If I f Y r i M m i r r till HelplMelpI I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all parts of the world for sixty years. " About niioycflrngo I Inut nenrlT all of mjr linlr fnllowlnu mi nttnrk of incmfes. I wt Ndvltril bra frk'M'l to me Ayer'n llalr Vigor. I did o, ami nut rn.iilt I now liHVHtoniiriil tiCHil if lutlr " M its. V. J. llitowsf, Mentiiu (into Falls, Win. A Mda by J. O. Aynr Co.. Lowell, Halt. Alio xnanuftoiurari or 7 SARSAPARILLA. Vers PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. A BIG CIRCUS. The Enlarged Campbell Bros. Consoli dated Shows Beyond Com parison. Tho great Campbell Bros consoli dated shows, which will exhibit horo Tuesday, August 8, 1ms been oulnrgud on such a scale of liberality as to inako it next to imposiblo to depict its real magnitude. Besides enormous addi tions to the circus proper, tho parado has increased and is now ono of tho linest ever seen with this meritorious organization. In tho arenic display are brought together an assembly of the most famous acrobats, gymnasts riders, equilibrists, contortionists, aerial performers, dancors, fuumakors and sensational specialists in tho world Most of these artists made thoir llrst appearanco in this country with tho grout Campbell Brothors consolidated shows. Foremost among these celebrities nro tho ''Flying Lo Van," "The Mizuno troup of Jnps," Bishop Bros , doublo somersault leapers; Nellie Ryland, champion bareback rider of tho world; Cossack Rough Ridors, in daring feats of horsemanship; the gieat hippodrome races and other highly sensational acts too numerous to mention. Among tho traided animal features mo a herd of performing elephants, educated horses and ponies, high jumping dogs and clown mules. Tho menagerie annex contains tho most complete, exclusive and valuablo col lection of wild animals from all parts of tho world. Tho street parado will leave tho show grounds at 10 o'clock. Perform ance at 2 and 8 p. m. Brand Army Disappointed. The mombors of tho Grand Army and Woman's Relief Corps aro very much disappointed with tho memorial window which they purchased and had placed in tho now Methodist church. Tho design and lettering on the window is much smaller than the members of theso organizations had expected, and it can only bojsoen from tho inside of the church. While it is true that tho lettering on tho window is of an inferior order, tho same complaint can also bo made of tho lettering on tho other memorial windows in tho building. It is not customary, in modern architecture, to place designs on memorial windows so thoy can bo seen from tho outside, and tho tendency U to mako tho let tering very small, though plain, so as not to havo tho appearanco of being in the nature of an advertisement. While in Smith Ceutor receutlv tho writer inspected the memorial wludows in tho now Congregational church Tho lettering on those windows was smaller even than that on tho windows of tho now M. E. church in this city. It would undoubtedly mar tho beauty of the wiudow to havo tho design and lettering made larger, and It would also tend to bring ridicule upon the builders of tho church as well as tho donors of tho window. While wo do not believe the design is as well executed as it should havo becu, to make it larger would bo a mistake. An Exciting Day. There wore very exciting times in Rod Cloud last Saturday. In tho morning tho Omaha Commercial club, to the number of 150, with their band and quartet, arrived on schedule time Tho members of tho club called on the busiuess men, whilo tho band and quartet discoursed music on the street. Tho Omaha men croatod a good impression. In tho aftornoou a local artist gave an exhibition of slack wiro walking, which was fol lowed by tho appearanco of tho Chris tian Volunteers, an organization simi lar to tho Salvation Army. An old bass drum, a dilapidated tambourine and a squeaky violin playod to tho accompaniuont of cracked voices tortured tho pooplo who woro on tho stroot until they woro willing to part with thoir money to have it stopped. W. H Thomaa for Treasurer. Mr. W II. Thomas, ono of tho most prosperous farmers in this section, has announced his candidacy for tho Republican nomination for county treasurer. Mr. Thomas is a man of sterling worth and undoubted busi ness ability. Ho is an Illiuoisan by birth, but camo to Nebraska in 187.'