extinguish tho fire with bedding. The daughter lay on tho bed burning up when tho chief of tho fire department arrived. TRIES GASOLINE FOR FLEAS. Lincoln Man Fatally Injured by Ex plosion and House Wrecked. Lincoln, July 29. F. N. Jenkins 1b probably fatally burned, Mrs. Jenkins is painfully Injured, their baby is badly shaken up and the house In which they Ilvo Is wrecked, the result of an attempt on the part of Mr. Jen kins to rid hlB dogs of (leas. The ac tldent occurred at University Place. Jenkins has a number of dogs and for some time they have been Infest ed with fleas. He took them Into the cellar, closed the door and poured gasoline over them. Later ho lighted a lantern and wont down to seo how the dogs were getting along. Instant ly there was an explosion. Mrs. Jen kins, who was standing In tho room nhovo the cellar, holding her Imby in her nrniB, was thrown across tho room and her baby was dropped to the door. Almost nil the windows were broken and the sides of the house were- knocked out of plumb. The explosion was heard all over T'lverslty Place and neighbors nt one went to tho assistance of tho dlttneppd family. Jenkins was car ried out of tho burning cellar and as his clothes wero stripped from him flesh camo with them. LIGHTNING KILLS SIX PERSONS. Fatalities Occur During Electric 8torm at Coney Island. New York, July 31. During a thun derstorm of terrific intensity which passed over New York ilvo persons wero struck by lightning and Instantly killed, and nine were seriously Injured nt tho Parkway baths, Coney Island. At the same time ono man wna killed and tlirou others prostrated nt Graves- end. The killed: Georgo Denwltta, Ja cob Frankel, Robert F. Wasch, Charles Bennerle, Frank Bennerlc, Henry Ranswlclcr. Tho Injurod: David Wills, James Dunne, Tina Christiansen, Harry Krohn, Clara Thlel, Mary L. Curley, Isaac Raafo and wife, Amelia Schone, William Itanswleler, John Apple. Tho Intense heat attracted n great multitude to the shore resorts, and when tho storm blew up from tho westward the Parkway beach wbb thronged with bathers and spectators. Tho rain descended In torrents and hundreds of men, women nnd children sought shelter under tho big bath house, which Is elevated above tho sand on piles. Tho lightning was In cessant and terrific thunder claps shook tho hath house, to the terror of tho crowd huddled together beneath It. A holt struck tho Hag staff and grounded In tho very thickest of the crowd. Nearly fifty persons wero prostrated, and tho rest, screaming with terror, rushed out into tho storm. Those who had remained in tho water were panic stricken and fled In all directions, not daring to enter tho bath house, which appeared to bo on fire. Ambulances were summoned from all tho nearest hospltnls and on their ar rival five personB were found dead and nine unconscious under tho hath house. The bodies of nil were scorched by tho electric fluid. Tho nlno In jured wero removed to a hospital, whore It was said that some probably would die. About tho same time Henry Hans weller was struck and killed whllo sheltering under a tree at Gravesend beach and his son, William, with John Apple and Daniel McCaulcy wero rendered unconscious. Tornado in Louisiana. Beaumont, Tex., Aug. 2. Word reached hero that ono white boy and two negro boys were killed outright and twenty other persons wero seri ously injured In a heavy windstorm which struck Bessmay, La. Tho town 1b situated In a forest of pine timber, tho wind uprooting several trees, which fell on houses, killing and Injuring tho occupants. Telo graphlc and telephone communication Is prostrated. Foul Play Suspected. Harlan, la., Aug. i. The partly burned body of Mrs. Peter Heln, wife of a prominent farmer, was found In a grove near her homo, eight miles north of hero. The nuthorltieB be lieve It to be a case of murder, al though tho post mortem examination did not reveal any signs of vlolenco on tho body. Standing of the Teams. NATI'AL LICAOUK. AMK'CAN L-KAOUE W. L. 1. W. h. V. Chlengo . . .M) 32 010 Cleveland ..53 35 002 I'hll'phlu ..48 35 578 Detroit ....43 42 500 New York.. 31) 41 488 Boston ....30 42 470 Ht. Louts... 