The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1905, Image 7

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iwv wsrouwcra
Women as Well as Men Are Made
miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
uiscourngesandlesseiisainbition; beauty,
vigor una cheerful
ness soon disappear
when thekidneysnrc
out of o-'lcr or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become "so prevalent
unit it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidnevs. If the
child urinatestoooften.ifthe urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-ling,
depend upon it, the cause of thediffl
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards tlu treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men arc made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
nnd both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also n rtome of 8wjniitooi.
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
lUngluunton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, llinghaniton, N. Y., on every
In a watch chain that adds nothing
to the chain's looks or the quality of
Its workmanship ? The outer sur
face of pure gold and all the details
cf workmanship and finish are
identically the same in
Watch Chains
and in the costly gold ones.
For Sale by
Newhonse Bros.,
Jewelers & Opticians,
Rod Cloud, - Nebraska
Grlswold entered Into a conspiracy to
Induce many men and women to enter
upon land, to bo afterwards trans
ferred to Cobban. The land was sub
sequently ncqulred by Senator Clark,
nnd In another suit now before the
(supreme court of the United States
the government la Reeking to set aside
Clnrk's title to tho land. Grlswold
Is a government witness, tho Indict
ment against him having been an
Thirty-four Deaths Reported at New
Orleans Since July 13.
New Orleans, July 20. In response
to the request of tho statu board of
health, the city board of health com
piled the figures of suspicious and
actual cases of yellow fever and
deaths and the figures as issued by
the state board show between July
13 nnd July 21 there were- about 100
cases, suspicious and positive, and
twenty deaths. Since then there
have been 51 cases and 14 deaths,
making all told 154 cases and 34
deaths. There are about fifty cases
under treatment. Dr. George D.
Young, United States marine hospital
service, has been assigned to tako
charge of the Inspection of trains, to
co-operate with the states and local
ities which havo Instituted quaran
tines, and he will mako his headquar
ters In Jackson, Miss. The state
board has quarantined the state
against New Orleans.
Physicians are reporting promptly
all cases of fever and Immediate steps
are taken to prevent mosquito Infec
tion, so that the prospects of restrict
ing the Infection are considered
bright. The advisory board of the
city bonrd of health began active work
nnd will have Immediate charge of
the work of ferreting out tho new foci
of infection and carrying out the san
itation nnd Isolation. It will also
havo general supervision over tho
campaign of education and the clean
ing up of tho city, screening of cis
terns and houses, etc.
Twister Leaves Wreckage In Trail.
Elko, Nov., July 25. The most de
structive windstorm ever known to
have occurred In Nevada has swept
over the country just west of Uattlo
mountain. It destroyed everything In
its course. Trees, sago brush and
fences were swept away nnd fifty-two
telegraph poles of the Southern Pa
cific and Western Union Telegraph
companies were twisted Into splinters.
Its north end touched tho town of
Battle Mountain, carried away chim
neys and porches and violently shook
buildings. No persons were Injured,
but much stock Is reported to have
been killed.
All Victims Have Been Identified
and Entire Crew Accounted For.
Seven More May Die of Injuries.
Official Account of Disaster.
San Diego, July 24. They buriea
the gunboat Bennington's dead, forty
seven of them, In a common gravo.
On tho crest of the promontory of
Loinu they were laid to rest In tho
peaceful little military burying
ground. Without the crash of drum
or the sound of brass, without pomp
or parade, yet with simple impressive-
ness all honor was paid the nation's
dead. They havo honored dead to
keep them company, these brave boya
of the Uennlngton. All about them
He those who died In the nation's ser
vice in most trying times. Grave
stones, yellow with nge, Vear tho
names of men who died at Monterey,
In the Mexican war; others who gavo
up their life in tho conquest of Cali
fornia and who followed Commodoro
Stockton nt Old San Pasqual. These
are their neighbors in death. Surely
they should rest well.
Tho army and navy paid their laBt
tributes no less sincere than the Him
pie grief of tho representatives of
peace, who made tho long journey
around nnd across the great bay.
San Diego a City of Mourning.
San Diego was a city of mourning.
Thousands filed through the morgues
with arms filled with ilowers, dropping
the blossoms hero and there upon
Btiino of the unfortunates of the flag
draped coffins. Other thousands
gathered In the plaza, from whenco
the procession of collln-laden wagons
was to start.
