The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 14, 1905, Image 1

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    mtFmW" f
V .f
Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
irv AJva.nce
I r
NUMliEK 28
VUttuaavtaiuaaujaviiiba(tiiikti(vbvitvixiaiyfciviU(vivfcvi(vaiWtitiivfcvit .
fleuisy Notes From Neighboring Touins
sovcnil bout rides on tho gulf.
Roy C.iroy hml tin interesting run
away Tuesday evening resulting in ii
demolished buggy and badly fright-
(licit io mi and people, btil no sciious
injuries wore sustained.
(From tlio Express )
At tlic Insuring of tin Evans murder
ensa in Nelson, yesterday, tin) defend
tints wore bound over to
Mrs. M. Myers and children of Stan
ton, Nob., nr-ivud hero Saturday night
to visit hor visit her sister, Mrs. Gibtis
Thoy luive not seen eiich other for over
twenty-two years.
Mr. Hill, who is working for Ambcr
fon, Bros , on the new Wilson house
fell ti ilistunco of over 10 feet the other
duy. Fortunately ho landed' in the
mud and was not budly hurt.
Kit Books received n severe shook
from a cuv wiri Monday evening. His 1
hand was burned to the bone, nnd lor
awhile hf was thought to bo dead, it
is supposed that ii live wire had bo
(iouin loosened and was hanging against,
the guy wire.
Cnpt C E. Adams started last night
for Monroe, Wis , his old home wheie
ho was born anil wnoru nis oiu uuui-i
.t.s of Southern Wisconsin and I
Northern Illinois hold n reur.ion on
July 4th. They have a kid our minor
to be thore and deliver an address.
V. S. Hilmes has receive I a letter
from his ff her in-law, at Pnillip'burg,
in which ho .states that some of tho hail
stones which fell at that place on
Thursday weighed four and live
pounds and that in some places where
houses and other building's stood, the
only thing left ii the cellar.
T. E. Buckles was in town Saturday
... m.wiii iin .Tinii-niil n call. He re
pot t tho api o trance of a new kind of
insect which looks something liko n
green louse, and which 18 working on
the roots of tl e cornstalks. It seems
to do the most damage iu dry weather,
and it is featod it may do considerable
damage, as there seems to bo no way
of destroying it.
M. 0. Douglas and wife went to
Phillipsburg, Kansas, Sunday to assist
in' caring for the family of Mrs. Dong-
las' sister, Mis. Bert Morgan, nearly
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County ILoporters
ntfnrr mnmlnf tottlnll WHS inUirG(l 111
VUJ IIHJHIUVII w .... -- -
the disttict tho tornado of last weok.
Tim lilownak nnrnriso in business
circles in this city for some time oamo
Inst Saturday when F. E Garratt dis
posed of the Franklin Exchange Bank,
the fine bank building anil his com
fortable homo on West avonuo to a
banking enmpany of which tho follow
ing are ottlcers: E. G. Titus, cashier
of tho First National Bank at Hold
retro, president: P. H. Updike, presi
dent of the Union State Bank at. Har
vard, vice president; W. 1). Blojkwoll,
fnriuetly cashier of the Cordova State
Bank, cashier; H..T. Murray, who has
been working in the Exchange Bank
hero for tho past two or three yours,
assistant cashier.
(From tho Citizen )
Adam Miller returned this week
from Portland, Ore, where he has
been the past year.
Chas. Everling has purchased the
loHnstnoithof L. Roy's blacksmith
shop and will soon begin the erection
of a commodious fireproof business
During the storm of last week tho
residouce of G. J. Carpenter was
i, v,o liirlitnina tearing loose
plaster and marring woodwork some
whot. Miss Domars, who was sleeping
in tho room, was numbed for a time
by tho lluid but soon recovered.
S M. True, as bright as a dollar aud
as pleasant as a weather nvin, regaled
his many friends by dropping in from
Inavale on tho Foui th. Whilo hero he
domonstiaten bis abilities by umpiring
.u,. i.u trnmo and through pleasant
i.w.L.a ognnticil without a scratch not
,. n lmlt hnt tossed in his direction.
