The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1905, Image 5

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    1 '
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;j iou always get Wearing Results if you get the :
f genuine DAIX STACKERS or SWEEPS. They S:
; are STRONG and have been tried. I have the S:
jS genuine DAIX goods. Anyone else in this town 5:
iSs claiming to have the Dain goods is imposing on you. si
See that it reads "Dain Mfg. Co." on your stacker it
when you buy one and you will have the BEST. g
Hay and teed at Pluriib's.
Go to Fred Plumb s for Hour or feed.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell
I B Stansor in ltiverton Wed
nesday. J R. Mercer went to Hustings Wed
nesday. Girl Wanted Apply at Halo's res
taurant. Bernard McNony was in Guide Rock
(. Shanklin was down from Bladeu
this week.
.John Hutledge was home from Heb
ron Sunday.
Ned Grimes was down from Blue
Hill Sunday.
Dr. K. A. Creighton returned from
Canada Monday.
L P. Albright was in Bladen the
ilrst of the week.
Bladen defeated Inavalo Wednesday
by a scoro of 7 to 5.
Paul Pope departed for Lincoln
Thursday morning.
Mrs. Eilie Harvey and sou John wore
down from Inavale.
C. H Douglas of Bloomington was in
Ked Cloud Tuesday.
G. T .Norton was up from Superior
the first of the week.
Face massage and ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Mrs. O E Hughes returned to Hast
ings Saturday morning.
Bert Harrison has accepted a posi
tion in Halo's restaurant.
C B. Parkinson of Klrkman, Iowa,
was iu the city Tuesday.
Take your poultry and hidos to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Jones were up
from Guide Hock Tuesdiy.
Mrs. Charles Liudloy camo down
from Rivertm Wednesday.
To the
Out of 50 Iusurnnco Companies
doing business iu Webster
County the Gocmiiu of Freo
port pays one-third of the taxes
nud has over oOO policies in
force. The Farmers' Mutual of
Nebrasku is tho largest Mutual
in tho state, with over three
quarters of u million dollars in
surance in Webster couuty.
For Good Insurance
Call on
o. c.
Red Cloud.
Piumb sells Blue Hill Hour.
Mrs. K A Thomas returned yester
day from a visit in Nelson.
S. A. Weiekol was in tho city Tues
day from Mt. Pulaski, Iowa.
Miss Ituth Warron went to Superior
Tuesday morning for a visit.
Mis. Byrd Whitcomb of York is a
guest at tho Claik residence
K P. Marshall and L. Kessler were
down from Biverton Tuesday.
C. B. Halo and L. H. Feis woro in
Campbell tho first of tho woek.
Mhs Matilda Cook is visiting witli
her parents, A. Cook and wife.
Mrs. 11. E. Pond depnrtod for her
homo in Lincoln this morning.
Jick Waller and Fred Foo woro
down from Cowles Wednesday.
H. B. Cramer of Bladen lias pur
chased tho F. E Goblo property.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Morhart and
son spent Sunday in Guide Hook.
F. G. Turnuro departed for Marys
ville, Missouri, Tuesday mornicg.
Mayor Dickonson has laid a now
cement walk around his residenco.
L. H. Blackledgo returned tho closo
of last week from his visit in iowa.
A now cement walk has boon laid
at the McMillan residence this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McCarl spent
Sunday in McCook visiting relatives.
Mips Vera Crabill will return from
her visit at Lincoln tomorrow night.
You can now take your annual bath.
Tho tubs at Manspoakor's harbor shop
Mrs. Vesta Harwood returned Wed
nesday evening from a visit in Omaha.
Mrs. J. T. Bradshaw was up from
Superior Monday visiting with fiitnds
Commissioner Sawyer and A. R.
Davis wero down from Inavalo Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Warron dopartod
Saturday morning for a visit at Lin
coln. Mrs. E. A. Moranvillo and children
wont to Guido Rock Tuesday for a
Plumb the food man will pay you tho
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Mrs. H. J. Clark and childron re
turned from a several wooks visit at
J. F. Winters of Lincoln was in Red
Cloud this woek visiting with old
f i lends.