Promptly at noon the long lino of
vehicles began tho long Journey
around the hay to the burial place.
Owing to tho steep hills and rough
roads It was found impracticable to
use hearses or even dead wagons,
and tho bodies were stacked In heavy
express wagons and other ordinary ve
hicles. The deep trench In which tho bod
ies were placed, in two rows, feet to
feet, is sixty feet long and fourteen
feet wide. It was finished but a few
minutes before the arrival of the first
load of bodies. Around it were drawn
in long linos, the artillery company
from the fort.
dend Identified ; eleven" ead unldontl
fled; forty-eight wounded, a number
of whom will die; seventeen missing;
total number on boaid 100. Captain
Drake, with surgeons an I nurses sent
'roni Mnro Island, nrrhed. Ho has
given full authority to employ
dm irs nnd purchase web medical
supplier as may bo necejsary."
The 'sklent has directed that
cverytl.i..,; possible bo done to alle
viate the suffering of tie Injured. A
general inquiry into the causes of tho
disaster will bo rnado.
The Chief
dund the
AND FINED $1,000.
Daniel S. Lamont Dead.
New York, July 24. Colonel Daniel
Lamont, secretary of war under Mr.
Cleveland, died nt his country resi
dence at Mlllbrook, N. Y., after a brief
Illness. Death was unexpected, al
though Colonel Lamont had been In
feeble health, and the members of the
Immediately family were gathered at
the "Altamont," the Lamont country
home at Mlllbrook.
Kansas Lunatic Burns Wheat.
Wichita, Kan., July 24. Thousands
of bushels of new wheat havo been
destroyed by a lunatic at large In
Reno county, between Duhlor and
Burton, who passed through the dis
trict setting lire to stacks and gran
aries. The Incendiary, whose name Is
not known, Is thought to have been
A posse has been organized at Buhler
to capture him.
Fifty-eight Men Are Dead and Forty
six Wounded.
San Diego, Cal., July 25. Shocking
and pathetic as have been the occur
rences accompanying and following
the explosion on the United States
gunboat Bennington In San Diego har
bor, tho story of tho frightful accident
has reached the point where the story
of suspense mny give way to tho re
lief of knowing that the extent of the
disaster lias been defined. Tho most
important development Is tho certain
ty that no member of the erow of tho
Bennington remains unaccounted for
nnd thnt no gruesome find awaits the
exploration of tho depths of the hold,
now being rapidly emptied of water.
The summary of tho situation is 54
Identified dead, 4 unidentified dead, 40
wounded, 01 uninjured, 1 deserter,
which brings the total up to that of
tho number of tho officers and crew
Investigation resulted In definitely
establishing tho Identity of the four
men classed ns unidentified dead.
I These are: C. Nelson, C. S. Carter,
Day's Trading and , p. Strang and It. .i. Ogles.
visit to the hospitals where tho
Conflagration is Still Raging in Hum
ble Field In Texas.
Houston, Tex., July 25. Tho firo In
the Humble oil field is still burning
fiercely, but It remains confined to tho
tanks of tho Texas company. Whllo
no names are ascertainable, It Is be
lieved that twelve persons lost their
lives. So far as can be learned theso
were nil negroes, who were employed
in trying to prevent the spread of tho
flames. Forty-three mules are known
to have perished. Tho managers of
the Texas company state that tho
tanks contained approximately 2,500,
000 barrels of oil, which wbb valued
at about 25 cents per barrel, nnd that
none of the oil will be Bnved. In ad
dition they say the big pumping plant
at tho tanks was entirely destroyed,
making a totnl loss of more than
$GOO,000. The efforts of the fire fight
era have been confined to throwing
up earthen embankments between
the burning tanka, of which there nro
eleven, and those in which 4.000,000
barrels of oil, belonging to other com
panies, are stored. Theso tanks aro
3.0(0 and feet away from tho
field, but the water which covers tho
field, as a result of the rain, has
floated the burning oil to tho first
level and a sudden "boll-over" may
send the burning fluid to tho second
embankment, which would place tho
other tanks in greater danger. Tha
fire Is not spreading toward the pro
ducing field, and It Is not expected
that It will. Hundreds of men are en
gnged strengthening the levees, build
ing them higher, nnd in throwing up
additional ridges. Scores of people
have lost their temporary homes In
the fields. Many of these have al
ready come to lloufton to seek shel
Attempt to Slay Sultan of Turkey
Mystifies Authorities.