Tho boys up this way wo disposed to
sympathize with strangers, you seo.
(From the Sentinel.).
A little son of John Sanger had an
elbow dislocated Wednesday by fal
ling from a wngon.
j,m Berkley resigned his position
in Shoemakei's barbershop and wont
to Kansas City Tuesday.
A goodly number of people enmo to
Franklin to spend the Fourth despite
tho fact that the celebration was de
clared off.
P. H. Bobortaon, who lives east of
(Fiom tho Times )
Mrs. Fiod Wittwer, who lives near
tho state line, is very sick and not ex
pected to livo.
Little Eva, daughter of Mrs. M
Bonei'Utter, fell Monday, and dislo
cated her left arm.
TivunLv.idorlit cars of cattlo and
thrto of hogs wore shipped from Leba
non to Ivans is City 1 uesday.
L. P. BirchtHit found out yesterday
that some one had entered his room
and relieved him of two good pair of
Dr. W. C. Bower loft Friday morn
ing for San Francisco, Cal., to attend
a meeting of tho American surgical
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kimsey returned
last Thursday from Topeka. Mrs.
Kimsevs health is somewhat im
Mrs. C. A. Peterson and three child
ren left last week for Aberdeen, Wash.,
whore they will vhit for about three
A bouncing big boy arrived at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wnrner
Tuesday morning in time to shoot fire
crackers and yell for the Stars ami
Geo. Jackson has sold his interests
In the Lebanon Steam Laundry to
Walter Davis, who will bo known by
Goorge's former name, Wun Lung,
after this week
Tuesday atO'eao, three Vilott boys
jumped on to Earl Peterson of this
vicinity and bruised him up consider
ably. The Vilott boys were arrested
and are now under bond. E-irl is in
pretty bad shape and was unable this
morning t got out of bod.
(From tho Review.)
"Pit" ('linn nrwl litnfiillv jjlmt. liilll
self in the hand with a riile. Dr.
Townsond i amoved tho bullet Monday.
County Attorney A. H. Byrunt aud
Sheritf Wnlrath wero hero Welnesday,
tho former getting evidence iu the
Put Fuller shooting affair.
Chas. Boyco and Curly Wood took
an unknown man across tho river in a
boat Wud lesday afternoon, lie
seemed to bo in a htiriy to gi t into
Last Sunday Waiter Northup
climbed up on tho roof of tho creamery
ico house to look at the i igh water in
tho river. Unfortnuitely ho foil from
the roof, breaking his ami ;it the
Mrs. Mixsou, who lives on the farm
purchased of W. 'A. Chitwood last
winter, had tho bones of both foio
- - l ------
arms broken on tho evening of the
Fourth. A party ot eight worj return
ing from a picnic when tho vehicle
was upturned with tho above results.
is helping Mrs.
thrown from a disc this
of an oil
Invon. WHS
morning nnd ran tho spout
mm through his hand.
Tnos Waits and familv havo moved
down from Upland and aro occupying
tho Will H-.itohins residence. Mr.
Waits oxpeots to go into business here.
(From the Advocate.)
J. W. Deary is improving slowly,
but is still unable to bo in the store.
During last Saturday night's storm
Ed Muzzy was S' unfortunate as to
lose a good steer by lightning. $
Sam Howard and wife of Bed Cloud
wero in this part of tho county last
Wednesday and Sam mado Blooming
ton a viei'v.
Miss Alieo Ryckmin arrived this
week from Alliance for a visit with her
parents and will then return to Blue
Albert Hisoy, who has boon teaching
at Ldgh for tho past two years, has
moved to Pilgor, whore ho has the
pastorate of the M. E. church.
Ed Fuller of Rivorton was arrested
last Tuesday by Sheriff Walrath on
the etiargo of shooting with tho intent
to kill his oldest son, Go rgo.
Miss Hattio D uiglaa and Miss Min
erva MonK retunol last Stturdny
night from their two woeku' overturo
in tho south. They vihited Port
Arthur aud Galveston, Texas, and had
(From tho Messenger )
Forrest Maulsby has broken the
(j rn shelling looord with 2,080 bushels
in ft hours and 85 minutes.
