The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 21, 1905, Image 4

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i i
Vm Falling
Thus cried the hair. And a
kind neighbor came to the res
cue with a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor. The hair was
saved! In gratitude, it grew
long and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold in all parts of the
world for sixty years.
" About fno year nsol loit nearly all nf mjr
linlr follow 1 1 1 k mi iittark of incuslfd. 1 wm
ndvlM-d liy it iiIpiiiI to win Ayer's llnlr Vlynr
I tlil to. niul n)rf rpult t now ImviiHliiMiillfiil
head of li ilr " Mint. V. J HiloWN. Meimin
inii'O I'iiUi, Wl.
ifiiiiiiwii nmnr win wimrriii" ir '
Mado by J. C. Aycr Co., Lowoll, Mass.
Also irmnmaoiurors oi
r ipBi ijfjwfjM
Free Homesteads.
President Roosevelt has just issued
his proclamation concerning tho place
mid mumicr of allotting tlio lauds
known as tho Uintah Indian rcsorva
tion, located in north eastern Utah,
just across tho Colorado border. Ho
has designated Grand Junction, Colo
rado, as tho registering point for
persons living east of Utah. Registra
nt S) a m., Tuos-
will commence
August 1, and
Narrow Eacapc From Death.
Mrs. Will Smith, son Charles and
threo daughters, of Gut-Held town-
-ship, had an experience Thursday
nioriiiiiL'. which they will remember
for years to come Coming into town
over tho hill road running cast from
the river bridge they came to a culvert
that had washed out. Two of tho
daughters got out of tho wagon, but
"Mr. Smith and her son Charles and
3ier youngest daughter remained in
tho vehicle. As they attempted to
cro'-s the culvert tho bank gave way
and tho team, wagon and occupants
were nrueinitatod to the bottom of
deep gully, fully forty feet bo
low The fall was almost porpondiou
jjar, and at the bottom there was. a
Siugo rock, yet, strange as it may seem,
ifchc team was uninjured, Mrs. Smith
mud son Charles wero not oven
'bruised, and tho littlo girl received
only a slight cut on tho faco. Tho
only damage to tho wagon and harness
was tho breaking of a breast strap.
J.H.and Arthur Robinson and Sam
-Jones came along shortly after tho
-accident, ai'd it required nearly two
hours to got tho team and wagon
bnok on to tho road again. It cor
.tainly was a lucky escape from serious
injury, or even death.
daw AuiniBt 1. and coutlnuo
0 p. m., Saturday, August 12.
Tho drawing will tako placo on Au
gust 17, and those who aro successful
will begin to mako entries at Vornal,
tho land oillco for tho reservation on
August '29. All tho-o successful at
tho drawings will bo notified' by mull
so that they can remain at Grand
Junction until such time as they aro
required to appear at tho land ofllco.
Honorably discharged sailors and
soldiers may register by proxy, by
obtaining front Hon W. A. Richards,
Comml-sionor of tho General Lund
OfIlc, Washington, D. C, a regular
form for tho purpose. They also havo
somo special udvantgos which may
bo learned by consulting their at
torneys, or r- ferring to section- 2.10."
2:10.") of tho revised statutes of tho
United States.
A map of tho reservation and full
additional information, may bo had by
writing to tho Chamber of Commerce,
Grand Junction, Colorado.
John Lain of Rod Cloud and Miss
Julia Anderson of Red Oak, Iowa,
wero united in marriage Monday
evening, Rev. Davis oIIl luting.
James D. Pope of Oakland, Iowa,
and Miss Siish Sprouklo of Cowles
wero married in Red Cloud Wednes
day. The ceremony took place at tho
Royal hotel, Judge Keonoy ofllciatlng.
Tho bride was neatly attired in u palo
blue silk taffeta and tho groom was
dressed In black. Tho happy couplo
departed on tho morning train for
Council Bluffs and Omaha for a short
visit and will then return to their
future home in Oakland, Iowa. Their
many friends wish them a hupp ly
wedded life.
Severe LUhtninft Shock.
