The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1905, Image 6

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Special Session Nov. 11.
Lincoln, July 22. Senator E. J.
"Slurkctt Haiti ho recently received a
flutter from Secretary lx)cb In which
.-it was Elated It Is the president's In
'trntlon to call a special session of
congress on Nov. 11.
New Road Soon to Start.
Omaha, July 20. l'nmpeetB arc fair
tor the salo of the bonds of the Omo
IiB and Nchruskn Central railroad
wMhin the next two or three weeks.
Joseph Baker of Hastings, treasurer
of the road, Is In Now York to nego
lluto the dotation. Tho road will run
2rom Omaha, through Wahoo, Aurora
rand Intervening cities, to Hastings.
Xtlght-of-way to tho extent of 120
.tmllen hns been secured. If tho salo
art tho bonds Is made within u month,
M i said grading will begin at sev
eral jKjInts along the lino early In tho
Fined for Beating Baby.
TVllnden, Neb., Ju-y 22. Martin
Flcrkenstein, pastor of tho German
Lutheran church, was arrested and
lined upon tho charge of assault and
AiaUory upon his own seven-months-o1d
child, which he admitted ho had
repeatedly slapped or spanked he
jratiw It cried too much. People pass
tfins ulr, homo on the opposite side of
ahc street as well as his nearest neigh
bors have noticed the matter for sev
eral days and concluded It was time
rto slop It, honco tho arrest. Ho
pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and
Nebraska's Corn Crop.
Omaha, July 20. Tho Union Pacific
3-.n8 completed an estimate of tho
nrreago of tho corn crop for Nebras
ka. Tho revised flguios show that at
jjivsent thoro nro (!,500,000 ncres of
"urn cracking along under the pros
nt hot spell, which Is about 500,000
anoro than the acreage for last sea
son. Tho acreage for winter and
spring wheat will run over 2.000,000
ncres. Both wheat crops are to bo
llmnnor crops In both Kansas and No
Gjraska. Tho quality of tho wheat In
.Nebraska Is the best that this stato
over produced.
Reinforcements for Llnevltch.
'.St. Petersburg, July 2(. Reinforce
irnents for General Llnevltch nre stead
iy being forwarded. Tne Thirteenth
xinny corps, the headquarters of which
are at Smolensk, will leave for the
-vfront next week.
"Secretary Taft at Yokohama.
Yokohama, July 25. The steamer
"Main hurla, with Secretary of War
'.Taft .incl party on boaid, arrived hero
ithis morning.
No Right to Interfere.
Lincoln, July 21. Driven nlmost to
sJor:ponitlon by the many calls made
aipon him by alleged reform leagues,
clubs, societies and others who desire
executive interference with local ai
fairs Governor Mickey appealed to At
torney General Brown for an opinion
.as to just how far ho could go In such
-matters. Tho appeal that broke tho
-ramel's back came from Falls City,
-where there Is to be a street fair next
week. Members of the Women's
Christian Tomperanco union nnd oth
ers wrote tho governor asking him to
-compel tho ofllcers to enforce the law
siml they made out Falls City to be a
very wicked place Indeed. Mnyor
Leyda of Fulls City, however, said no
Suuday baseball had been played
here for a month and that all saloons
were closed on Sunday. Tho opinion
-of Attorney General Brown Is to tho
effect that tho governor hns no right
t,o interfere with local affairs and ho
can only remove those ofllcers whom
2io himself appoints.
Jrive Nebraska Cattlemen Charged
With Illegally Enclosing Territory.
Omaha. July 25. Information was
TSled in tho United States district
court against H. B. Reed on the
wounds that ho had Illegally fenced
.i.00d ncres of land, and against Adam
filler, Clarence M. Miller, Charles
"Miller and William O. Miller for fenc
ing 18.000 acres of public lands In--eluded
In tho United States forest
reservations In McPhorson county.
Capiases wore ordered Issued for tho
Arrest of the accused parties and
they will be taken before the United
estates commissioner at' North Platte
br arraignment.
The cases against these parties
Uiavo been worked up since the con
vlctinn of tho Kruuso brothers of
.Sheridan county under the direction
of United States District Attorney
.Baxter and Special Assistant Attornoy
Hush by Special Land Agents De
.FreeB, Chambers and Dixon.
