'"w0N0P$lk PfyWI&W jWW- i -ft mm wn' -V' - f" Ww .ui; Ut1 II.Kini. m,. .....,,.. I ... .........! 1 " I 51 ! i V2 :- 11Wbarinq You always get Wearing Results if you get the g genuine DAIN STACKERS or SWEEPS. They gj f are STRONG and have been tried. I have the S'. 1 genuine DAIN goods. Anyone else in this town : - claiming to have the Dain goods is imposing on you. J! jS See that it reads "Dain Mfg. Co." on your stacker g 2 when you buy one and you will have the BEST. i; I JAMES PETERSON. t LOCALETTES . Hay and feed at Plumb's. Wilber Potersou is in Denver. Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Dameroll 'block. Dr. J. T. liomford is homo from Wilbur. Dr. Wegman was down from Bladen Sunday, Girl Wanted Apply at Hale's res taurant. Kd Hilton of Blue Hill was in town Monday. Base ball enthusiasm seems to bo on the wane. Mayor Dickonson was in Hastings Wednesday. O. O. Tei-1 was in Lincoln tho first of the weik. Leo Columbia was up from Guide Rook Sunday. Win. Fulton of Campboll was in town Wednesday. A. H. Keonoy visited with his parents in Cowles Sundny. Fred Sears returns to his homo in Campbell tomorrow. Face massago and ladies' shampoo at Hayes' barber shop. Ernept Starko returned from Mil waukee last Thursday. Miss Maggie Leonard was down from Rivorton Monday. Take your poultry and hides to. Plumb. Top prices paid. Finnk Harmon returned to his home in Auburn Tuesday. John Rutlodgo arrived homo from Fair bury Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Boyd are tho parents of a now girl baby. Dr. and Mrs. T. 11. Hall of Cowles wore in lied Cloud Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Piatt wont to Denver t'io first of iho weok. Mr. and Mrs. L. Boner aro tho proud parents of a baby girl. To the Farmers Out of !0 Insurnnoo Compnnios doing business in Webster County tho Gecman of Free port pays one-third of tho taxes and has over ."J00 policies in force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of Nobraska is tho largest Mutual in the state, with over three quarters of a million dollars iu surauco in Webster couuty. for Good insurance Call on O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud. ftB&ULTS? The Inavule boys aro playing a game of base ball in Suporior today. Arthur Myers returned from Lin coln and Kansas City Tuesday. A. T. Walker was iu Rivorton and Campboll tho first of tho wook. Lnslio Graves departed for LaJuntn, Colorado, tho first of tho wook. Mi-s Dtisy Phillips loft Saturday morning for Goodland, Kansas. Mrs. Uobort Fortune returned home from Hebron Tuesday morning. Miss Georgia Gnrd roturned Satur day from a visit iu Beloit, Kansas. Misses Mnudo Hooves and Addio Ely wore up from Guide Hock Tuesday. Mrs. C. L. Cottiug wont to Guide Rock Tuesday to visit Mrs. D. Jones. Kx-County Commissioner Wilson was in town Wedno'dry on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. E Pond of Lincoln aro in tho city this weok visiting rela tives. Plumb tho feed man will pay you the highest prico for poultry, eggs and hides. Charles Bonnott was down from Cowles on business tho first of thf week. Tho street sprinkler is again doing business after an absonco of several weeks. It. B. Kummer departed Thursday noon on a business trip to North Platto. Chas Crabill arrived homo from Lincoln Sunday morning for a two weeks visit. John Yaplo d parted Tuesday for a fow days' visit at his homo in Marys' villo, Missouri. Henry Houohin will return to Mc Cook this week, whoro ho has a job with tho B. & M Mrs. Ina Wickwiro and daughter Vera of McCook visited with tho Fearns this wook. Eton Fearn and wlfo of Haigler, Nob., visited in Rod Cloud and vicin ity tho past wook. Mrs Lyra C Garbor has live good milch cows which will bo sold at a bargain if taken soon. Mrs. M. I. Roynolds of Hebron is in Rod Cloud visiting with her son, F. E Roynolds and family. Ed Harman, traveling salesman for the Blue Valley Fruit Co , of Boatrico was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Richardson re turned Wednesday from a month's out ing on tho Pacific coast. Paul Dickson returned to Now Jor sory