During tho storm Wednesday oven
lug Mrs. J. E. Fox and daughter Joslo,
living about seven miles southeast of
Red Cloud, wero severely shocked by
lightning. While the storm was in
progress they brought somo littlo
chickens into tho house and placod
them on tho stovo to dry. While
standing near the stovo lightning ran
into tho houso over tho telephone
wire and juntpod to tho stovo. Miss
Fox was shocked into uticoncctiis
ness and her hair was bully scorched
Mrs. Fox
was not injured by tho
District Reunion.
Tho Nebraska and Kansas reunion
will bo held at Franklin, August 22 to
2."i, inclusive. This was sottled at a
rousing meeting hold in Franklin last
Tuesday evening When Red Cloud
niado no efl'ott to get tho reunion
again this year, it was thought none
would bo held, and it was so an
nounced. But Franklin, having been
disappointed in being compelled to
abandon Its Fourth of July celebra
tion, for which big preparations had
been made, began to look around to
find somo manner of entertaining tho
noonlu and snonding its money. Last
Friday tho council of administration
mot and unanimously agreed to hold
tho reunion at Franklin. Our only
wish is that Franklin may furnish as
good an entertainment and havo as
largo crowds as wero in attendance at
Red Cloud last lull. Wo aro not tho
least bit jealous and will do our share
toward helping our enterprising sister
John Garbcr for Clerk.
"While the chairman of the central
c mmittee has not yet issued the call
for the county convention, tho time
will soon bo hero to tako action in tho
matter, and candidates for tho various
ofllces aro beginning to bo tulkod of.
There is littlo or more opposition to
the renoininatiou of Judge Keonoy,
Clue Hill has a sttong candidate for
treasurer in tho person of W. C.
Prahm, aud it is understood that Ed
Aniaok, Oliver Hodgo and William
VColio of Rod Cloud are all in tho
trace for shoriff, either of whom would
make a capable olllcer.
Tho most talked of man for county
clerk is John J. Garbor. tho present
.fientlemanly and etllciont deputy
.tslerk. His natural fltuoss for tho
work coupled with his long experience
in tho ofllco qualify him In an excep
tional maimer for that position. Juhn
itus been a resident of the county.
:since tho oarly '70s and has always
Eicon a sober, hard working and honest
man. There can be no question of his
aibility and fitness for tho oillco, and
Tin; Chief would bo pleased to seo
-him rccolvo tho nomination and
Herb Ludlow In Trouble.
Tabcr Will Build.
W. II. Tabor, proprietor
Brunswick billiard hall,
chased from C. W Kaley tho vacant
lot to the south of tho old F. A- M
bank building and will at once begin
tho erection of a building to houso
his billiard parlor. Tho building will
probably bo of cement blocks, one
story wt'h a half basement. It
would not hurt tho looks of that block
should somo of tho other old framo
buildings bo torn down and replaced
with new buildings of stone, brick or
cemout, oven though they wero no
more than one story in height.
It's a strange fact
that 3l msxn who
would throw your gold brick
at your head if you tried to
soil him ono will walk into a
clothing store and, calmly
pay tho price of all-wool-and-silk
n nd accept tho "mecer
i. -d cotton" cheat.
Tho clothier may plainly
toll him it contains "mercer
ized cotton"; "a fow threads;
thoy look just like silk"; ac
tually make him think It's all
right, and pockets the added
pioflt cheerfully.
Or tho buyer may tako tho
"mercerized cotton" adulter
ation ignorantly; there arc
some dealers who will let him
do so.
In el her case tho result Is
tho same; tho we-iror gets
left. But ho doesn't desetvo
any sympathy; ho can havo
all-wool if U wants it; no
body feels sorry for a man
who gets "llitn flammed."
Our label means all-wool;
it's a small thing to look for,
a big thing to find.
Hart Schaf fner & Marx-
Good Clothes Makers
rf'.-iyiET'.1-.-v-. rawassca xvtfuv.cds?
mtlfi &) mm fiSSSr
111 iff M
Copyright 1905 by
Hart Schafircr 6 Marx
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncilled
for at postofllco at Red Cloud, Neb
or the week ending July 21, 1903
Chapman. J A. Chonweth, Sam
Ecklor, G. W. Falloy, S J.
Frahciseo, Claud Hart, J. A.
Loyd, Bertha Patterson, Dolla
Smith, Mrs. C.