!, locating near Aurora. Ho removed to this county about fourteen years ago, and has siuco ongagod in farming. Ho has had considerable experience in financial matters, having been township troasuror for four years, treasurer of tho school district for six years, and is at present troasuror of tho Rod Cloud Creamery company, a position which requires financial ability of a high order. Mr. Thomas will undoubtedly hitvo strong support in ids candidacy, especially among tho farmers and tho business men with whom ho has had dealings. Mercer's Orchestra.' While it is not generally known, Red Cloud has a first class orchestra of six musicians which is compotont to furnish tho best of music for any occasion. The organization is known as "Mercer's Orchestra" and is com posed of tho following musicians: M. A. Moroor, violin; Vie Manspoaker, cornet; A. B Sollars, clariuot; T. E. McCarl, trombone; Horaco Mcintosh, drums and cymbals; Mrs J. D. Crans, pianist. With such tin array of talent banded together thoro is no oxcuso for importing an orchestra from some othor town to play for dances and like entertainments. Support tho homo organization, and some day enough patriotic musicians may bo gathored together to give us a good baud. v A Fine Bunch of Cattle. A. Roats shipped 220 head of fat steers to Kansas City Monday. Tho bunch niado a train of fifteen cars. Tho cattlo woro in prime condition. Gus Roats camo to this county with tho llrst sottlers. with nothing but his brains and muscle for capital, and today ho is ono of the wealthiest and most successful farmers and stockmen in southern Nebraska. His success has been ontiroly duo to his own of forts. MARRIAGES. Fort-Fer&usn. A very pretty homo wedding was solemnized Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, at tho residouce of tho bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. L. H. Fort, when their daughter, Miss Notto Evelyn Fort, was united In holy matrimony to Mr. Carl Albert Forgu son of Orleans, Nob , Rev. E C. Davis pastor of tho Christian church.ofllciat lug. Tho bride was gowned in whito organdie, aud tho groom woro tho customary black. The house was pro fusely decorated with roses and carna tions. Tho wedding was a very private affair, only tho immediate relatives of the bride and groom being present. Those in attendance from out of town wore: Mrs. J. O. Wiles and son Charles of Orleans, Dr. and Mrs. Gardner of Wymore, Charles Fort of Omaha, Dr and Mrs. Collins of Orleaus and Mr. II. T. Ferguson of Orleans, father of tho groom. Mr. Ferguson's mother was unablo to bo present owing to illness. A five o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. Gardner and Miss Sadio Evans im mediately after tho ceremony, and the brido aud groom took tho evening train for Orleans, whoro thoy will bo at homo to their friends after August 10 Mr. Ferguson is engaged in tho drug business at Orleans. Tho bride Is tho youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs L. H. Fort, aud has a largo circlo of friends in Red Cloud, whoro sho has lived all of hor lifo, who join with The Chief in extending congratula tions. Bakcr-Wllllams. Frod G. Williams and Mrs. Sadio Baker, both of Bluo Hill, wtro married in this city Mouday. Tho coromony took placo at the Royal Hotol, Judge Albert H Koonoy otllolatlng, Baker-Laflln. On Tuosday, at tho ofllco of tho county judgo, occurred tho woddlug of Miss Mary L. Baker and Mr. Bon lV T.nflln. linMi nf ftntiln TinoXr Tn,l V . Ml , ww,-. w. -w. ...VW WS., W UUU Koonoy officiating. uetfrtfSfrfjfr'fr'fffjf TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In Tho Chief of Twenty Years Ago i This Weok V V AW Ar'WA,'W'A'W,' Mrs. Lu II. Fort has returned