Thursday, after a pleasant visit in tho city with friends. Mrs. F B. Pitnoy departed Wodnos. day morning for a month's visit with her parents at Bunkelman. You can now tako your annual bath. Tho tubs ut Manspoakor's barber shop are again in working order. Mr. and Mrs. John Butler and daughter Myrtle aro the gnosis of tho former's son, "Jack" Butler. IJI'IIIUI VIUllllllW 1IC1 in 11A j.Ul lIll Ill'llltJ from Chicago today and will resume his work in the Nation ofllco. For ront After July 1, roslilonoo, corner Cedar street and Third av( nuo. Inquire t Nuwbouso's store, R Miss Alico Coombs lohirtied from Crete last week, whoro sho has been (attending school tho past yoar. Misses Mattio and Clara Abel have roturcul home, after a two weeks visit in Chicago and WUconsin. Dr. aud Mrs. T, B. Myers anil little baby have nrrhid from St. Joo and tho Dr. expects to locate in Red Cloud. Don't forgot to insure your pl'oporty against fire, lightning and cyclones with L. 11. Fort, agont, Dameroll block Llowellyn King and Charley Pharos succeeded in breaking ono of M. A. Albright's windows Wodi:oday after noon. Miss May Winters returned to her homo iu Lincoln this morning, after a pleasant visit with Mends in Red Cloud. On tho seond pago of today's paper will bo found some interesting figures concerning rural route business out of Rod Cloud. Mr. Jennie Monro and daughter-in-law, Mis. Maltha Moore, wont to Don vee Sunday for a visit with friends and relatives. Miss M'ltin Yeagor and George Chiekoring have returned to their In mo iu Illinois, after a visit with relatives hero. W D. Ayers and family left Tuesday for Almer.a, Kansas, where Mr. Ayers has a position as head clerk iu a now general storo. Dr. Gardner nnd wife roturned to their homo iu Wymore Sunday, after a few days visit at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Fort. A W. Holmgrain returned Friday from a visit in Clay county. Ho says they have had as much water there as wo have had hero. Word has been rocoivod in Red Cloud of the death, last Friday, of tho infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Lee, at Goodland, Kansas. Brooks Fenrn, who is now running a photograph gallery at McCook, accompanied by his wife, visited i da tives in Red Cloud tiiis week. A full line of elegant patterns and some good values, of extra heavy weave and pretty col ors. The prices on these Hammocks are right; you can see for your self if you will examine them. If you ever needed a nice Hammock you will need it now. Don't wait until the summer is gone; enjoy these nice evenings in one of our Hammocks and your life will be full of happiness. REMEMBER THE PLACE MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. Hammocks THE DRESSERS DRESS We think our Clothes take the topmost position in every particular. For STYLE, FIT, QUALITY and WORKMANSHIP, we believe our Clothing is generally conceded, even by our competitors, to be Clothing of unusual excellence. The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $io suits as of our $20 garments. We Hate Unreliable Clothing Come in and let us convince you that we have the right Clothing at the RIGHT PRICE. Gomdefl-Kaley Glothing Go., ALWAYS RELIABLE. First Door North of Posotff Ice, Red Cloud, Neb. Hon. C. W. Kaley has been appoint ed one of tho Nebraska delegates to tho Trans-Mississippi Coinmoroinl Congress at Portland, Oregon. Mr and Mrs. II. E Grico and child ren nnd Miss Nollo Sherman wont to Longmont.Colo., Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hintt. Ray MeCarl, of McCook. privato secretary to Hon. G. W. Norris, was in Rd Cloud Siturday nnd Sunday, visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. E. MeCarl. Dr. E. A. Thomas will lcavo next weok for a throo wcoks' outing in Colorado, Mr?. Thomas will visit in Nelson during hor husband's absence. Miss Jessie Duekor entertained a few friends at her homo in tho west part of the city Wednesday evening. An enjoyable time was had by thoso presont. C S Palmer, A. A. Frame, A. John son and Harry Drown wont out to John Hnrdwick's this weok, whoro they aro building a new 