The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 21, 1905, Image 1

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I Subscription
Eight Pages 1
Home Print I
$1 a Year
in Advance
I -flewsy Jlotes from
(From the Advocate.)
On M nuluy morning of this weok
John Wagoner shipped a special of 21
cur loads of cuttlo.
Dun Lonimort wns tho first farmer
in tho yioinity to report having finished
stacking his wheat.
Miss Boulah Harmnn of Iuaviile, wns
up ono night tins week to visit her
sister, Mrs.O. II. Waldo.
Roports nro that Leo Cook's burn
burned to tho ground 'ono diy Uis
week. No paiticuhtrs leiirned.
.J. I) McGrow of tliis phieo has been
granted permission by the comptroller
of ih j currency lo organize tliu First
National Hank of Rlnomington with a
cipitul stock of $25,000.
At tho session of tiie supervisors
held this week a contract was undo
with tho 11. T. Ward Bridge Co., to
build two new steel bridges across tho
Republican, ono at Naponeo and ono
a: Franklin.
"Put" Fuller, who has been chief of
police for tho past ten or fifteen years
at lliverton, putting men of misbe
havior in jii!, had a taste of his own
medicine while at the county seat list
week as he spent one night in tho
county bastilo but is out now under
$500 bond until iht next term of court.
The nine months' old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Will limit, died very sud
denly Wednesday aftcrnoc n It seems
that the mother was obliged to leave
tho house for a shot t time atid took tho
precaution to tightly fiiston tho bod
coverlet over iho little one to prevent
its rolling "IT the bed. Neertlioless it
worked (IT and returning shortly she
found its lifoles litt'o body tangled
bomehow in the coverings.
(From tho Messenger )
B. Gift, son of J.-hn Gift, of this
city has sailed for Europe for his vaca
tion. Smith Centor now has several
explorers in the 1 1 world.
County Surveyor Divid Wishart,
fell from a scaiFold while working on
his birn yestenhy morning, and bioke
his right leg jus' below tho hip joint,
an 1 serioiHy injured his back.
Jim Newell, of Lebanon, was in
Smith Center Tuesday looking at
p-oporty. Ho built six houses in Leb
anon and sold ouch ono nnd now thinks
ho will try Smith Center for a chango.
La'o last Thursday evening, tho
driver on route six, C. P. Winchtll,
created some stir around town by re
porting that ho had soon Bart Turner,
a few miles nottli of town, near tho
Shannon farm. An investigation
noon discovered that Charlie's man
wasn't Turner, and so a dozen or morn
men had a drive uu thero for tho fun
of it. Turner, tho lust heard of him
was going Jown the Missnur Paoilio
tow.ud Atchison, still showing a fond
ness for caching checks.
(From the Review.)
List Sn'unlny evening Miss Ha.el
Whaloy was severely bitten by a dog.
W. H Clopper has purchased tho
residence proporty from Lou Mooio
and will tko possession soon.
Fred Huntor and C lil Fulton re
turned from Kmsas City Wednesday,
where they had been on tho market
with stock.
Geo. Enos starto I for M intatm Mon
day ovouing after another bunch of
wobtern horses. Bert Hnrwood ac
companied him.
Their-iin crow nnd passengers on
j iyoJ themselves g-'eatly Fiiday morn
ing when a ko,j of beer was accident
ally brok-ui opon whilo unloading it
from tho car. A cup wits soon pro
cured and every ono took hia turn,
fir uono of them could stand to seo J
neighboring Towns I
such good st nil" go to waste.
J. A. Brown shipped two cars of
stoek Sunday. Ho intended to ship
four oars, but nno of tho cars had no
door and was not loaded, so the train
pulled out and left two cars hero that
were in tho ynrds waiting for fit cats
to load them in. He got no car Mon
day or Tuesday, so ho niado a door
Wednesday and londed his stock.
That morning tho train rushed pist
llivorton and left him again. Ho
threateded to sue tho company and
thoy sent an engine back from Red
Cloud to take his cars and ono of J. W.