Constantinople. July 24. Three
commissions are inquiring Into tho
attempt on the life or the sultan Fri
day, but they have not yet been able
to find the slightest clew either to tho
author or the origin of the outrage.
Twenty-four persons wore killed and
fifty-seven wounded. Tho majority of
the victims were ranchmen and twenty-seven
hack-coaches were blown to
pieces and fifty-flvo horses were
killed. Eye-witnesses describe tho
scene after the explosion as heart
rending, with men and horses lying
dying around. A hole two yards wido
was made In the ground hy the explo
sion. The bomb, which was Intended
to blow up the sultan, fell short nnd
exploded nbout thirty yards from hi3
one year for
Red Cloud, Neb-
of the
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, July 'J.'i. Conflict llIK reports. I1S (ntiirnri ciirvlvnrc nrn linlnir nnrnil fnr
22S :r2w,,f,ffi XKnfS K'ves a hopeful aspect to the present
day. The clone wuh weals, with September situation. There are several poor fob
down (ic. Corn wan off VWic Outn lows whose fate mny bo snld to hnng
showed a Io-m of y,. I'rmiNioiw were. ln tne balance and one of them shows
unchanged to I'-jf higher. Closing prices: , , , . . , . ,
Wheat-July. s7,c: Sept., feuvi'STe; Dec., n 'decided tendency toward recovery.
bV.iivi .May, hoc. i Those In a critical condition nro: W.
July. .-.7c, new, 57c; Sept., 5ic, V. Kennedy, Georgo Hnllctt, C.
SI. 1,0111 S and
'ill points cast and
and all pvirti
,. T'Ofrtuoti.
Schalltz, H. 13. Mettles, S. Pakato, L.
A. Grlez and Walter Martin. Tho
Intter may recover, but any of tho
others may die at any hour.
Receives Official Account of Disaster
on the Bennington.
Oyster Hay, N. Y., July 21. Acting
W. I.. I
coiuiiihus .57 :::i raw
Milwaukee .r.:i H.I Mri
Mlim'poUs .ft! III!
St. I'aul....l1 t."i 101
Louisville ..44 IS 478
Convicted Man Cannot Again Hold
Any Office Placed Under $2,000
Bail Pending Hearing of His Case
by Higher Court.
Portland, Ore., July 20. United
States Senator Mitchell, convicted of
using his office of United States sen
ator to further the law practice of the
firm of Mitchell & Tanner of this city,
was sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000
nnd six months penal servitude.
Pending a review of tho case by the
supreme court of the United States
execution of the sentence will be de
ferred. In the meantime Mitchell will
be placed under ball to the amount
of $2,000.
In pronouncing sentenco upon tho
aged United States senator, Judge
Dellaven said: ""The statute under
which the indictment was found pro
vides that tho offense shall be pun
ished by imprisonment of not more
than two years or by a fino of not
more than 10,000. It also renders
the defendant Incapable of again hold
ing any olllco of trust or profit ln
the United States. In reaching a con
clusion in tills case, I have given
consideration to tho ago of the do
fondant, which mny ho taken Into ac
count In mitigation of punishment,
and tho further fnct that he is for
ever hereafter disqualified from hold
ing office. In view of these facts, and
in consideration or tho nature of the
offense, the judgment of tho court Is
that the defendant bo Imprisoned for
six months In the county jail of Mult
nomah county, in this state, and
that he be fined tho sum of $1,000."
Cobban on Trial for Land Frauds.
Helena, Mont., July 20. Tho trial
of R. M. Cobban of Missoula for
subornation of perjury In connection
with timber land entries in western
Montana begnn boforo Judge Hunt.
TTnttmi states Attorney Maynard. ln
outlining the enso to tho Jury, said It T"t;w '' ; ' ''. "I J , . V "'" 'SVl vato residences. LatCBt reports from Injury. Tho wheols of tho engine
ayould be shown that Cobban, nnd C. .jo; iambs, Hi.Wj.l.l5, commanding officer elves forty-five missed him by six inches.
new, wifii.i"ji:
(Iiiih July, :l'4c; Sept., 'JSWiMlc; Dec.,
iaXc; May, :ile.
