M1 4 asiisism&&(:t Subscription $1 a. Year in Advance THE RED GLOliB) CHIEF ttiXuskiitmiGtoit&tM Eight Pages All Home Print 9BWiJiefeiwsieP3iw?t VOLUME XXXI I r. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 28, 1905. NUMBER tfO MINER BROS. Wlmtovor roputution this storo may have gained for giving the biggest value for your money lias boon gained through tho perform anco of duty as wo sop it. Hero is a small collection that wo list as evidence that you can got more for your money than at any other storo in Ked Cloud. Thoso satno nrtiblos will co-.t you more in any other Rod Cloud storo. You aro not going to deliberately waste your money, are you? Skirts Wn Imvn 10 T.n .Una' Suits from our Spriug stock. Tho Fall and Winter Suit stylos are showing medium and long bkirted couts In this lot that wo plaeo on sulo you will find quite a fow of tho famous Woltox Faultless Fitting garments, ranging iu price from S 12. SO to $2S. 35 Ladies' Skirts in several podular cloths, ranging iu price from 82.50 to 812 50. Commoucing Monday, July .11, up to and including Aug ust l'J, every garment in our Skirt and Suit stock placed on sale at 40 per cent dis count. $10.00 Suits at $6.00 $12.00 Suits at $7.50 Coupon dishes given during this sale. j" Curtains Lace Curtains Wo have about 30 single Curtains rang- iug iu price from $1.50 to $5.00 per pair. During this salo your choico, each, 25c ftftJfjtf-rff'j' Ladles9 Collars We have placed on our con tor table a largo assorimout of Ladies' Neckwear ranging in price from 25 to .35 cents. July 31 to August 12, choice, each MINER State Fair News Tho educational exhibit at tho Stato Fair, September 4th to 8th, will oc cupy three times tho space horotoforo allotted to tho schools of the soato. Five times tho usual amount is oflorod iu prizes, eight hundred nnd twenty dollars worth of prizes and ninoty-two diplomas being offered. Of tho total 721 prizes, twonty-slx aro general, two hundred aud nineteen aro for. town aud city schools and four hundred and seventy six aro exclusively for rural s 'hools. Colleges also como in for prizes, and individual woik has not boon overlooked. Tho schools have a gardening do partmont which show school and homo gardouing by pupils of tho public schools, and school gardening by teachers in tho summer normal schools. An exhibit will be made from tho flvo junior normal schools. A model rural school will occupy tho center space opposite tho south entrance. This will bo up-to-dato In seatintr. lighting, heating, blackboards, u..- iiii-n-ina wi.ii fltiiaiiinfr , .. finals ntn Wnrlf nf pupils will bo on exhibition as in an ,ii ,.ri Mimol. and in oharcoof tho 1 uf w F"m i. i -. iiununi u mua x m m IUCIII ..- 1 --- , -...- room will bo a modol toachor, who will oxplain exhibited. to visitors UF features A school toachor mado of Book county grasses will bo in position to keep au oyo on all who outer, aud a ? COUPONS with all i IOC x cash or produce sales. MINER BROS. Our Carpot room did tho largest business this spring that tho department has shown. Wo necessarily have a largo number of remnants and short lengths iu Ingrain Car pels Theso goods aro mostly strictly 2-ply all-wool, carpets tlmt we nave shown at 75 cts. per yard all season. The pieces range in yardage from G to 10 yards, sold only by tho entire piece, July 31 to Aug. ust 12 at 39c Per Yard. Flannelettes Wo carried over from last winter's stock about 250 yards of Flanneletts ranging iu price from 12 to 20 a yard. During this sale, July 31 to August 12, two patterns for tho prlco of one. Dress Goods 1,000 yards of worsted Dross Goods that wo must move to make room. They will be placed n our center tables. While thoy last, remember tho event, range of price, 2Sto 90c per yard -two Dresses tor the prlco of one. Buy a dress pattern and you may select another one at the same price. BROS. t "VAvAvAW school boy made of York county corn products will bo presout every day. Box Butte county will illustrate her products of horso, cattle and potatoes by figures made of potatoes, and Per kins county will bo on hand with the "staff of life" represented by the cac tus plant as trained iu the west to furnish food for hogs, cattlo and horses Tho Lincoln city schools will have iu operation a section of thoir cooking school, whore pupils will bo instructed hi and perform tho regular work of tho school. Tho educational exhibit will bo a point of interest for till visitors. Wednesday, September C, will bo School Day. A speaker of national reputation will give an address Plans will be mado to entertain and care for bchool children. Excursions will be run from all localities whero a suill ciont number of persons become interested It is urged that tho schools do not commence uutll Monday, September 11, in Order that both teachers and children who desire may attend the Mr "" take advantage of tho educa- tlonal exhibit. D puty Superintendent E C. Bishop, Stato House, Lincoln, will have ohargo of tho exhibit and ar rangements. Write to him for any desired information. 