(From the Times.)
Alex McDonald hns bought tho H. H
Koeing farm near Cora for $30 per
Will Compton cultivated lo5 acres
of corn in seven and ono half days,"
and batched in the bargnin.
The fair association will begin the
erection or additional hog sheds at tho
fair grounds tho latter part of this
Tho little twn-yenrold daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCu'.lough living
near Stuart died of whooping cough
Tuesday evening.
David Weav r has pun lnaod tho old
school building from II . N Dunton
and will use tho lumber in building a
UGxlO addition to his hotel.
Billy Kimsey, avIio has for tho pat
live months been worki-.g or. tho Stoek
Yards Journal in St. Joo, Mo., is visit
ing homo folks in Lebanon this week.
W. L Rogers of White Bock town
ship brought to our oilico Tuoulny
thirty-one beardless barley heads
which we'ghed threo and one fourth
Monday morning, Manning Schem
merhoin ran up against the hind part
of a mute, and as a result is carrying
his right arm in a sling and aUo com
plaining of inward pins.
B ith wheels of a wagon mn over the
right arm of tho live j ear-old son of
A. E. Brown, who lives about four
miles notth east of Lebanon, thereby
breaking the arm in two different
(From the Lender.
Thero is a splendid opening hero for
a brick yard. "
The sm-ill boys have organ zd n
band nnd are pm-ticing.
Wo are plad to note that Mrs. J. F.
Grimes is steadily improving.
Bon Prentice and wifo are tho proud
parents of a new boy baby born on
Sunday last.
E. S. Lohr, former B. fc M. oporator
here, is now agent at Cowlei, to which
point he moved lust Sinday.
A. F. Sebrass has his now shops
almost o nnploted and is now getting
the machinery in shapo for business.
Too Farmers E v tor company will
commence today to build a scoop pit
near the city scnl-s so that they can
load cars until they cat) get their ele
vator up and ready for businoss.
It has been called to our attention
that some person or persons havo re
cently visited tho cemetery and stolon
and spoiled most of the 11 iwers and
plants planted thero this spring. It is
ceititinlv a shnmo nnd disgr.ico to
stoal fiom tho dead.
(From the Sentinel.)
E. Arnold, Tims. Blank nnd Herman
Huintmils started fir Portland last
Mrs. Fred Brnnow die! at their
homo in this ci'y last night at 11
o'clock, as tho result of an operation;
Perfoot In quality.
Modorato In prloo.
for tumor pel formed Wednesday af tor
noon. W. J, Clapp is building a largo barn
on his residence lots s mill of th'i
Franklin house.
Franklin will have a now bridgo in a
short timo, in fact wo hope to havo a
temuorary bridge in passible shapo by
tho lattor part of next week.
Miss Jessie Divis returned Tuesday
from Omaha, where she had been in a
hospital for threo weeks and where
she underwent an opeiu in for appen
dicitis. Mrs A. V. Miller and son, Bert, left
Monday ovoning for Biiggs, Wyoming,
in rsponso to a inessngo that, Mrs.
M Iter's only brother, a cattleman of
that region, was drowned.
Mr. and Mrs Sum Howard have
moved up from lied Cloud and will
erect a dwelling on Lincoln avenue
no-th of E. A I'eerj's. Mr. Howard
expects to run a dray lino.
D. G. Ruby, who went to Europo
about two months ago hn returned
with fnrty-.svon head of English Shire,
Belgian and Percheron stallions which
he unloaded at Kearney. Ho has
located then' and is nuilding a largo
salebirn. Mr. Ruby was very favor
ably impressed with Eng'and, Franco
and Belgium and nsuios us that ho
saw less pauperism in the great cities
of those countries than in our own
New York.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, July 10, furnished by J. II. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company.