Pork-Sept., ifl.'UO: Oct., $i:i.07'.
1.UI il-Sept.. .7.,--J',; Oct., .$7.:!-,1,!.
Itllis-Scpt.. 7Xi; Oct., .7.!C',i...
Chicago Cadi Prices No. i hanl wheat.
Ssij..siii;.,-; No. :i hard wheat. STGihhJdt; J
No. 1' coin, ."7'-je; No. 1 oats, IJOc.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, July J.'i.-'attli UeeelptH. -I,-!
(XKl: stcniU : 1:11ml to mime stows. S.VJOiii'
r..s.": pool- to iiii.iluiii. .w.rwK.-i.iti; ntoi-Ker.s secretary 01 tno .avy Dueling tele-
ami feeler... s-j.j.v.i i.l'.-; cowh. yj.i'n t.tioj graphed an ofllcinl report of the dlsas-
helf.TS, .yj.LW.l".; caillieiH. 1.LV,CJ.:;U; tPr to tho mtuhnnt nennlntrm tr.
President Roosevelt. Tho telegram
Kansas Women Smash Joint.
Clay Center, Kan., July 20. Eight
prominent temperance women smash
cd a Joint at Industry, owned by
John Peterson. With hatchets, they
broke open a barrel of whisky and
several cases of beer. Six mon wero
in tho joint drinking. The women
knocked the glnsses from their hands.
The joint was thoroughly wrecked.
Peterson has left for his homo at
Junction City.
Business Portion In Ruins.
Council, Wnsh., July 2(5. Two-thirds
of Connell's business district is ln
ruins as the result of a fire which
originated in tho Connell Progress
building by tho explosion or a bottle
of acid. I)ss, $150,000.
Standing of the Teams.
W. L. P.
Cleveland ...".1 -JO MS
nilcap ...47 :u o:i
l'hiimi 'piiiu 40 :i-j r.txi
Detroit I'J HO ."lit
Il.ihtnii ... .Hi! -1 1 41!
New VorK..:tr. 11 -nil
No, 18. 1'nhNGiiKcr dnlly for Obvriln
and rit. FriinclH liraiifheh.Or
ford, MuCoolc, Dunvurnud nil
polntN went
So, 14. I'nhHuiiRur dnlly for St. Jou,
KllllNHH City, AtClllNOII, St.
LoiiIn. Lincoln via Wymore
nnd nil polntH enut nnd noutti 2'ID u.x
So 15. PAMtMiKur. dnlly. Duuver, nil
tiotiitH In Coloniilo, Utnh nnd
Cnllfornln fi:0Tpnx.
So. IS. I'HhNoiiKer, dnlly for St. Joe,
KntiKRH City. AtclilKin. St.
I.ouIh mid nil poluth etnt and
iouth .... .10:Kk.m
So. 174. Arconunndntlon. Monday,
Wednesday mid Krldny.llaM,
Iiikh, Oram! Inland, lllach
IllllH nnd all polntH ln the
uorthvrcKt.. I .TJf.Ba.
Bleeping. dlulnK. nnd rcclluliiK elmlr rr.vr.
KcntHfroo) on throiiKh trnltiK. Tickets hoMkiYI
DAggnKO checked to any point In the UivftM!
For Information, tlmo table, mnpa or t!rv
uall 011 or addrntix A. C'nunvur, Agent, licit
Cloud, Ncbr. or 1.. W. Wiikcley, Giuura) Pjk
auiigui Agunt OnmliK, NuurankH
Toledo Blende
The Chief
$1.25 PER. YEAR.
The Toledo Dliulu is the best knows
newspaper in tlio United S'ates. Cir
oulation 171,000. Popular in every
The Toledo Hindu if now instnlleii 5r.
its new building, with a modern plft.
and equipment, and facilities tqnnJ so
nny piiDlicatiou uatwreu rew 10jr
InillM, $1Mi":j.m: calves, t.iHi'.iiij.'i; Tex
as feil steers. i.I.(HKr4.,.,; western hteers,
it'.l.iWif i.W). IIoK-ltecelpts, IL'.OtHl; ,V.10e
higher; ml.ed and butchers, f.i.:t.Vi(4S,u5;
food to choice heavy, if.'.SOflti.eo; niiij-h
heavy. .V.-..4.V.I.V70; IlKllt, ?.'i.."KK((tl.l.-i; bulk
of sulci, $ri.71Vi.-(.lK). Sheep-ltccclpts. 15,.