1 Newsy Jiotes prom GATHERED FROM z BLUE HILL (From tho Lender. Tho Blue Hill mills shipped a car of flour to export to Scotland lasi Friday. Tho high wind nenr Hoacmont Wed nesday night destroyed sevornl wind mills. John Holhrook tins traded his farm in Oak Crook for another north of Bluo Hill. J L. Cornell has a forco of men nt work erecting his new lumbor oillco nnd sheds. Mm. Schoolcrnft pave her husband a surprise pnrty Saturdny in honor of his birthdny. T. L Trowbridge has lmisi d Koch ler's elevator at llosi-monl and is now buying grain thorn. A number of tho frionds mot at Win. Spilkor's Sunday and gnvo him a sur prise party in honor of his birthday. The Farmers Elevator company havo thoir scrop house completed. They will commonco tho erection of their elevator as soon as a Buitablo site can bo procured. Dr. Wrgmnn Inst Friday sold the two business lots whero his ollico stood to Jotham Martin. Considera tion $1800. Mr. Martin will erect a largo store building. J.J. Martin is having his Inrgo storo room repaired. As soon as completed I this building will bo occupied by J. K Murtin with his hardware stock and by the Bluo Hill drug company. A. M. Walters hns moved his into the building at the rear of formerly used ae u barber shop, ( flltM bank whilo Dr. Boles has his oilico in tho rooms in tho bank building vacated by Mr. Walters. Tho community was startled Mon dny afternoon when the news enmo to town that L. J. Ji hnson had boon killed. He had been in town and got a load of coal and a water tank, and on the road home, as ho was diiving down a steep hill near Aug. Schmidts old place, in some manner ho was thrown from tho wagon by tho team giving a suddon lungo, and fell so that the the loaded wagon paased over his bead causing instant death. SUPERIOR (From tho Express.) Dr. Waito and wife will start next Tuesday on a trip to Portland and California. It is reported that tbero nro no peaches this year, but T. M. Mackey has a treo that hns tome of tho finest peaches we eer saw. Miss Mamie Adams camo up from .Salina Wednesday, where the bus been attending university, to attend tho funeral of her brother. Burt Adams. Tho cement walks aro rapidly taking precedence over tho brick walk, and aro giving excellent satisfaction. Mr. Limes hns put down upwards of tidy thoii8iind feet of this walk this spring and summer. Wednesday night during tho storm Albert Smith's now barn near Culams whs struck by lightning, splintering up the front of it quilo a bit. One of his boys was standing in tho door at the time and probably had it not been for the ir n track above tho door, wonld have been instantly kiilnd by the bolt. While tho Santa Fr freight was com ing in Saturday evening, a overloaded car of lumbor refused to conform to tho down grado cu-vo south of tho rivor bridge, and jumped the track, tearing things up in great shape. Sev eral cars wero derailed, splintered up, and the contents scattered, and about 100 feet of track torn up. Geo. Kvrn was down from Cudami Saturday. Ho had a curious looking contrivance iu Ids hand when wo saw him, which wo found out was a holder Neighboring Towns I OUR EXCHANGES I and bracket for nn umbrella to mo on his harvester. Just think of it! A farmer riding under nn umbrolln in tho harvest Held. Next thing will bo nn electric fnn and nn nutomobile sprinkler. CAMPBELL (From tho Citizen ) Thorn aro bright prospects for a boom in tho construction of llroproof business buildings in Campbell this year. Work is being rushed on tho now luin'ier ynrd. Sheds, buildings nnd fences aro making it look busines-dlko in those quarters. Mrs. Biisoy, a trained nurso of Cowles, arrived hero Moiul iy evening to attend tho two typhoid fever cases at the G. A. Han is homo. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Ihdcn returned from a visit in Missouri, where thoy enj .yed a 1th of July celebration nt which tho blue aud the gray mingled together. G A. Fii kin's moat shop and II. Holi.innn'H shoo store nro being moved out this week to umko room tor tho erection of two modern brick buildings which will be begun atonco. Churles Nelson did somo fast work whon last Monday ovoning ho unload ed a now threshing outfit, litted every thing up and pulled into the country ready f.ir threshing tho next morning. A si vote accident befell Chas. Nol sou on tho first day of his threshing. In somo manner ho got his hand into tho f oiler and ono of tho knives struck it cutting a gash that nquirod eight stitches to sow up. LEBANON. (Ftom tho Times.) Tho foundation of tho now sohool house will be finished this week. Matthew