32 52 381 Wush'ton ...TO 54 357 WKHT'KN LI5AQUK New York.. (Ml 25 720 lMttHlmrB ...r8 33 037 l'liirpiiiH ..53 37 goo Chicago ...52 ho .: Clnrlnnntl .40 40 500 St. Louis... 35 r :i72 Boston ....20 04 312 Brooklyn . .27 02 303 AMKKICAN ASH'N Columbus ..03 34 K0 Milwaukee .58 3! 51)8 Mlnn'tipollo 54 40 374 Des MolncH.50 21) 05'.) Denver 51 38 573 Oinnlin ....47 37 500 Sioux City.. 44 37 543 I'ucltlo . . . .30 55 353 Ht. Joseph. 20 58 310 LoulHVllle .50 48 Till 8t. l'uul...47 47 500 Imllu'ollB ..45 51 4Ut) Toledi 32 58 355 Kan. City.. 31 01 337 Stabbed by Convict. Lincoln, July 27. In a light with a convict named Morrla, Foreman Ed ward Stelner of the tying shop of tho Leo Broom and Duster company at the state penitentiary, was stabbed In the neck and left side. The foreman was Inspecting some brooms 1ft tho tying department when he was set upon by the convict with a broom knife and stabbed a couple of tlm6s before he could make his escape. The prisoner was Bent to the dungeon and Stelner was taken to tho prison hos pital. Morris was sent up some time ago on a charge of robbing a bank at Hebron. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Aug. 1. Cattle Receipts, 14,000; steady; native steora, $4.00fl5.U5; western fed steers, 3.756K5.25; Ntockero and feeders, I2.75&4.50; cowh und heifers, $2.00S5.25; hulls, S2.10ft3.7ft; calves, S3.50 5.00. HoKH-KeoelptB, 5,000; 10ft20c high er; top. S0.OO; bulk of suIch, $ft.8.Vjft.l)0; heuvy, 9ft.80ftfi.Rft; puckers, sft.85ftft.05; pltfrf nnd light, 5.Kftft0.00. Hhecp-Itecclpts, ,. 500; strong to 10c higher; Inmlis, S5.25ft 0.50; fed ewca and yeurllngs, Si.5ft5.25. The Chief aurid the Weekly State Journal one year for $1.00 time table. Rod Cloud, Neb. a LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO Bl. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points cast ayd south. DENVER HELENA DUT'IE SAL'I LAKE Cir PORTLAND SM FRAM'ISCO and all poittfi west. TTUINR LBAVB II FOLLOWS! No, 18. Passenger dally for Oherlln and Ht. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCnok, Uouveraud all points west .... 7 '03 t.sc No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison. St. Louis. Lincoln Via Wymote and all points cast and south 210 f-M No IS, I'assonger. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California . 8:01 p.. No. IS. I'asseiiKer. dally for 8t. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, 3t. Louts and all points east and south ...... . l0:35JLas. No. 174. Accommodation. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hast ings, Grand Islaud, Black Hills and all points in tho northwest...- 1 '.Wcit- SleeplnR. dining, and reclining chair cu. iscats free) on through trains. Tickots sold tst baggage checked to any point In the Unto Itates or Canada. For information, tlmo tables, maps or UefcoK oall on or address A. Conorer, Agont, Re Cloud, Nobr. or L. V. Wnkeley. Gnnural P sengai Agont Omaha, Nebraska AMERICA'S GREATEST WEEHLT THE Toledo Blade AND The Chief -FOR- $1.25 PER. YEAR. Tho Toledo Blade (b the best known, aewspaperin the United Slates. Cir culation 171,000. Popular in evecf Btate. Tho Toledo Blndo in now inutnlkoi tsx its now building, with a modern phutc and equipment, and facilities (qutttco any publication between Now Yoct nnd Chicago. It is the only wct(r newspaper edited expressly for cvr state and territory. Tho News of ibm World so arranged that busy ptupfe can more easily comprehend than bf reading cumboraomo columns of thm dailies. All current topics made frkuc. in each issue by special editorial b0 ter written from inception down ditto. Tho only papor published ep&ac ially for people who do or do not i4. daily newspapers, and jet thirst far plain facta. That this kind of a news paper is popular is proven by the CmC that tho Weekly Blade now has 179,000 yoarly subscribers, and to culated in all parts of the U. 8. la ad dition to the news, tho Blade, publit4c short and serial stories and manyd partments of matter suited to evwrv member of the family. Ono dollar a year. Write for free specimen eefy Address THE BLADE; Toledo, OhS. r i . A'AJ'AVO Oii-jiv-iaw"