F Li Hullernn and wifo to Sam
Smith lots 21 and 22 block 5
Red Cloud wd $ 100
Austin C Bagwoll and wifo to M
II Faruham lots 17 and 18
block 7 Inavalo wd .r00
Sam Smith to Emanuel Peters
lots 21 and 22 blooK 5 Red
Cloud wd 200
Ellen M Miller and husband to
E F Harvey nol 8-2-12 qcd .... 100
C Manspeakor and husband to
Joseph Challin part sw-1 nw4
2 1-11 wd 030
James O Butler to T G Ilarwood
lot 2 block G S it M add to Red
Clou 1 qcd fiOO
C F Gtiud and wifo to Charles
Sponco v2 nol sol 7-4-11 wd. ... 2000
Win H Sinnloy to Ernest N
Roberts sol und s2 not lG-l-ll
wd MOO
Total 7.'IG0
M ortgages filed 8:i)00
Mortgages released ..$8000
Local drain Market.
(Furnished by J. P. IMnuy )
Friday, July 21.
Wheat Mo
White shelled cor'i lle
Mixed shelled Corn 12u
Yellow Corn
Ear Corn -ilo
Oats a:j,j
Kjo 47c.
B.troy 28c
Arc You Using Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shnko into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It euros Corns, Bun
ions, Painful, Smartiug, Hot, Swollen
feet. At nil druggists and shoo stores,
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bronto Quinine tab
lots. All druggists refund tho money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
turo is on each box. 2Cc.
Interesting Itoms Gnthorod s
by Our Covinty Reporters
A nice rai; HI hero Wednesday.
Born,. July 1G, to Mr. and Mrs. Will
Davis, a gill.
Painter Odell is treating A Reed's
house to a coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Reiher am proud par
ents of a baby girl, born July 15.
Mrs. Ross of Cimpholl is visiting at
tho home of L (.'. Cutter this week.
Mr. and Mis. Ernest Reed visited at
the home of V. t Widdoishcim Sunday.
Frank and Ms Ruth Householder
were passengers for R seinont Wed
Mr--. Frank Harrington nf Hastings
is visiting at thu homo of her In other,
By id Kile.
(Juno a milliner from this place wont
toCamiliull Sunday to witness the
ball game.
Mrs. N. S M icklin and children left
Sal ui day for a month's visit at Murys
ville, Kansas.
Miss (inicu Rtod is spending the
week at her brother's Fred Reed's
near Blue Hill.
Mr. and M s. Quntoii of Cimobell
were visiting their daughter, Mrs. R C
C Ifviilior, Tuesday.
Miss FIoioiko Cuirie of Rosemotit is
visiting at the homo of her uncle, J. A.
Lockhai t, south of town.
Mrs. Will So.trles of Holdrego is
visiting at the .home of her mother,
Mrs. Springer, this week.
Eniier and Alva C x havo pur
clia-ed A P. .Johnson'd store. Will
riopka is helping them invoice this
Mrs. Charles Haller left Monday for
her homo in Cneyenne, W.oming,nftor
spending a mouth visiting relatives and
friends here,
Mrs. Brooks returned homo from
Blue Hill Wednesday, where she has
been visiting hor brother, W. 11. Ho
g past week.
Weather hot HO in the shado.
Ilaivfstii g is the order of the day.
Mr. ai d Mrs. Al'on Cnrpi'Uter visited
at Mint Steele's this week.
Mert Fonrn nnd family wore tho
guests of J. E. Fox Sunday.
Fran l; VanDyko is getting some bet
ter, but is not able to be up yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Bnxnner of hivorton
wero the guests of Will Knmihsky last
Grii.idpa and Grandma Hicks and
Mr-. MiNitt were guests at Mnynard's
L' Mrs. Will Dihlon is on tho sick list
and is under the care of the doctor at
Wonier, Kansas.
Quito a number of our young people
accompanied the oxcuisionists lo
Beatrice Sunday.
The phono men from Lebnnon aro
making repairs and putting in new
ph ones for th farmers I his week.
There will be praer meeting at An
drew Hanle's next Sunday at 2 p. in.