20,000 bushel elevator. Vio Mansponkor is tho proud posses sor of a now satiu-iinish Conn cornet. You may expect to hear all kinds of music from tho roar end of tho barber shop in tho near future Marshal Kinsel arrested a crippled hobo Wednesday noon. Ho was about "all in" when tho marshal grabbed him. Ho was hauled to prison in Al Aultz'8 "patrol" wrgon. Tho city water was cut oft Monday for tho purpose of allowing tho street commissioner to chango tho position of tho hydrant at tho cornor of Third avenue and Webster street. It will bo only a short timo now until there will bo permanent walks in front of nil tho bus'ness housos on Webster strct Tho work is being pushed as rapidly as possible Tho first fatal automobile accident in this city occurred lato yesterday evening, when Peterson's machine ran over and killed Will Koon's dog, at Fourth avenuo and Wol ster street. Wo educate for businojs. Our gradu ates are successful. For particulars address the principal of tho commer cial department of Campbell College. W. S. Pritchott, Holtoti, Kan. jul28 Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Huhbell of Chi cago were in Red Cloud this week. Dr. Ilubboll was negotiating with ono of our physicians with a view to pur chasing his practice and locating hero, Whoro aro you sick? Headache, foul tonguo, no appotio, lack energy, pmn in your stomach, constipation. Hollisters Rocky mountain tea will make and keep you well. 35 cents. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. S. Bookwith and daughter Mabel were thrown from thoir buggy Wednesday afternoon by tho horse becoming frightened and running away. They escaped serious injury, but tho vehicle was almost completely demolished. Beautify your omploxion wit'i littlo cost. If you wish a smooth, clear, cream-like complexion, rosy cheeks, I BEST HERE laughing eyes, tako HolliHtor's Rocky mountain tea, greatest boautiiior known. JJ5 contH. C. L. Cotting. Fivo ncros in edge of Lincoln; fino houso nnd other buildings; all kinds of fruit; near Htreet car line; clear and titlo perfect. Vnluo SflOOO. Will ex change for land property. Dr. T. M. Triplott, 41th street and Normal Blvd. Lincoln, Nob. Not n cont wanted unless you are cured. If you aro sick nnd niling, tako llollistor's Rocky Mountain ten. A groat blessing to tho human family. Makes you well kuops you well. .'J5 cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cottiug. There will be an ico cream social nt the home of Mrs. F. L. Smith, Tiles day evening. July 18. Program, road iug, Miss Hancock; duet, Misses Roby nnd Hancock; Solo, Mnrcolino Long- tin; duet Misses R ss and GriiToth; recitation, Lucilo Stropp; Solo, Mrs. Robort Fortune Having decided to locato hero in Rod Cloud, I am proparod to do any kind of eoinont work cisterns, side walks, foundations and ensos, or nny fancy work, and having had eight years' experience in tho comont busi ness lean givo tho best of references. Prices reasonnblo. C. 11. Conklin. tf "Uncle" Joshua Brubakcr, who is past 80 3 oars of oge, is doing oarpontor work on tho now M. E. church build ing. Ho has boon doing carpenter in this county for more than twenty live yoars, and ho has to keop at work to 'avoid growing old." Ho can still do as gooJ a day's work as most men half his ago. M. A. Albright will not movo h's grocery storo into tho Pot tor buildinr, having purchased tho lot on which his building now stands. This week John Barkloy has boon raising tho building nnd a now foundation has been put in. At no distant day Mr. Albright oxpoots to put up a substantial brick building to replace the fiatno building ho now occupies. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tab lots. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25c. FAEM LOANS I am well prepared to make Farm Loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at low est rates, either for five or ten years, with best of options. Loans safely and carefully made for par ties having private funds. J. EL BAIJjEY, RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA hi ' '( 'i ftf m in I If If 0,fT'" ii ( & fH