The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1905, Image 4

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    - i jnjvr
How Many
Birthdays ?
You must have had sixty at
leastl What? Only forty?
Then it must be your gray
hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops
these frequent birthdays. It
gives all the early, deep, rich
color to gray hair, and checks
falling hair. And it keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
" ! wan greatly troubled with dandruff which
product ft n limit cllfUtrpe,Mo Itching of the
rnli! I tried Ayer'n llnlr Vigor ami the dan.
limit n dlnniipfarod. .Mr Imlr altn itoml
IhIIIiii: out until now I lime a niilcndld lirad
ut liuir."-David C Kinnk, riainnclil.Conu.
Md by J. a. Ay it Co., Lowell, Mii.
Alio manunotureri or
Better Than Ever.
That is tho vordlct of ovory person
who lias witnessed a performance of
Campbell Brothers groat consolidated
shows. Always good, but this year
with many now addod features, tho
performance is in ovory way tho equal
of any show upon tho road, and in
keeping with tho policy of these well
known circus managers over since tho
first organization of this famous
amusement enterprise.
Starting in a small way over fifteen
years ago thoy havo stuadily advanced
until at tho present time it is second
to none. Cleanly conducted, with no
fakirs or grafters, Campbell Brothers
consolidated shows has made friends
from its infancy and each year sees
tho list swelled until today tho imnio
is a synonym for all that is good and
honest in tho amusement world. They
will exhibit at Red Cloud, Tuesday,
August 8.
Otto Pope Escapes "Yellow-Jack."
O. W. Popo, who left Lincoln for
Central A morion several weeks ago
with F. A. Harrison, lias returned by
way of the Pacific ocean and San Fran
c.hco, and is heartily glad to havo
made his escape before tho yellow
fever quarantine mado all movement
impossible. Ho says thnt Mr. Harri
son and his wifo do not seem to bo
inconvenienced by the quarantine, as
t hoy do not intend to return for some
time and are enjoying themselves in
the inteiiorof Guatemala.
Mr Popo had some laud deals in
mind when ho went to Central
America, but it did not take him long
to decide that ho did not want to stay
in tho country. Beforo ho could got
away tho boats running to tho United
States through tho Gulf of Mexico
were prevented by tho quarantine
from taking on passengers. Ho thou
took a journey on mule back over tho
mountains to Guatemala City and
from there wout by rail to tho Pacific
oceau. Hero ho boarded a boat from
Panama that was full of refugees, and
after many delays and trials thoy
finally reached San Francisco, where
the doctors examined and thumped
thorn and at last permitted them to
land. Mr. Popo brought back many
curios and on the whole had au inter
esting and valuablo experience, but ho
has no further doslie to go to Central
America in search of a fortuue.-- Liu
coin Journal.
Now Will You Go?
The Campboll Bros, big circus is
coming to Bed Cloud on Tuesday,
August 8. This is tho only point in
this vicinity whore they will exhibit
this season and tho opportunity to
ivitues'iit should not be missed In
fact, this is tho only big show that will
be any where near Rod Cloud this year
It was at first doubtful if trackage
could bo scoured here for their im
mense trains, but the railroad com
pany guarantees it and their coming
on Tuesday, August S, is now an
assured fact. Tho consolidation of
those big shows this year is some
thing unheard, of two big shows atono
price of admission, two menageries,
two museums, and two performances
given, all in one. The railroads will
jjivo special excursion rates and tho
sohoitule of trains will be so arranged
that no ouo will miss tho street pa
rade which takes place at 10 a. in.
Garner Potter Drowned.
Garner Potter, tho 11-year-old step
son of J. E Hosier, was drowned at
Astoria, Oregon, last Saturday. His
grandmother, Mrs. J. G. Potter, had
loft Red Cloud on Saturday for a visit
at Astoria and other western points.