Theso will be sent to tho dead letter
ofllco Aug , '), 1003, if not called for
UivVl(tUvLttllivljtjl'l'Vlllll-atltvti'llbl(tllv it Vtlittllvlv;( ; vlilvl(Vllvill4i.
Tho following item is taken front before. When calling for nbovo plonso
" ci
M. A. Albright,
15he Grocer
First ' Quality ' Goods
tho Hastings correspondence in tho
Lincoln Star:
"Horbort Ludlow, a cook in tho Star
restaurant, Friday night attempted to
chastiso his wife, and as a result of
tho attempt is suffering from a
bruised oyo and soveral other minor
injuries It seems shut ho was out of
temper whon ho arrived at homo Fri
day evening and ho attacked his wife
for somo reason Two women living
noxt door to Ludlow's heard tho
sculllo and coming to Mrs. Ludlow's
rescue, punished Ludlow and present
ed him with tho above enumerated
bruises. Saturday morning Ludlow
was arraigned boforo Judge Reynolds
and fined 23 anil costs, after having
remained in tho city jail ovor night."
say "advertised."
T. C. IIackkh, Postmaster.
Game and Fish Laws.
Tho Nebraska ganio and fish laws
havo been compiled and publishod in
a small booklet by tho game and fish
commission. Copies of this booklet
may bo had, free of charge, by addres
sing George L. Carter, Chief Game
Warden, Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho
pamphlet is full of useful information
for sportsmen and others who occa
sionally go hunting and fishing, and
might bo the means of saving them a
great deal of trouble and expense.
Send for ono.
iii i.iTiivaivv vviiiiaii' ti iitiiT'iiiiiti'iii 1 i''it'i'i'i i'i 11 n!t it vv 111
Red Cloud,
Reasonable 3 Prices
Tlint Hou-o r Bint, or store tliat i;oul, it will save you
money and give you a lot of ntisfjiulion If you will cull and
got prices anil see the Mock of
Dry Lumber and Gcnnlnc Maltland Coal a Specialty
Fralim for County Treasurer.
Wo understand that our esteemed
townsman, W. C. Frahtn, is a inndi
rflato for county treasurer, subject to
tho decision of tho republican county
convention. Mr. Frahni is an honor
aiblo, upright business mini
qualified for tho ofllco and would
ntuko au elllclent and trustworthy
oitlcitil. His maiiy friends hero would
like to see him nominatod. Tho re
publican convention could not do
footter than nominato Mr. Frahtn.
Blue Hill Loador (Fusion).
I31uo Hill has generally been con
oed tho ofllco of county treasurer, and.
.us it is certain that Mr. Skelton will
uot return from Illinois to bo a can
didate, about all that Is necessary to
.-socui-o Mr. Frahin's nomination Is for
ritio delegates from that vicinity to
uuito upon hitn as their choice. Mr
Fruhm is engaged in tho goimral mor
ohandiso busluoss at Blue Hill and Is
ouo of tho most popular young mon in
4hut part of tho- county, and wo are
rawro than pleased to aunounco his
.candidacy. It is a protty safo propo.
fution that when a man's homo paper,
though of opposite political faith,
speaks well of him, ho is "all right "
Boy Fatally Burned.
Tho twelve-year old son of W L Mil
lion, living near Guide Rock, was so
badly burned Saturday night that ho
died from his injurios early Sunday
morning Tho littlo follow, with other
children, was sleeping on tho floor.
Near tho bed on tho floor was a tablo
on which a lighted lamp was sitting,
aud during the night ono of tho other
children dragged tho lamp to tholloor.
Tho coutonts of tho burning lamp fell
on tho littlo fellow, setting llro to his
night clothes, and ho ran screaming
from tho houso to tho yard. Ho was
ably terribly burned about tho upper part
ot tue uouy, aim, uiuwumi iiuhiicui uiu
was summoned immediately, it was
without avail and tho littlo sufferer
died early Sunday morning.
Fred Fcarn Injured.
Fred Foarn was thrown from tho
seat of ono of Studobaker's dray
wagons Monday morning and received
some bad bruises about tho shoulders
and head. Tho accident happened in
tho Burlington yards. Tho team
becamo friglnouod ar something and
started to cross tho track, and Fred
was jolted trom tlio seat, ungating on
tho iron rail on his shouldors, turning
ovor onto his faco, which was badly
cut. His injuries, though painful,
wero not very serious.