The appropriation of the public do
smnln by Reed and the Millers Is mate-a-ially
different from that of tho
.Krauses and tho Bartlett Richards
cases, from the fact that tho lands
iapproprlated by Reed and the Millers
i.s land not subject to entry and Is
nmrt of the land upon which the na
tional government Is making its for
est and timber growing experiments.
",rhe offense is consequently regarded
as more flagrant tlmi that of the
iirnuso brothers. Criminal proceed-
Ings nro to bo Instituted against tho
accused parties at once.
District Attorney Baxter said: "This
Is but the beginning of cases against
tho cattlemen for repeated violations
of tho order of the department of jus
tlco to tako down their fences. Wo
shall prosecute these cases to tho full
est extent of the power given us by
tho govornmeuL"
Edward W. Nash Is Dead.
Omaha, July 21. 13dwnrtl W. Nash,
president of tho American Smelting
and Refining company, ono of tho
most prominent citizens of Nebrnska
and the west and nn Important fnctor I
in notional commorclnl centers, died
nt his residence
two months.
after an illness of
Homer Saloonkeepers Released.
Omaha, July 20. Tho motion for a
new trial In tho saloon conspiracy
case of the United States against
Kiinis and Liilkhart, tho Homer sa
loonlsts, has been granted by Judge
M linger and tho case dismissed. Tho
dismissal was mntlo on tho grounds turtle, wandering far beyond accus
of tho derision of United States Su- tomed limits, had disturbed one of tho
jiromo .Timtlm Hmwor In the Heff Hiring gun communications on tho
case, coming up from Kansas, where- j
In it was held that Indians holding
allotments of lands were regarded as ,
citizens of tho United States and that
they were entitled to nil tho
leges and Immunities as such.
Lightning Plays Havoc In Cnss. I
Eagle, Neb., July 24. Lightning
struck n barn on tho premises of
Jesso Hnrdnock, near hero, causing
tho structure to burn to tho ground.
About 200 bushels of grain, some har
ness and several head of hogs were
destroyed. On tho premises of Matt
Donovnn, five miles south of hero, four
head of horses wore killed by a bolt
of lightning. Mr. Donovan's boys,
who were in the barn at the time,
were severely stunned. A number of
wheat stacks belonging to Mr. Luff,
residing eleven miles southeast of
here, wero also set on fire by lightning
and ono of them burned.
Gold Nugget Found in a Duck.
Columbus, Neb., July 22. For tho
second time in five years gold has
been found In this county. Adam
Gessler, living about fifteen miles
west, killed a couple of his tnmo
ducks a few days ago. In tho craw of
ono of them he found a nugget of gold,
worth about $1.70. His ducks run In
a small stream which empties Into tho
Loup and It was there that tho fowl
picked it up. A similar instance hap
pened a few yenrs ago ono mile this
side of Gessler's. Tho matter will bo
Investigated and the bottom of tho
small stream thoroughly dredged and
Great Northern Magnate Decides Not
to Ignore the Gate City.
Omaha, July 20. The Great North
ern will build Into Omaha. This as
surance was made to the Omaha Com
mercial club by G. II. Crosby, freight
traffic manager of the Burlington, act
ing as representative of tho Hill In
terests In tho Ashland cut-off matter.
Mr. Crosby specifically pledged tho
club two things. He gave assurance
that a Great Northern lino would bo
built Into Omaha from some point on
the Ashland cut-off, which would
mako Omaha In tho direct line of
freight nnd passenger traffic from
Kansas City to Sioux City. Tho sec
ond point pledged by Mr. Crosby was
that the Great Northern would not
disturb the present status or freight
rates. He said tho company had no
Inclination to disturb existing condi
tions, nnd even ir It had It would bo
disastrous to tho company In bring
ing on a rate war.
Week Warm, With Plenty of Rain,
and Corn Makes Good Growth.
Lincoln, July 20. Weekly bulletin
of the Nebrnska section of the climate
and crop service of tho weather bu
reau for the week ending July 21,
1905: Although the first days of tho
week wero very warm, the mean dally
temperature for the week averaged
two degrees below normal. Showers
occurred In
nearly all parts of tho
stnte during tho last week. Thresh
ing of winter wheat has progressed
rapidly during tho last week nnd tho
reports continue to Indicate an excel
lent crop. Tho oat harvest has pro
gressed rapidly In southern counties,
whore It is now nearly completed,
and threshing has commenced. Tho
quality of oats Is excellent and tho
yield fair. Tho oat harvest 1b just
beginning in northern counties. Hay
ing is genorally In progress, with it
heavy crop being secured in good
condition. Corn has grown rapidly
and Is now beginning to tnssol gen
erally. It is nbout ono week Inter In
tnsBolIng thon In nn average year.