Dr. L. H. Book was up from Superior
Wednesday ationding to business
Mrs. Bert Holdrogo and childron ro
turned to their homo at Inavalo Satur
day night.
Prof. W. A. Brown and family aro
moving into tho houso oast of tho lire
man's hall.
Charley Halo has boon making somo
improvements in tho interior of his
Dr E A. Thomas roturnod from his
two weeks outing in Colorado, Mon
day morning.
L L Boren and family have moved
into tho SielTon property in tno east
part of town.
Mrs Charles Ludlow nndchildmi
returned from a week's visit in Khor
ton Tuesday.
Mrs. F. P. liudloy is very ill nt
Alma, where she is tho guest of Mrs.
Charles Stout.
Rev. and Mrs. G. II. Rico and child
ren leave today for an extended visit
in Minnesota.
James Wiggs was in the city Friday
on his way to his homo in Lebanon
from Colorado.
Miss Jessio Wort spent Sunday in
Alma with her parents and other tola
tivos and friends.
Miss Edna Crono arrived yesterday
fn-iu Ottawa, Kansas, for a visit with
MifsElliol Garber.
Al Busheo of Holdrcgo is town this
week visiting with his brother, C. W.
Busheo and family.
11. E. Grioo and family returned
Thursday morning from a three weoks
outing in Colorado.
Mr.". H. II. Waito and Mrs. It. S.
Pioudlit of Lincoln wero visiting Red
Cloud friends Tuesday.
Mis. Mabel Thompson and baby of
Hastings aro in tho city visiting with
her mother, Mrs Pegg.
Mrs. Lulu Fuller roturnod to Lincoln
Sunday, after a visit with her parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G. Potter.
Mrs. M. A. Mercer and two children
left Thursday for a visit with her par
ents in Gibbon, Nebrasku.
Misses Gertrude and Kt'a Coon left
Wednesday for St. Paul, Minn, whore
thoy will visit for a month.
Ed Piatt returned from Doll Rapids,
South Dakota, Saturday night, where
ho has been visiting his sister.
For ront After July I, rcsidonso,
corner Cedar street and Third avt nue.
Inquire at Nowhouse's store.
Father Lougnot returned from Mary
land, whero ho wns recently called on
account of tho illness of a sister.
Mrs. Dr. Gardner camo up from W7
moro Tuesday evening for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fort.
Don't forget to insure your property
against lire, lightning and cyclones
with L. 11. Fort, agent, D.unoroll block
Mrs. W. H. Tabor and childron de-
A full line of elegant
patterns and some good
values, of extra heavy
weave and pretty col
ors. The prices on these
Hammocks are right;
you can see for your
self if you will examine
If you ever needed a
nice Hammock you will
need it now.
Don't wait until the
summer is gone; enjoy
these nice evenings in
one of our Hammocks
and your life will be
full of happiness.
Hardware Co.
Our Regular Annual
Inventory Is Over
We find we have a few Men's Odd
Suits and Pants left over from our
Spring and Summer business, which we
are anxious to dispose of.
We will make Special Low Prices on
this class of stuff in order to clean it up.
These goods are all new and clean and
are a bargain if there ever was one.
Malance Men's and Uoyi' Straw Hats
at cost. Also some special Midsummer
Bargains in Men's Soft Shirts.
Come and see these goods. Three
months left to wear lightweight stuff.
Gouiden-Kaley Clothing Go.,
First Door North of Posotfflce, Red Cloud, Neb.
parted Tuesday morning for a visit
with relatives and friends at Lincoln.
Mrs. S. A Bnrwoll and AMss Lstiiso
Writer of Inavalo woro in town Mon
day and made this ollico a pleasant
Mrs. Sophia Graves dopartod yester
day morning for an extended visit with
relatives and friends at Torra Hauto,
Miss Inez. Crabill had tho misfortune
to step on a pieoo of broken glass a fow
days ago, inll cling a deep gash in her
right foot.
Mr?. John G. Potter loft last Situr-
day for a visit in Astoria and Portland,
On g n, stopping in Denver and Suit
Lake City.
