The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 21, 1905, Image 5

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You always get Wearing Results if you get the
are STRONG and have been tried. I have the
genuine DA1N goods. Anyone else in this town
claiming to have the Dain goods is imposing on you.
See that it reads "Dain Mfg. Co." on your stacker
when you buy one and you will have the BEST.
if d
Hay and teed lit Fluinb's.
Miss Anna Delph is on llie sick list.
Dr. Ashcr was in Hustings Friday.
Go to Fred l'hi nib's for Hour or feed
Ted S Hinders went Cowles Wednrs
day. Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Dameiell
Kd Fry returned from Denver Sat
tuday. Charles Lane was over from Ksbon
Girl Wanted Apply at Halo's res
taurant. A. L. Funk of Lincoln wss hoio
J. F. Norton was up from Superior
Ray Frame is homo from Blue Hill
for a week.
Gnitiolil Ludlow is homo from Leba
non, K;m mis.
Dr. Hull and son of Cowles woro in
town Tuesday
, Adair Galusha was here from Lin
coln this week.
Vado Leggott of North Branch was
in town Sunday.
Bernard Mi-Nony was in Lincoln tho
first of tho week.
Mi?s Mary Lain returned to Orleans
Sunday evening.
John Yaplo is homo from his trip
to Marysville. Mo.
E Herpolshomior of 31uo Hill was
in tho city Tuesday.
Fnco massago and ladies' shampoo
tit Hayes' barber shop.
Miss Ethel Cummings returnrd
fiom Beatrice Sunday.
C. T. Austin of Lawrence, Nob., was
in Bed Cloud Monday.
Take your poultry and hides to
riumb. Top prices paid.
An addition is being built to tho
school houso in district 14.
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gecman of Free
port pays one-third of tho taxes
nnd has over r00 policies in
force. Tho Fanners' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
in tho state, with over three
quarters of ii million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
Piiiinb sells Blue Hill Hour.
Mrs Oicur I'atmor left lust evening
for a trip to Colorado.
Miss Martha Abel returned from
Chicago the first of the week.
A 1' Ely and wife woro dowu from
MoCook the first of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. IMatt aro homo
from a short stay in Colorado.
J. V. Swan of Platt;mouth was in
lied Cloud this wet k on busiuoss.
Mrs. I 11 H0I11103 and son returned
from a visit at Fairbury Monday.
A. T. Walker was in tho eastern part
of the state the tirst of tho week.
E. Fit, has moved into his uow
house north of the Firemen's hall.
Mrs. John McCune wetit to Kearney
Monday to vi-U with tier parents.
Mrs J. W Warren is expected homo
from Chariton, Iowa, this evening.
Mr. and Mis. II. W. Conover and
little baby aro down from MoCook.
Fred Temple departed Sunday for a
visit with his parents at Kansas City.
Miss 1'earl Sears returned to her
home in Campbell Wednesday noon.
Low Waltois has returned from a
two wcoks trip to Hitjes City, Kan.
Mis Lizzie Poindoxter departed for
a visit at Orleans Wednesday morning.
Wiss Ed j tho Crowell departed for
her homo in Indianoln, Iowa, Sunday.
Miss Z'jlla Mooro of Lincoln is visit
ing with the Crabill family this week.
B F. Fowler and wifo and Mrs. E C.
Houston of W'chita, Kan., aro in iho
Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho
highest price for poultry, eggs and
hid os.
Mrs. Ward Hays and children re
turned from their visit at Western last
Mrs. E U Ovorman and children
aro homo from an extendod visit in
Tho Inavalo base ball team will play
a gamo with Upland, at Campbell next
Miss Blanche Gross of Hot Springs,
Aik , arrived in Ked Cloud Saturday
Mrs. E A. Thomas left Wednesday
morning for Nelson for a visit with
her parents.
Mrs. C. H. Kaloy and son havo re
turned from their visit at Btntrico
and Lincoln.
Mrs. I. S Dowitt departed Wednes
day noon for n visit with her parents
at Doniphan.
Mrs S'ouper and daughter will
leave for an extended visit at David
City this week.