Apples tiro dropping badly. Potatoes
have been damaged by dry weather
In somo localities. A little plowing
has been done.
Eight Charred Bodies Recovered.
Houston, Tex., July 52 C The fire In
tho Texas company's tanks at tho
Humhlo oil fields Is practically extin
guished. Tho charred remains of
eight persons have heen round and
the search still continues.
Wings of the Morning.
(Coiitlniiatl from Pago Three )
fiT favor of the Hitter courseT although
It entailed lifting nil the refuse out of
tho hole. To save time, therefore, he
carried his mining tools Into tho open,
placed In position the cheval do frlso
long since constructed for the defense
of tho entrance, and poured water over
tho remains of the lire.
This was his final care each night
before stretching his weary limbs on
his couch of branches. It caused delay
In the morning, but he neglected no
.,rcc,uitlon, and there was a possible
cimm.0 0f the Dynks falling to discover
the eagle's nest If they were persuad
ed by other Indications that the Island
was deserted.
He entered tho hut and was In the
net of pulling off his boots when a dis-
tant shot rang sharply through the air.
It was magnified tenfold by the In-
tense silence. Kor a few seconds, that
scorned to bo minutes, ho listened, cher
ishing the quick thought that perhaps
sands. A sputtering volley, which bis
trained ear recognized as the lliing of
muzzle loaders, sounded the death knell
of his last hope.
The Dyaks had landed! Coming si
lently anil mysteriously in the i.uul ul!
night, they were themselves the vie
(ms of a stratagem they desi"iiod to
employ. Instead of taking the occu
pants of Rainbow Island unawares
they were startled at being greeted by
a shot the moment they landed. The
nlarmed savages at once retaliated by
firing their antiquated weapons point
blank at the trees, thus giving warning
enough to wake the seven sleeper.
Iris, fully dressed, was out In a mo
ment. "They have come!" she whispered.
"Yes," was the cheery answer, for
Jenks face to face with danger was a
very different man from Jenks wres
tling with the Insidious attacks of Cu
pid. "Up the ladder! Be lively! They
will not be hero for half an hour If they
kick up such u row at the first dilllcul
ty. Still, wo will take no risks. Cast
down those spare lines when you reach
tho top and haul away when I say
'Ready! You will find everything to
hand up there."
He held the bottom of tho ladder to
steady It for the girl's climb. Soon her
voice fell, like n message from a star:
"All right! Please Join me soon!"
The colled up ropes dropped along
the face of tho rock. Clothes, pick,
hatchet, hummer, crowbars and other
useful odds and ends were swung away
Into the darkness, for tho moon as yet
did not Illumine the crag. The sailor
darted Into Belle Vue castle and kicked
their leafy beds about tho floor. Then
ho slung all the rifles, now live In num
ber, over his shoulders and mounted
tbo rope ladder, which, with tbo spare
cords, he drew up and colled with
careful method.
to be continued.
Break In the Honeymoon.
Omnlin. .Inlv !n. -Tim linnevmoon
0f Harry DoLaccy, alleged representa-
tlvo of tho United States investment
company, and his former stenogra
pher, Lulotto Scheer of Harvard, Nob.,
whom ho hnd married an hour beforo,
nfter a week's acquaintance, was cut
short by his arrest at tho Grand hotel,
Council Bluffs, charged with passing
worthless checks on several Omaha
merchants, Including ono for his wed
ding ring. Tho bridegroom is In jail
hero and tho brldo was taken homo
by hor sisters.
Ilia IIoHplttillty Ih Only Kanaleil br
IIIn Conrteny.
Tho especial characteristic of thu
Irish peasants, according to Frank
Mathew, in "Ireland," Is an old fash
ioned courtesy. They are all sure, ho
asserts, that they are descended from
chiefs, and their manners are ruled ac
cordingly. Take shelter In any hut on the moun
tains, and you will be greeted as If Its
Inmates had been longing to see you.