home. Our friond, D. C. Myers, is ou tho sick list Oscar Patmor has returned from Kansas. Frank Gump Is tho happy father of a baby boy. Mrs. C. R. Bosso Is visiting in St. Paul, Minnesota. Mrs. A. C. Hosmer returned from Illinois Thursday. Tho cooking club moot with Mrs. G. E. MoKooby Tuosday. N. L. D Smith of Garfield is mov ing into his now houso. Daniel Conovor of Lincoln is in tho city visiting his brother, Peter Con over. Fred Goblo, of Illinois, a nephew of F. E. Goblo, returned to his homo Thursday. M. R. Boutloy aud wifo departed last evening for a few weeks sojourn iu Minneapolis. Tho little son of Adam Morhart, who was recently kicked by a colt, is slowly recovering. Last Friday morn'ug L. C. Olm stead's granary at Iuavalo was entire ly destroyed by fire. Tho lawn fete at tho residonco of A. J. Kunney was a placsaut affair to all who participated. On Saturday a valuablo horse be longing to I. Frisbio ran into a barb wiro fonco and bled to death. A grand ball will bo given at tho rink Wednesday ovoning uudor tho auspices of tho Red Cloud lire depart ment. In Soptombor about twenty persons, relatives and friends of D. H. Larrick, of Cathorton, will start for Nebraska from Virginia. On Tuosday evening tho young ladies composing tho N. B. B. literary association gave a very pleasant social in tho M. E. church. Charley Kaley, who recontly wont to Now Mexico to hord cattle, has re turned to Nobraska, having become tired of a cowboy's life. Dr. and Mrs L. D. Donuoy roturnod from China Friday evening after a sojourn of a nearly a year's dm atlon iu tho "Flowery Kingdom." I O. Walker now comos to tho front with tho finest specimen of ones wo havo soon, tho straw being G foot high aud heavily laden with grain. Mrs. Loo Haldoman of Hastings, sister of Mrs. J. G. Dodd, and Miss Cora Spauoglo, aro the guests of Mrs. J. G. Dodd and othor relatives. W. T. Bohror whilo working in the country this weok, got a fall that knocked him senseless for a few moments. Ho finally recovered. Will P. Overmau, brother of Mrs Robert Damorell, of this city, and lately from Carthago, 111., has opened a law ofllce in tho rooms over the city drug store. A "Go west young" man loft his pockotbook iu tho store of A. H. Kaley ono day last weok and did not discover his loss until ho reachod Iua valo, from whence ho returned and secured his lucre. Married, at Red Cloud July 21, 1885, by Judge Ye Iser, Mr. John W. Adams aud Miss Jonnio V. Dudley. At tho same time and placo Mr. Charles N. Isom and Miss Stella A. Dickson, all of Jowol county, Kansas. The democratic party havo an ele phant on thoir hands in tho shape of the now editor. Ho has already di vided tho party, and now their suppli cation runs about liko this: "Oh, Lord! deliver us from tho evil effects of imported democracy." After suffering a year with con sumption Mrs Will H. Smith passed away last Sunday ovonlug. Sho was only confined to hor bod but ono week before tlm final coming of tho Angol of Death, and then passed quietly away amidst tho sorrowing of hor bereaved husband, paronts aud friends whilo yet in the bloom of lifo, her ago boing only twenty-four years. Catuerton Crops good Talk is cheap George Ball's appear ance in this part last weok caused mauy a man to whisper "I'm inno- cont." Who aro tho guilty? John OindofF passed by Sunday to attend normal at Rod Cloud Minor Doyle of Wolls gave us a call on Mon day W. B. Cramer's oats yielded 00 bushels per aero Tho young 1 man who recovered from a sovero at- v to It's a strange fact 2J tht a. ma.n who would throw your gold brick at your head If you tried to soil him ono will walk into a clothing store and; calmly pay tho price of all-wool-and-silk nnd accept tho "mocor izd cotton" choat. Tho clothier may plainly toll him it contains "mercer ized cotton"; "a few threads; to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to thoy look just liko silk . tually mako him think it's all right, and pockets tho added profit cheerfully. Or tho buyer may take tho "morcerized cotton" adulter ation ignorautly; there aro Homo dealers who will lot him do so. Inei'horcaso tho result is tho samo; tho woaror gets left. But ho doesn't deserve any sympathy; ho can havo all-wool if ho wants it; no body fools sorry for a man who gets "Him flammed." Our label means all-wool; it's a small thing to look for, a big thing to iiud. Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Makers tv. V )0444tttE-6-eC-ttt PAIL STOREY 4 tb vb vlr ti tii tt ki ib fa i U ti ii xfc U ib ii U h vi vi it ii ti Li . - Red Cioud9 fm? sL I'lHlftftftftH VWWWVWWVWWWVVWVWVVWWWTVVWWWWVTWWVWVTW'PIS BEFORE YOU BUILD That House or Birn, or store that Coal, it will suvn you monoy and give you a lot of satisfaction if you will call and get prices and see the stock of SAUNOBRS BROTHERS, PHONE 60. RED CLOUD, NEB. Dry Lumber and Gonnlno Maltland Coal a Specialty tack of cholera infantum is no more Ho jouruojed southward Oh, the buggies at tho postofllco Sunday Mr. Pence and family woro visiting at Mr. Hart's Sunday, also Miss Eva Fuller W. B. Householder thiuks none so good as tho Esterly C H. Rust is the boss machinist of Cathor ton. Nut a cent wanted unless you aro cured. If you are sick and ailing, take Ilollistor's Rocky Mountain tea. A great blessing tn tho human family. Makes you well kneps you well. 35 cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cutting. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in Now York discovered an aromatic pleasant horb drink for women's ills, called AUS-TRALIAN-LEAF. It is tho ouly cer tain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses and backache, kidney, bladder aud urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample FREE. Address Tho Mother Gray Co , LoRoy, N. Y. Another Foot Race. Red Cloud is rapidly becoming n coutor for impromptu footraces. The first of this week "Peg" Parkes and "Friz" Riohardson gave an exhibition of sprinting that caused tho by standers to hold their breath. "Peg" was handicapped, howovor, and "Friz" led all the way, Parkes at no time get ting within "tagging" distance Damaged by Llfthtnlnft. During tho severe thunder shower which visited this vicinity Tuosday a.a,''gfe,ey','g''g'g"g'g,gr. 4fik to JEL War to StgL to Mm rmmm, x ImmmKSsW to - mmsmmwmE m mmmmm to y . a ja A WBr J.' WmRMi fit mffl$wm to wMwimm l to wmmmm to Mmkwmm WMmry to Mp to WW to Copyright 1905 by Hart SchafFr.cr 5r Marx J T5he CLOTHIER b vfc ib ib it U ti th U vb i xi ti vi ki i vfc i ti Ut lb li tt b ib vi fc M. A. Albright, K6e Grocer -SELLS- Flrst ' Quality 3 Goods AT Reasonable Prices Nebraska night N. Longtln's barn was struck and slightly damaged by light ning. Miss Elfa Longtin was the only member of tho family who felt tho shock, her arm being slightly be numbed. Letter List. List of letters remaining unoalled for at postofllco at Red Cloud, Ntb or tho week ending July 27, 1903. Bane, Mrs. Jessie Clancy, C H. (2) Elllngson, M. A. Harrington, C P. Neaglo, H. Those will bo sent to tho dead letter ofllco Aug. 10, 100o, if not called for before. When calling for above ploaso say "advertised." T. C. Hack ku, Postmaster. m AGuaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleedine or Drntmrt. ing Piles. Druggists refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in G to 14 days. First application gives eas and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50o in stamps, and It will bo for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co. St, Louis, Mo. m Proposals for Bids. Notice is hereby gleii that the cliv council of Itetl Cloud, Nebraska, will receive sealed bids hi the olllce of tho city clerk, up to tl o'clock I. m Aukusi 7, 1005. for tho purpose of build lug twenty ranent crossliiBH (more or less) In nald city, said crosshiRs to bo built accord ing to plnns and specifications now on record In the olllce of tho city clerk, Tho council rcberves the rlRht to reject any and all bids. ltcd Cloud, July 12, 1P05. (Seal) L. H. I'oitT, City Clerk. it t IV i. ; 'F ' V ----JiU3w" ,ivr,'."'"'- -