"Frosted" on the Sermon.
Last Sunday evening at tho union
sorvicos, tho speaker of tho evening
delivered a brief, improssivo address,
which was calculated to sot tho think
ing inaohinory of his hoarors to work
ing. Howovor, tho effect of tho sor-
mon was marrod by tho untimely
announcement, following closely upon
tho sermon, of a couplo of Ico cream
socials to bo hold during tho coming
week. As tho woathor was hot, tho
thoughts of tho cooling ico cream soon
overshadowed tho pious ido:is im
pressed on tho minds of tho audionce.
We would sgggost to pastors and
others that tho proper time for an
nouncements of this chin-actor is
boforo, rather than after tho sermon.
Baby Hurt.
Mr and Mrs. Goorgo Reed's three-mouths-old
boy received a painful
! iujury last Friday Ono of tho springs
which support's tlio baby'h "jumper''
broke aud in falling struck him on tho
sido of tho head, cutting a bad gash
aud render. ng him unconscious for u
fow moments. Sunday tho littlo fol
low had a high fever from tho wound,
but it is not thought serious results
will follow.
Consign Your Live Stock To
We also have our own houses at
Read our market letter In this papor. Write us tor any special Information desired.
Campbell's Circus Coming.
Tho contracting agent for Campbell
Brothers' Circus was in town tho first
of tlio week and made arrangements
for tho appearance of that show hero
Tuesday, August 8. Those who at
tended tho circus hero on its last
appearance will remember that it was
a splendid exhibition. Tho circus has
increased in size until it now requires
tltlrty-ono cars to transport It.
Vic Fulton's Horse Injured.
Hilled by Electric Shock.! T; vio nitons driving noise t.ecnmo
Will T.nn .... lOiwtrtaifiii nt. Riitinrinf. ikm ""'" L" "
became entangled with a live wire !'lst f;Mh? ,,ml 'tomptod to jump
...wl l.nlY,,.n nccletntinn HUUUjli n muwu, iui mu luauib Ullll
tll WUlVStW !Jk)libltUV.U
was dead. Ho
Isaac B. Colvin
farm Loans and Insurance.
Telephones: Glonwood
and Guide Rock lines.
could bo given him ho
was a brother of tho Miss Leo,
was formerly employed in tho
telophono ofllco In this city.
Broke Ills Seek.
A son of Uriah Adams, living near
its shoulder was broken. It is thought
the injury will not bo permauont.
Morton I,. II 111. of Lebanon Intl.. bavs
wife linrt InllHtnnmtorv Hlieumnilxm In over
IIllUClO mm O lit: hor Mltl'i-rlm- WAK tnrrlhT
and her body anil fnco wero Hwollen nlmost be
yond recoKiiltlon; hud been In bed nix week!
nnd hud elKht idiyt-lclniiH, but received no
benefit until nho tried tlio Mytttlo Turo for
ItliuumntlNin, It wo Immedlnte relief and
khe whh nblo to wnlk nbont In tlirco ilavu. I am
mire It savi-d her life." Sold by Jl. Orlce,
DniKRlRt. Jlcil Cloud.
Bostwick, fell from a wagon Tuesday
and broko his nock,
years of ago.
Ho was about 21
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to sincerely thank all our
friends and neighbors for their kind
ness and assistance during tho afllic
tion and death of our sou. No neigh
bors could havo been kind-r.
Mr and Mns, W. L. Million.
Proposals for Bids.
Notli-o Is hereby Riven Unit tho ciiv council
of Red Cloud, NubniNkii, will receive healed
bids nt tho oillco of tho ulty clork, untoilo'elnck
l. m.. AtiKiul7, 1005. for tho imrpoHo of build
Iiik twenty cement crowing (inoro or les)
In Mild city, Mild crossing to bo built iiccord
Iiik to phiui- Mtid Hiieclllcfitlonw now on record
la tliu oillco of tho city clerk. Thucoitiii.ll
res-erves the rlht to reject nuy nnd all IiIiIn,
lied i ltiul, July 12, HU'i
(seal) 1,. II. KottT, City Clerk.