i Tllls wl ot bo ,luo t0 t!10, fn?1 tlmt
you seem
lUOSliuriiUMi iiim-i-ii, ju
wmilil ho even more graciously wel
coined If you were In rags. Nor Is their
courtesy only exhibited when they nro
hosts. Once when 1 was exploring tho
Burron of Clare a ragged old woman
Boated by the waysldo accosted my
equally ragged driver. "Excuse me,
sir," she said, "but did ,you happen to
meet a loaf on the road?" " 'Deed then,
ma'am," said he, bowing respectfully,
"and I'm sorry I did not." "Who was
she?" I asked' him when we had driven
out of her hearing. " 'Deed then, and I
don't know," said he. " "J'ls some poor
boul that has lost her loaf and will bo
goln' to bed hungry tonight." On nn-
other occasion nn aged man, clad m
knee breeches and a .swojlowtall coat,
. f AvafiwA Rromt Otiinme Tablets, jz
. :-!., m in Rost 12
OUVVll IIUUIUII wow -. - f
Do you know that it will pay YOU. as
woll ns US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal tit ourynrds? Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, ns those of our competit
ors, but because wo tako especial euro
of and protect all can bo classed as
nnjn(ip((pipp(in'n(pn '.n'ri'PT'ptiif('nftttiri'jiji(jf ii
nddressed me as I was climbing a path
In Connonuirn. "I am thlnkln', sir,"
said he, "that you are Mr. John Blake."
"Well, sir," said I, "you are thinking
wrong." "Well, sir," he answered sol
emnly, "says I to myself as I saw you
come up the side, that Is Mr. John
Blake, and If 'tis not, says I to myself,
'Its n Hue upsthundiu' young man he Is,
whoever ho Is." Now 1 am convinced
that be knew I was n stranger, but was
not that a charming way to suggest
that I should sit beside him on the low
ferny wall and discuss tho ways of tho
I,ow nn American iiecnnic n sinn of
.Marie In ItiiNMlu.
Andrew I). White's first diplomatic
experience was as an attache at St.
Petersburg at the time of the Crimean
war. The war brought to Russia
many American adventurers. "One
mini who came out with superb plans,"
Mr. White says, "brought a militia
colonel's commission tuul the full uni
form of a major general. At first he
hesitated to clothe himself In all his
glory, and therefore went through u
process of evolution, beginning first
with part of his uniform, and then
adding more as his courage rose.
"During this process ho became the
standing joke of St. Petersburg, but
later, when he had emerged In full nnd
llnal splendor, he became a man of
murk; indeed, so much so that serious
dlllicultles arose. Throughout the city
are various corps do garde, and the
sentinel on duty before each of these,
while allowed merely to present arms
to an ofllcor of lower rank, must,
whenever ho catches sight of a gen
eral ofllcor, call out the entire guard
to present arms, with the heating of
"Here our American was a source of
much dllllculty, for whenever any sen
tinel caught sight of Ills gorgeous
epaulets In the dlstanoe the gu.ii'd was
Instantly called, arms were presented
nnd drums beaten, much to the de
light of our A'icud, but even more to
the disgust of the generals of the Rus
sian army and to the troops, who thus
rendered absurd homage and found
themselves taking part In something
like a bit of comic opera." Exchange.
The Sequel.
"When I saw her last she seemed to
have fallen In love with him."
"Oh, yes, but that was some time
ago. She's suing lilm now for breach of
"Trying to get damages for the fall,
Do You
When you nre hungry nnd
want somethig nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
mnrkot. Wo have tho nicest
kind of
and meats, lish, and gamo
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo an
please you. Givo us a
I Su
Successors to
Mystic Cure for Khetimatlhm and NeuralRla
radically curcH hi 1 to .1 dayn. Its action upon
the Kystem Is remarknble and niytterlotiH It
removes at once thu cause and the dleeate 1m
mediately dltappearF. Tho tlrht dote .greatly
tiniipHiN if rents and i w,
scld by II. E
Grice Drugb'ltt. ed Cloud
To Cure a Cold in One Day
months. This signature.
lee Gpeam
Gool Drinks
15c MEAL
Damcrcll Block.
Of tho Kansas City Vetor
inary Collego Olllco at E.
lohnston's, tho Brick Barn.
Tolephono 82.
At Bine Hill first Tuosday in each
Our Lino of
Kif lea, Pistols, and Shotguns
is tried and trusted, and has hall a century of
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free on request.
All doalers lirwxlle the 8TKVEN8
!hfu$!Wx u"-Eyei In our attractlvi
Kir Lb VUccX.V.. Send 4 ceuts iu stamps foi
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P. O. Box 3093
Clilcojice FallH, Muhs,
Popular Flavors in
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The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSB, Proprietor.
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
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So&yrtnrz box. 25c.
, t-