On receipt of tho telegram announc
ing tho boy's death Sunday morning,
Mr. Potter also loft for Astoria, ex
pecting to overtake Mrs. Potter at
In company witli some other boys
Garner, who had been in swimming,
started to run a race along an old, di
lapidated wharf, when a rotten plank
gave way and ho fell through to tho
water. Every effort was mado to res
cue him, but without avail, and when
his body was recovered a short timo
later life was extinct.
If you aro troubled with dizzy spells
headache, intlgestion, constipation,
Hollistor's Hooky Mountain toi will
mako you and keep you well. If it
fails get your money back. That's
fair. 35 2ent8. C. L. Cotting.
Quarterly Meeting.
Tho fourth quarterly meeting for
Inavalo and Ash Creek charge will be
hold August 12 and 13. Quarterly
conference will bo hold at Damorell's
hall in Rod Cloud, Saturday afternoon,
August 12, at 3 o'clock. A full at
tendanco of tho olllcors of tho church
is desired. The preaching sorvieo for
quarterly meeting will be held in tho
Inavalo M. E. church Sunday morn
ing, August 1., at 11:30. Presiding
Eldor Pearson will preach and admin
ister tho sacrament of tho Lord's Sup
per. Everyone cordially invited.
W. T. Tavlob, Pastor.
Gasoline Stove Burns Dp.
Rov. G. H. Rice's gasoline stovo got
to "bucking" yesterday about noon
and in a short timo was enveloped in
flamos. Mrs. Rico was slightly burned
about tho hands in attempting to
smothor the flames, which sho finally
.succeeded in doing, but not until fully
a third of a gallon of gasoline had boon
consumed and tho stove was a wreck.
There was no oxplosiou, however,
-which his reverence attributes to a
peculiar circumstance. A few weeks
ago a poddler sold Mrs Rico a bottle
filled with a powder which, when
poured into the gasoline, was warrant
ed to provent an oxplosin. This pow
der had been put into the tank of tho
stove, and Mr. Rico is forced to tho
conclusion that tho peddler did not
misrepresent tho merit of tho article
lie was selling.
Child Run Over.
Dalo Reynolds, tho 3-yoar old son of
Frank Roynolds, proscription clerk in
Grico's drug store, had a very narrow
escape from serious injury Wednesday
evening. Ho started across tho street
a'iono from Grico's to tho Potter block
and ran in front of a passing team.
Ho was knocked to tho ground and
botli wheels of tho carriago passed
over his body Ho was carried into
tho drug store whure ho vomited
freely. Examination showed that no
bones wore broken, and, asido from n
sovoro shnking up, tho little follow
was uninjured.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Red Cloud, Neb., July 2G, 1905.
Board of couuty commissioners met
pursuant to call of chairman. Mem
bers nil present.
In the matter of tho application to
havo west half southwest quartor
25-1 10 appraised for tho purpose of
sale, chairman appointed Commission
ers Richard, Fogol and Anderson as a
committeo to appraise said land.
In tho matter of tho application to
havo section 30, town 1, rango 12, ap
praised for tho purpose of sale, chair
man appointed Commissioners Ger
lach, Sawyer and Fogel as a commit
tho to appraise same
On motion, Leo Do Tour was ap
pointed O II R D No. 1.
In tho matter of tho settlement of
tho county board with the couuty of
ficers, tho chairman appointed com
mittees as follows:
Commissioners Richard and Fogol
to check up books, etc., of clerk of
district court, sheriff, county judge,
county superintendent and county
Commissioners Gorlach, Anderson
and Sawyer to check up tho books and
accounts of tho county treasurer.
After a careful and thorough exam
ination of all books and accounts of
the several county ofllcers, by said
committees, they report said books
and accounts to be correctaml corre
spond with their several reports on
llle in county clerk's office, which aro
as follows:
Collections for first quarter, 1905:
January $.'10 3S
February 17 1)8
March 18 (53
Total $72 99
Collections for second quarter, 1905:
April 8 HO -JO
May 89 75
Juno 2 50
Total $128 05
Fees colloctod for first six months of
January $171 20
February ,
March 123 05
April 85 95
May 05 25
Juno 12 05
"Seph" Rosencrans Married.