(KH; logi.'c lower; wethers, fl.btKj.'.lO
western tiheep, $I.0Oii-l.tU; lauibs, ?3.0O(Ji
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Oinalia. July itf.-Cnttle-lteeelptK,
follows: "Accident on tho Uennlng
ton caused by small leak in boiler,
which was about to bo repaired when
tho boiler burst and wns forced astern
through Its bulkhead, coming in con
tact with a second boilo
St. I.ollls.. .ill .mi :is.i
Wnsh'toii ..--'it .-,: :v.)i
vatinai. li:a;u;.
New York..m L'." 70H
l'lttsbuiK ,.M W (i'-'l
I'hirphla . . l" :!." .::
CIlleilKo ... ..Ml ."til .".M
Cincinnati .111 10 r.:i:
si. Louis.. ,:ti .'11 .'t.'iii
Illooklyn ..'.'I ( '.Sll
HoMoll ....'JS .ih .'l'li
Run Over by Switch Engine.
Omaha. July 24. James Murphy
Hummus ..Hi -i.-i-iwi , ,,, T, ... .... ,..,, ,.
Toledo ;it ,-, JHKi """ IIH'llgii. it 13 lliu will,) nvrmj
Kan. rity..:M ;c,ii newspaper edited exprnlv for every
vyi:sT-itN i:aj'i:; I stIlt and territory. The News of t be
lies MolneK..MI 'J7 IM . , ,
I leaver .....M :t:t tarj U orld ho arrttngeil that busy ptopm
fiiiiiilnt 11 :w rijiii ciin inure easily ciiiiipiclitnd than y
Pi'ie'bio'?.! r'j ii'i'j nnuliiiK cuiubursoiiio eolnmns tb
St. Joseph..'. W asi dailies, All curt out topics mndo plni?4
in each issue by special editorial stiil
tor written ft 0111 inception down i
diito. The only paper published fspec
iully for people who do or do not road
jr. which also was killed at midnight by being struck j lHy newspapers, anil yet thirst for
wns forced through Its bulkhead, both by a Ihirllngton switch engine on tho plain inci.s. Jiuiiuus Kinu or a nows
boilers exploding with two close ex- bridge crossing Hickory street. Mur-1 paper is popular is proven by the fuc
plosions. There was no nolso, ship Vy was nsleop on tue tracks when tiuit tho Weekly Ulado now hue ovttr
4,4.0; slow, steady; native Meers, ?....o4t fljj0(l from stem to stern wth scnl(j. tno accident occurred. Gus Urugman, 170,000 yearly subsoribois, and is efcp-
steeiH, ?:.avi4..'V0; Texas steers, '.'.7r. ,nB steam, soot and ashes; many men who was witn Miirpny,
was also asleep cu.ftleii n a pHrts of tho U S. In rf-
!1.75; nuip' t'ows and helferrf, $,-,.'J.vjj:.S0 mown overooaru, others Jumped over- on me miens ami nnu ins leu arm ,jjtjon to t),0 nt.wg the Ultido, published'
canners. $l.wiQ'-'.r.O; stockerH mid feeders, board for air, many of whom were cut off by the engine nnd was other- , , , , ...-:- fttul I11Hnv (1 "
ssszssxStiSg rsr- sur?or8rmrortab,mr-,s,a?ennJ,vaBory,,1- 8wr'pr
ftiitie I.lKhcr; heavy. I5.MWS..V.: mixed, torert In army barracks; wounded arc Slaven, who was also a companion " '
5.;..r.'."-.-..r.r.; uBi.t, sr..r..v,.-.txi; piKs, i..M) scattered about ln threo hospltalB, of Murphy, was asleep, but was lying nit inner 01 mo nimuy. uno uojirt
(; hulk of siih'H. ?.-..3'Ji,.yn-6. Sheep those but sllehtlv wonndftd in m-t. on tho side of the track and oscaned J'flKr. rite for free specimon cdjvjv.
Toledo, Ohio.
i i
I r '