Buchanan has so wonder fully improved, that ho is able to rido out in a buggy. O. V Hinman, tho clarionet soloist, left Monday for a visit with his parents in Indianapolis, Ind. O. B. Buchanan and son aro now in tin livery business, having purchased tho Meny & Goochoy barn, Tuesday. Tom Bunker and his estimable brido arrived from their honeymoon trip through Nebraska and other eastern points Thursday night. J. E Brodmarklo took his wifo and two children to tho sanitarium near Formosa Sunday morning, whore Mrs. Brodmarklo will take treatment. Miss Gstion, a professional nurso from Topekn, is attending Mrs. W. S. Adeylott, who had the misfortune to fracture her kneo at Mankato last week. Monday, S. Peek was tried before Justice of tho Peace, E. W. Smith, for threatening tho life of Geo. N. Haw kins. Mr. Peek was put under a $800 pence bond which wan signed by L. M. Lintt n. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Work is progressing nicely on tho Foefo-Conkling-Lnu Bach block and tho foundation of the Gettlo block is completed. Mrs. F. W. Birhor left for Hot Spring", Ark., Inst Saturday for a visit with Mr. Barber, who is slowly regain ing his health. Wiss Kzz'o Porter left Wednesday ovoning for Thousan J Islands, in tho St Lnwronco river, to spend tho bal ance of the summer. A prottT wedding was solemnized nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs, E. A, Van Dyko Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock when their eldest daughter, Grnce E , boenmo the happy brido of Ernest W. Sprout. During tho thunderstorm Wednes- day ovoning Tom Clink of Bivorton was struck by lightning and nt last, reports it was believed that ho could not recover. Mrs. Ralph Tim re of that place was also severely shocked. Miss Ada Patterson, daugh'or of our townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. J M. P.t terson, and who is a membi r of tho Now York Journnl editorial stnff, has a very intonating nrtlcln in the our- mm iiuiiiuui 01 mo uosmopuutan on Giving Babies Away. B.lly Ladill, a traveling showman, was arrostod tiday at Macon, eight miloa noith of hero, whero ho and a 10-yoar-old girl from Suporior woro over taken by tho mnrshal of Franklin and I. E Wilsoi, tho irato father of tho girl. Ladill was taken to tho county seat nnd will probnbly bo hold on a sorious chnrgo. SMITH CENTER. (From tho Mossengor ) Will Gorman, east of town, has ono Held of wheat that threshed out 33 hushols to tho aero. Paul, tho six-year-old son of Ed Kirkpatrick, hail the misfortttno tu full from a swing Friday and broak his arm. Undo Tommy Clark, down south of town a fow miles, moved an old crib Monday, and sixty rats paid the death penalty. Stnto Senator Hnskell nf this county was lato Monday evening nppointod wnrdon of tho Kansas Stato prison at Lansing. CHIT S'nrbuok lost another nf hia delivery horses Sunday night. Cliff is naving ni8 share or hard luck, as two of his horses have died within a fow weeks. Tho Fair association held n mooting Saturdny evening last. It was decided to havo a thoroughbred stock snlo nt 10 n. m. on tho second and thiid day of tho fair. It is authoritatively stated that n now oanK is coon 10 no Cttaousueu in Smith Center, to occupy ono of tho four corners at tho street crossing near this offlco. Frank Patteonnd wifo returned Sun day night, much improved in health and vigor, from their sumraoi's vaca tion over tho mountains, to the Pacific slope and fair at Portland. RIVERTON (From thoBoview.) Tho lightning struck Wm. Duncan's house Wednesday night and set Are to it. County Surveyor Hmsong was down from Bloomington Tuesday to survey the road through John Brown's farm. Street Commissioner Overton has mon hauling dirtt) fill in tho east approach to the creek bridge this week. During the storm Wednesday night Thos. Clark was struck by lightning and it is reported that be is in a para ljzed condition. Thoro was sr mo excitement in our city last Sunday morning. Mr. Lndel!f manager of ono of our street fair atti actions, had procured tho servicer of a young lady fnm Superior and it seems that her father seriously object ed nnd camo after her Saturday night. Tho young lady declared she would not return home, bo somo timo during tho night took a sneak for Franklin, nenr which place tho father overtook her Sunday morning. Then talk bo camo cheap and everjone had a now story, so fiom all tho tales wo gleaned that the father and daughter returned home and Mr. Ladell will have to find another actress. No arrests wero made. To Cure a CM la Oae Day. Tak" Laxative Bromo Quinino tab lots. All druggistB refund tho money if it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 2Go. That Settle's It. When a Colorado sand stono walk is laid that settles it. See Ovcring Bioi, &Co. for prices. r i M h ' II I aaapj-fH