Yesterday at noon, at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rosencrans in this
city, occurred tho wedding of Miss
Barbara Anderson of Belvidoro, 111 ,
and Mr. Josophus Rosencrans, Rov.
Maze oilleiiting "Soph" is well
known hero and in tho vicinity of
Womor, Kansas, whore ho owns a line
farm. "Soph" thought ho was steal
ing a march on his friends, but every
body was onto him, and all join in
wishing him and his bri lo many years
of happiness. Thoy will mako their
homo at Belvidoro, 111.
Total $015 47
Report of county treasurer was pub
lished in full last week.
Fees and mileage earned and uncol
lected for torm ending Juno .'10, 1905:
Fees earned 0 mouths
ending June HO.... 8330 15
Miloago earned 0 mos.
ending Juno 30.... 92 40
Fees and mileage un
collected Doc. 31, '01 90 75
Fees collected 0 mos
ending Juno 30 $121 00
Mileage collected 0
mos ending Juno 30 29 00
Fees and mileage un
collected June 30... 377 10
$528 30 8528 30
Foes earned and disbursements for
llrst quartor, 1904:
Fees for January $114 00
Fees for February.... 179 40
Fees for March 22!) 15
Bal. duo olei k Mch. 31 297 10
Amt. duo Jan. 1, 1905 $219 05
Clerk's salary, first
quarter, 1905 375 00
Deputy's salary, first
quartor, 11)05 175 00
Extra help in ofllce. . . 50 00
Prof. Dudley Made Happy.
Prof. G W. Dudley, the new super
intendent of tho Rod Cloud schools,
writes from DoWltt that he and his
wife are rejoicing over the arrival at
khoir home last Sunday of a nine
Von nd girl baby, their first child
Prof. Dudley is expected to arrive to
Jhy to mako arrangements for mov
ing his family hero.
"Hoop" Is Dead.
There is mourning at tho Royal
Hotel. Wednesday morning Roy Oat
nian1 dog, "Hoop," the pot of tho
house, died from tho effects of a dose
of poison. His remains were laid to
rest in tho roar of tho old Valley
House, and tho fuuoral was attended
by tho employes of tho hotel in a body.
It is said tho scones around tho gravo
woro very touching, tho dog having
been a favorito among tho lady at
taches of the house, and their grief
was heart-rending.
8810 05 $819 05
Second quarter:
Fees for April $140 45
Fees for May 132 05
Foes for Juno 114 20
July 1, bal. duo clork. 502 90
April 1, bal. due clerk $297 10
Clerk's salary 375 00
Deputy's salary 175 00
Ofllce oxponsos, etc... 48 00
to JllLJ !! I 1 I 1 I I MTl t
" 'so iffy A. HFc?r9lHL 41
''KsllHvK Mi 7fJiy 49L T
n V2S5w7Fr .".
X fvJS-rMT' x? . 's
lO Cents
a Button.
m a imi
Ever think how much time you spend
in your Clothes?
You might as well have a comfortable
fit, feel and look.
You will get all in DUTCHESS
All light-weight SUITS and TROUS
ERS cut to prices that will
close them out.
"3 .KKT i W
3 fc V
M. A. Albright,
15he Grocer
Flrst Quality ' Goods
v?&& Reasonable 3 Prices
I Red Cloud, - Nebraska
That House or B.irn, or storo that Uonl, it will save you
money and give you a lot of satisfaction if yon will call and
get prices and seo tho stock of
Dry Lumber and Gcnnlnc Matttand Coal a Specialty
$895 00 8895 00
Receipts and expenditures for term
ending Juno 30, 1903:
Bal. on hand Jan. 1 . . .$ 82 55.
Received from exami
nation foes 73 00
Appropriation by
county board 75 00
Institute fees 91 00
Instituto oxponsos.... $305 00
Bal. on hand July 1, '05 10 55
1,324 55 9321 05
Land Bargains
hi Norton county, Kansas: 100 im
proved, good land, $1900; 210 improved
good land, $1000; 40 Improved, good
land, ?050; 010 improved, $17 per acre.