A cot dial invitation is extended to all
prayinir people, and others as well, lo
Subscribe for your papers ht Cal
vin's. I. B. C-lin and B H. Colvin were
at Rosomonion bininos Tuesday.
W. I'J, and O.'iv Montgomery aro
home on a visit to their mother, who is
quite poorly.
I. B Colvin is organizing land ex
cursions to Norton and Decatur
counties, Kansas.
The Guide Rock post' fllci has biton
moved to the Dtudua building, a few
doors north of the old location.
Born, to Mr. and' Mrs. Ralph C
Peters, July la, a daughter. Yot:
should see R. C step around and sinilo.
Word was tcccivul h re yesteidnj
that a sou of (Jilnh Adams, aged lit,
had falleh from a wagon and broken
his neck, at his homo near Bomwick.
Mrs. J. B. Heeler, of Jewell ootinlv,..
died July l Miss Emma Beard was
bom August 10, 1802, and was mar
ried to J. B. Beeler, December II, 18$."...
Sho was a kind, loving wifo ami
mother. To those at her bedside she
expressed her rendlness to die.
Roland EMertoti Million, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Million, died enrly
Sunday morning, tho result of one of.
tho most shocking aeeid'Hita whiofci
over occurred here. He was sleeping:
on tho II ior Saturday night and ru
younger child overturned a lamp
upon him, burning him so badly thnr
ho lived hit a few hours. II, wah
horn December 27, 18!)1. and was w
bright, pleasant boy, who was liked by
all who knew him. His pnrents have
tho sjiupathy of tho entire community..
Mr. Mutter sold a load of hogs lar.
James Beauchanip sold a load oK
hogs Wednesday.
Lloyd Amuck and some of his neigh
bors made up a car load of hogs Mon
day and sent them to market.
Last Saturday thcEit Gaill'dd tele
phono company got om on tho line anil'
repaired tho breaks caused by Um
recent Hood.
On Tuesday afternoon tho ladies ot
Garfield met at tho home of Mrs.
Eiiimti Smith and completed their
organization of a Ladies Aid society,,
by adopting a c institution and by Inwtv
appointing committees and getting:
ready to begin the work assigned
Last Sunday a largo partof On fields
youth and beauty donuid holidoy
attire and sped on a Bwift movinpr
train to Beatrice, returning after tho
wee hours ot tho night wero woll
grown. I'hoy rp'it an intellectual
trent to repay them for their ride ami
A party of (Jit Hold's spoit worn nz
tho river Tuesday bent on destroying:
a major portion of the finny tribe..
Lloyd Amiiek sticcee led in capturing
a large catfish as much as four inches
in length. To divide Hie spoils of war
Lloyd promihcd to devour it and stand
at tho phono at night while the rest of
the party tmclled his breath.
Another nice rain Wednesday night.
George -DeBiunnor returned Satur
day. Threshing is the order of the day at
Mrs. I. O. Walker was in Inavalo
Tuesday. ( W. Hannum started for the west,
Siliit'day night,
N. E Harvey and family Snndiyed
at () P. Harvey's.
Ole Bergman and wifo attended the
musical at J. U Movoi's.
Mr. Barney and MNs Alice Fop
went to Riverton Tuesday.
The (tamp meetings aro still in prog
ress and large crowds onj y tho good
M'ss Lois Robinson of Franklin is
visiting at tho home of hor sister, Mr.
Elmer II irvey.
Elinor Harvov and Hnry Stiefo?
returned from Ktnsas City, whore
Ihtty had boon with Hvo cars of fathogsi
and cattle
Too musical nt J. U. Meyer's nnd tho
dnnco at Mr. DuBruuiibi's wero not
largely attended on Friday evening,,
but reports of a good timo aro abroad.
Tho eldest son of Mr. Mixon hns
undorgono an operation for appendici
tis and at present is doing as well as
could bo expected. Tho Maxon'a arc
8uroly having their share of trouble.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado sand stono wnlk is
laid that settles It. Soe Ovcring Broj.
&Co, lor prices.
i '1
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