Another wan nnt hns been sworn out
for tho arrest of Burt Turner, manngor
of tho base ball team, forgery being
tho charge. Ho was last seen four
miles northeast of Lobanon near lorn
Tho Mill and Elevator company havo
closed tho contract for the big addition
to bo built at once on tho west of tho
mill. When completed it will bo ono
of tho largest along Book Island any
where in Kansas, forty tl otisamt
bushels capacity, planned to run by
Last. Friday, Dr. Bowen of Topeka
and Drs. H. A. and J. B. Dykes
performed two mnjor surgical opera
tions at tho homo of D. E. Wilson, ono
on the wifo of Robert Wil on for an
ovarian tumor and othercomplieations
which mado tho operation ono of the
most difllcult in surgery. Mrs. 1). E.
Wilson, who has been sick only a few
days, consented to an operation after
tho doctors informed her that, it would
be necessary. Sho was pufforing from
a ruptured gall bladder ani tho
doctors removed about nino gallstones
from tho size of a pea to tho size of a
large cherry.
Herb McCoy is on tho sick list.
Mis. Kilo visited at the borne of J.
Cron's Monday.
Mnry Maoklin visited at tho homo of
Just Cron's the first of the wrok.
Carpenters commenci d work on A.
Waffle's new residenco this week.
Tom Metigh visited at tho homo of
his sister, Mrs. Duffy, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Choynlier drove
over to Campbell Sunday and spent
the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hog-ito wero
viiting at tho home of Mr. Boom's
Miss Bessie Strycker returned from
Blue Hill Tuesday, whero sho has boon
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Byid Kile visited at
tho home of his brother, Will Kilo,
west of town Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Wegmnn returnrd fro
Kansas City Monday, whero sho has
been visitiug friends and relatives
tho past month. ,
John Baker mado a trip to Hastings
'in his automobile Wednesday. Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Chevalier and oyd
Letner wero the passengers.
George Dillrunuer is expected homo
N. E. Harvey was in Bed Cloud
C. Paulson's nephew has returned
from Denver.
O. Eriekson "was calling at John
Peterson's Sunday.
Christine Skjelvoi
M'lttison thin week.
Miss Lorn Itut'Kess has returned
from her eatern visit.
Mr. DoBruiini r's had a iiiulo crip
pled by the wire this week.
N E Harvey sold the remainder of
his lat cattle to W. F lleukel
Miss Beithn Bergiii'in is sew ng at
Mis. Elinor Hmvcj's this week.
Grandma Eiiekson is visiting at the
hiiiio of Mr. Boigmnn this week.
Clnis Ivc'wui and sister from River
ton took dii lift' at J U. Meyer's Sun
day. ( yius Hatiuum was in the western
part of the state last week, buying
J. U. Meyeis and wife attended the
camp meeting at Pelo O'Berg's last
Mis. Elmer llarvoy aril Miss Bertha
Heiemin weio shopping in luavale
E. E. Harvey and family wore visit
ing relatives in Franklin the fore part
of last week.
Adam Miller sport a now top
I U'jgy. Now, girls, who will bo tho
first to ride?
Mrs Olo Bergman's mother nnd
brother from Madison, South Dakota,
aro hero for a short visit.
During tho storm Tuesday night,
whilo Mr. Muxson and family wero
returning from Mr. Martin's, whero
they had been celebrating tho Fourth,
thoy met with a serious accident. Tho
hoi ses camo too near a bank, ovei turn
ing tl e wagon and throwing them nil
out. Mrs. Mtxson had both arms
broken at tho wrist and Mr. Maxin
was injured also, but not soriously.
Under tho caro of Dr. Townsond all
aro doing nicely at present.
Thursday night they will plvn an ico
ci'iMini mielal at LeMur. Ad ate invited.
M iv Ft labia is visiting in Guide Rock
with fiieuiKs.
Cms. Fri.sbiii and son Horace aro in
Lincoln this w ol;
John Siladi n ami family vMtcd with
Joe Saladeti'.s Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Sam Miller called at
J. W. Saladou's Monday.
Miss Minnie Reiher of Rial Cloud in
sewing for Mrs James Doylo
Mrs. C. C. Cox left last weok for
Lincoln, where sho will visit hor son.