Mrs. G. E. McKoeby of Pueblo, Colo ,
was visiting Bed Cloud friends tho
lirst of tho week.
Mib J. 11. Wisocarver and daughter
Mr.bel returned from Denver tho
first of tho wook.
It L Skaggs, tho Lebanon jeweler
and tombstone man, was in Hod Cloud
Tuesday on bvtiness.
Miss Minnie Buerstotta of Teouni-eh
is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S Bonso.
Mis. Cecil NtNon cf MoCook is In
tlio city this week visiting with 0. T.
Dickenson and family.
F E Taylor of Lincoln was in Ked
Cloud this week visiting with his
friend, Judge Konoy.
Grunt Turner is tho proud "daddy"
of a seventeen pound girl, which ar
rived tlio lirst of tho week.
Mrs George HnllMir and daughter
left lust evening for Denver for a visit
with her brother, Fred Lutz.
You can now tako your annual bath.
Tho tubs at Manspoaker's barber shop
aro again in working order.
Mr. and Mrs. D.ivo Kaloy arrived
home Wednesday miming from their
outing in Boulder, Colorado.
For rent After July 1, residence,
corner Cedar str-'ot ami Third avi nue.
Inquire at Nowhouso's store.
Chester Cox is now malinger of the
nu al telephone exchange, haviiu;
talon charge Monday Morning.
Miss Laura Person of Galena, Kan.,
is in Bed Cloud visiting with her
brothers, John and Bert Peisi n.
Don't forget to insure jour property
against tire, lightning ar.d c clones
with L. 11. Fort, agent, Damcroll block
Ed Piatt loft tho lirst of the week
for .')ell Bapids, Somh Dakota, for a
vUil with his sister, Mrs. John B,
Mr. Isou and daughter Abliio of
Duukcrton, Iowa, woie in Bod Cloud
Wednesday visiting at tho home ot
E. S Garbor.
The rain of Wednesday was am in
p.iuii d by considerable hail on the
south side of the river, but no serious
damage is reported.
W. G Shannon, Mrs. II. Houghtal
nig and Mrs. A. D. MoMurray depart
ed Monday morning for a visit with
relatives in Minneapolis,
H. J. Clark returned from York the
lirst of the week. Mrs. Clark and
children will visit for a fow dajs
longer before returning home.
W. B. Saunders, tho now lumber
man, will occupy tho dwelling house
recently erected by Will Scrivner,
just south of the school houso.
Homer Clemmons returned Sunday
A full line of elegant
patterns and some good
values, of extra heavy
weave and pretty col
ors. The prices on these
Hammocks are right;
you can see for your
selt if you will examine
If you ever needed a
nice Hammock you will
need it now.
Don't wait until the
summer is gone; enjoy
these nice evenings in
one of our Hammocks
and your life will be
full of happiness.
Hardware Co.
We think our Clothes take the topmost position
in every particular. For STYLE, EIT, QUALITY
and WORKMANSHIP, we believe our Clothing is
generally conceded, even by our competitors, to be
Clothing of unusual excellence. The same careful
attention is given to the style, fit and dependable
quality of our $io suits as of our $20 garments.
We Hate Unreliable Clothing
Come in and let us convince you that we have the
right Clothing at the RIGHT PRICE.
Gomden-Kaley Clothing Go.,
First Poor North of Posotffice, Red Cloud, Neb.
from a month's trip to Cliiuago and
other nearby points, and is attain at
his old position in tho Nation ollioo.
County Clerk K. S. (Jarhur and
County Assessor Richard Turner at
tended tho mooting of tho state hoard
of iquali.atiou in Lincoln this week.
The new dam huilt for tho purpose
of turning Crooked creek back into its
old channel was practically washed
out by tho heavy rain Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stokes, Dr. K. A.