Vic Manspoaker and mother aro
moving into tho houso in the north
part of town which thoy recently
George Johnson, who will have
charge of Al Albright's dry goods de
partment, will soon move his family to
Ked Cloud.
Mrs. Arthur Myers roturnod from
Lincoln Thursday evening, whoro sho
has boon for t. 0 past live weeks tak
ing tront'iiont.
Mrs. Cecil Nelson returned to hor
homo in McCook Saturday night, after
a pleasant visit hero with C.T. Dickon
son and family.
Dr. J. E. Warrick will moot oyo, oar
nose nnd throat patients at Dr. Dam
eroll's oillio Thursday, August 10
Eyes tested free.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thomas and
youngest daughter departed Monday
evening for a visit with relative at
Wrny, Colorado.
"Hud" McCuno is taking a short
vacation from his duties in Storey's
C othing store and is visiting with rel
atives in Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Bogus aro stopping in
tho city for a fow wooks. Mr. Bogus
is representing tho New York Life
Insurance company.
Miss Corinno Dusonborrv of Nelson,
who has been employed in the tele
phone oftlco at Miuden, visited Miss
Ethel Garber this week.
Lew McClintock arrived in Hed
Cloud Friday for a visit with friends.
Ho has been working in Soattlo, Wash
ington, for tho past your.
K H. McCord of Pltillipsburg, Kan.,
roturnod to his h ime last night, after
a ploasant visit in this city with his
brother-in-law, Davo Dickoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sullivan and son
Frances departed Friday night for an
extended trip in Colorado in hopes of
benolitting Mr Sullivan's health.
Cliarloy Piatt harvested 8.J3 bushels
of oats from his tifteen ncro Hold west
of town, a yield of 57 bushels per aero.
Tho grain is of tho finest quality.
Mrs. E. S. Gucbor will nrrivo Mon
day from hor extended stay in Colo
rado. Anson Garber is enjoying tho
bust of health aud will remain in Colo-
j rado,
Mrs. S. I. Dowitt roturnod from her
t.vo weoks visit at Giltuor witu hor
parents. Miss Niccolls, her sistor,
accompanied hor homo for a short
M. A. Albright is this week rear
ranging tho interior of his storo room,
getting ready to recoivo tho stock of
dry goods which ho will add to his
Fred Bortfold in now in chargo of
the G. A. Crancor piano stock in this
city, as manager. It is probablo tho
linn will establish a permanent branch
houso hero.
James K. Wall is enjoying a visit
fiom his hrothor, John Wall, nnd wife,
of Nevada. Iowa. Jim and his brother
had not soon each other for about
twenty years.
Mrs. Abnor nrifTuth and daughtors
Eliiboth and Margaret, of Ehonsburg,
Ph., nro guests of Mrs. Goorgo Mor
hart. Mrs. Griffoth is a sistor of Mrs.
Dwight Jonos.
After a ploasant sovon weoks visit
with their cousin, Mrs. F. L, Smith,
Misses Inez, nnd Poarl Hancock re
turned to their homo in Olathe, Kan.,
Tuesday morning.
O. B. Buchanan, tho liveryman from
Lebanon, was in town Wednesday,
looking for 0110 of his teams which was
takon from tho barn last Friday and
has not ot boon roturnod.
Judgo Keonoy issued a marriago
license Inst Saturday morning to Bort
Carr and Miss Mina Loggott. The
young couplo drove to Guido Rock and
woro married by Kev. It. A. Ramsoy.
Mrs. E. W. Ross and daughter Mario
doparlo J Thursday morning for a visit
at Lincoln and Beatrice. Thoy woro
accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Cockran,
who has boon a guest at tho Ross homo
for several days.
Tho M. E pastor Rov. Mazo expects
his wifo and three little folks to bo
with him ovor Sunday. Thoy are on
routo for tho mountains of Colorado
for a Mimmor outing. Their residence
is at Dawson, Nebraska.
Well improved 03 aero farm for salo
adjoining city of lltA Cloud. Good
substantial 10 room modern houso,
barn, alfalfa, blue grass pasture, tino
spring and plenty of timber. Tonus
to suit purchaser.
Mks. Silks Gabukh.
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private
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