A snap. Writo for comploto list, glv
! ing full particulars Address, D. W.
Grant, Laud agent. Almoua, Kansas,
Tho following claims against tho
bridge fund wore allowed and' war
rants ordered drawn in payment of
Frank Clausou, brldgo work...? 14 00
C Blrkner, bridgo work 59 50
George Clauson, brldgo work.. 178 00
Henry Clauson, brldgo work... 109 03
Charles Wolf, bridge work 2 50
F C Buschow, brldgo work 18 50
W B Shirley, brldgo work 14 50
I Win A Bunuoll, bridgo work. . . 9 50
I J It Helton, bridgo work 8 00
Morris Mills, bridgo work 7 50
Elias Lockhart, brldgo work.. 40 25
B F Hudson, brldgo work 8 00
W R Parker, bridgo work 03 00
II A Curtis, brldgo work 21 50
Joseph Schrader, brldgo work. 21 50
J M Kiucaid, bridgo work 0 GO
Joseph Hubacek, bridgo work. . 43 50
Henry Arondts, bridge hdw. ... 10 05
R D Post, bridge work 3 50
J C Myers, painting 2 00
C F McKelghau, hauling. 0 00
B F Hudson, hauling 22 00
Wm A Bunnell, bridgo work. . . 31 70
J I) Storey, hauling 3 00
J M Kincaid, work, etc 13 00
J C Watson, bridgo work 10 00
A I Button, hauling 43 00
E D McCune, bridgo work 2 00
Henry Clauson. bridgo work... 75 50
George Clauson, bridge work.. 82 25
Chas Hogate, hauling 17 50
M C Sherman, bridgo work.... 49 00
F A Coulson, bridgo work 01 50
No further businoss appearing, tho
minutes wore road and approved aud
board adjourned to meet at call of tho
The Great LoomEnd
Sale at Turnure Bros.'
continues until Tuesday night, giv
ing every ono who conies to tho show
an opportunity to secure the greatest
bargains ever offered at Red Cloud.
This has been the greatest sale in
the history of this store. All who at
tended this great sale mado money
aud aro our best living, walking advor
Those who don't attend this groat
salo aro tho losers.
Dtmr (tub: I htve solved tho
iuotlier-in-law problem; just give her
regularly Holli8tor's R'icky Mountain
toa, It will make her healthy, happy
and docile as a lamb. 35 coats, tea or
tablets C. L Cotting,
AGuarantced Cure For Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing Piles. Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case,
no matter of how long standing, in G to
14 days. First application gives ease
and rest. 50c. If your druggist hnsn'fc
it send 50c in stamps, and it will bo for
warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co.
St. Louis, Mo.
Having docidod to locato horo in
Rod Cloud, I wm propurod to do any
kind of cement work cisterns, side
walks, foundations and cases, or any
fancy work, and having had eight
years' exporionco in tho cement busi
ness lean givo tho best of references.
Prices roasouablo. C. 11. Conklin. tf
A Runaway.
Tom Swartz and Will Ovorman
started for a drlvo Saturday evening,
bllt jUSt as tho team loft Bnrnn'R Imm
thoy bocamo frightenod and started to
run. The occupants of the buggy
escaped uninjured, but tho vehicle
wao somewhat damagod.
It will wash and not rub oir
IhiB complexion all envy mo.
It's no secret so I'll toll
Take thou Rocky Mountain tea.
-. L. Cotting.
Proposals for Bids.
Notice Is hereby given tlmt tho chv council
of He.l Cloud, Nebraska, will recolvo sealed
bids at the otllee of tho city clerk, up todo'clock
V. w.. August 7, 1005. for tho iurono of build
lag twenty cement crotMugs (more or less)
lu said city, said crossings to bo built accord
ing to phuib and HpeelllcatloiiH now on record
In tho olllco of tho city clerk. Tho council
reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Red tloud, July 12, lOU').
(Seal) l. II, Pout, City Clerk.