Tliomi'S, Dr. I. W. Tulleys, Mr. and
Mrs ,I.S (iilhain and son Hirry left
last night for an outing at Colorado
Waul Ilayos recoived word from
Mrs. Hayes, who is visiting at Western,
Neb , that their haby was seriously ill
Sunday, and his life was despaired of
for a shoit
Tho Inavalo hiso ball team plavod at
Superior lafct Friday and woro defeat
ed by a score of 1 to 0. Thoso who
witnessed the gamo say it was 0110 of
tho best thoy ever saw.
"Tom" Lain is homo from Acra,
KnnsiiP. where ho has boon for several
months. He was in the edgo of the
big tornado which struck that neigh
borhood a short time ago.
Wo educate for businois. Our gradu
ates aro successful. For particulars
address tho principal of the commer
cial department of Campbell College.
W. S. Pritchett, llolton, Kan. jul28
W. C. Frahm of Blue Hill, who is n
candidal!) for tho nomination for
county treasurer on tho Republican
ticket, was in town tlio lirst of tho
wook got ting acquainted with "tho
Whoro aro you sick? Headache,
foul tongue, no nppotie, lack energy,
pain in your stomach, constipation.
Hollister's Rooky mountain tea will
mako and keep you well. 83 cents.
C. L. Cotting.
Beautify your complexion with little
cost. If you wish a smooth, cloar,
croam-liko complexion, rosy cheeks,
laughing eyes, tako Hollister's Hooky
mountain tea, greatest hoautiiler
known. '35 cents. C. L. Cotting.
Tho stato canvassing board informed
County Assessor Turner and County
Clerk (father that tho Webster county
assessment was tho best in the stato.
Mr. Tumor and deputies deserve great
credit for tho thoroughness with
which thoy havo done their work.
Not a cent wanted unless you aro
cured. If you aro sick and ailing,
tako Holliitor'a Kooky Mountain tea.
A great blessing to tho human family.
Makes you well koops you well. ,'J5
I . ..... .. ...1.1.... 1 1 ....:
cents, ma or uiuiuis. j. u. vjuuiuh.
Tho ico cream social givon by tho
members of tho Christian church at
tho homo of Mrs. F. L. Smith Tuesday
evening was a pleasant affair. A short
nroKrain wns ronilorod and the.
proceeds amounted to about $17.
Willard W. Sage of tho News-Journ-al,
of Nowcastlo, Wyo., stopped off in
Hod Cloud Monday. Ho was onrouto
to .Junction City, lv-insas, for a visit
with his mother and sister, whom ho
has not seen for many years.
Having decided to locate lioro in
Bed Cloud, I am prepared to do any
kind of cement work cisterns, side
walks, foundations and cases, or ntiy
fancy work, and having had eight
years' experience in tho cement busi
ness loan givo tho best of references.
1'rices reasonablo C. 11. Conkmk. tf
Two hundred and sevonty-sovon
tickets were sold from Rod Cloud to
tho Beatrice Chautauqua last Sunday,
tho largest salo ever made in one day
at this station. There were also nearly
fifty from A 111 hoy. When tho excur
sion linallv i( ached Beatrice thero
were seventeen cars attached to tho
If all tho musicians in town would
take as much interest in tho mattor as
Vic Manspoaker and Marlon Mo-cer,
Bed Cloud would soon havo a band
and orchestra second to none in this
part of the stato. Thoy should all got
together and see what can bo done.
Such town as Suporior, Franklin,
Lebanon and evon Bladen have good
bands, and it does not, speak very well
for Rod Cloud, with its largo number
of cood musicinns, to bo without
cither a band or orchestra.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, 11 ntirso in Now York
discovered nn nronmtio pleasant herb
drink for womon's ills, culled AUSTRALIAN-LEAR
It is tho only cor
tain monthly rogulator. Cures fomalo
weaknesses and bncknoho, kidney,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail r0 cents Sample
FREE. Address Tho Mothor Gray
Co , LoRoy, N. Y.
AGuarantccd Cure For Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing I'ilos. Druggists refund money if
I'a.o Ointment fails to euro any caso,
no mattor of how long standing, in G to
14 days. Fiist application gives easo
and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't
it send 50c in stamps, nnd it will bo for
warded post-paid by I'aria Medicine Co.
St. Louis, Mo,
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private
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