Miss Florence Potter of Red Cloud i
spending the week with Miss Grace
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker visited
with their daughter, Mrs. Frink,
Tho Methodist minister of Bod
Cloud preached his first sermon hero
last Sunday.
Jacob E linger is tho first plnoo the
threshing machine started iu thin
neighborhood. Doyle Bros, havo just
purchased tho outfit from Chas. Whit-aker.
(io to Fred Plumb's for Hour or .feed.
Charles Ailes wuft', cutting his oatu
Tuesday. .
Frank Smith shipned his fat cattle
to nmi kt t last Sunday.
J. J. Ryan is using his new binder
cutting grain for bis neighbors.
Dean Smith mule a hying trip with
his parents tho Fourth of July.
Coon and Wiggins shipped their far.
cattlo to Kaustis City last Sunday.
P. N. Campbell went to market with,
his fat cattle tho first of the week.
James Beauchamp and family wero
guests of John Motter last Sunday.
Clarence and Cota Reed, with Miaa
ilorriok, wero visiting with N. L. D.
Smith's Wednesday.
Tho Rev. W. T. Taylor preached Io
a good audience both morning and
evening labt Sunday at Ash creek.
Mrs. Hallio Hawkins and ber two
children wero quito sick tho first of
the week, but nro butter at t-jo present
Mrs. Elmer Wilson prosontcd her
husband with a baby boy Tuesday.
Mr. Wilson is talking of buying a cultivator.
Fiiimb sells Blue Hill Hour.
All tho corn and alfalfa on tho not
torn land is a total loss.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. visited
Mr. Wnrthon's family the first of tho
Vance Mi Call was kicked in the
faco by a horso a few dayd ago and was
seriously injured.
T. F. Jones lost a horso a fow days
ngo. It was struck by lightning dur
inp ono of our severe storms,
Mib. Will Davis, who has boon visit
in g at her fathei'o, Harris Noblo's, for
several weks returned to her home in
Kansas Tuesday.
Sunday, July 10, tho (J B. will hold
quarterly conferenco meeting at Rock
crook. Preaching Saturday evening.
Morning and evening service Sunday.
Joo Holcomb was a prisoner for a
few days. Tho water was too high and
swift for him to drivo through. He
took his trotter and started for Hast
ings Tuesday.
H S Holcomb'ii farm was nearly
covered by water. Enough land re
mained clear for the hogs and horses
to stand on. It was feared for awhile
that tne hogs would all bo swept away.
The high water did a great deal of
damage in this neighborhood. Mr.
Hastings lost several head of hogs and
a number of chick ns. Too family
moved .up to Rob Mitiholi'd and re
mained there several days.
The Ladies Union society met with
Mrs. J . W. Saladou Wednesday. Nyxt
Small grain is about all in the shook.
Nearly all tho corn will bavo to be
plowed once more, and everybody is
on tho huBtlo.
Some of the sccor.d crop of alfalfa
has already been out and it is novr
predicted wo will get four crops.
Grass is looking fine and pastures
doing well. Somo meadows will soon
do to mow. Stock is looking well.
Farm hands, who a fow yearB ago
would havo worked for thoir board,
aro now getting from 818 to 822 por
Several now phones will soon be put
in this neighborhood, side lines anil
polos for which aro already in posi
tion. Somo new phonos wero put in
this week and tho lines along the river
R'tther wot on our crook at proout.
Wo imngiue we aro having an unusual
amount of rain for Juno and July. It
has not been good haying weathor,
and somo had part of thoir alfalfa
damaged. Whilo it many times rained
at night and was wot in the morning,
somo of us wont ahead in our fields
and by doing so havo our corn in good
growing condition, though a few of
the boys still havo a Russian-Jap fight
with tho weedrf.
A Guaranteed Cure Fer Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing Piles. Druggists refund money if
Puzo Ointment fails to euro any case,
no matter of how long standing, in C to
14 days. First application gives eastr
and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasnt
it send 50o in stamps, aud it will be for
warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co,
St. Louis, Mo.
. T.r.3M